1.Center for Monsoon System Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100089, China Manuscript received: 2017-04-26 Manuscript revised: 2017-09-25 Manuscript accepted: 2017-11-15 Abstract:This study analyzes the impact of the winter North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) on the surface air temperature (SAT) variations over Eurasia and North America based on six different NPO indices. Results show that the influences of the winter NPO on the SAT over Eurasia and North America are sensitive to the definition of the NPO index. The impact of the winter NPO on the SAT variations over Eurasia (North America) is significant (insignificant) when the anticyclonic anomaly associated with the NPO index over the North Pacific midlatitudes shifts westward and pronounced northerly wind anomalies appear around Lake Baikal. By contrast, the impact of the winter NPO on the SAT variations over Eurasia (North America) is insignificant (significant) when the anticyclonic anomaly over the North Pacific related to the NPO index shifts eastward and the associated northerly wind anomalies to its eastern flank extend to North America. The present study suggests that the NPO definition should be taken into account when analyzing the impact of the winter NPO on Eurasian and North American SAT variations. Keywords: North Pacific Oscillation, index definition, surface air temperature 摘要:基于六种不同的指数定义方法, 本文研究了冬季北太平洋涛动(North Pacific Oscillation, NPO)对欧亚大陆和北美地区地表气温(surface air temperature, SAT)变率的影响. 结果表明, 冬季NPO对欧亚大陆和北美SAT的影响敏感于NPO指数的定义方式. 当与NPO相联系的北太平洋中纬度反气旋异常西移, 贝加尔湖附近出现显著的异常偏北风, 则冬季NPO对欧亚大陆(北美)SAT的影响是显著(不显著)的. 反之, 当与NPO相联系的北太平洋反气旋异常东移, 且其东侧的偏北风异常延伸到北美地区, 则冬季NPO对欧亚大陆(北美)SAT的影响不显著(显著). 本文的研究结果表明, 当分析冬季NPO对欧亚大陆和北美SAT变率的影响时需谨慎考虑NPO指数的定义方法. 关键词:北太平洋涛动, 指数定义, 地表气温
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3.1. Different NPO indices
Firstly, we compare the boreal winter NPO indices based on the different definitions (Fig. 1). Note that 1980 DJF refers to the boreal winter of 1979/80. The six NPO indices in DJF from 1980 to 2015 display significant interannual variation (Fig. 1). Large positive values in 1984, 1991, 2005 and 2011, and extreme negative values in 1983, 1992, 1998 and 2007, can be captured by the six NPO indices (Fig. 1). In contrast, large spreads among the six NPO indices appear during the period from 1993 to 1996. Figure1. Time series of normalized winter (DJF-averaged) NPO index on the basis of different definitions. Detailed definitions of the NPO indices (i.e., W07, L08, Y11, F12, G04 and W81) are provided in section 2.
The correlation coefficients among the different DJF NPO indices are shown in Table 1, all of which are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the Student's t-test. Nevertheless, large spread exists in the correlation between different pairs of DJF NPO indices (Table 1). In particular, the largest correlation is 0.93 between the L08 and Y11 NPO indices. This indicates that the L08 and Y11 NPO indices share about 86% of the common variance. In addition, the correlations between G04 and W81, Y11 and F12, and L08 and F12, are larger than 0.9. In contrast, the correlations of the W07 NPO index with the other NPO indices are less than 0.77. Specifically, the correlation coefficient is only 0.47 between the W07 NPO and Y11 NPO indices. This implies that the W07 and Y11 NPO indices only share about 22% of their common variance. We further examine the spatial distribution of the NPO related to the six NPO indices. Here, the spatial pattern of the NPO is represented by the SLP anomalies obtained by regression upon the normalized NPO index (Fig. 2). A significant meridional dipole SLP anomaly pattern can be observed over the North Pacific for the six NPO indices (Fig. 2). However, the strength and location of the negative SLP anomalies over the subtropical North Pacific display significant differences among the six NPO indices (Fig. 2). For example, negative SLP anomalies over the subtropical North Pacific related to W81, G04 and W07 (Figs. 2a, b and f) are located more westward compared to those associated with F12, Y11 and L08 (Figs. 2c-e). Pronounced negative SLP anomalies can be observed over the tropical North Indian Ocean for W81, G04 and W07 (Figs. 2a, b and f). By contrast, the SLP anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean related to F12, Y11 and L08 are not obvious (Figs. 2c, d and e). The amplitude of the negative SLP anomalies related to W07 over the North Pacific subtropics is the weakest among the six NPO indices (Fig. 2). Figure2. SLP anomalies in DJF regressed on the normalized DJF index for (a) W81, (b) G04, (c) F12, (d) Y11, (e) L08 and (f) W07. Those anomalies in (a-f) that are significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level are stippled. Units: hPa.
The positive SLP anomalies over the midlatitudes of the North Pacific also show substantial differences among the six NPO indices. For instance, the centers of the positive SLP anomalies over the North Pacific related to F12, Y11 and L08 (Figs. 2a, b and f) shift eastward compared to those related to W81, G04 and W07 (Figs. 2c, d and e). In addition, significant and positive SLP anomalies associated with W81, G04, L08 and W07 extend westward into the Eurasian continent (Figs. 2a, b, e and f). In particular, significant and large positive SLP anomalies can be observed over the Arctic region for the W07 NPO index. This is likely because the area used for the EOF analysis extends more northward in W07, which may contain atmospheric variability signals over the high latitudes. The above analyses show that the structures of the NPO based on different definitions display pronounced differences over the North Pacific. Specifically, the SLP anomalies related to W07 NPO index show large-scale significant positive anomalies over high latitudes. This implies that W07 may have a significant correlation with the Arctic Oscillation (AO), which is the dominant mode of atmospheric variability over the Northern Hemisphere extratropics (Thompson and Wallace, 1998; Chen et al., 2013). To confirm this speculation, we calculate the correlations of the DJF AO index with the simultaneous DJF NPO indices. Following previous research (e.g., Chen et al., 2014, 2015b), the DJF AO index is defined as the PC time series corresponding to the first EOF mode of anomalous SLP over the extratropical Northern Hemisphere. It is found that the correlation coefficient between the DJF AO index and the DJF W07 NPO index reaches 0.67, significant at the 99% confidence level according to the Student's t-test. This is because the geographical domain used for the EOF analysis extends more northward in W07, which may include the atmospheric variability over the high latitudes. By contrast, the correlations of DJF AO with DJF W81, G04, F12, Y11 and L08 are weak (r=0.23, 0.25, 0.09, and 0.02, respectively) and do not pass the t-test at the 95% confidence level. This indicates that, when the region over the North Pacific employed in the EOF analysis extends too far north, the second EOF mode of SLP anomalies may not represent the real NPO pattern, but may be a mixture of the NPO and AO.
2 3.2. Impact of the NPO on SAT -->
3.2. Impact of the NPO on SAT
To examine whether the impacts of the winter NPO on the SAT over Eurasia and North America are sensitive to the definition of the NPO index we display the DJF SAT anomalies obtained by regression upon the normalized DJF NPO indices in Fig. 3. Substantial differences in SAT anomalies can be observed over the Eurasian continent and North America related to the six NPO indices (Fig. 3). Significant negative SAT anomalies appear over northwestern Canada, extending southeastward to southeastern America, and significant positive SAT anomalies occur over the Chukotka peninsula, in association with the F12, Y11 and L08 NPO indices (Figs. 3-e). By contrast, the SAT anomalies related to W81, G04 and W07 over North America and the Chukotka peninsula are relatively weak and insignificant (Figs. 3a, b and f). In addition, pronounced negative SAT anomalies related to W81, G04, L08 and W07 are apparent over the region to the southwest of Lake Baikal (Figs. 3a, b, e and f). In particular, significant negative SAT anomalies can also be observed to the northwest of Lake Baikal related to the W07 NPO index (Fig. 3f). Figure3. SAT anomalies in DJF regressed on the normalized DJF indices for (a) W81, (b) G04, (c) F12, (d) Y11, (e) L08 and (f) W07. Those anomalies in (a-f) that are significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level are stippled. Units: °C.
To quantitatively compare the SAT anomalies over the Eurasian continent and North America, we calculate the SAT anomalies over four selected regions, which are outlined in Fig. 3. These regions are selected because their SAT anomalies display significant differences among the six NPO indices. The four regions selected for comparison are in the northern part of East Siberia (60°-70°N, 80°-120°E), the southern part of East Siberia (45°-55°N, 70°-120°E), the Chukotka peninsula (60°-70°N, 160°E-170°W), and North America (42°-60°N, 82°-110°W). The SAT anomalies averaged over these four selected regions, regressed upon the normalized NPO indices, are presented in Fig. 4. Figure4. Anomalies of DJF SAT (units: °C) averaged over (a) (60°-70°N, 80°-120°E), (b) (45°-55°N, 70°-120°E), (c) (60°-70°N, 160°E-170°W) and (d) (42°-60°N, 82°-110°W) regressed on the normalized W81, G04, FLA12, Y11, L08 and W07 NPO indices. Stippling denotes SAT anomalies that are significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level.
In the northern part of East Siberia, negative SAT anomalies related to the W07 NPO index reach -1.6°C, and these anomalies are significant at the 95% confidence level (Fig. 4a). The negative SAT anomalies related to the W81, G04, F12 and L08 NPO indices are -0.4°C, 0.5°C, 0.3°C and 0.6°C, which are much weaker in amplitude compared to those related to the W07 NPO index. In particular, the SAT anomalies related to Y11 are extremely weak and positive. In the southern part of East Siberia, the negative SAT anomalies related to W81, G04, L08 and W07 are larger and much more significant compared to those related to F12 and Y11 (Fig. 4b). In the Chukotka peninsula, the SAT anomalies related to F12, Y11 and L08 (W81, G04 and W07) are significant (non-significant) at the 95% confidence level, according to the Student's t-test (Fig. 4c). In addition, the magnitude of the SAT anomalies related to the F12, Y11 and L08 NPO indices reaches 1°C, 0.9°C and 0.85°C, respectively, which are much larger than those related to W81, G04 and W07 (Fig. 4c). In North America, the negative SAT anomalies related to F12, Y11 and L08 are larger and more significant than those related to the other three indices (Fig. 4d). For example, the amplitude of the negative SAT related to the F12 NPO index reaches -1.5°C. By contrast, the amplitude of the SAT anomalies related to the G04 NPO index is only around -0.3°C. The above analyses strongly indicate that the influences of the NPO on the SAT over the Eurasian continent and North America are sensitive to the definition of the NPO index. But why is the influence of the NPO on the SAT sensitive to its definition? One possibility is that it may be attributable to change in the structure of atmospheric circulation anomalies related to the different NPO definitions. To confirm this assertion, we compare the spatial structures of DJF 850-hPa winds anomalies obtained by regression upon the different NPO indices (Fig. 5). A significant meridional dipole atmospheric circulation anomaly can be seen over the North Pacific related to the six NPO indices, with an anomalous cyclone over the subtropics and an anomalous anticyclone over the midlatitudes (Fig. 5), consistent with the structure of anomalous SLP (Fig. 2). However, the zonal locations of the anomalous dipole atmospheric circulation pattern related to the six NPO indices display substantial differences. The anomalous anticyclone over the midlatitudes and the anomalous cyclone over the subtropical North Pacific related to the F12, Y11 and L08 NPO indices (Figs. 5c-e) are located more eastward compared to those related to W81, G04 and W07 (Figs. 5a, b and f). This is consistent with the differences in the DJF SLP anomalies among the six NPO indices (Fig. 2). As a result, large and significant northerly wind anomalies are apparent over North America, and southerly wind anomalies can be observed around the Russian Far East, related to the F12, Y11 and L08 NPO indices (Figs. 5c-e). The significant anomalous northerly winds over North America related to F12, Y11 and L08 (Figs. 5c-e) bring colder air from higher latitudes, and explain the formation of significant negative SAT anomalies over North America (Figs. 3c-e). By contrast, the anomalous northerly winds over North America related to the W81, G04, and W07 NPO indices are much weaker and less significant (Figs. 5a, b and f). As a result, the induced negative SAT anomalies related to these three NPO indices are much weaker (Figs. 3a, b and f; Fig. 4d). In addition, the pronounced southerly wind anomalies related to F12, Y11 and L08 (Figs. 5c-e) around the Russian Far East carry warmer and moister air from lower latitudes, which contributes to the significant positive SAT anomalies there (Figs. 3c-e). Figure5. Anomalies of 850-hPa wind (units: m s-1) in DJF regressed on the normalized DJF indices for (a) W81, (b) G04, (c) F12, (d) Y11, (e) L08 and (f) W07. The red (blue) shading represents southerly or westerly (northerly or easterly) anomalies that are significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level.
In the Eurasian continent, significant northerly wind anomalies can be observed around Lake Baikal related to the W81, G04, L08 and W07 NPO indices (Figs. 5a, b, e and f). In particular, the northerly wind anomalies related to the W07 NPO index are stronger and extend more northward. By contrast, the wind anomalies around Lake Baikal related to F12 and Y11 are weak and insignificant. This is consistent with the fact that the positive SLP anomalies over the midlatitudes of the North Pacific related to W81, G04, L08 and W07 can extend into the Eurasian continent (Figs. 2a, b, e and f). The significant northerly wind anomalies related to the W81, G04, L08 and W07 NPO indices around Lake Baikal bring colder air from high latitudes, leading to the significant negative SAT anomalies there. In comparison, the influence of the F12 and Y11 NPO indices on the SAT anomalies over Eurasia is weak and insignificant due to the weak wind anomalies. Hence, the above analyses indicate that the influences of the winter NPO on the SAT over the Eurasian continent and North America are sensitive to the definition of the NPO index. Also, this sensitivity is likely attributable to the change in the structure of the atmospheric circulation anomalies related to the different indices.