
全株玉米青贮饲喂小尾寒羊和不同组合 杂交羊生产性能的比较

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

张洁, 张晨, 张崇玉, 曲绪仙, 战汪涛, 杨景晁, 王英楠, 张桂国. 全株玉米青贮饲喂小尾寒羊和不同组合 杂交羊生产性能的比较[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(10): 2004-2012 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.10.019
ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Chen, ZHANG ChongYu, QU XuXian, ZHAN WangTao, YANG JingChao, WANG YingNan, ZHANG GuiGuo. Study on Production Performance of Small-Tail Han Sheep and Different Combinations of Hybrid Sheep Fed Whole-Plant Corn Silage[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(10): 2004-2012 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.10.019

0 引言

【研究意义】全株玉米青贮(whole-plant corn silage)是一种营养价值高、保存效果好,能全年稳定持续供应的高品质饲粮[1]。当前,国内以全株玉米青贮为基础的TMR在生产中更多的是应用于高产奶牛的饲粮配合[2,3]。现根据我国“十三五”种植业结构调整的目标,青贮玉米的种植逐年扩大,到2020年青贮的播种面积将达到167万hm2,每年平均将有8 750万t青贮玉米的产量,如果能将全株玉米青贮用于肉羊规模化养殖,解决优质青粗饲料的缺乏问题[4],消除制约肉羊产业发展的最大瓶颈,必将推动肉羊产业的快速发展。【前人研究进展】国外有研究表明,以全株玉米青贮为基础的高精料TMR饲喂“多赛特×特塞尔”杂交羊,其ADG、饲料转化率和屠宰率与混合青贮(青草﹕全株玉米=1﹕1)TMR无差异[5]。用全株玉米青贮饲喂Sipli绵羊,分别与高粱青贮和狼尾草青贮相比,前者DMI、ADG和饲料转化率优于后者[6]。也有研究报道使用精粗比为60﹕40的全株玉米青贮TMR饲喂Moghani羊,DMI、ADG和饲料转化率优势却显著低于紫粒苋青贮[7]。国内研究表明全株玉米青贮饲喂杂种肉羊饲料利用率高,经济效益显著[8],也有研究提出40%比例全株玉米青贮饲喂肉羊的增重效果最好,经济效益最大[9]。由此可见,以全株玉米青贮为基础的TMR饲粮对育肥羊的饲喂效果尚存在争议。【本研究切入点】国内通过杂交育种技术改良地方品种[10,11],其杂交后代生产效益显著[12]。特别是在山东及黄淮海地区,肉羊育肥中以生长速度相对较快的杂交羊为主。现虽有关于青贮玉米对育肥羊生产性能[13]以及不同育肥羊之间生产差异[14]的研究,但在小尾寒羊和不同组合杂交羊之间饲喂全株玉米青贮为基础的饲粮条件下,生产性能和经济效益的比较研究尚缺乏相关报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究以小尾寒羊及当前在黄淮海地区饲养较多的不同组合杂交羊为试验动物,探索以全株青贮玉米为基础的TMR对其生长性能、屠宰性能和经济效益的影响,得出全株玉米青贮作为肉羊主要青粗饲料来源的效果,为在生产中肉羊育肥品种的选择和科学使用全株玉米青贮提供理论依据和实证支持。

1 材料与方法

1.1 全株玉米青贮

试验中所用全株玉米青贮,品种为郑单958,接茬小麦在山东农业大学试验基地种植,于2016年6月12日播种,进行正常的田间管理,2016年9月13日在蜡熟期收获,生育期90 d,留茬10 cm,破碎长度2—3 cm,进行裹包青贮,每个裹包60 kg左右,青贮2个月后开包启用,进行青贮营养价值评定。

1.2 试验设计及饲养管理

动物饲养试验于2016年11月14日开始,2017年2月10日结束。选择4个不同品种的3月龄断奶健康公羔羊各30只,体重相近(27.6 ± 1.7)kg,以品种差异分为4个处理,分别是小尾寒羊(SH),“杜泊×小尾寒羊”杂交F1(DH),“蒙古羊×小尾寒羊”杂交F1(MH)和“杜泊×洼地绵羊”杂交F1(DW),每处理3个重复,每重复10只羊,每个重复圈养于同一栏内。预试期10 d,正试期80 d。

1.3 试验饲粮

试验饲粮的配制参照中国NY/T 816-2004[15]育肥绵羊饲养标准,配制以试验获得的全株玉米青贮为基础的TMR,精粗比为25 : 75。饲粮组成及营养水平见表1
Table 1
Table 1Composition and nutrient levels of experimental ration (DM basis,%)
原料 Ingredients含量 Content营养水平 Nutrient levels2)含量 Content
全株玉米青贮 Whole-plant corn silage45.00代谢能 ME/(MJ·kg-1)9.91
花生秧 Peanut vine30.00干物质 DM32.36
玉米 Corn16.86粗蛋白质 CP11.95
小麦麸 Wheat bran2.16粗脂肪 EE2.71
豆粕 Soybean meal4.32中性洗涤纤维NDF41.92
磷酸氢钙 CaHPO40.43酸性洗涤纤维ADF27.87
碳酸氢钠 NaHCO30.43粗灰分 Ash11.23
食盐 NaCl0.43钙 Ca0.63
预混料 Premix1)0.37总磷 TP0.32
合计 Total100.00

1) 预混料为每千克饲粮提供Supplied per kg of total mixed ration:VA 1 367 IU,VD 194 IU,VE 15 IU,Fe (FeSO4 ? 7H2O) 74 mg,Zn (ZnSO4 ? 7H2O) 46.3 mg,Mn (MnSO4 ? 5H2O) 36.5 mg,Cu (CuSO4 ? 5H2O) 17.0 mg,I (KI) 1.5 mg,Co (CoCl2·6H2O) 0.3 mg,Se (Na2SeO3) 0.3 mg;2) 代谢能为计算值[16],其余为实测值。ME was a calculated value[16] and others were measured values

1.4 测定指标及方法

1.4.1 饲粮营养成分测定 全株玉米青贮前后和TMR的DM、CP等常规营养成分的测定根据张丽英[17]主编的《饲料分析及饲料质量检测技术》方法,分别进行取样和处理。
1.4.2 全株玉米青贮前后DM瘤胃降解特性测定 选用4只安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的健康成年杜寒杂交羊,其饲粮的粗饲料为全株玉米青贮,精料由玉米、豆粕等组成,基础饲粮组成及营养水平同表1。采用单圈舍饲养,每天饲喂两次,自由饮水。根据ZHANG等[18]的瘤胃降解试验方法,称取2 g左右粉碎过18目网筛的全株玉米青贮风干样品,放入孔径50 μm、大小为10 cm×10 cm的已知重量的聚酯纤维袋中,用封口机距袋1 cm处热封,使每个袋子内的样品占袋子表面积的比例约为19 mg?cm-2。每个样品每个时间点12个重复,即每只羊每个时间点3个重复。在饲喂前按照“依次投入,同时取出”的原则,将称好的聚酯纤维袋随机放入规格为25 cm×15 cm的尼龙网兜中,并用90 cm长的尼龙绳一头系网兜另一头系在棍子上,再用15 cm长的棍子固定在瘤胃瘘管外,分别培养72、48、36、24、12、6和0 h。取出的聚酯纤维袋(包括0 h)放在自来水下冲洗,直至水澄清,并在65℃烘干48 h至恒重,计算出7个时间点的干物质瘤胃降解率(P):
干物质瘤胃降解率(%)=100 -干物质瘤胃消失率。
1.4.3 生长性能测定 增重性能测定:称量并记录预试期开始、正试期开始、正试期结束试验羊晨饲前连续两天的空腹体重(body weight, BW),计算平均日增重(average daily gain, ADG)。平均日增重(g/d)=阶段总增重/(阶段天数×圈舍育肥羊数量)。
饲料消耗:每个重复单独圈舍饲养,以重复为单位称量并记录每周每个圈舍的干物质采食量(dry matter intake, DMI),所获得的采食量数据除以该圈舍内育肥羊数量。根据平均日增重和干物质采食量按阶段计算各重复组饲料转化率(feed conversion ratio, FCR)。饲料转化率=阶段干物质采食量/阶段增重。
1.4.4 屠宰性能测定 于试验结束时选取健康、接近平均体重的试验羊48只,即每重复选4只进行屠宰。当日16:00称重,禁食、禁水16 h,次日08:00屠宰前再次称重,颈静脉放血屠宰。
屠宰当日称取所有试验羊宰前活重(live weight before slaughter, LWBS)。去头、蹄、内脏,剥皮后称出胴体重,踢去胴体骨头称出净肉重。
1.4.5 经济效益计算方法 本试验全株玉米青贮TMR价格为0.86 元/kg(各原料参考市场价格详细见表5备注)。根据中国产业信息网2012—2017年中国羊肉市场价格行情,羊肉价格取均值为51.85元/kg。

1.5 数据处理分析

试验数据采用Excel 2010进行整理,采用SPSS 19.0统计软件的比较均值过程进行单因素ANOVA分析,差异显著则用SNK法进行两两比较。P<0.05作为差异显著的判断标准。试验结果用平均值和SEM表示。

2 结果

2.1 全株玉米青贮营养价值评定

Table 2
Table 2Nutrient content and DM degradation characteristics of whole-plant corn before and after silage (DM basis,%)
Whole-plant corn
Whole-plant corn silage
干物质 DM27.87b30.01a0.48P<0.001
有机物 OM93.19b93.92a0.48P<0.001
粗蛋白质 CP8.768.700.070.661
中性洗涤纤维 NDF45.98a43.19b0.63P<0.001
酸性洗涤纤维 ADF24.01a20.11b0.88P<0.001
DM降解参数 Ruminal degradation parameter of DM

1) Rapidly degraded fraction;2) Slowly degraded fraction;3) The degradation rate of b;4) Effective degradability. In the same row, values with no letter or the same letter mark mean no significant difference (P>0.05), while with different small letter mark mean significant difference (P<0.05). The same as below1) a 快速降解部分;2) b 慢速降解部分;3) c b部分的降解速率;4) ED 有效降解率。同行无字母或数据标相同字母表示差异不显著(P>0.05),不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同

2.2 全株玉米青贮饲喂四个不同来源育肥羊生长性能的比较

Table 3
Table 3Comparison of whole-plant corn silage on growth performance of four different sources of fattening sheep
组别 GroupsSEMP
初始体重 Initial body weight (kg)29.326.226.928.00.50.100
终末体重 Final body weigh (kg)49.949.849.446.90.60.355
干物质采食量 DMI (kg·d-1)1.27b1.38a1.28ab1.22ab0.020.056
平均日增重 ADG (g·d-1)257bc302a290ab228c90.004
饲料转化率 FCR4.92b4.56c4.41c5.36a0.11P<0.001


2.3 全株玉米青贮饲喂四个不同来源育肥羊屠宰性能的比较

Table 4
Table 4Comparison of whole-plant corn silage on slaughter performance of four different sources of fattening sheep
组别 GroupsSEMP
宰前活重 Live weight before slaughter(kg)46.347.948.646.50.40.128
胴体重 Carcass weight (kg)22.6b26.0a25.9a22.6b0.5P<0.001
净肉重 Neat weight (kg)17.1b21.0a20.9a17.6b0.5P<0.001
屠宰率 Dressing percentage(%)48.80b54.38a53.34a48.64b0.810.006
净肉率 Neat percentage(%)36.81b43.82a42.90a37.79b0.86P<0.001
胴体净肉率 NPc(%)75.51b80.54a80.40a77.68ab0.680.008

NPc 胴体净肉率 Neat percentage expressed in relation to carcass weight

2.4 全株玉米青贮饲喂四个不同来源育肥羊经济效益的比较

表5可知,不同组合杂交羊和小尾寒羊饲料成本无显著差异(P>0.05)。杜寒和杜洼杂交羊净肉增重、产肉效益和生产利润显著高于其他两个处理组(P<0.01)。杜寒和杜洼杂交羊体增重显著高于蒙寒杂交羊(P<0.05),而蒙寒杂交羊与小尾寒羊无显著差异(P>0.05)。杜寒和杜洼平均每只羊的经济效益分别比小尾寒羊高出135.8元/只和119.89元/只。整个试验期间每增重1 kg,杜寒和杜洼平均每只羊的粗料、精料和饲粮合计成本显著低于其他两个处理组(P<0.001),其中杜寒和杜洼平均每只羊的饲粮合计成本比小尾寒羊低0.31元/kg和0.44元/kg,但蒙寒杂交羊平均每只羊的饲粮合计成本却比小尾寒羊多了0.38元/kg。
Table 5
Table 5Comparison of whole-plant corn silage on economic profit of four different sources of fattening sheep
组别 GroupsSEMP
体增重 Body weight gain (kg)20.6ab23.5a23.1a18.9b0.70.034
净肉增重 Net meat gain (kg)7.6b10.3a9.9a7.1b0.40.001
饲粮成本 Feed cost (元/只)88.2593.2988.6188.171.960.777
产肉效益 Meat production efficiency (元/只)393.50b534.34a513.75a370.51b22.020.001
生产利润 Production profit (元)305.25b441.05a425.14a282.34b20.88P<0.001
生产利润比较Production profits comparison (元)0.00b135.8a119.89a-22.91b20.80P<0.001
每增重1 kg饲料成本 Feed costs for each increment of 1 kg body weight (元/kg)2)
粗料 Roughage1.87b1.73c1.67c2.04a0.04P<0.001
精料 Concentrate2.41b2.24c2.16c2.63a0.05P<0.001
合计 Total4.28b3.97c3.83c4.66a0.09P<0.001
饲料成本比较 Comparison of feed cost0.00b-0.31c-0.44c0.38a0.09P<0.001

1) It is assumed that the four groups sheep market share the same price and invest the same amount of labor and management costs in the process of fattening. According to the price of China's mutton market in 2012-2017, the average price of mutton is 51.85 yuan/kg. 2) Raw materials price reference local market quotation in 2012-2017:Whole-plant corn silage 0.34 yuan/kg, peanut vine 0.75 yuan/kg, corn 1.82 yuan/kg, wheat bran 1.5 yuan/kg, Soybean meal 3 yuan/kg, CaHPO4 2 yuan/kg, NaHCO3 1.82 yuan/kg, premix 2.83 yuan/kg, limestone 0.14 yuan/kg, NaCl 0.42 yuan/kg; The coarse ratio of feeding grain is 25:75(45% of Whole-plant corn silage and 30% of peanut straws), the concentrate price is 1.95 yuan/kg, the crude feed price is 0.5 yuan/kg, TMR cost of per kilogram is 0.86 yuan/kg1) 假设四个处理的羊肉市场出售价格相同,在育肥过程中投入相同的劳动和管理成本。根据中国产业信息网2012-2017年中国羊肉市场价格行情,羊肉价格取均值为51.85元/kg。2) 饲粮中各原料价格参考2012-2017年当地市场价:全株玉米青贮0.34 元/kg,花生秧0.75 元/kg,玉米1.82 元/kg,小麦麸1.5 元/kg,豆粕3 元/kg,磷酸氢钙2 元/kg,碳酸氢钠1.82 元/kg,预混料2.83元/kg,石粉0.14元/kg,食盐0.42 元/kg;本试验饲粮精粗比是25:75(45%的全株玉米青贮和30%的花生秧),精料价格1.95 元/kg,粗料价格0.50 元/kg,每千克TMR成本为0.86 元/kg

3 讨论

3.1 全株玉米青贮营养价值评定


3.2 生长性能的比较


3.3 屠宰性能的比较


3.4 经济效益的比较

全株玉米青贮可有效降低纤维含量,改善适口性,促进动物采食,提高动物的生产性能和屠宰性能,进而提高了经济效益。有研究表明,全株玉米青贮和玉米秸秆同时饲喂瘦弱羊,全株玉米青贮组总增重50.46 kg,饲料转化率显著降低[33]。本试验条件下,添加了45%比例的全株玉米青贮,降低了肉羊饲养成本的同时,没有影响肉羊对营养物质的摄取,且各处理试验羊在整个试验过程中均未出现尿结石症状,健康状况良好。本试验在假定人工管理、水、电等管理成本相同的条件下,把生产性能用科学的统计方法转化为经济效益,对不同处理肉羊的饲料成本和生产利润进行了分析。虽然整个试验期内不同处理育肥羊饲料成本差异不显著,但育肥羊每增重1 kg,杜寒和杜洼杂交羊的粗料、精料和饲料合计成本都显著低于小尾寒羊和蒙寒杂交羊。总之,全株玉米青贮提高了肉羊采食量,增加了肉羊日增重并有效降低料肉比,发挥出肉羊最大潜力的生产性能,所以杜寒和杜洼杂交羊的产肉效益和生产利润显著高于小尾寒羊和蒙寒杂交羊。

4 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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.Journal of Dairy Science, 2015, 98(4): 2662-2675.
https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2014-9045URLPMID:25648819 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Understanding the effect of whole-plant corn silage (WPCS) hybrids in dairy cattle diets may allow for better decisions on hybrid selection by dairy producers, as well as indicate potential strategies for the seed corn industry with regard to WPCS hybrids. Therefore, the objective of this study was to perform a meta-analysis using literature data on the effects of WPCS hybrid type on intake, digestibility, rumen fermentation, and lactation performance by dairy cows. The meta-analysis was performed using a data set of 162 treatment means from 48 peer-reviewed articles published between 1995 and 2014. Hybrids were divided into 3 categories before analysis. Comparative analysis of WPCS hybrid types differing in stalk characteristics were in 4 categories: conventional, dual-purpose, isogenic, or low-normal fiber digestibility (CONS), brown midrib (BMR), hybrids with greater NDF but lower lignin (%NDF) contents or high in vitro NDF digestibility (HFD), and leafy (LFY). Hybrid types differing in kernel characteristics were in 4 categories: conventional or yellow dent (CONG), NutriDense (ND), high oil (HO), and waxy. Genetically modified (GM) hybrids were compared with their genetically similar non-biotech counterpart (ISO). Except for lower lignin content for BMR and lower starch content for HFD than CONS and LFY, silage nutrient composition was similar among hybrids of different stalk types. A 1.1kg/d greater intake of DM and 1.5 and 0.05kg/d greater milk and protein yields, respectively, were observed for BMR compared with CONS and LFY. Likewise, DMI and milk yield were greater for HFD than CONS, but the magnitude of the difference was smaller. Total-tract NDF digestibility was greater, but starch digestibility was reduced, for BMR and HFD compared with CONS or LFY. Silage nutrient composition was similar for hybrids of varied kernel characteristics, except for lower CP and EE content for CONG than ND and HO. Feeding HO WPCS to dairy cows decreased milk fat content and yield and protein content compared with the other kernel-type hybrids. Hybrids varying in kernel characteristics did not affect intake, milk production, or total-tract nutrient digestibilities by lactating dairy cows. Nutrient composition and lactation performance were similar between GM and ISO. Positive effects of BMR and HFD on intake and milk yield were observed for lactating dairy cows, but the reduced total-tract starch digestibility for these hybrids merits further study. Except for negative effects of HO on milk components, differences were minimal among corn silage hybrids differing in kernel type. Feeding GM WPCS did not affect lactation performance by dairy cows.
[3]BAHAR S, RACHMAN R.Improving forage and feeding management options for smallholders Bali cattle in
Eastern Indonesia. International Conference on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology 2012, 2014: 313-320.
[本文引用: 1]
[4]CORFIELD J, BAHAR S, LISSON S, RACHMAN R.Improving forage and feeding management options for smallholders: recent lessons from
Eastern Indonesia. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sapi Potong- Palu, 2008, 11(24): 20-29.
[本文引用: 1]
[5]HELANDER C, N?RGAARD P, ZARALIS K, MARTINSSON K, MURPHY M, NADEAU E. Effects of maize crop maturity at harvest and dietary inclusion rate of maize silage on feed intake and performance in lambs fed high-concentrate diets
. Livestock Science, 2015, 178: 52-60.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2015.05.002URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
61Maize silage can replace grass silage to finishing lambs.61Increased maize maturity at harvest did not increased ADG in lambs.61Increased CP intake increased ADG in lambs.61Increased dietary MP:ME ratio increased ADG in lambs.61Increased ADG reduced MJ ME intake per kg ADG.
[6]KHAN S H, SHAHZAD M A, NISA M, SARWAR M.Nutrients intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance and growth performance of sheep fed different silages with or without concentrate
.Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2011, 43(4): 795-801.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-010-9765-1URLPMID:21116714Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum americannum) silages with or without concentrate on nutrients intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance and weight gain in Sipli sheep. Six experimental diets were formulated having 100% maize silage (MS), maize silage and concentrate as 50:50 (MSC), 100% sorghum silage (SS), sorghum silage and concentrate as 50:50 (SSC), 100% millet silage (MiS) and millet silage and concentrate as 50:50 (MiSC), respectively. For this purpose, 24 Sipli lambs were randomly allotted to six experimental diets in a completely randomized design for 90 days, four lambs per diet. The results indicated that among various silage diets, lambs fed MS diet consumed higher dry matter (DM) than those fed SS and MiS diets. Likewise, lambs offered MSC had higher dry matter intake than those fed SSC and MiSC diets. Crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) consumed by the lambs also followed the similar trend. Higher DM, CP and NDF digestibilities were also observed in lambs fed MS and MSC diets than those fed SS, SSC, MiS and MiSC diets. Overall digestibilities of DM, CP and NDF were higher in experimental diets containing silage with concentrate. Lambs fed MS diet had 2.79 g/day and 4.45 g/day higher N retention than those fed SS and MiS, respectively. Similarly, lambs fed MSC diet had 2.24 g/day and 5.12 g/day higher N retention than those fed SSC and MiSC diets, respectively. The results showed that lambs fed MSC gained more daily weight gain had better feed conversion ratio than those fed MS, SS, SSC, MiS and MiSC diets. The findings of the present study indicated that lambs fed MSC diet had higher nutrients intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance and weight gain.
[7]REZAEI J, ROUZBEHAN Y, FAZAELI H, ZAHEDIFAR M.Effects of substituting amaranth silage for corn silage on intake, growth performance, diet digestibility, microbial protein, nitrogen retention and ruminal fermentation in fattening lambs
.Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2014, 192: 29-38.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2014.03.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The effect of dietary substitution of corn silage (CS) with amaranth silage (AS) on feed intake, growth performance, digestibility, microbial protein, nitrogen (N) retention and ruminal fermentation was evaluated using 50 Moghani male lambs (initial body weight 28.5卤1.9kg). Five iso-energetic and iso-nitrogenous diets were randomly assigned to the five groups of 10 lambs each in a completely randomized design for a period of 98 days. The diets were offered ad libitum at a forage to concentrate ratio of 40鈥60 in which CS was replaced by different levels (0, 75, 150, 225 or 300g/kg of dietary DM) of AS. Diets were offered twice daily (at 08:00 and 17:00h). Daily feed intake, average daily gain (ADG), in vivo digestibility, rumen fermentation parameters, microbial N supply (MNS) and N retention in the lambs were determined. Increasing dietary level of AS improved feed intake and ADG (P<0.051), but there was no detectable effect on feed efficiency (FE) and diet digestibility. Increasing the proportion of AS in diet increased N retention, MNS and ruminal butyrate (P<0.05) but decreased branched-chain fatty acids. Dietary treatment tended to increase rumen content of total volatile fatty acids (P=0.09). It is concluded that partial substitution of AS for CS, up to 300g/kg DM, in diet of Moghani lambs had positive effects on feed intake, growth performance, N balance and microbial N, without any effect on FE.
[8]黄玉富. 全株玉米青贮饲喂杂种肉羊效果观察
. 养殖与饲料, 2013, (02): 12-13.
URL [本文引用: 1]

HUANG Y F.The effect of whole plant corn silage was observed
. Farming and Feed, 2013(02): 12-13. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 1]
[9]梁艾东. 全株青贮玉米饲喂比例对肉羊增重效果和瘤胃发酵的影响[D]
. 沈阳: 沈阳农业大学, 2017.
[本文引用: 2]

LIANG A D.The effect of feeding proportion of whole plant silage corn on weight gain and rumen fermentation[D]
. Shenyang: Shenyang Agricultural University, 2017. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 2]
[10]XIAO P S, JIAN B L, WAN L Z, XIA L.Improving the local sheep in Gansu via crossing with introduced sheep breeds dorset and borderdale
.Animal Husbandry and Feed Science, 2014, 6(5): 229.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
In order to improve the meat performance of local sheep in Gansu Province,Dorset and Borderdale were introduced to crossbreed with local sheep which were Tan sheep,Small-tail Han sheep and Mongolia sheep. The offspring under different crossbreeding combinations were sampled randomly at the different growing stage to measure their growth traits so as to select optimize the crossbreeding mode. The results indicated that,for the same crossbreeding mode,the growth rate of progeny was in order F3> F2> F1; for the F3 progeny,the combinations Dorset- Borderdale- Small tail Han sheep and Dorset- Borderdale- Mongolia sheep gave a higher growth rate,with a body weight of 1. 57%,3. 17%,8. 23%,1. 15% higher in male and female individuals than the counterparts of Dorset and Tan sheep and Small tail Han sheep; for the F2 progeny,the combinations Dorset- Borderdale- Small tail Han sheep and Dorset- Borderdale- Mongolia sheep also gave a higher growth rate,with a body weight of 2. 15%,4. 53%,9. 21% and 2. 75% higher in male and female individuals than the counterparts of Dorset and Tan sheep and Small tail Han sheep; for the F1 progeny,the combination Borderdale and Small tail Han sheep assumed a higher growth rate,with a body weight of 3. 23%,6. 07%,7. 42% and 8. 66% higher in male and female individuals than the counterparts of Borderdale- Mongolia sheep and Tan sheep- Small tail Han sheep,respectively. Therefore,in the Small-tail Han sheep and Mongolia sheep producing regions,the F2 or F3progeny bred by using Dorset or Borderdale sheep as male parent to cross with local breeds,or the hybrid lambs of Small-tail Han sheep and Borderdale sheep as highly qualified commodity,would produce significant economic benefit. Moreover,the novel breeds obtained by crossing were the valuable genetic resource for breeding meat sheep.
[11]SHI P Z, SHI M S, LI M H.Analysis on raising manage-ment awareness and behavior of sheep-raising households or farms based on 849 questionnaires from 17 cities in Shan-dong province
.Shandong Agricultural Sciences, 2014, 46(10): 152-156.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Based on 849 questionnaires from 17 cities in Shandong Province,the awareness and behavior of raising management of sheep-raising households or farms were analyzed from the aspects of inputs,disease prevention and control,establishment of raising files,the will and motivation of breeding scale. The results showed that the sheep-raising households or farms took better purchasing behaviors on seed sheep because they had good awareness of its source and disease spreading effects. The sheep-raising households or farms took irregular behaviors on veterinary drugs purchasing and applying,disease prevention,breeding file establishment and animal welfare improvement,because they had lower awareness on safe using knowledge and reasonable application of veterinary drugs,personal spreading diseases,ear lags of sheep and animal welfare or healthy breeding. In order to further regulate behavior of raising management of sheep-raising households or farms,their awareness of raising management should be improved by propaganda,encouragement,regulation and training.
[12]XIAO P S, JIAN B L, ZHANG W.Comparison of growth and development traits among crossbreds of dorset and local sheep varieties in Gansu province
.Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(1).
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
In order to improve the meat production performance of local sheep varieties in Gansu Province, Dorset was introduced to crossbreed with the local sheep varieties, including Tan sheep, Small Tail Han sheep and Mongolia sheep. The offspring of different crossbreeding combinations were sampled randomly at different growth stages, and their growth and development traits were measured so as to screen out the best crossbreeding mode. The results showed that under the same crossbreeding mode, the growth rate of F_3 was higher than that of F_2, and of F_2 was higher than that of F_1. Among the F_3 population, the growth rates of Dorset ×Han and Dorset × Mongolia hybrids were higher. Compared with those of Dorset ×Tan F_3 hybrids, the body weights of male and female Dorset × Han and Dorset ×Mongolia F_3 hybrids were increased by 5.59%, 4.40%, 5.93% and 3.76%, respectively. Among the F_2 population, the growth rates of Dorset × Han and Dorset ×Mongolia hybrids were also higher. The body weights of male and female Dorset ×Han and Dorset × Mongolia F_2 hybrids were higher than those of Dorset × Tan ×Han F_2 hybrids by 5.99%, 3.67%, 9.80% and 5.00%, respectively. In the F_1 population, the growth rates of Dorset × Han and Dorset × Mongolia hybrids were higher.Compared with those of Tan × Han F_1 hybrids, the body weights of male and female Dorset × Han and Dorset × Mongolia F_1 hybrids were increased by 11.32%,5.22%, 7.60% and 7.20%, respectively. Therefore, in the feeding area of Small Tai Han sheep, Mongolia sheep and Tan sheep, Dorset was the best sire for producing hybrid lambs. The economic benefit of crossbred offspring was obvious.
[13]BASSO F C, ADESOGAN A T, LARA E C, RABELO C, BERCHIELLI T T, TEIXEIRA I, SIQUEIRA G R, REIS R A.Effects of feeding corn silage inoculated with microbial additives on the ruminal fermentation, microbial protein yield, and growth performance of lambs
.Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92(12): 5640-5650.
https://doi.org/10.2527/jas.2014-8258URLPMID:25414110Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study aimed to examine the effects of feeding corn silage inoculated without or with either Lactobacillus buchneri (LB) alone or a combination of LB and Lactobacillus plantarum (LBLP) on the apparent digestibility, ruminal fermentation, microbial protein synthesis, and growth performance of lambs. Thirty Santa In锚s脳Dorper crossbred intact males lambs weighing 20.4卤3.8 kg were blocked by weight into 10 groups. Lambs in each group were randomly assigned to 1 of the following 3 dietary treatments: untreated (Control), LB, and LBLP silage. Lambs were fed experimental diets for 61 d. The apparent digestibility was indirectly estimated from indigestible NDF measured on d 57 to 59. Spot urine samples were collected from all animals on d 59 to estimate microbial protein synthesis. Lambs were slaughtered for carcass evaluation on d 61 when they weighed 32.4卤5.2 kg. Six additional ruminally cannulated Santa In锚s脳Dorper crossbred wethers weighing 40.5卤1.8 kg were used to examine dietary effects on ruminal fermentation. Average daily gain was increased when lambs were fed LBLP silage (P<0.05) but not LB silage. The LBLP silage had the highest (P<0.05) lactic acid concentration and both inoculated silages had greater acetic acid concentrations than the Control silage (P<0.05). Inoculation of corn silage increased intakes of DM, OM, CP, NDF, total carbohydrate (CHO), and GE by the lambs but decreased digestibility of DM, OM, CP, total and nonstructural carbohydrates, and concentration of GE and ME. (P<0.05). Nevertheless, lambs fed inoculated silages had greater microbial N supply than those on the Control treatment (P<0.05). The acetate to propionate ratio was lower in ruminal fluid of wethers in LBLP treatment than LB and Control treatment (P<0.05) and ruminal pH tended to be greater in LB lambs than in LBLP and Control wethers (P<0.10). Finally, the inoculation with both bacteria combined enhanced the silage fermentation. The intakes of DM, OM, CP, NDF, and GE were improved in the lambs fed corn silage inoculated with L. buchneri alone or combined with L. plantarum. The microbial N supply was enhanced in the lambs fed corn silage inoculated with L. buchneri. The inoculation of L. buchneri combined with L. plantarum reduced the acetate to propionate ratio in ruminal fluid and improved the ADG of lambs.
[14]MIRANDA DE VARGAS JUNIOR F, MARTINS C, DOS SANTOS PINTO G, BARBOSA FERREIRA M, ALMEIDA RICARDO H. The effect of sex and genotype on growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of local sheep group Pantaneiro and Texel or Santa Ins crossbred finished on feedlo
.Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2014, 5(46): 869-875.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-014-0579-4URLPMID:24781152 [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study aimed to assess and compare the growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of Pantaneiro sheep and their Texel and Santa Inês crossbreds. Ninety-six lambs, fifty-one males, and forty-five females, with a mean weaning weight of 15.2165±651.2502kg and 7865±651302days of age, were slaughtered at a 32-kg body weight. The results showed better production efficiency from males compared with females. Texel-crossed lambs had a better growth performance than the other genotypes. The Texel65×65Pantaneiro lambs were more efficient with a better feedlot performance, higher ribeye muscle area, and better carcass characteristics with an adequate amount of fat cover. Pantaneiro lambs and their crosses with meat breeds could be useful in meat production systems under Savanna environmental conditions.
[15]中华人民共和国农业部. 肉羊饲养标准. NY/T 8162004. [本文引用: 1]

Ministry of Agriculture of China. Feeding Standards for MuttonSheep. NY/T 8162004. (in Chinese) [本文引用: 1]
[16]刘洁, 刁其玉, 赵一广, 姜成钢, 邓凯东, 李艳玲, 屠焰. 肉用绵羊饲料养分消化率和有效能预测模型的研究
. 畜牧兽医学报, 2012(08): 1230-1238.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
The objectives of this experiment were to use the data of chemical composition to develop prediction equations for nutrient digestibility and energy concentrations of meat sheep feeds. Twelve crossbred rams (Dorper♂×Smalltailed Han♀) fitted with ruminal cannulas and body weight of (47.21±1.01) kg were used in a uncompleted 12×4 Latin square arrangement. Chemical composition, nutrient digestibility and energy concentrations of each ration were determined and calculated by regression method. The results showed that, digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), gross energy (GE) and crude protein (CP) were positively related to their contents in diet (P
LIU J, DIAO Q Y, ZHAO G Y, JIANG C G, DENG K D, LI Y L, TU Y.Study on nutrient digestibility and effective prediction model of sheep feed
.Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary mMedicine, 2012(08): 1230-1238. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
The objectives of this experiment were to use the data of chemical composition to develop prediction equations for nutrient digestibility and energy concentrations of meat sheep feeds. Twelve crossbred rams (Dorper♂×Smalltailed Han♀) fitted with ruminal cannulas and body weight of (47.21±1.01) kg were used in a uncompleted 12×4 Latin square arrangement. Chemical composition, nutrient digestibility and energy concentrations of each ration were determined and calculated by regression method. The results showed that, digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), gross energy (GE) and crude protein (CP) were positively related to their contents in diet (P
[17]张丽英. 饲料分析及饲料质量检测技术(第三版)
. 北京: 中国农业大学, 2007.
URL [本文引用: 1]

ZHANG L Y.Technology of Feed Analysis and Quality Detection (3rd edition)
. Beijing: China Agricultural University, 2007. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 1]
[18]ZHANG J, YIN B, XIE Y, LI J, YANG Z, ZHANG G.Legume-cereal intercropping improves forage yield, quality and degradability
.PLoS One, 2015, 10(12): e0144813.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0144813URLPMID:4687681 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Intercropping legume with cereal is an extensively applied planting pattern in crop cultivation. However, forage potential and the degradability of harvested mixtures from intercropping system remain unclear. To investigate the feasibility of applying an intercropping system as a forage supply source to ruminants, two consecutive experiments (experiments 1 and 2) involving a field cultivation trial and a subsequentin vivodegradable experiment were conducted to determine the forage production performance and the ruminally degradable characteristics of a harvested mixture from an alfalfa/corn-rye intercropping system. In experiment 1, the intercropping system was established by alternating alfalfa and corn or rye with a row ratio of 5:2. Dry matter (DM) and nutrient yields were determined. In experiment 2, forages harvested from the different treatments were used as feedstuff to identify nutrient degradation kinetics and distribution of components between the rapidly degradable (a), potentially degradable (b) and the degradation rate constant (c) of ‘b’ fraction byin saccomethod in Small-Tail Han wether Sheep. The intercropping system of alfalfa and corn-rye provided higher forage production performance with net increases of 9.52% and 34.81% in DM yield, 42.13% and 16.74% in crude protein (CP) yield, 25.94% and 69.99% in degradable DM yield, and 16.96% and 5.50% in degradable CP yield than rotation and alfalfa sole cropping systems, respectively. In addition, the harvest mixture from intercropping system also had greater ‘a’ fraction, ‘b’ fraction, ‘c’ values, and effective degradability (Evalue) of DM and CP than corn or rye hay harvested from rotation system. After 48-h exposure to rumen microbes, intercropping harvest materials were degraded to a higher extent than separately degraded crop stems from the sole system as indicated by visual microscopic examination with more tissues disappeared. Thus, the intercropping of alfalfa and corn-rye exhibited a greater forage production potential, and could be applied as forage supply source for ruminants. The improved effective degradability of harvest mixture material could be attributed to greater degradable components involving the rapidly degradable fractions (a), potentially degradable (b) fractions, and degradable rate constant (c), than that of corn and rye hay.
[19]?RSKOV E R, MCDONALD I.The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighted according to rate of passage
.The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1979, 92(2): 499-503.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[20]陈晓琳, 孙娟, 陈丹丹, 王波, 屠焰, 刁其玉. 5种常用粗饲料的肉羊瘤胃外流速率
. 动物营养学报, 2014, (07): 1981-1987.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-267x.2014.07.033URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本研究旨在测定5种常用粗饲料 (羊草、麦秸、苜蓿、地瓜秧和玉米秸)的肉羊瘤胃外流速率。试验选用3只体况良好、体重[(65.0±1.0)kg]相近并装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的杜寒F1 代去势公羊,利用重铬酸钾溶液标记饲料,火焰原子吸收光谱方法测定粪中铬的含量,通过数学方程计算5种粗饲料的瘤胃外流速率。结果表明:标记的粗饲料因种 类不同,铬在粪中的排放高峰期不同,主要集中在20~28 h。不同粗饲料的外流速率差异较大,羊草、麦秸、苜蓿、地瓜秧和玉米秸的瘤胃外流速率分别为3.92%/h、3.07%/h、4.30%/h、4.63% /h和3.16%/h,且与饲料原料中粗蛋白质的含量有强相关(R2=0.903 5,P=0.013 1)。总之,粗饲料种类不同,瘤胃的外流速率不同。本研究得出的羊草、麦秸、苜蓿、地瓜秧和玉米秸肉羊瘤胃外流速率可在相关研究中应用。
CHEN X L, SUN J, CHEN D D, WANG B, TU Y, DIAO Q Y.The rumen outflow rate of 5 kinds of meat sheep commonly used in coarse fodder
.Journal of Animal Nutrition, 2014(07): 1981-1987. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-267x.2014.07.033URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本研究旨在测定5种常用粗饲料 (羊草、麦秸、苜蓿、地瓜秧和玉米秸)的肉羊瘤胃外流速率。试验选用3只体况良好、体重[(65.0±1.0)kg]相近并装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的杜寒F1 代去势公羊,利用重铬酸钾溶液标记饲料,火焰原子吸收光谱方法测定粪中铬的含量,通过数学方程计算5种粗饲料的瘤胃外流速率。结果表明:标记的粗饲料因种 类不同,铬在粪中的排放高峰期不同,主要集中在20~28 h。不同粗饲料的外流速率差异较大,羊草、麦秸、苜蓿、地瓜秧和玉米秸的瘤胃外流速率分别为3.92%/h、3.07%/h、4.30%/h、4.63% /h和3.16%/h,且与饲料原料中粗蛋白质的含量有强相关(R2=0.903 5,P=0.013 1)。总之,粗饲料种类不同,瘤胃的外流速率不同。本研究得出的羊草、麦秸、苜蓿、地瓜秧和玉米秸肉羊瘤胃外流速率可在相关研究中应用。
[21]陈雷, 原现军, 郭刚, 闻爱友, 肖慎华, 巴桑, 余成群, 邵涛. 添加乳酸菌制剂和丙酸对全株玉米全混合日粮青贮发酵品质和有氧稳定性的影响
.畜牧兽医学报, 2015(01): 104-110.
URL [本文引用: 1]

CHEN L, YUAN X J, GUO G, WEN A Y, XIAO S H, BA S, YU C Q, SHAN T.The effects of lactobacillus preparation and propionic acid on the quality and aerobic stability of the whole plant corn mixture were studied
.Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2015(01): 104-110. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 1]
[22]YUAN X, GUO G, WEN A, DESTA S T, WANG J, WANG Y, SHAO T.The effect of different additives on the fermentation quality,in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of a total mixed ration silage.
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2015, 207: 41-50.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2015.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Fermented total mixed ration (TMR) is novel feed for ruminants in Tibet. Studies were conducted to compare the effects of using microbial inoculants, molasses and ethanol on the fermentation quality, nutritive value and aerobic stability of TMR silage. TMR were ensiled in laboratory silos (5L) and treated with (1) no additive (control), (2) ethanol (E), (3) molasses (M); (4) Lactobacillus plantarum (L); (5) ethanol+molasses (EM); (6) ethanol+L. plantarum (EL). Ethanol was applied at 25ml/kg fresh weight (FW), molasses was applied at 30g/kgFW, and L. plantarum was applied at 106cfu/gFW. All silos were opened after 45days of ensiling, three silos per treatment were used for fermentation quality study and 18 silos for aerobic stability test. After 45days of ensiling, TMR silages treated with ethanol had highest pH (P<0.05), inoculant with or without ethanol significantly (P<0.05) increased lactic acid (LA) concentration, decreased pH and ammonia nitrogen (AN) compared with control. Butyric acid (BA) concentration in L, EM and EL silages were significantly lower (P<0.05) than that of control. Ethanol significantly (P<0.05) decreased the population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), aerobic bacteria and yeast. Ethanol alone or in combination with molasses or inoculant improved aerobic stability of TMR silages, indicated by higher and more stable LA content, smaller rise in pH, aerobic bacteria and yeast count than silages without ethanol. The pH for EL and EM remained at 3.91鈥4.41, whereas that in control, M and L gradually increased to exceed 4.80 after 9days of aerobic exposure. Aerobic bacteria and yeast counts in control, M and L silages were increased to significantly (P<0.05) higher value than those of E, EM and EL silages after 9days of aerobic exposure. These results indicate that ethanol played an important role in the inhibition of aerobic bacteria and yeast growth and improvement of aerobic stability of TMR silages.
[23]王慧丽. TMR在发酵过程中及有氧状态下酵母菌群落演替规律研究[D]
. 北京: 中国农业大学, 2015.
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WANG H L.Study on the succession of yeast community in the process of fermentation and aerobic conditions[D]
. Beijing: China Agricultural University, 2015. (in Chinese)
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[24]王英楠. 不同品种玉米生物学产量及饲用价值的研究[D]
. 泰安: 山东农业大学, 2017.
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WANG Y N.Study on the biological yield and feeding value of different varieties of maize[D]
. Tai’an: Shandong Agricultural University, 2017. (in Chinese)
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[25]XIN H, DING X, ZHANG L, SUN F, WANG X, ZHANG Y.Investigation of the spectroscopic information on functional groups related to carbohydrates in different morphological fractions of corn stover and their relationship to nutrient supply and biodegradation characteristics
.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(20): 4035-4043.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.7b00231URLPMID:28343395 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The objectives of this study were to investigate (1) nutritive values and biodegradation characteristics and (2) mid-IR spectroscopic features within the regions associated with carbohydrate functional groups (including cellulosic component (CELC), structural carbohydrate (STCHO), and total carbohydrate (CHO)) in different morphological fractions of corn stover. Furthermore, correlation and regression analyses were also applied to determine the relationship between nutritional values and spectroscopic parameters. The results showed that different morphological sections of corn stover had different nutrient supplies, in situ biodegradation characteristics, and spectral structural features within carbohydrate regions. The stem rind and ear husk were both high in fibrous content, which led to the lowest effective degradabilities (ED) among these stalk fractions. The ED values of NDF were ranked ear husk > stem pith > leaf blade > leaf sheath > whole plant > stem rind. Intensities of peak height and area within carbohydrate regions were relatively more stable compared with spectral ratio profiles. Significant difference was found only in peak area intensity of CELC, which was at the highest level for stem rind, followed by stem pith, leaf sheath, whole plant, leaf blade, and ear husk. Correlation results showed that changes in some carbohydrate spectral ratios were highly associated with carbohydrate chemical profiles and in situ rumen degradation kinetics. Among the various carbohydrate molecular spectral parameters that were tested in multiple regression analysis, CHO height ratios, and area ratios of CELC:CHO and CELC:STCHO as well as CELC area were mostly sensitive to nutrient supply and biodegradation characteristics in different morphological fractions of corn stover.
[26]WANG H, NING T, HAO W, ZHENG M, XU C.Dynamics associated with prolonged ensiling and aerobic deterioration of total mixed ration silage containing whole crop corn
.Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2016, 29(1): 62.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.15.0319URLPMID:4698690 [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study investigated the dynamics associated with prolonged ensiling and aerobic deterioration of whole crop corn (WCC) silages and total mixed ration (TMR) silages containing WCC (C-TMR silages) to clarify the differences that account for the enhanced aerobic stability of TMR silages. Laboratory-scale barrel silos were randomly opened after 7, 14, 28, and 56 d of ensiling and were subjected to analyses of fermentation quality, microbial and temperature dynamics during aerobic exposure. WCC and C-TMR silages were both well preserved and microorganisms were inhibited with prolonged ensiling, including lactic acid bacteria. Yeast were inhibited to below the detection limit of 500 cfu/g fresh matter within 28 d of ensiling. Aerobic stability of both silages was enhanced with prolonged ensiling, whereas C-TMR silages were more aerobically stable than WCC silages for the same ensiling period. Besides the high moisture content, the weak aerobic stability of WCC silage is likely attributable to the higher lactic acid content and yeast count, which result from the high water-soluble carbohydrates content in WCC. After silo opening, yeast were the first to propagate and the increase in yeast levels is greater than that of other microorganisms in silages before deterioration. Besides, increased levels of aerobic bacteria were also detected before heating of WCC silages. The temperature dynamics also indicated that yeast are closely associated with the onset of the aerobic deterioration of C-TMR silage, whereas for WCC silages, besides yeast, aerobic bacteria also function in the aerobic deterioration. Therefore, the inclusion of WCC might contribute to the survival of yeast during ensiling but not influence the role of yeast in deterioration of C-TMR silages.
[27]XU T, XU S, HU L, ZHAO N, LIU Z, MA L, LIU H, ZHAO X.Effect of dietary types on feed intakes, growth performance and economic benefit in tibetan sheep and yaks on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau during cold season
.PLoS One, 2017, 12(1): e0169187.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169187URLPMID:5215856 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Pastoralists on the Tibetan alpine rangeland suffered great economic loss in cold season, due to serious live-weight loss of domestic livestock under traditional grazing management. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary types (crude protein levels) on feed intakes, growth performance and economic returns of local Tibetan sheep and yaks during cold season. Twenty-four yearling Tibetan sheep (25.29卤3.95 kg LW) and twenty two-year-old yaks (100.62卤4.55 kg LW) with familiar body conditions were randomly assigned to four groups, fed oats hay (OH), oats silage (OS), total mixed ration (TMR) and traditionally grazed on the local cool-season pasture (TG), respectively, over a 135-day experiment. Daily dry matter intake was determined; all animals were weighed at the beginning and every 15 days of the 135-day experiment. Then, the total live-weight gain, average daily live-weight gain, gain rate, feed efficiency and net economic benefit were calculated. Results indicated that feed and nutrient intakes (DMI, DMI/kg LW, DMI/kg LW0.75and CPI) of TMR, OH and OS were higher than TG (P< 0.05). Grazing animals suffered serious live-weight loss, while TMR, OS and OH significantly (P< 0.05) improved total live-weight gain and gain rate in both Tibetan sheep and yaks during the entire experiment. TMR worked better in animal performance and feed efficiency, obtained the highest breeding profit in both Tibetan sheep and yaks among four treatments (P< 0.05). When expressed on net economic benefit, TMR shared the highest net economic benefit in Tibetan sheep, OH shared the highest net economic benefit in yaks, but, no significant difference of net economic benefit in yaks fed TMR and OH diets was determined (P> 0.05). Results indicated that TMR was a reasonable diet in promoting feed intakes, animal performance, feed efficiency and economic returns in domestic livestock, which should be considered by local herdsmen to increase their breeding profit during cold season.
[28]姚庆, 张永根, 王明君, 李仲玉, 夏科, 李富国, 王志博, 张宁, 辛杭书. 酒精清液发酵玉米秸秆、全株玉米青贮和玉米秸秆瘤胃降解率的研究
. 中国畜牧杂志, 2013(03): 56-60.
URL [本文引用: 1]

YAO Q, ZHANG Y G, WANG M J, LI Z Y, XIA K, LI F G, WANG Z B, ZHANG N, XIN H S.Study on the rumen degradation rate of corn stalk, whole plant corn silage and corn stalk.
. China Journal of Animal Husbandry, 2013(03): 56-60. (in Chinese)
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[29]DING L M, CHEN J Q, DEGEN A A, QIU Q, LIU P P, DONG Q M, SHANG Z H, ZHANG J J, LIU S J.Growth performance and hormonal status during feed restriction and compensatory growth of Small-Tail Han sheep in China
.Small Ruminant Research, 2016, 144(Supplement C): 191-196.
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[30]COOK D E, BENDER R W, SHINNERS K J, COMBS D K.The effects of calcium hydroxide-treated whole-plant and fractionated corn silage on intake, digestion, and lactation performance in dairy cows
.Journal of Dairy Science, 2016, 99(7): 5385-5393.
https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2015-10402URLPMID:27157570 [本文引用: 1]摘要
The objective of this trial was to evaluate, in dairy cattle, the effects of calcium hydroxide treatment of whole-plant corn and a treatment applied to the bottom stalk fraction of the corn plant, achieved by harvesting corn in 2 crop streams. The treatments were calcium hydroxide–treated corn silage (TRTCS), toplage supplemented with calcium hydroxide–treated stalklage (TPL), a positive control of brown midrib corn silage (BMR), and a negative control of conventional whole-plant corn silage (WPCS). The toplage was harvested at a height of 82 cm with 2 of the 6 rows set as ear-snapping to incorporate higher tissues into the stalklage. Stalklage was harvested at 12 cm, and other corn silages were harvested at 27 cm. Sixteen pens, each with 8 Holstein cows averaging 70±25 d in milk and 46±11 kg of milk d611, were assigned 4 per treatment in a completely randomized design. The diet was approximately 40% corn silage, 20% alfalfa silage, and 40% concentrate on a dry matter basis. A 2-wk covariate period with conventional corn silage was followed by an 8-wk treatment period in which the 4 corn silage treatments were the only effective difference in diets. Cows fed TPL and TRTCS consumed more (1.9 and 1.4 kg of organic matter d611, respectively) than did cows fed WPCS. Milk yield was greater for cows fed BMR, TPL, and TRTCS. Cows fed BMR and TPL produced 2.9 and 2.7 kg d611, respectively, more energy-corrected milk (ECM) than cows fed WPCS, and cows fed TRTCS had the greatest ECM production (4.8 kg of ECM d611greater than cows fed WPCS). No differences in body weight or body condition scored were observed. Milk fat concentration was similar among treatments and milk protein concentration was reduced for TRTCS. Starch and neutral detergent fiber digestibility were greater for cows fed TRTCS.
[31]BASSO F C, ADESOGAN A T, LARA E C, RABELO C, BERCHIELLI T T, TEIXEIRA I, SIQUEIRA G R, REIS R A.Effects of feeding corn silage inoculated with microbial additives on the ruminal fermentation, microbial protein yield, and growth performance of lambs
.Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92(12): 5640-5650.
https://doi.org/10.2527/jas.2014-8258URLPMID:25414110Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study aimed to examine the effects of feeding corn silage inoculated without or with either Lactobacillus buchneri (LB) alone or a combination of LB and Lactobacillus plantarum (LBLP) on the apparent digestibility, ruminal fermentation, microbial protein synthesis, and growth performance of lambs. Thirty Santa In锚s脳Dorper crossbred intact males lambs weighing 20.4卤3.8 kg were blocked by weight into 10 groups. Lambs in each group were randomly assigned to 1 of the following 3 dietary treatments: untreated (Control), LB, and LBLP silage. Lambs were fed experimental diets for 61 d. The apparent digestibility was indirectly estimated from indigestible NDF measured on d 57 to 59. Spot urine samples were collected from all animals on d 59 to estimate microbial protein synthesis. Lambs were slaughtered for carcass evaluation on d 61 when they weighed 32.4卤5.2 kg. Six additional ruminally cannulated Santa In锚s脳Dorper crossbred wethers weighing 40.5卤1.8 kg were used to examine dietary effects on ruminal fermentation. Average daily gain was increased when lambs were fed LBLP silage (P<0.05) but not LB silage. The LBLP silage had the highest (P<0.05) lactic acid concentration and both inoculated silages had greater acetic acid concentrations than the Control silage (P<0.05). Inoculation of corn silage increased intakes of DM, OM, CP, NDF, total carbohydrate (CHO), and GE by the lambs but decreased digestibility of DM, OM, CP, total and nonstructural carbohydrates, and concentration of GE and ME. (P<0.05). Nevertheless, lambs fed inoculated silages had greater microbial N supply than those on the Control treatment (P<0.05). The acetate to propionate ratio was lower in ruminal fluid of wethers in LBLP treatment than LB and Control treatment (P<0.05) and ruminal pH tended to be greater in LB lambs than in LBLP and Control wethers (P<0.10). Finally, the inoculation with both bacteria combined enhanced the silage fermentation. The intakes of DM, OM, CP, NDF, and GE were improved in the lambs fed corn silage inoculated with L. buchneri alone or combined with L. plantarum. The microbial N supply was enhanced in the lambs fed corn silage inoculated with L. buchneri. The inoculation of L. buchneri combined with L. plantarum reduced the acetate to propionate ratio in ruminal fluid and improved the ADG of lambs.
[32]SINCLAIR K D, RUTHERFORD K M, WALLACE J M, BRAMELD J M, ALBERO R, SWEETMAN D, GARDNER D S, PERRY V E, ADAM C L.Epigenetics and developmental programming of welfare and production traits in farm animals
.Reproduction Fertility & Development, 2016, 28(10): 1443-1478.
https://doi.org/10.1071/RD16102URLPMID:27439952 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The concept that postnatal health and development can be influenced by events that occur in utero originated from epidemiological studies in humans supported by numerous mechanistic (including epigenetic) studies in a variety of model species. Referred to as the 'developmental origins of health and disease' or 'DOHaD' hypothesis, the primary focus of large-animal studies until quite recently had been biomedical. Attention has since turned towards traits of commercial importance in farm animals. Herein we review the evidence that prenatal risk factors, including suboptimal parental nutrition, gestational stress, exposure to environmental chemicals and advanced breeding technologies, can determine traits such as postnatal growth, feed efficiency, milk yield, carcass composition, animal welfare and reproductive potential. We consider the role of epigenetic and cytoplasmic mechanisms of inheritance, and discuss implications for livestock production and future research endeavours. We conclude that although the concept is proven for several traits, issues relating to effect size, and hence commercial importance, remain. Studies have also invariably been conducted under controlled experimental conditions, frequently assessing single risk factors, thereby limiting their translational value for livestock production. We propose concerted international research efforts that consider multiple, concurrent stressors to better represent effects of contemporary animal production systems.
[33]王金明. 全株玉米青贮用于瘦弱羊肥育效果试验
. 中国畜禽种业, 2013(04): 91-92.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-4556.2013.04.061URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
WANG J M.Study on the fertility effect of emaciated sheep of whole plant corn silage
. Chinese Livestock and Poultry Farming, 2013(04): 91-92. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-4556.2013.04.061URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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