姓名:杨菲 性别:男 职称:教授 招生院所:基础医学院 招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕) 招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕) 研究方向名称:慢性疼痛/神经损伤 电子信箱:feiyang@ccmu.edu.cn
1. 200109-200912:北京大学医学部 学习
2. 201005-201801:美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院 任职
3. 201801-:首都医科大学 任职
1. Yang F, Duan W, Huang Q, Chen Z, Ford N, Gao X, Sivanesan E, Sarma SV, Vera-Portocarrero LP, Linderoth B, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Modulation of Spinal Nociceptive Transmission by Sub-Sensory Threshold Spinal Cord Stimulation in Rats After Nerve Injury. Neuromodulation. 2020,23(1):36-45.SCI
2. Tiwari V, He SQ, Huang Q, Liang L, Yang F, Chen Z, Tiwari V, Fujita W, Devi LA, Dong X, Guan Y, Raja SN*.Activation of Mu-Delta opioid receptor heteromers inhibits neuropathic pain behavior in rodents. Pain. 2020,161(4):842-855.SCI
3. Liu S, Huang Q, He S, Chen Z, Gao X, Ma D, Duan W, Ford N, Yang F, Chen X, Raja SN, Hao D, Guan Y*.Dermorphin [D-Arg2, Lys4] (1-4) amide inhibits below-level heat hypersensitivity in mice after contusive thoracic spinal cord injury. Pain. 2019,160(12):2710-2723.SCI
4. Chen Z, Huang Q, Yang F, Shi C, Sivanesan E, Liu S, Chen X, Sarma SV, Vera-Portocarrero LP, Linderoth B, Raja SN, Guan Y*.The Impact of Electrical Charge Delivery on Inhibition of Mechanical Hypersensitivity in Nerve-Injured Rats by Sub-Sensory Threshold Spinal Cord Stimulation. Neuromodulation. 2019,22(2):163-171.SCI
5. Huang Q, Duan W, Sivanesan E, Liu S, Yang F, Chen Z, Ford NC, Chen X, Guan Y*.Spinal Cord Stimulation for Pain Treatment After Spinal Cord Injury. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2019,35(3):527-539.SCI
6. He SQ, Xu Q, Tiwari V, Yang F, Anderson M, Chen Z, Grenald SA, Raja SN, Dong X, Guan Y*.Oligomerization of MrgC11 and μ-opioid receptors in sensory neurons enhances morphine analgesia. Science Signaling. 2018,11(535):pii: eaao3134..SCI
7. Tiwari V#, Anderson M#, Yang F#, Tiwari V, Zheng Q, He SQ, Zhang T, Shu B, Chen XM, Grenald SA, Stephens KE, Chen ZY, Dong XZ, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor agonists attenuate ongoing pain-associated behavior and spontaneous neuronal activity after nerve injury in rats. Anesthesiology. 2018,128(6):1220-1236.SCI
8. Yang F#, Anderson M#, He SQ, Stephens K, Zheng Y, Chen ZY, Raja SN, Aplin F, Guan Y*, Fridman G*.Differential Expression of Voltage Gated Sodium Channels in Afferent Neurons Renders Selective Neural Block by Ionic Direct Current. Science Advances. 2018,4(4):eaaq1438. doi: 10.1126.SCI
9. Shu B, Yang F, Guan Y.Intra-spinal microstimulation may alleviate chronic pain after spinal cord injury. Medical Hypotheses. 2017,104:73-77.SCI
10. Yang F, Xu Q, Shu B, Tiwari V, He SQ, Vera-Portocarrero LP, Dong X, Linderoth B, Raja SN, Wang Y, Guan Y*.Activation of cannabinoid CB1 receptor contributes to suppression of spinal nociceptive transmission and inhibition of mechanical hypersensitivity by Aβ-fiber stimulation. Pain. 2016,157(11):2582-2593.SCI
11. Tiwari V#, Yang F#, He SQ#, Shechter R, Zhang C, Shu B, Zhang T, Tiwari V, Wang Y, Dong X, Guan Y, Raja SN*.Activation of Peripheral μ-opioid Receptors by Dermorphin [D-Arg2, Lys4] (1-4) Amide Leads to Modality-preferred Inhibition of Neuropathic Pain. Anesthesiology. 2016,124(3):706-20.SCI
12. Yang F#, Zhang T#, Tiwari V, Shu B, Zhang C, Wang Y, Vera-Portocarrero LP, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Effects of Combined Electrical Stimulation of the Dorsal Column and Dorsal Roots on Wide-Dynamic-Range Neuronal Activity in Nerve-Injured Rats. Neuromodulation. 2015,18(7):592-7.SCI
13. Sdrulla AD, Xu Q, He SQ, Tiwari V, Yang F, Zhang C, Shu B, Shechter R, Raja SN, Wang Y, Dong X, Guan Y*.Electrical stimulation of low-threshold afferent fibers induces a prolonged synaptic depression in lamina II dorsal horn neurons to high-threshold afferent inputs in mice. Pain. 2015,156(6):1008-17.SCI
14. Pang Z, Sakamoto T, Tiwari V, Kim YS, Yang F, Dong X, Guler AD, Guan Y, Caterina MJ*.Selective -keratinocyte stimulation is sufficient to evoke nociception in mice. Pain. 2015,156(4):656-65.SCI
15. Li Z, He SQ, Tseng PY, Xu Q, Tiwari V, Yang F, Shu B, Zhang T, Tang Z, Raja SN, Wang Y, Dong X, Guan Y*.The inhibition of high-voltage-activated calcium current by activation of MrgC11 involves phospholipase C-dependent mechanisms. Neuroscience. 2015,300:393-403.SCI
16. Yang F#, Zhang C#, Xu Q, Tiwari V, He SQ, Wang Y, Dong X, Vera-Portocarrero LP, Wacnik PW, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Electrical stimulation of dorsal root entry zone attenuates wide-dynamic-range neuronal activity in rats. Neuromodulation. 2015,18(1):33-40.SCI
17. Yang F, Guo J, Sun WL, Liu FY, Cai J, Xing GG, Wan Y*.The induction of long-term potentiation in spinal dorsal horn after peripheral nociceptive stimulation and contribution of spinal TRPV1 in rats. Neuroscience. 2014,269:59-66.SCI
18. Yang F, Xu Q, Cheong YK, Shechter R, Sdrulla A, He SQ, Tiwari V, Dong X, Wacnik PW, Meyer R, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Comparison of intensity-dependent inhibition of spinal wide-dynamic range neurons by dorsal column and peripheral nerve stimulation in a rat model of neuropathic pain. European Journal of Pain. 2014,18(7):978-88.SCI
19. He SQ, Li Z, Chu YX, Han L, Xu Q, Li M, Yang F, Liu Q, Tang Z, Wang Y, Hin N, Tsukamoto T, Slusher B, Tiwari V, Shechter R, Wei F, Raja SN, Dong X, Guan Y*.MrgC agonism at central terminals of primary sensory neurons inhibits neuropathic pain. Pain. 2014,155(3):534-44.SCI
20. He SQ, Han L, Li Z, Xu Q, Tiwari V, Yang F, Guan X, Wang Y, Raja SN, Dong X, Guan Y*.Temporal changes in MrgC expression after spinal nerve injury. Neuroscience. 2014,261:43-51.SCI
21. Li Z, He SQ, Xu Q, Yang F, Tiwari V, Liu Q, Tang Z, Han L, Chu Y. X, Wang Y, Hin N, Tsukamoto T, Slusher B, Guan X, Wei F, Raja SN, Dong X, Guan Y*.Activation of MrgC receptor inhibits N-type calcium channels in small-diameter primary sensory neurons in mice. Pain. 2014,155(8):1613-21.SCI
22. Xu Q, Cheong YK, Yang F, Tiwari V, Li J, Liu J, Raja SN, Li W, Guan Y*.Intrathecal carbenoxolone inhibits neuropathic pain and spinal wide-dynamic range neuronal activity in rats after an L5 spinal nerve injury. Neuroscience Letter. 2014,563:45-50.SCI
23. He SQ#, Yang F#, Perez FM, Xu Q, Shechter R, Cheong YK, Carteret AF, Dong X, Sweitzer SM, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Tolerance to the anti-allodynic effects of the peripherally acting opioid, loperamide hydrochloride, develops in nerve-injured rats. Pain. 2013,154(11):2477-86.SCI
24. Shechter R#, Yang F#, Xu Q#, Cheong YK, He SQ, Sdrulla A, Carteret AF, Wacnik PW, Dong X, Meyer RA, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Conventional and Kilohertz-frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation Produces Intensity- and Frequency-dependent Inhibition of Mechanical Hypersensitivity in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain. Anesthesiology. 2013,119(2):422-32.SCI
25. Yang F, Carteret AF, Wacnik PW, Chung CY, Xing L, Dong X, Meyer RA, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Bipolar spinal cord stimulation attenuates mechanical hypersensitivity at an intensity that activates a small portion of A-fiber afferents in spinal nerve-injured rats. Neuroscience. 2011,199:470-80.SCI
26. Yang F, Chung CY, Wacnik PW, Carteret AF, McKelvy AD, Meyer RA, Raja SN, Guan Y*.Electrical stimulation at distinct peripheral sites in spinal nerve injured rats leads to different afferent activation profiles. Neuroscience Letter. 2011,505(1):52-7.SCI
27. Guan Y, Wacnik PW, Yang F, Carteret AF, Chung CY, Meyer RA, Raja SN*.Electrical Stimulation of Dorsal Column and Dorsal RootsAttenuates Dorsal Horn Neuronal Excitability in Neuropathic Rats. Anesthesiology. 2010,113(6):1392-405.SCI
28. Yu L#, Yang F#, Luo H, Liu FY, Han JS, Xing GG, Wan Y.The role of TRPV1 in different subtypes of dorsal root ganglion neurons in rat chronic inflammatory nociception induced by complete Freund’s adjuvant. Molecular Pain. 2008,4:61.SCI
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-27
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