--> --> --> -->2.1. Sounding data
The operational CRN consists of 120 sites equipped with L-band sounding systems, including GFE (L) 1 secondary wind radar and GTS1 digital electronic radiosondes (Guo et al., 2016b). The new-generation GTS1 digital radiosonde takes measurements of temperature, pressure, RH, wind speed, and wind direction twice a day [at 0800 Local Standard Time (LST, UTC+8) and 2000 LST], with a sampling frequency of once every 1.2 seconds. The vertical resolution varies from site to site, and from sounding to sounding at the same radiosonde site. A previous intercomparison of GTS1 against Vaisala RS80 indicated that they are in good agreement in terms of their profile measurements in the troposphere, despite a large bias in the upper atmospheric levels (Bian et al., 2011).The setup of CRN dates back to 2002 when the China Meteorological Administration decided to upgrade existing radiosonde instruments; however, the GTS1 radiosonde at 14 sites only officially came into operation in 2006, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The L-band sounding systems with GTS1 radiosondes began to be widely deployed in 2007 across China, and had gradually expanded to 120 operational radiosonde stations by 2011. As such, each site of the CRN with GTS1 radiosonde data differs in their period of coverage (Fig. 1b). Overall, roughly 60% (97%) of radiosonde sites have more than 10 (6) years of L-band sounding data, which provides an even distribution across China and sufficient samples to characterize the climatology of the CBH from sounding data.
Figure1. (a) Spatial distribution of 120 sounding sites (colored circles) of the CMA over China. The different colors correspond to the year when the next-generation L-band radiosonde was first launched operationally. (b) Time series of the number of stations in the sounding sites dataset over China. The number of stations increased sharply in 2007, and reached 120 in 2011.
Therefore, the sounding data collected from the CRN during the period 1 December 2006 to 31 December 2016 were used to estimate the CBH across China. In summer (June-July-August), two additional soundings were launched (at 0200 LST and 1400 LST) to improve the predictability of high-impact weather at selected sites of the CRN, depending on the locations of large-scale synoptic weather systems. In this way, we in total made use of 421 729 profiles across China, including 1979 profiles at 0200 LST, 208 445 profiles at 0800 LST, 9726 profiles at 1400 LST, and 201 579 profiles at 2000 LST.
2.2. Methods
Cloud generally forms at an RH of about 100%. It is, however, rarely observed in radiosonde observations for the reasons listed in (Wang and Rossow, 1995). In particular, the thermal lag tends to result in lower-than-normal RH values by about 3%, which is mainly caused by the temperature in the hygristor element being roughly 1°C above the ambient temperature as the radiosonde passes through the cloud layer (Garand et al., 1992). Regarding the hygristor inside the GTS1 of the CRN, the abovementioned thermal lag is too serious to be used to detect the cloud top (Bian et al., 2011). This is why the cloud top height was not investigated in this study.In our analysis, the method proposed by (Wang and Rossow, 1995) was modified to better detect the cloud base, given the high temporal vertical resolution (1.2 s). First, the soundings under rainy conditions (rainfall amount >0.1 mm) were excluded from the cloud-base detection. On average, 6.49% of all soundings witnessed valid precipitating events for all of the sounding hours during the period 2006-16 [Fig. S1 in electronic supplementary material (ESM)]. Therefore, the treatment of rainy sounding at missing value is reasonable. Then, the cloud base was determined by taking the following three steps: (1) the base of the lowest moist layer was determined as the average altitude where the minimum RH greater than 84% reached for at least four consecutive valid measurements; (2) an at least 3% jump in the RH could be seen from the adjacent lower level; and (3) the minimum CBH was set to 600 m above ground level (AGL) to avoid the noise caused by drizzle or rainfall below the cloud. In this way, RH profiles for all valid soundings were examined from 600 m AGL to the top to determine cloud bases.
Figure2. Scatterplots showing CBH computed using (a) 84% and 83% and (b) 84% and 85% as the critical RH, both of which are based on 39 1552 soundings across China in summer during the period 2006-16. (c, d) The 50th and 75th percentile values of (c) absolute uncertainty and (d) relative uncertainty using 83% and 85% as the critical RH. The correlation coefficients (R) are given in the top panels, where an asterisk indicates the value is statistically significant (p<0.05).
To understand the frequency distribution of cloud with various CBH, the sounding-derived CBH retrievals were grouped into three height intervals: 0.6-2 km; 2-3.6 km; and above 3.6 km, with the 0.6-2-km category representing low cloud (Sun et al., 2007). Due to the spatial inhomogeneity, all sites were interpolated onto a regular 5°× 5° grid. Then, the CBH for each grid was calculated by simply averaging the available site data within the grid. In this way, any potential biases resulting from the spatial inhomogeneity of the radiosonde sites was minimized (Fig. 1a).
3.1. Uncertainty analysis
The estimated CBH depends on the RH threshold values, which inevitably induces uncertainty in the CBH climatology. Uncertainty analysis, therefore, is imperative, and this is achieved by investigating the magnitude of changes in the CBH due to the selection of various critical RH thresholds.Accordingly, scatterplots were produced that compare the CBH calculated using 84% and 83% as the critical RH versus those calculated using 84% and 85%. As expected, Figs. 2a and b show that the CBH based on RH = 85% (83%) is typically higher (lower) than that based on RH = 84%. However, the CBHs calculated using various RH thresholds are significantly correlated (R=0.987). Figures 2c and d illustrate the absolute and relative uncertainties, respectively, as a function of CBH (RH = 84%). Most of the 50th and 75th percentile values of the absolute uncertainties are <0.02 km and <0.03 km, respectively; and the 50th and 75th percentile values of the corresponding relative uncertainties are both <10% for CBH (RH = 84%) >2 km, and <20% for CBH (RH = 84%) within 1-2 km. In this sense, the uncertainty induced by the selection of the RH threshold is negligible.
But what about the accuracy of the CBH estimated from the chosen RH threshold? Based on a field campaign carried out by our group last summer in Xingtai (37.05°N, 114.48°E), Hebei Province, China, we took the CBH retrievals for May 2016 from the micro-pulse lidar (MPL) and millimeter-wave cloud radar (MMCR) implemented at Xingtai and compared them with the estimated CBHs from the radiosonde data. Figure S2 shows a comparison between the CBHs retrieved from MPL and MMCR and those from the radiosonde data on 25 May 2016. It can be seen that the difference in the CBH between the two data sources is quite small during the daytime, and in both cases the sky turns overcast after 2000 LST, suggesting a dominance of stratus cloud. Therefore, the CBH detected by radiosonde is comparable to that derived from the MPL under this condition. More specifically, the CBH from MPL is 5156 m when averaged over the three minutes centered on the minute when the radiosonde detects the CBH, with a value of 4950 m. Therefore, the CBH results are in good agreement. Other cases throughout the field campaign at Xingtai from 15 May to 15 June 2016 were also examined (Fig. S3), the results of which verify that the CBH retrievals from MPL and radiosonde observations are consistent (R=0.998).
3.2. Geographic distribution and seasonality of CBH in China
Figure 3 presents the geographic distribution of CBH derived from the 0800 LST radiosonde observations for the whole period from 2006 to 2016. Clearly, the CBH at 0800 LST does not exhibit strong latitudinal dependence. However, some strong spatial and seasonal variation stands out. On average, the CBH reaches its peak (2.99 1.2 km) in summer, followed by spring and fall, whereas the lowest CBH (2.38 1.1 km) is observed in winter. The strong contrast in CBH between summer and winter could be caused by the discrepancy in solar radiation reaching the surface. In addition, the lowest mean CBH found in winter is likely associated with the lowest temperature, which makes it easy for water vapor to condense or coalesce/collide to form cloud droplets under upward motion conditions, leading to a low cloud-top height.Figure3. Spatial distribution of CBH (color shaded) for each 5°× 5° grid across China at 0800 LST in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) fall, and (d) winter, for the period 2006-16. Note that CBH for each 5°× 5° grid is calculated as the averaged CBH over all radiosonde sites within each grid.
Figure4. As in Fig. 2 but for the spatial distribution of CBH at 2000 LST.
Spatially, most sites in southwestern China, including the Tibetan Plateau (TP), Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Sichuan Basin (SCB), have a relatively low CBH (<2.4 km AGL). Most sites in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and North China Plain (NCP) have a CBH greater than 3.6 km AGL in spring and summer, which is on average 0.6 km lower than that in fall and winter. In Northeast China, the summertime cloud can form at altitudes greater than 3.0 km——higher than the cloud in spring, fall and winter. Likewise, a peak in CBH can be seen in Inner Mongolia in summer, which is generally higher than 3.0 km AGL.
Similar to 0800 LST, the spatial variation of CBH at 2000 LST also does not exhibit distinct latitudinal dependence. Moreover, the spatial distributions of the 2000 LST CBH bear resemblance to those of the 0800 LST CBH, and the magnitude of the mean CBH in the four seasons changes little (Fig. 4). In terms of CBH seasonality, the springtime mean CBH is 2.86 km, which is slightly lower than that in summertime (2.92 km), and most radiosonde sites in winter have the lowest CBH. More specifically, the PRD has the lowest CBH in winter, and the CBH in NCP is highest in spring. The CBH diurnal and seasonal features in China are generally consistent with those obtained in the contiguous United States (An et al., 2017), which means that the geographic distribution of CBH in different seasons and at different times of the day have similar patterns.
3.3. Frequency distribution of CBH
Figure 5 shows the spatial distributions of CBH frequency for cloud bases within various altitudes at 0800 LST and 2000 LST during the period 2006-16. One striking feature is that the TP, PRD, and SCB are characterized by a high frequency (>70%) of low cloud base (0.6 km < CBH<2.0 km), suggesting cloud tends to form at low altitude. In contrast, at most sites of the YRD and NCP, about 40%-50% of cloud starts to develop at altitudes greater than 3.6 km AGL, for both the 0800 and 2000 LST observations, indicating it is difficult for cloud to form in the lower atmospheric boundary layer. Mid-level cloud (2.0 km < CBH<3.6 km) can be frequently (about 40%-50%) observed at most sites in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Figs. 4c-d). For almost all sites in Southeast China, less than 30% of CBHs belong to mid-level cloud, at both 0800 and 2000 LST, due to their CBHs ranging between 2.0 km and 3.6 km AGL.To improve the forecasting accuracy of high-impact stormy weather in summer, atmospheric profile measurements at 0200 LST and 1400 LST are required at most sites of the CRN, in addition to the usual operational soundings at 0800 LST and 2000 LST. Figure 6 presents frequency histograms for the CBHs at 0200 LST, 0800 LST, 1400 LST, and 2000 LST during the period 2006-16 for all radiosonde sites in China. As also can be seen, 50% of valid CBH retrievals are less than 2.4 km AGL, which is slightly higher than 2.0 km for the CBHs at 2000 LST. On average, the frequency distribution of CBHs at 0200 LST is quite similar to that at 1400 LST. That is, about half of the CBHs are less than 1.6 km AGL.
Figure5. Spatial distribution of the occurrence frequency for CBH within 0.6-2.0 km AGL at (a) 0800 LST and (b) 2000 LST, within 2.0-3.6 km AGL at (c) 0800 LST and (d) 2000 LST, and at higher than 3.6 km AGL at (e) 0800 LST and (f) 2000 LST, all of which are averaged over the period of 2006-16.
Figure6. Histogram of CBH at (a) 0200 LST, (b) 0800 LST, (c) 1400 LST, and (d) 2000 LST, during 2006-16, for all radiosonde sites in China. The red curves indicate the accumulated frequency, whereas vertical green lines indicate the frequency of 50%.
3.4. Diurnal variation of CBH
The additional one or two soundings (i.e., 0200 LST and 1400 LST) at some sites of the CRN provide us with a unique opportunity to investigate the diurnal cycle of CBH across China from a radiosonde perspective. Figure 7 shows the spatial distributions of average CBH at 0200 LST, 0800 LST, 1400 LST and 2000 LST for the period 2006-16. Overall, the average CBH at 0200 LST and 1400 LST is slightly lower that that at 0800 LST and 2000 LST. Our understanding is that the soundings at 0200 LST and 1400 LST are mainly launched under atmospheric conditions favorable for the initiation and development of precipitation, which will inevitably lead to the more frequent occurrence of low precipitating cloud. This at least accounts for the lower CBH observed at 1400 LST despite the stronger solar-radiation induced convection in summer.Interestingly, we can still see a distinct spatial discrepancy in the CBH at 1400 LST, which is the same as that obtained at 0800 LST and 2000 LST. For instance, most of the sites on the NCP, and in Xinjiang, are characterized by high CBH, which is generally greater than 3.0 km AGL. The lowest CBH at 1400 LST tends to occur in the PRD, which is lower than 1.2 km AGL.
As for the annual average CBH at 0800 LST, the maximum CBH tends to occur on the NCP and in the YRD, as opposed to the minimum CBH seen on the TP. In terms of the geographic distribution of the annual average CBH at 2000 LST, the contrast does not change too much.
Accounting for the large longitudinal difference (63°E) between the radiosonde sites of the CRN, the time when the CBH is calculated had to be converted to LST, which should better represent the diurnal cycle of CBH. Putting all the CBHs together, the height-resolved frequency distributions of CBH during the course of a day for the period of 2006-16 were calculated for all radiosonde sites of the CRN (Fig. 8). On the whole, a gap exists due to the scarcity of valid CBH retrievals at 0300, 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200, 2300 and 2400 LST. In particular, more low cloud (CBH <2.0 km) tends to form at 0100, 0800, 1400, 1900 and 2000 LST, as compared with that at other times. The frequency distribution more or less reveals the zonal distribution of the radiosonde sites of the CRN.
Figure7. Spatial distribution of annual-mean CBH for each 5°× 5° grid across China at (a) 0200 LST, (b) 0800 LST, (c) 1400 LST, and (d) 2000 LST, for the period 2006-16, and the mean CBH and its corresponding standard deviation (lower-left corner of each panel).
Figure8. Height-resolved frequency of CBH retrieved from all valid soundings in China during the course of a day (in LST) in summer during 2006-16.