

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-10

1982.9—1987.7四川泸州医学院临床医学系, 五年制本科, 医学学士;
1987.9—1990.7华西医科大学(现四川大学)肿瘤生化与分子生物学硕士研究生, 医学硕士;
2005.1—2010.5加拿大多伦多大学(UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO) 分子遗传学(感染病专业)博士;
1997.3—1999.12美国默克(MERCK)制药公司, 默克研究所(Merck Research Labs, West Point,PA) 高级访问. 世界卫生组织 (WHO)奖学金获得者.
美国肝病学会(AASLD)及加拿大肝病学会(CASL)会员;中国输血协会,四川省输血协会专家委员会委员;四川省医学会第一届转化医学专委会委员;重庆市中西医结合学会肝病专委会委员;中国医学科学院首届青年科学家联盟理事;中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院第六届学术委员会委员;中国自然科学基金委重点项目特邀海外评审专家,中国自然科学基金委医学六处同行评议专家;科技部国家重大专项重大项目“蛋白质机器与生命过程调控”视频答辩评审专家;教育部“”评审专家;卫生计生委重点实验室评审及验收专家。Global Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion主编;Hepatitis MonthlyJournal of clinical and translational hepatology及JBR Journal of Translational Biomarkers and Diagnosis (JBR-TBD) 三种杂志副主编;Journal of infectious diseases及《中国输血杂志》等六种专业杂志编委;12种国际胃肠、肝病及病毒学领域杂志特邀审稿人。
获得2013年亚太肝病年会(2013年6月新加坡)大会主席奖(Presidential Award)及2015年四川省医学科技(青年)一等奖。承担包括自然和科学基金重大研究计划(培育项目)、自然科学基金面上项目、四川省科技厅国际合作项目多项。担任中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程“协同创新团队”及“一带一路”战略先导计划项目首席科学家。
1. Chen L, Borozan I, Feld J, Sun J, Tannis LL, Coltescu C, Heathcote J, Edwards AM, McGilvray ID. Hepatic gene expression profiling discriminates responders and non-responders in treatment of chronic hepatitis C viral infection. Gastroenterology (IF=12.835), 2005;128:1437-1444.
2. Chen L, Borozan I, Sun J, Guindi M, Fischer S, Feld J, Anand N, Heathcote J, Edwards AM, McGilvray ID. Cell-type specific gene expression signature in liver underlies response to interferon therapyin chronic hepatitis C infection.Gastroenterology(IF=12.835), 2010;138(3):1123-1133.
3. McGilvray I, Feld JJ, Chen L, Pattullo V, Guindi M, Fischer S, Borozan I, Xie G, Selzner N, Heathcote EJ, Siminovitch K. Hepatic Cell-Specific Gene Expression Better Predicts HCV Treatment Outcome than IL28B Genotype.Gastroenterology(IF=12.835)2012;142:1122-1131
4. Randall G, Chen L, Panis M, Fischer AK, Lindenbach B, Sun J, Heathcote J, Rice CM, Edwards AM, McGilvray ID. Silencing of USP18 potentiates the antiviral activity of interferon against hepatitis C virus infection. Gastroenterology(IF=12.835)2006; 131(5):1584-91
5. Chen L, Goryachev A, Sun J, Kim P, Zhang H, Phillips MJ, Macgregor P, Lebel S, Edwards AM, Cao Q, Furuya KN. Altered expression of genes involved in hepatic morphogenesis and fibrogenesis are identified by cDNA microarray analysis in biliary atresia. Hepatology. 2003 Sep;38(3):567-76
6. Xu Chen, Haiyan Ye, Shilin Li, Baihai Jiao, Jianqin Wu, Peobing Zeng*, Limin Chen*. Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus inhibits exogenous Type I IFN signaling pathway through its NSs in vitro. PLoS One. 2017;12(2):e**.
7. Yanzhao Chen , Baihai Jiao, Min Yao , Xuezhen Shi , Zhebin Zheng , Shilin Li ∗ ,
Limin Chen∗. ISG12a inhibits HCV replication and potentiates the anti-HCV activity of IFN-a through activation of the Jak/STAT signaling pathway independent of autophagy and apoptosis. Virus Research 2017;227:231-239
8. Jianqin Wu , Xu Chen , Haiyan Ye, Min Yao , Shilin Li ∗ , Limin Chen∗. Nonstructural protein (NS1) of human parvovirus B19 stimulates host innate immunity and blunts the exogenous type I interferon signaling in vitro. Virus Research 2016;222:48-52
9. Yujia Li, Shilin Li, Xiaoqiong Duan, Yanzhao Chen, Baihai Jiao, Haiyan Ye, Min Yao, and Limin Chen∗. Interferon-Stimulated Gene 15 Conjugation StimulatesHepatitis B Virus Production Independent of Type I Interferon Signaling Pathway In Vitro. Mediators of Inflammation Volume 2016
10. Miao He, Jingxing Wang, Limin Chen, Jing Liu, Peibin Zeng. The Impact of Emerging Infectious Diseases on Chinese Blood Safety. Transfusion Medicine Review 2016 Nov 4. pii: S0887-7963(16)30039-6
11. Chunhui Yang , Guohui Bian , Hong Yang, Xinmin Zhang , Limin Chen, Jingxing Wang *. Development of High Hydrostatic Pressure Applied in Pathogen Inactivation for Plasma. PLoS ONE 2016;11(8): e**.
12. Sonya A. MacParland, Xue-Zhong Ma, Limin Chen, Ramzi Khattar, Vera Cherepanov, Markus Selzner, Jordan J. Feld, Nazia Selzner, Ian D. McGilvray. Lipopolysaccharide and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibit Interferon Signaling in Hepatocytes by Increasing Ubiquitin-Like Protease 18 (USP18) Expression. J Virol 2016:5549–5560.
13. Shan Chen, Shilin Li, * and Limin Chen *. Interferon-Inducible Protein 6-16 (IFI-6-16, ISG16) romotes Hepatitis C Virus Replication In Vitro. Journal of Medical Virology 2016;88:109–114
14. Liu B, Chen S, Guan Y, Chen L*. Type III Interferon Induces Distinct SOCS1 Expression Pattern that Contributes to Delayed but Prolonged Activation of Jak/STAT Signaling Pathway: Implications for Treatment Non-Response in HCV Patients. PLoS One. 2015;20;10(7):e**.
15. Chen S, Li S, Chen L*. Interferon-inducible protein 6-16 (IFI-6-16, ISG16) promotes hepatitis C virus replication in vitro. J Med Virol. 2015 Jun 23.
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