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Many studies have demonstrated that variations of Indian Ocean and North Atlantic Ocean SSTs are important in Eurasian climate. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is known to have a link with a tripolar SST anomaly in the North Atlantic, which causes large changes in surface temperature and precipitation over Eurasia (Frankignoul, 1985; Wallace et al., 1990; Frankignoul et al., 1998; Watanabe and Kimoto, 2000; Visbeck et al., 2003). (Hoerling et al., 2004) and (Hurrell et al., 2004) revealed a nonlinear response of the winter NAO to tropical oceanic warming, implying a mechanism of oceanic warming with an influence on European climate change. The variations of Indian Ocean SST affect the strength and location of the sea level pressure field over the western North Pacific, which may influence the intensity of the northeast East Asian winter monsoon (Hu and Huang, 2011; Ueda et al., 2015). (Li et al., 2008) indicated a prominent warming in the Indian Ocean, which intensifies the East Asian summer monsoon with an enhanced South Asian high, in agreement with (Hu, 1997) and (Hu et al., 2003).
In the period 1901-2004, trends of annual mean SST show prominent increases in the Atlantic and Indian oceans (Fig. 1). However, it is still unclear what effect global oceanic warming had on Eurasian climate over the 20th century. In this study, we focus on the contribution of global oceanic warming to winter Eurasian climate change, using a series of model simulations.
The storm tracks used in our study were defined by (Lau, 1988). Daily data of geopotential height were used with a bandpass filter to obtain fluctuations with 2.5-6-day periods, and then filtered time series of geopotential height were split into individual seasonal segments, one for winter (December-January-February). For each seasonal segment, its mean values were subtracted from the filtered daily data of the same winter, and temporal root-mean-square values were then computed for that segment.

The general consensus has been that the upward trend of winter NAO involves synoptic eddy feedbacks associated with changes in the North Atlantic storm track (Wallace et al., 1990; Watanabe and Kimoto, 2000; Hoerling et al., 2004; Hurrell et al., 2004; Cohen and Barlow, 2005). The NAO generates a North Atlantic horseshoe pattern and, in turn, an NAO-like response primarily results from perturbations in the Atlantic storm track caused by subpolar and midlatitude forcing in winter (Sutton et al., 2000; Czaja and Frankignoul, 2002; Peng et al., 2003; Gastineau and Frankignoul, 2015). (Hoerling et al., 2004) and (Hurrell et al., 2004) suggested that changes in tropical rainfall, especially forced by Indian Ocean warming, also contribute to a winter NAO response. The global oceanic warming pattern is not only characterized by tropical warming but also by a negative center over the Labrador Sea and an opposite-sign anomaly in the midlatitude North Atlantic, which is somewhat similar to the extratropical portion of the SST anomaly tripole. From linear regression, precipitation and midlatitude storm track anomalies are significantly associated with global oceanic warming (Fig. 4). As results show, the storm track over the midlatitude North Atlantic and precipitation over the North Atlantic and tropics have apparent perturbations related to long-term oceanic warming, which can sustain dipolar anomalous eddy forcing for the positive NAO-like atmospheric response (Fig. 4; Peng et al., 2003; Hoerling et al., 2004; Hurrell et al., 2004). Additionally, we found that the storm tracks associated with global oceanic warming obviously increased in midlatitude East Asia, corresponding to a strengthened East Asian trough. We also found that precipitation over Russia was enhanced in the last century (Fig. 4), which implies low-pressure anomalies over the northern Eurasian continent may involve diabatic heating associated with the changes in rainfall.

The key question is: what was the contribution of global oceanic warming to the aforementioned circulation anomalies, which led to the Eurasian surface temperature rise in the recent warming period? To examine the impact of global oceanic warming on the Eurasian climate during boreal winter, idealized SST experiments were performed using three atmospheric general circulation models. Figure 5 shows the response of SLP and 850-hPa wind to global oceanic warming in winter. The outstanding characteristics of the boreal winter SLP response in all three models are low-pressure anomalies over Iceland and northern Eurasia and high-pressure anomalies over the subtropical North Atlantic (Fig. 5). Additionally, there was a remarkable weaker-than-normal Aleutian low (AL) and a low-pressure anomaly over northern Eurasia caused by global oceanic warming (Fig. 5). In the mid-troposphere, geopotential height anomalies were characterized by a dipolar anomaly over the North Atlantic, with a positive center around (40°N, 10°W) and a negative center over north of 60°N (Fig. 6). The response of 500-hPa geopotential height in the East Asia-Pacific sector featured a weakened East Asian trough (Fig. 6). The dipolar modes of the SLP and geopotential height anomalies over the North

Atlantic resemble the positive pattern of the NAO pattern, which was accompanied by anomalous westerlies over Europe (Figs. 5 and 6), leading to wet and warm conditions there (Fig. 7; Glowienka-Hense, 1990; Rodwell et al., 1999). The low-pressure anomaly over northern Eurasia and weakened East Asian trough drove anomalous southeasterly flow in the coastal areas of midlatitude East Asia, thereby obstructing cold and dry air penetration of East Asia (Figs. 5 and 7). These results indicate that the spatial patterns of circulation change over the North Atlantic and Eurasia are consistent with the dynamic response of atmospheric circulation to global oceanic warming. However, global oceanic warming appears not to be of primary importance for AL variability.
It is remarkable that SAT responses varied among the three models. The response in CAM3.5 shows strong positive anomalies over the entire Eurasian continent. The response in GFDL has a different feature, i.e., significant negative anomalies in the southern part of East Asia. In the CCM3 model, the SAT clearly increases in East Asia and Europe, but the decrease in SAT over western Russia is different from the responses in CAM3.5 and GFDL. Based on the assessments by (Magnusdottir, 2001) and (Hao et al., 2016), we consider that, compared to CAM3.5 and GFDL, the response of the Eurasian climate to SST anomalies is quite well represented in CCM3.
The positive pattern of the NAO, weaker-than-normal East Asian trough, and low-pressure anomaly in Eurasia played key roles in the responses of Eurasian SAT. From the above discussion, comparison with other studies suggests that eddy forcing associated with storm tracks and diabatic heating causes the change in the NAO (Peng et al., 2003; Hoerling et al., 2004; Hurrell et al., 2004). Figure 8 shows the 950-250-hPa average streamfunction differences between the LTw and control runs, calculated from rotational winds. The anomalous 950-250-hPa average streamfunction, which is associated with stationary eddy vorticity forcing, exhibits an obvious dipole over the North Atlantic Ocean from the three models (Fig. 8). The strongest (weakest) 950-250-hPa average streamfunction anomalies in CAM3.5 (GFDL) correspond to the strongest (weakest) NAO response. Strong similarity between those anomalies and 500-hPa geopotential height over the East Asia-Pacific sector implies that the weakened East Asian trough may be driven by the eddy forcing. (Berckmans et al., 2013) suggested that blocking frequency in the Europe and Pacific sector is increased at high resolution, which means that eddy forcing is increased. They also found that improvement in the resolution of orography actually reduces blocking. Thus, we consider that the resolution and land surface model used in the three models may be responsible for the different circulation responses associated with eddy forcing.
Nevertheless, 200-hPa velocity potential differences between the LTw and control runs reveal that global oceanic warming can induce divergence anomalies over the Indian Ocean and Eurasia, as well as anomalous convergence over the North Pacific (Fig. 9). The anomalous divergence centered over Eurasia is favorable for generating a low-pressure anomaly over northern Eurasia (Figs. 5 and 9). The convection scheme in a model determines the spatial distribution of convective heating (Gregory and Rowntree, 1990). Figure 10 shows precipitation differences between the LTw and control runs. The tremendous differences in precipitation responses among the three models show discrepancies in convective heating driven by global oceanic warming. As a consequence, the intensity and location of the low-pressure anomaly over northern Eurasia are different among the three models.
We thus explored whether global oceanic warming was a contributor to Eurasian climate change in the last century, using numerical experiments with CAM3.5, GFDL and CCM3. We found that atmospheric circulation responses in the three models to global oceanic warming were generally in agreement. An anomalous dipole with a positive center around (40°N, 10°W) and a negative center north of 60°N was seen in both the SLP anomaly field and 500-hPa geopotential height anomaly field, resembling the NAO positive phase. The positive NAO-like response resulted in warm winters in northern Europe. Furthermore, in response to global oceanic warming, a low-pressure anomaly in northern Eurasia and a weaker-than-normal East Asian trough occurred and obstructed southward cold air intrusion, leading to warm winters in East Asia.
The Eurasian climate response was slightly different among the three models. Previous studies considered eddy forcing and convective heating as primary contributors to winter atmospheric circulation responses (Watanabe and Kimoto, 2000; Hoerling et al., 2004; Hurrell et al., 2004; Cohen and Barlow, 2005). In the three models, the vertically averaged streamfunction responses associated with stationary eddy forcing show an obvious dipolar pattern in the North Atlantic and a positive center in the midlatitude East Asia-Pacific region, but with different intensities. Consequently, the intensity of the NAO-like response and East Asian trough response varies across the models. Divergence over Eurasia forced by global oceanic warming induces a low-pressure anomaly over northern Eurasia. The intensity of the divergence over Eurasia induced by convective heating is also different among the three models. In summary, the varying intensities of circulation responses cause different SAT responses among these models.
Note that the AL intensity strengthened during the last century (Fig. 3a), which has been identified as a consequence of anthropogenic warming and natural variability (Gan et al., 2017). Nevertheless, the AL response to global oceanic warming was inconsistent with the AL variability computed from the reanalysis dataset. This implies that global oceanic warming might make a small contribution to AL variability.