

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-04



发表学术论文40余篇,先后在《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》、《IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing》、《Ore Geology Reviews》、《Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing》、《Computers &Geosciences》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Environmental Pollution》、《遥感学报》、《环境科学学报》等期刊发表,其中第一作者的主要代表性论文如下(国际SCI论文12篇):
1.Meiling Liu, Tiejun Wang, Andrew K. Skidmore, Xiangnan Liu, Mengmeng Li. Identifying rice stress on a regional scale from multi-temporal satellite images using a Bayesian method. Environmental Pollution,2019年 ,247 ,488-498(SCI检索).
2.Meiling Liu, Tiejun Wang, Andrew K. Skidmore, Xiangnan Liu. Heavy metal-induced stress in rice crops detected using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 satellite images. Science of the Total Environment,2018年, 637–638, 18–29(SCI检索).
3.Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu?, Biyao Zhang, Chao Ding. Regional heavy metal pollution in crops by integrating physiological function variability with spatio-temporal stability using multi-temporal thermal remote sensing. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2016年, 51卷, P91–102(SCI检索).
4. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Da Liu et al. Multivariable integration method for estimating SEA surface salinity in coastal waters from in situ data and remotely sensed data using random forest algorithm. Computers & Geosciences, 2015年, 75卷, 第1期, P 44-56(SCI检索).
5. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Jin Li et al. Evaluating total inorganic nitrogen in coastal waters through fusion of multi-temporal RADARSAT-2 and optical imagery using random forest algorithm.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2014年,33卷,第12期,P 192-202(SCI检索).
6. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Aohui et al. Spatio-temporal stability and abnormality of chlorophyll-a in the Northern South China Sea during 2002–2012 from MODIS images using wavelet analysis, Continental Shelf Research,2014年,75卷,第3期, P15-27(SCI检索).
7. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Jonathan Li et al. Estimating regional heavy metal concentrations in rice by scaling up a field-scale heavy metal assessment model. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012年, 19卷,第10期,P12–23(SCI检索).
8. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Menxin Wu et al. Integrating spectral indices with environmental parameters for estimating heavy metal concentrations in rice using dynamic fuzzy neural-network model. Computers &Geosciences, 2011年, 37卷,第10期,P1642–1652(SCI检索).
9. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Ling Wu et al. Wavelet-based detection of crop zinc stress assessment using hyperspectral reflectance, Computers & Geosciences. 2011年, 37卷,第9期,P1254–1263(SCI检索).
10. Meiling Liu,Xiangnan Liu, Weicui Ding et al. Monitoring stress levels on rice with heavy metals pollution from hyperspectral reflectance data using wavelet-fractal analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,2011年,13卷,第2期,P246-255(SCI检索).
11. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Mi Li et al. Neural-network model for estimating leaf chlorophyll concentration in rice under stress from heavy metals using four spectral indices. Biosystems Engineering,2010年,106卷,第3期,P223-233(SCI检索).
12. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu , Jiale Jiang et al. Artificial neural network and random forest approaches for modeling of sea surface salinity, International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications,2013年,3卷,第4期,P229-234.
13. Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Aohui Ma et al. Spatio-temporal variability of chlorophyll a and sea surface temperature in the northern South China Sea from 2002 to 2012, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015,第41期,P547–560.(SCI检索)
14. 刘美玲,刘湘南,李婷等.水稻锌污染胁迫的光谱奇异性分析.农业工程学报,2010年,26卷,第3期,P191-197.
15.刘美玲,刘湘南,曹仕等.基于高光谱高频组份分形特征的水稻铅污染胁迫水平评估.遥感学报, 2011年,15卷,第4期,P811-820(中文版).
Pb-induced stress levels of rice based on fractal characteristic of spectral high- frequency component. Journal of remote sensing, 2011年,15卷,第4期,P821-830(英文版).
16. 刘美玲,刘湘南.面向资源环境行业需求的多层次复合型地理信息人才培养模式,地理信息世界,2013年,20卷,第5期,P42-46.

1. 国家自然科学基金项目:基于谱-时特征分析的农作物重金属胁迫遥感识别方法研究,2017-2019 (主持)
2. 教育部中央高校基金优秀教师项目:农作物重金属胁迫的热红外特征与模型,2015-2017 (主持)
3.教育部中央高校基金优秀教师项目:环渤海海洋表面盐度遥感反演模型研究,2011-2014(主持) 。
4.国际合作交流项目: 国际遥感与地图制图合作交流,2013.08-2013.09(主持)。
8.国家自然科学基金项目:基于作物生长模型和遥感数据同化的大尺度水稻重金属污染胁迫动态监测,2014-2017 (参与)。


1.2011年,博士学位论文“融合多元环境因子的水稻重金属污染水平遥感评估模型”被评为中国地质大学(北京) “校级优秀博士学位论文”。
3.2006年, 硕士学位论文“基于GIS和RS的矿产资源开发生态环境效应监测与评价” 被评为中国地质大学(北京) “校级优秀硕士学位论文” 。

研究生招生: 测绘科学与技术(硕士), 测绘工程(硕士)
教 学: 主要承担本科生《专题地图设计》、《遥感地学应用》和《人文地理学》

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