1.Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081 China 2.CMA-NJU Joint Laboratory for Climate Prediction Studies, Institute for Climate and Global Change Research, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China 3.Xin Jiang Climate Center, Ür ümqi 830002, China 4.Department of Atmospheric Science, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geoscience, Wuhan 430074, China 5.Met Office Hadley Center, Exeter EX1 3PB, UK Manuscript received: 2017-11-06 Manuscript revised: 2018-02-24 Manuscript accepted: 2018-03-04 Abstract:The sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) show two dominant modes at interannual time scales, referred to as the Indian Ocean basin mode (IOBM) and dipole mode (IOD). Recent studies have shown that the IOBM and IOD not only affect the local climate, but also induce remarkable influences in East Asia via teleconnections. In this study, we assess simulations of the IOBM and IOD, as well as their teleconnections, using the operational seasonal prediction models from the Met Office (HadGEM3) and Beijing Climate Center [BCC_CSM1.1(m)]. It is demonstrated that the spatial patterns and seasonal cycles are generally reproduced by the control simulations of BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3, although spectra biases exist. The relationship between the TIO SSTA and El Niño is successfully simulated by both models, including the persistent IOBM warming following El Niño and the IOD-El Niño interactions. BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3 are capable of simulating the observed local impact of the IOBM, such as the strengthening of the South Asian high. The influences of the IOBM on Yangtze River rainfall are also captured well by both models, although this teleconnection is slightly weaker in BCC_CSM1.1(m) due to the underestimation of the northwestern Pacific subtropical high. The local effect of the IOD on East African rainfall is reproduced by both models. However, the remote control of the IOD on rainfall over southwestern China is not clear in either model. It is shown that the realistic simulations of TIO SST modes and their teleconnections give rise to the source of skillful seasonal predictions over China. Keywords: Indian Ocean SST, teleconnection, simulation, seasonal prediction 摘要:年际尺度上印度洋海温变化主要呈现出两个主要模态: 洋盆一致模态(IOBM)以及偶极子模态(IOD). 最近的研究发现, IOBM和IOD模态不仅能带来印度洋局地的气候异常, 还能通过遥相关影响东亚气候. 本研究针对中国气象局和英国气象局的气候预测业务模式(分别为BCC_CSM1.1(m)和HadGEM3), 评估其对印度洋海温主模态及其遥相关特征的模拟能力. 评估结果显示, 两家模式能够把握住印度洋海温主要模态的基本特征(例如空间分布型、季节循环等), 然而一些模拟偏差(例如频谱等)依然存在. 观测中印度洋海温与El Ni?o的关系(例如El Ni?o衰弱期印度洋海温的增暖, 以及IOD-El Ni?o相互作用等)在两家模式中都有一定的体现. BCC_CSM1.1(m) 和HadGEM3都能模拟出IOBM的局地效应(例如南亚高压的增强), 同时长江流域夏季降水对IOBM的遥相关响应也在两家模式里有所反映, 受限于西北太平洋反气旋响应的偏弱, BCC_CSM1.1(m)中长江流域夏季降水的响应也略偏小. BCC_CSM1.1(m) 和HadGEM3能很好地重现IOD对环印度洋地区的气候影响, 然而观测中我国西南降水对IOD的响应在两家模式中均未有体现. 同时, 我们的研究也表明了印度洋海温及其遥相关影响的模拟水平对我国季节气候预测至关重要. 关键词:印度洋海温, 遥相关, 模拟, 季节预测
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2.1. Observational data
This study utilizes HadISST (Rayner et al., 2006) for the observed monthly mean SST, CRU TS Version 4.01 (Harris et al., 2014) for the observed grid precipitation over land, and NCEP-DOE Reanalysis-1 (Kalnay et al., 1996) for the horizontal wind and geopotential height. The horizontal grid resolutions of these datasets are 1°× 1°, 1°× 1° and 2.5°× 2.5°, respectively. For consistency with the period of the Reanalysis-1 data, the common period of 1948-2016 is analyzed for the observation.
2 2.2. Operational climate model at the Beijing Climate Center -->
2.2. Operational climate model at the Beijing Climate Center
Version 1.1 (moderate resolution) of the Beijing Climate Center's Climate System Model, i.e., BCC_CSM1.1(m), is currently employed as the operational model for seasonal prediction at the Beijing Climate Center. The model details are described in (Wu et al., 2010). The output from a 400-year pre-industrial control experiment is analyzed to obtain a robust assessment of the Indian Ocean SST modes and their impacts in BCC_CSM1.1(m). A set of seasonal hindcasts, performed at the beginning of every month, with 24 members per prediction, from 1991 to 2014, are also assessed. The hindcast design of BCC_CSM1.1(m) is described in detail in (Lu et al., 2017).
2 2.3. Operational climate model at the UK Met Office -->
2.3. Operational climate model at the UK Met Office
Version 5 of the Global Seasonal Forecasting System (GloSea5) is the current operational seasonal forecasting system of the UK Met Office. The HadGEM3 coupled model is used in GloSea5. The model details are introduced by (MacLachlan et al., 2015). In an effort to obtain the robust features of Indian Ocean SST and associated teleconnections in HadGEM3, a 100-year pre-industrial control experiment is utilized. Seasonal hindcast experiments of GloSea5 are also assessed; 24 members are performed for boreal summer (winter), initialized on 25 April (October), 1 May (November) and 9 May (November) from 1992 to 2011. The hindcast design of Glosea5 is described by (MacLachlan et al., 2015).
4.1. Relationship with ENSO
ENSO is the strongest climatic variability on interannual time scales, and controls the TIO SSTA via an atmospheric bridge (Klein et al., 1999; Alexander et al., 2002). Figure 6 illustrates the lag correlation between the Ni?o3.4 and IOBM indices. The El Ni?o-induced surface flux change leads to a positive phase of the IOBM in boreal winter. The air-sea interaction over Indo-Pacific oceans sustain the IOBM warming to boreal summer (Du et al., 2009; Fig. 6a). This so-called "Indian Ocean capacitor effect" stores the ENSO forcing during the previous winter, and further affects the East Asian climate in boreal summer (Xie et al., 2009). A previous study showed that this ENSO-IOBM relationship is simulated well by CMIP5 models (Du et al., 2013). As demonstrated in Figs. 6b and c, both BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3 capture the TIO warming following El Ni?o. This simulated warming persists during boreal summer as observed, implying realistic Indo- Pacific air-sea interaction in both models. The relationship between the IOD and ENSO is still a matter of debate. Some studies emphasize the dependence of the IOD on ENSO (e.g., Dommenget and Latif, 2002; Dommenget, 2011). As shown in Fig. 6, the IOD leads Ni?o3.4 by one season in the observation, with a significant lag correlation reaching 0.5 at the 99% confidence level (based on the Student's t-test). BCC_CSM1.1(m) is able to simulate this lag correlation, while the IOD-ENSO relationship is weak in HadGEM3. Given the fact that several IOD events have occurred without coinciding with ENSO, other studies have suggested the IOD as an inherent mode of internal variability within the TIO (Behera et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999; Ashok et al., 2003; Yamagata et al., 2003). The WES and thermocline feedbacks have been suggested as fundamental to IOD growth (Li et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2011). A recent modeling study suggested that only one-third of the total IOD variance is forced by ENSO (Yang et al., 2015). Here, we find that 43% of all IOD events in the observation are accompanied by ENSO events. In the simulations by BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3, 45% and 35% of all IOD events co-occur with ENSO events, respectively. Thus, the dependence of the IOD on ENSO is simulated well. Figure6. Composites of the evolution of the Ni?o3.4 anomaly (units: °C) for the (a-c) El Ni?o and (d-f) La Ni?a years with (red) or without (blue) the coexistence of IOD years, from the (a, d) observations and the simulations by (b, e) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (c, f) HadGEM3. The El Ni?o (La Ni?a) years are defined when the Ni?o3.4 anomaly reaches 0.5°C (-0.5°C). The IOBM (IOD) years are defined when the IOBM (IOD) index reaches one standard deviation.
Recent studies have found that the IOD is not only a passive response to ENSO, but it can also affect ENSO properties. Coupled modeling experiments suggest that the ENSO amplitude is larger with than without IOD forcing (Yu et al., 2002). As shown in Fig. 7, El Ni?o events accompanied by positive IOD events are generally stronger than pure El Ni?o, which is simulated well by BCC_CSM1.1(m) (Fig. 7b). However, La Ni?a events exhibit similar amplitudes with or without negative IOD forcing, which is successfully captured by HadGEM3 (Fig. 7f). (Annamalai et al., 2005) pointed out that El Ni?o grows faster during boreal fall when coinciding with an IOD, as opposed to without (also see Fig. 7a), which is reproduced by BCC_CSM1.1(m). There is also evidence for a more rapid decay of El Ni?o when associated with an IOD event than without (Fig. 7a), due to the IOD-induced easterly wind over the tropical Pacific (Kug and Kang, 2006). As shown in Figs. 7b and c, this rapid decay of El Ni?o with a positive IOD is captured well by both BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3. Given the remarkable impact of the IOD on ENSO, it is often used as a key factor in statistical ENSO prediction models (Ren et al., 2017). Figure7. Lag correlation of the November-January Ni?o3.4 anomaly with Ni?o3.4 (black), IOBM (red) and IOD (blue) anomalies in the (a) observation and the simulations by (b) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (c) HadGEM3. Thick curves represent significant correlations at the >99% confidence level based on the Student's t-test.
2 4.2. Local and remote impacts of the IOBM -->
4.2. Local and remote impacts of the IOBM
Figure 8 compares the geopotential height changes in the upper troposphere for different phases of the IOBM. The SAH is evident around the Tibetan Plateau during boreal summer. The variations and displacements of the SAH lead to rainfall anomalies over East Asia (Zhang et al., 2002). (Huang et al., 2011) pointed out that IOBM warming results in a strengthening and southward extension of the SAH (also see Fig. 8a) via changing the equivalent potential temperature in the boundary layer. Although the model biases appear in the specific SAH value, a bigger (smaller) and stronger (weaker) SAH is reproduced when the TIO warms up (cools down) in both BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3. This realistic IOBM-SAH relationship helps to give reasonable IOBM teleconnections over East Asia. Figure8. Composites of the JJA SAH (units: gpm) in the climatology (black), warm IOBM years (red) and cold IOBM years (blue), from the (a) observations and the simulations by (b) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (c) HadGEM3.
It is now well known that the IOBM acts as a capacitor that anchors the impact of ENSO in the previous winter (Xie et al., 2009). El Ni?o-induced TIO warming persists to boreal summer (Fig. 6) and excites a baroclinic Kelvin wave into the Pacific, which leads to the strengthening of the anomalous anticyclone over the northwestern Pacific (Fig. 9a). The resultant southwesterly wind anomaly brings water vapor from the ocean and enhances the rainfall over the Yangtze River valley (Fig. 9a). It is interesting that the cooling of the TIO induces the cyclonic wind anomalies over the northwestern Pacific, which is not as pronounced as that in the warming cases (Fig. 9b). This IOBM teleconnection is captured by half of the CMIP5 models (Du et al., 2013). As shown in Fig. 9, the atmospheric response to IOBM forcing is successfully simulated by HadGEM3, with realistic ACC changes over the northwestern Pacific and reasonable summer rainfall changes over the Yangtze River valley. In the simulations by BCC_CSM1.1(m), although the TIO warming (cooling) induces realistic easterly (westerly) wind anomalies over the TIO, the anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) over the northwestern Pacific is not as strong as in the observation (Figs. 9c and d). Consequently, the summer rainfall over the Yangtze River valley increases (decreases) following TIO warming (cooling); however, the changes are small compared with the observation. Since the northwestern Pacific subtropical high (NWPSH) is important for Yangtze River rainfall, it is very helpful to understand the causes of this weakened teleconnection between the IOBM and NWPSH in BCC_CSM1.1(m). In a recent review paper, (Xie et al., 2016) revealed that the air-sea coupling over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean plays an important role in the IOBM-NWPSH teleconnection. Following a Gill-type solution, the TIO warming can induce an easterly wind anomaly from the western Pacific to the northern TIO. On the one hand, this easterly wind anomaly further warms the TIO SST by reducing the local evaporation over the northern TIO, because the climatological wind is westerly due to a strong South Asian monsoon. On the other hand, this easterly wind anomaly increases the evaporation and cools the SST over the tropical northwestern Pacific due to the strong climatological trade wind. In turn, the warming over the TIO and cooling over the northwestern Pacific amplify the easterly wind anomaly, which then stimulates the strengthening of the NWPSH (Du et al., 2011). Thus, the IOBM-induced easterly wind anomaly is an indicator of the air-sea coupling over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean. Because of the asymmetric responses of the NWPSH to TIO warming and cooling phases, Fig. 10 focuses on the TIO warming cases. In the observation, the easterly wind anomaly over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean is significantly correlated (99% confidence level; Student's t-test) with the TIO SSTA. HadGEM3 basically captures this relationship, but it is not so robust in BCC_CSM1.1(m). This weak air-sea coupling over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean explains the underestimation of the NWPSH response to TIO warming in BCC_CSM1.1(m). Figure9. Composites of JJA rainfall (units: mm month-1) and horizontal wind at 850 hPa (units: m s-1) during (a, c, e) warm IOBM years and (b, d, f) cold IOBM years, from the (a, b) observations (land only) and the simulations by (c, d) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (e, f) HadGEM3.
Figure10. Scatterplot of the zonal wind anomaly at 850 hPa averaged over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean (5°-15°N, 80°-130°E) against the IOBM indices in the (a) observation and the simulations by (b) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (c) HadGEM3. The straight lines indicate the linear trend. The correlation coefficients are given in parentheses. It should be noted that only the warm phases of the IOBM are shown here, due to the asymmetric responses of the East Asian climate to the cold and warm TIO forcing.
Figure11. Composites of JJA climatological (contours) and anomalous (shading) geopotential height at 500 hPa during (a, c, e) warm IOBM years and (b, d, f) cold IOBM years, from the (a, b) observations and the simulations by (c, d) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (e, f) HadGEM3.
Next, the IOBM-induced circulation changes in the middle troposphere are investigated. Figure 11 demonstrates the configuration of the geopotential height at 500 hPa during warm and cold phases of the IOBM. In the observation, two dominant circulation patterns are evident during warm IOBM events. In the meridional direction over East Asia, the geopotential height anomalies show a high-low-high pattern from the tropics to the midlatitudes, which resembles the so-called "East Asia-Pacific" pattern (Huang and Sun, 1992). In the zonal direction, a stronger Urals blocking high (UL) and Okhotsk blocking high (OB) are observed when the TIO warms up. Previous studies have suggested that the "high-low-high EAP" pattern and strengthening of the UL and OB lead to the convergence of cold and warm air over Yangtze River valley (Zhang and Tao, 1998; Zhao et al., 2016). As a result, the configuration of the circulation induced by TIO warming is conducive to abundant rainfall over the valley. In the simulations by BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3, the "high-low-high" tripole EAP pattern is not captured well. Instead, a "high-low" dipole pattern occurs under TIO warming. Thus, the strengthening of the OB is not simulated by both models. The stronger OB is simulated by HadGEM3, but the amplitude is largely underestimated. In BCC_CSM1.1(m), the OB remains unchanged. For the negative phases of the IOBM, the observed configuration of the circulation at 500 hPa is simulated well by BCC_CSM1.1(m). The realistic simulations of the IOBM and its teleconnections enable skillful seasonal predictions of the East Asian climate during boreal summer by the seasonal prediction systems of BCC_CSM1.1(m) and GloSea5 (the operational system at the UK Met Office using HadGEM3). As illustrated by Table 2, when initialized in May, the correlation skill of the IOBM is as high as 0.9 for both models. The variation of the NWPSH is predicted well by GloSea5, with the correlation skill reaching 0.9. Due to the weak biases of the IOBM-induced ACC over the northwestern Pacific, the prediction skill of the NWPSH is slightly lower than that of GloSea5. However, the correlation skill still reaches 0.7, which is significant at the 99% confidence level using the Student's t-test. The successful prediction of the NWPSH offers realistic water vapor transport. Thus, GloSea5 and BCC_CSM1.1(m) are capable of predicting the variation in summer rainfall over Yangtze River valley (Li et al., 2016), with the correlation skill reaching 0.54 and 0.47, respectively.
2 4.3. Local and remote impacts of the IOD -->
4.3. Local and remote impacts of the IOD
Previous studies have shown important climatic impacts of the IOD (Saji and Yamagata, 2003), including the severe East African flood during the two strongest positive IOD years in 1994 (Behera et al., 1999) and 1997(Birkett et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999), and the drought in 2016 (Lu et al., 2017). Figure 12 illustrates the rainfall and wind anomalies during boreal fall during IOD events. The impact from ENSO has first been removed by linear regression. It is clear that a positive (negative) IOD induces easterly (westerly) wind anomalies over the equatorial Indian Ocean, which brings above-normal (below-normal) rainfall over East Africa during boreal fall. The influence of the IOD on East African rainfall has been reproduced in some model simulations (Latif et al., 1999; Ummenhofer et al., 2009). Here, it is demonstrated that this IOD-East Africa rainfall relationship is reproduced well by BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3 (Fig. 12). As a result, real-time predictions based on these two models captured the 2016 East African drought two seasons ahead (Lu et al., 2017). Figure12. Composites of SON rainfall (units: mm month-1) and horizontal wind at 850 hPa (units: m s-1) during (a, c, e) positive IOD years and (b, d, f) negative IOD years, in the (a, b) observation (precipitation over land only) and the simulations by (c, d) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (e, f) HadGEM3. The influence of ENSO has first been removed by linear regression.
Figure13. Scatterplots of the precipitation over southwestern China (24°-28°N, 103°-109°E) against the IOD indices in the (a) observation and the simulations by (b) BCC_CSM1.1(m) and (c) HadGEM3. The linear fitting line is indicated.
During positive IOD events, the cooling in the eastern TIO induces equatorial easterly wind and excites cyclonic wind anomalies over the Bay of Bengal (BOB) following a Gill-type response (Gill, 1980). As a result, the northern BOB is controlled by westerly wind anomalies (Fig. 12a), which intensify the India-Burma trough and increase the rainfall over the eastern Indochina Peninsula and southwestern China (Qiu et al., 2014; Lu and Ren, 2016b). As shown in Fig. 13, the observed southwestern China rainfall during boreal fall is significantly correlated with the IOD index. However, this relationship is not simulated by either BCC_CSM1.1(m) or HadGEM3 (Figs. 13b and c). Consequently, the southwestern China rainfall during boreal fall is not predicted well by the seasonal prediction systems using these two models. The prediction skill is as low as 0.35 in the hindcast by BCC_CSM1.1(m), which is insignificant even at the 90% confidence level.