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国际MBA: 营销原理(英语讲授)


1997-1998 硕士学位(市场营销)英国Salford 大学管理学院
1992-1996 学士学位(科技英语专业)大连理工大学外语系;辅修国际工商管理专业,大连理工大学管理学院


2014.9- 中央财经大学 商学院营销系副教授
2009.12-2014.8 中国人民大学 商学院市场营销系副教授
2005.05-2009.11 英国Aston 商学院助理教授(终身教职)
2002.09-2005.05 英国Norwich 商学院助理教授


2009年 教育部新世纪优秀人才
2004年 英国营销科学院年度研究创新项目奖
2003年 英国营销科学院年会最佳论文奖(营销战略类)



1. Qu,Riliang and Zelin Zhang (2015), “Market Orientation and Business Performance in MNC Foreign Subsidiaries- the Moderating Effects of Integration and Responsiveness”, Journal of Business Research. (SSCI), 68 (5), 919-924.

2. Qu, R. (2014). “Market Orientation and Organizational Performance Linkage in Chinese Hotels: the Mediating Roles of Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Satisfaction”, Asian Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI), 19(12),1399-1416

3. Qu, R. (2012). The Impact of Integration and Responsiveness on MNC Subsidiaries’ Market Orientation. Journal of Global Marketing, 25(3), 127-140.

4. Fu, Guoqunn, Saunders, J., & Qu, R. (2009). Brand extensions in emerging markets: theory development and testing in China. Journal of Global Marketing, 22(3), 217-228.

5. Qu, R. (2009). The impact of market orientation and corporate social responsibility on firm performance: evidence from China. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21(4), 570-582.

6. Qu, R., & Ennew, C. T. (2008). Does business environment matter to the development of a market orientation?. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 24(4), 271-283.(SSCI)

7. Qu, R. (2007). Corporate social responsibility in China: Impact of regulations, market orientation and ownership structure. Chinese management studies, 1(3), 198-207.(SSCI)

8. Qu, R. (2007). The role of market orientation in the business success of MNCs' UK subsidiaries. Management Decision, 45(7), 1181-1192. (SSCI)

9. Fu, G., Ding, J., & Qu, R. (2007). Ownership effects in consumers' brand extension evaluations. Journal of Brand Management, 16(4), 221-233

10. Qu, R. (2007). Effects of government regulations, market orientation and ownership structure on corporate social responsibility in China: An empirical study. International Journal of Management, 24(3), 582-591.

11. Qu, R., Ennew, C., & Thea Sinclair, M. (2005). The impact of regulation and ownership structure on market orientation in the tourism industry in China. Tourism Management, 26(6), 939-950. (SSCI)

12. Qu, Riliang and Christine T. Ennew (2005), "Developing a Market Orientation in a Transitional Economy: the Role of Government Regulation and Ownership Structure", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 25(1), 82-89. (SSCI)

13. Qu, R., & Ennew, C. T. (2003). An examination of the consequences of market orientation in China. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11(3), 201-214.


Qu, Riliang (2010), Market Orientation of Hotels and Travel Services in China. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing:Saarbrücken, Germany.


Qu, Riliang (2009), “Developing a Corporate Social Responsibility in China”, in China in the World Economy, Wu, Z. (ed), Routledge:London


Qu, Riliang (2012), “Market Orientation and Business Performance in MNC Foreign Subsidiaries- the Moderating Effects of Integration and Responsiveness”, Proceedings of American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Meeting, Chicago, USA.

Qu, Riliang (2010), “The Impact of Integration and Responsiveness on MNC Subsidiary's Market Orientation”, Proceedings of American Marketing Association Summer Meeting, Boston, USA.

Qu, Riliang (2010), “The Impact of Market Orientation and Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Performance: Evidence from China”, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Management Sciences, Shanghai, China.

Qu, Riliang (2008), “Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: the Mediating Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Proceedings of American Marketing Association Summer Meeting, San Diego, USA

Qu, Riliang (2007), “The antecedents and consequence of market orientation in MNC’s UK subsidiaries”, Proceedings of the Academy of International Business (AIB)Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA.

Qu, Riliang (2006), “The role of marketing orientation to the success of multinational companies’ subsidiaries”, Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Beijing, China.

Qu, Riliang (2005), “Market Orientation in the Multinational Companies’ UK Subsidiaries”, Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Conference 2005, Dublin, Ireland.Guoqun, Fu, John Saunders and Riliang Qu (2005), “Brand Extensions in Emerging Markets: Theory Development and Testing in China”, Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Conference 2005, Dublin, Ireland.

Qu, Riliang and Christine T. Ennew (2004), “Does Business Environment Matter to the Development of a Market Orientation”, Proceedings of 33rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Murcia, Spain.

Qu, Riliang (2004), “On The Relationships Between Market Orientation and Generic Competitive Strategies-a case study in China”, Proceedings of Academy of Marketing conference 2004, Cheltenham, UK.
Qu, Riliang and Nicolaos Tzokas (2003), "The Impact of Government Regulations, Ownership Structure and Market Orientation on Corporate Social Responsibility in China", Proceedings of 32nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Qu, Riliang and Christine T. Ennew (2003), "An examination of the consequences of market orientation in China", Proceedings of Academy of Marketing conference 2003, Birmingham, UK.

Qu, Riliang, Christine T. Ennew and M. Thea Sinclair (2002), "Developing Market Orientation in China: The Impact of The Regulation and Ownership Structure", Proceedings of Academy of Marketing conference 2002, Nottingham, UK.

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