1.National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China 2.Climate Change Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, PO Box 586, Trieste 34100, Italy 4.CMA-NJU Joint Laboratory for Climate Prediction Studies (LCPS/CMA-NJU), Nanjing 210023, China 5.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2017-03-21 Manuscript revised: 2017-08-08 Manuscript accepted: 2017-09-06 Abstract:Future changes in the 50-yr return level for temperature and precipitation extremes over mainland China are investigated based on a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble for RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The following indices are analyzed: TXx and TNn (the annual maximum and minimum of daily maximum and minimum surface temperature), RX5day (the annual maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation) and CDD (maximum annual number of consecutive dry days). After first validating the model performance, future changes in the 50-yr return values and return periods for these indices are investigated along with the inter-model spread. Multi-model median changes show an increase in the 50-yr return values of TXx and a decrease for TNn, more specifically, by the end of the 21st century under RCP8.5, the present day 50-yr return period of warm events is reduced to 1.2 yr, while extreme cold events over the country are projected to essentially disappear. A general increase in RX5day 50-yr return values is found in the future. By the end of the 21st century under RCP8.5, events of the present RX5day 50-yr return period are projected to reduce to <10 yr over most of China. Changes in CDD-50 show a dipole pattern over China, with a decrease in the values and longer return periods in the north, and vice versa in the south. Our study also highlights the need for further improvements in the representation of extreme events in climate models to assess the future risks and engineering design related to large-scale infrastructure in China. Keywords: CMIP5, extremes, return values and periods, China 摘要:利用CMIP5多个全球气候模式的模拟结果预估了RCP2.6, RCP4.5和RCP8.5温室气体排放情景下不同时期中国地区50年一遇极端温度和降水变化, 包括极端高温(TXx), 极端低温(TNn)最大5日降水量(RX5day)和连续干旱日数(CDD). 首先评估了全球气候模式对中国地区极端温度与降水模拟能力, 在此基础上预估了其变化趋势. 结果表明: 50年一遇TXx的值将增加, TNn的值将减小, 尤其在RCP8.5温室气体高排放情景下, 目前50年一遇的极端高温事件在21世纪末将变为1-2年一遇, 极端冷事件将逐渐消失. 50年一遇的极端降水(RX5day)的量值在未来会增加, 同时目前50年一遇的极端降水事件在21世纪末将变为10年一遇. 极端干旱事件(连续无降雨日数)在中国的北方地区将减少, 而在南方将增加. 关键词:CMIP5全球气候模式, 极端温度和降水, 50年一遇,
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4.1. Changes in temperature extremes
Figure 3 presents the spatial distribution of the multi-model ensemble median changes in TXx-50 and TNn-50 for the end of the century (2080-99) relative to the present-day period (1986-2005) under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. As shown in the figure, the warming causes an increase in the magnitude of both TXx-50 and TNn-50 following the increase in greenhouse gas forcings, which is minimum under RCP2.6, maximum under RCP8.5, and intermediate under RCP4.5. The change in warm and cold extremes shows different spatial patterns. Cold extremes index (TNn-50) increases considerably faster over the high-latitude (Northeast and Northwest China) and high-altitude (Tibetan Plateau) areas, as related to the snow and ice albedo feedbacks (Giorgi et al., 1997). Most notably, a pronounced increase in TNn-50 of up to 8°C is found in Northeast China under RCP8.5 (Fig. 3f). Conversely, the projected increase in warm extremes is more evenly distributed. The increase in TXx-50 is mostly in the range of 5°C to 7°C under RCP8.5 over the whole of the country, except in parts of Inner Mongolia, the Tibetan Plateau, and the southern coast. Figure3. CMIP5 multi-model median changes in TXx-50 (left) and TNn-50 (right) by the end of the 21st century (2080-99) relative 1986-2005 under RCP2.6 (top), RCP4.5 (middle) and RCP8.5 (bottom) (units: °C).
Figure4. Box-and-whisker plots for multi-CMIP5 ensemble of (a) TXx-50 and (b) TNn-50 changes over China and the eight sub-regions by the end of the 21st century under different scenarios (units: °C). The colors indicate the different scenarios, with blue for RCP2.6, green for RCP4.5 and red for RCP8.5. The model median is indicated by the bars.
Figure5. Box-and-whisker plots for the multi-model CMIP5 ensemble of return periods of the present-day TXx-50 values in different periods (2016-35, 2046-65, 2080-99) of the 21st century over China and the eight sub-regions under different scenarios (units: yr). The colors indicate the different scenarios, with blue for RCP2.6, green for RCP4.5 and red for RCP8.5. The model median is indicated by the bars.
Figure 4 shows box-and-whisker plots of the projected sub-regional changes in TXx-50 and TNn-50 by the end of the 21st century under different scenarios. This figure confirms the greater spatial variability in the change of TNn-50 compared to TXx-50, and shows how the upper tail (larger warming) of the distribution of changes is more pronounced than the lower tail, i.e., it shows the presence of individual models with very high temperature sensitivity. The most significant increases in TXx-50 under RCP8.5 are found in EC and CC, with a multi-model median value of 5.9°C and 6.6°C, respectively. However, relatively large model spreads are also found in these two sub-regions. The increase in TXx-50 is in the range of 5.1°C to 5.8°C in other sub-regions (Fig. 4a). China-wide median changes in TXx-50 are 1.5°C, 3.0°C and 5.4°C under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively. For TNn-50, the increases are more pronounced in NEC and NC, with values of 8.5°C and 7.1°C (RCP8.5), respectively, while a minimum warming of 4.1°C is found in SC. The maximum inter-model spread in TNn-50 occurs over different regions compared to TXx-50, and specifically over the northern regions of NWC and NEC. This is likely related to the different strength of the snow-feedback effect in the different models. Median changes over China are 1.6°C, 2.7°C and 5.6°C under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively. Return periods of the present-day TXx-50 in different periods of the 21st century under the three scenarios over China and different sub-regions are summarized in the box-and-whisker plots of Fig. 5. As shown in the figure, general decreases in the TXx-50 return periods are found in all the scenarios and across all the sub-regions throughout the 21st century. Changes in the return periods show less dependency on the emission scenarios in the early period of the 21st century, and then become more pronounced in the high-forcing scenarios. By the end of the century, the multi-model median return periods of the present day (50 yr) are projected to reduce dramatically to 5.5, 2.8 and 1.2 yr under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively, which will lead to a severe increase in extreme warm events. The largest reductions in return periods are found in the western China regions (SWC1, SWC2 and NWC), followed by Central China (CC). The model spreads tend to be lowest by the end of the century and under RCP8.5. Cold extremes are projected to be much less frequent in the future. By the end of the 21st century, the multi-model median return period of TNn increases to over 100 and 500 years under RCP2.6 and RCP4.5, respectively, and to infinite numbers in RCP8.5, essentially indicating the disappearance of such events. Inter-model uncertainties in return periods of TNn are in general greater than those of TXx (figures not shown for brevity).
2 4.2. Changes in precipitation extremes -->
4.2. Changes in precipitation extremes
Moving our attention to the precipitation extremes, the CMIP5 multi-model median changes of RX5day-50 and CDD-50 at the end of the 21st century under the different scenarios are presented in Fig. 6. With a mixture of positive and negative changes under RCP2.6, a dominant increase in RX5day-50 can be found under the higher forcing scenarios of RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The increase under RCP8.5 is mostly in the range of 10%-25% throughout the country, with the largest increase of up to 50% found in Yunnan Province of Southwest China. The pattern of CDD-50 changes shows, to some extent, consistencies across the scenarios, characterized by a dipole structure of increases over most of the north and decreases in the south. The dipole pattern is most evident in the RCP8.5 scenario, where, by the end of the century, the CDD-50 is 10-25 d longer than in the present day over most of the southern areas. Conversely, the CDD-50 is 10-25 d shorter than present day in the north. We stress that the increase in CDD-50 over southern China is combined with an increase of RX5day-50, indicating a shift toward a regime of greater occurrence of both flood-producing and drought-producing events over the region (Giorgi et al., 2011, 2014b). This response is most pronounced in Southwest China, where the largest changes in both RX5day-50 and CDD-50 are found. Figure6. The CMIP5 multi-model median changes in RX5day-50 (units: %) (left) and CDD-50 (units: d) (right) by the end of the 21st century (2080-99) relative to 1986-2005 under RCP2.6 (top), RCP4.5 (middle) and RCP8.5 (bottom).
Figure7. Box-and-whisker plots for the multi-model CMIP5 ensemble changes in (a) RX5day-50 and (b) CDD-50 over China and the eight sub-regions by the end of the 21st century (2080-99) relative to 1986-2005 under different scenarios (units: % and d). The colors indicate the different scenarios, with blue for RCP2.6, green for RCP4.5 and red for RCP8.5. The model median is indicated by the bars.
Late 21st century projected changes in precipitation extremes (RX5day-50 and CDD-50) under the three scenarios over China and its sub-regions are summarized in Fig. 7. For RX5day-50, the median change is positive in all regions and scenarios, as is the interquartile range (except for NC and SC under RCP2.6). The full inter-model spread is relatively large, but still above the zero line in the majority of regional cases. The largest multi-model median increase for RCP8.5 is found in SWC2 (42%), and the minimum in NC (24%). The inter-model spreads are in general wider under RCP8.5 compared to RCP4.5 and RCP2.6, with the largest inter-model spread occurring over SC and SWC2. The median changes of RX5day-50 averaged over China are 7%, 15% and 29% under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. Thus, the signal of increase in wet extremes over the country is robust. For CDD-50, the dipole structure of the change identified above produces predominant declines in the northern regions (NEC, NC, NWC) and increases in the central and southern ones, albeit with more inter-regional variability than for the wet extremes. The interquartile and full inter-model spreads are large and in most cases cross the zero line, indicating a lack of agreement in the sign of the response across the ensemble. When averaging over the entire China territory, we find a slight reduction in the median of 3.5, 4 and 5 d under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. Therefore, a larger uncertainty in the response of dry extremes than wet extremes is found in the CMIP5 ensemble. Figure8. Box-and-whisker plots for the multi-model CMIP5 ensemble return periods of the present-day (1986-2005) (a) RX5day-50 and (b) CDD-50 values in different periods (2016-35, 2046-65, 2080-99) of the 21st century over China and the eight sub-regions under different scenarios (units: yr). The colors indicate the different scenarios, with blue for RCP2.6, green for RCP4.5 and red for RCP8.5. The model median is indicated by the bars.
Sub-regional and China-wide changes in return periods of present-day RX5day-50 and CDD-50 are summarized in Figs. 8a and b, respectively. A reduction in RX5day return periods is projected by all models under the different future scenarios (Fig. 8a). Averaged over China, the median return period of RX5day is reduced from 50 yr in the present day to ~20 years during 2016-35 under the three scenarios, with a further drop to 17, 13 and 7 yr by the end of the century under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. The largest decrease in the return period is found over the Tibetan Plateau (SWC1), with a value of 4.8 yr in 2080-99 under RCP8.5. The model spreads are in general small by the end of the 21st century under RCP8.5, except for a few models projecting very large values over SWC2 and SC. The changes in the CDD return periods are smaller compared to RX5day, and show less evident scenario dependence (Fig. 8b). When averaged over China, the median of the CDD return period during 2016-35 is reduced from the present-day value of 50 yr to ~ 32 yr under the three scenarios. By the end of the 21st century, the projected return periods are 38, 36 and 29 yr under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. For the different sub-regions, decreases in the return periods in the south and increases in the north are found, corresponding to the dipole pattern shown in Fig. 6. The largest increase, up to ~85 years, is found in NEC, and the largest decrease, ~13 years, in SWC2, under RCP8.5. The inter-model spreads are in general larger than RX5day.