

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-04






1.陈振宇,刘金波,李晨,狄方春,季晓慧*. 基于LSTM与XGBoost组合模型的超短期电力负荷预测, 电网技术, 已录用
2.Xiaohui Ji, Mulan Luo, Xu-Sheng Wang. Accelerating streamline tracking in groundwater flow modeling on GPUs,Groundwater, Accepted
3.Yuzhu Wang, Yuan Zhao , Wei Li, Jinrong Jiang, Xiaohui Ji*, Albert Y. Zomaya.Using a GPU to Accelerate a Longwave Radiative Transfer Model with Effificient CUDA-Based Methods, Applied Sciences, 2019.9
4.王亚兰,季晓慧*,王旭升.齿状微裂隙气流和水流的LBM模拟.水动力学研究与进展, 2019.34(5):300-308
5.Chen Li, Zhenyu Chen, Jinbo Liu, Dapeng Li, Xingyu Gao, Fangchun Di, Lixin Li, Xiaohui Ji*. Power Load Forecasting Based on the Combined Model of LSTM and XGBoost. Proceeding of the 2019 the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI '19), Wenzhou, China, 2019.08.26-28.
6.Zhenqiang Zhao , Zhenyu Chen, Jinbo Liu, Yunhao Huang, Xingyu Gao, Fangchun Di, Lixin Li, Xiaohui Ji*. Chinese Named Entity Recognition in Power Domain. Proceeding of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR 2019), Beijing, China, 2019. 08.16–18.
7.Mulan Luo, Xiaohui Ji*, Xu-Sheng Wang. Parallelization of the Streamline Simulation based on CUDA. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2019), Xi’an, China, 2019.03.08-10.
8.Hongda Sun, Xiaohui Ji*, Xu-Sheng Wang. Parallelization of Groundwater Flow Simulation on Multiple GPUs. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2019), Xi’an, China, 2019.03.08-10.
9.Dedong Tang, Chen Li, Xiaohui Ji*etc.. Power Load Forecasting Using a Refined LSTM. Proceeding of 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2019), Zhuhai, China, 2019. 02.22-24.
10.刘帅、季晓慧、芦俊、荣骏召. 基于CPU与GPU协同并行的多分量地震数据各向异性叠前时间偏移研究. 石油地球物理勘探, Vol. 54, No. 1, 65-72. 2019.
11.Liankai Yao, Ailan Wang, Xiaohui Ji*. Parallelism of MRT Lattice Boltzmann Method based on Multi-GPUs. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks, Shanghai, China, 2017.07.22-23
12.Liankai Yao, Xiaohui Ji*, Shuai Liu, Jiayue Yang. Parallel Implementation and Performance Comparison of BiCGStab for Massive Sparse Linear System of Equations on GPU Libraries. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing, Beijing, China, 2015.08.10-14
13. Xiaohui Ji*, Xu-Sheng Wang, Hongqiang Li, Junbao Xia, Method for Parallelizing MODFLOW on Multi-GPUs. Proceedings of the MODFLOW and More 2015: Modeling a Complex World, pp381-386, Colorado School of Mines, USA, 2015.05.31-06.03
14. Xiaohui Ji*, Dandan Li, Tangpei Cheng, Xu-Sheng Wang, Qun Wang, Parallelization of MODFLOW Using a GPU Library, Groundwater, Vol. 52, No. 4, 618-623. 2014
15. Xiaohui Ji*, Dandan Li, Tangpei Cheng, Xu-Sheng Wang, Qun Wang, A Method for Parallelizing MODFLOW, Proceedings of the MODFLOW and More 2013: Translating Science into Practice, pp567-569, Colorado School of Mines, USA, 2013.06.02-05
16.Xiaohui Ji*, Feifei Ma, Solving Nonlinear SMT problems based on an Efficient Lazy Method, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, 379-386. 2013
17.Dandan Li, Xiaohui Ji*, Qun Wang, An Effective Parallel Approach for the Processing of Large Sensed Data, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Vol. 54, No. 4, 471-482, 2013
18. 张云乾、郑征、季晓慧、张文博、张震宇. 基于马尔可夫模型的软件错误定位方法, 计算机学报,Vol.36, No.2, 445-456, 2013
19.Xiaohui Ji, Tangpei Cheng, Qun Wang. CUDA-based Solver for Large-Scale Groundwater Simulation, Engineering with Computers, Vol. 28, No. 1, 13-19, 2012
20.Xiaohui Ji*, Feifei Ma, An Efficient Lazy SMT Solver for Nonlinear Numerical Constraints, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, pp324-329, Toulouse, France, 2012.06.25-27
21.Dandan Li, Xiaohui Ji*, Zhangbing Zhou, Qun Wang, A hybrid MPI/OpenMP model based on DDM for large-scale partial differential equations, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, pp1839-1843, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2012.06.25-27
22.季晓慧、刘田、王怀民, 10000个科学难题信息科学卷(约束求解与优化), 科学出版社. 2011
23.Dandan Li, Xiaohui Ji, Qun Wang, A Parallel PCG Solver for Large-scale Groundwater Flow Simulation based on OpenMP, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming, pp306-309, Tianjin, China, 2011.12.09-11
24.程汤培、王群、季晓慧、黄林显、徐腾, 一种孔隙介质中地下水流并行计算方法, 计算机工程与应用, Vol. 47, No, 20, 234-237, 2011
25.Tangpei Cheng, Xiaohui Ji, Qun Wang, Integrated Parallel-computing Infrastructure for Groundwater flow simulation, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software and Information Engineering, pp577-584, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2011.03.04-06
26.Xiaohui Ji, Tangpei Cheng, Qun Wang, A Simulation of Large-Scale Groundwater Flow on CUDA-enabled GPUs, Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp2402-2403, Sierre, Switzerland, 2010.03.22-26
27.Xiaohui Ji, Tangpei Cheng, Qun Wang, Solving Large-scale Three-Dimensional Heat Equations on CUDA, Proceedings of 2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, pp38-42, Chengdu, China, 2010.08.20-22
28.Xiaohui Ji*, Zhuo Huang, Optimization Method for Mixed Constraints Problem Solving, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, pp147-151, Xiamen, China, 2010.10.29-31
29.Tangpei Cheng, Qun Wang, Xiaohui Ji, Dandan Li, A Parallel Solution of Large-scale Heat Equation based on Distributed Memory Hierarchy System, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, pp413-421, Busan, Korea, 2010.05.21-23
30.Xiaohui Ji*, Feifei Ma, Jian Zhang, Solving Global Unconstrained Optimization Problems by Symmetry-Breaking, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, pp107-111, Shanghai, China, 2009.06.01-03
31.Tangpei Cheng, Xiaohui Ji, Qun Wang, An Efficient Parallel Method for Large-scale Groundwater Flow Equation based on PETSc, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Youth Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications, pp190-193, Beijing, China, 2009.09.20-21
32. 季晓慧、张玉清, C程序设计教学中的在线评测系统应用, 电脑知识与技术, Vol. 10, No. 7, 1465-1466, 2014 (教学法文章)
33. 季晓慧、严红平、辛晓辉, C程序设计教学初探, 电脑知识与技术, Vol. 7, No. 9, 6269-6270,6272, 2011 (教学法文章)
34. 季晓慧、王群、管建和, “数据结构”课程教学初探, 中国地质教育, No. 1, 149-152,6272, 2009 (教学法文章)

1. 电力调度自动化技术研究与系统评价北京市重点实验室开放基金项目:《基于数据挖掘的电网调控智能化技术研究》,2018-2020,主持
2. 地下水循环与环境演化教育部重点实验室开放基金项目:《地下水模型流线追踪并行方法研究与应用》,2018-2019,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:《漓江流域岩溶碳循环与水循环耦合机制及模型研究》,2016-2020,参与
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费优秀教师项目:《基于多GPU的地下水数值模拟求解,2015-2018,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:《渤海和胶州湾海底地下水排泄及 其环境效应研究》,2015-2019,参与
6. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:《胶州湾海底地下水排泄(SGD)的多学科多手段综合评价研究》,2013-2016,参与
7. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目:《基于异构多核并行计算的地下水数值模拟求解方法及应用》,2012-2014,主持
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费:《基于并行计算的地下水数值模拟求解方法及应用,2012-2014,主持
9. 中央高校基本科研业务费:《基于GPU的地下水数值模拟求解及应用》,2011,主持
10. 计算机科学国家重点实验室:《集合约束满足问题求解研究》,2009-2010,主持
11. 中央高校基本科研业务费:《隐私保护相关的基于地理位置服务的方法研究》,2014-2016,参与
12. 中央高校基本科研业务费:《基于微博结构及传播特征的舆情热点发现机制研究》,2013-2016,参与
13. 国家重大科技基础设施项目:《子午工程数据与通信系统-数据安全保障系统》2008-2011,参与
14. 中国地质大学(北京)教学研究与教学改革项目:《基于在线评测系统的C程序设计实践教学》2012-2014,主持 (教改项目)

1、季晓慧、刘田、王怀民, 《约束求解与优化》,载 “10000个科学难题”信息科学编委会主编《10000个科学难题.信息科学卷》, 科学出版社. 2011


1. 国家发明专利:基于多GPU并行的多分量各向异性叠前时间偏移加速方法. 已授权,专利号:ZL 2017 1 **.1
2. 国家发明专利:一种矿物智能识别分类系统与方法. 申请日期:2016年06月21日,公开号码:5.5
3. 国家发明专利:基于信息熵特征提取的地下水流畅绘制方法及系统. 申请日期:2019年05月30日,公开号码:5.4
4. 国家发明专利:一种基于多节点多GPU计算的流线模拟加速方法. 申请日期:2018年12月22日,公开号码:2.7
5. 国家发明专利:基于质点追踪算法实现流线模拟的加速方法. 申请日期:2018年08月29日,公开号码:2.6
6. 软件著作权:MODFLOW加速计算平台软件V1.0,号码:2014SR141090



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