Responses of Fertilization on Sorghum Grain Yield, Quality and Nutrient Utilization to Soil Fertility
WANG JinSong1, DONG ErWei1, WU AiLian1, BAI WenBin2, WANG Yuan1, JIAO XiaoYan,11 Institute of Agricultural Environment and Resources, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031 2 Institute of Sorghum, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinzhong 030600, Shanxi
Abstract 【Objective】Responses of sorghum grain yield , quality and NPK utilization to inherent soil fertility, and their interaction were explored to provide theoretical basis for best nutrient management according to soil fertility. 【Method】Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse. Soil was collected from three treatments of long-term fertilizer application experiment for 6 years, which were without fertilizer, NPK application and NPK application along with animal manure and straw returning to field, respectively. They were termed as low soil fertility (LSF), medium soil fertility (MSF) and high soil fertility (HSF), correspondingly. For each soil fertility, there were two treatments for pot experiment: without fertilizer (NF) and fertilizer application (CF). Plant and grain of sorghum were harvested after maturity. NPK accumulation in plant above ground and grain were calculated according to NPK concentration and biomass of each part of plant. The contents of starch, tannic and protein of grain were determined. 【Result】For LSF, MSF and HSF, a similar biomass and yield were gained if fertilizer was applied. They were significantly affected by inherent soil fertility if fertilizer was withdrawn. Soil fertility did not affect starch content of grain, which was 67.99%-69.33%, if fertilizer was not applied. However, HSF combined with fertilizer application resulted in 60.75% starch content in grain. For all treatments, the highest of tannin content was observed in grain of LSF without fertilizer. Fertilizer application significantly decreased tannin content of grain when sorghum was cultivated with LSF and HSF, only 70% of that was produced by LSF combined with NF. Protein content was promoted with the increase of inherent soil fertility, and was doubled by fertilizer application whatever soil fertility was. When fertilizer was applied, the contributions of soil fertility to yield were 90.25%, 51.75% and 8.5% for LSF, MSF and HSF, respectively. NPK accumulation of both grain and plant aboveground was regulated by inherent soil fertility. Fertilizer enhanced NPK absorption for all soil fertility treatments. For example, N accumulation in grain and plant, induced by fertilizer application, were 1.8 and 1.9 times of those when fertilizer was withdrawn under conditions of HSL. NPK harvest indices were enhanced by fertilizer application if soil fertility was either low or medium; whereas diminished NPK harvest indices were noticed with high soil fertility.【Conclusion】The potential sorghum grain yield can be gained for low soil fertility by means of fertilizer application. Without fertilizer, inherent soil fertility has a significant effect on grain yield. However its impacts on content of starch, tannin and protein can be neglected. Low soil fertility, combined withdrawn fertilizer, promotes starch and tannin accumulation in grain. Fertilizer application has relative more influence on grain protein content than soil fertility does. Fertilizer application diminishes nutrient harvest index and nutrient use efficiency if inherent soil fertility is high. Keywords:sorghum;inherent soil fertility;grain quality;nutrient accumulation
PDF (443KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王劲松, 董二伟, 武爱莲, 白文斌, 王媛, 焦晓燕. 不同肥力条件下施肥对粒用高粱产量、品质及养分吸收利用的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(22): 4166-4176 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.22.020 WANG JinSong, DONG ErWei, WU AiLian, BAI WenBin, WANG Yuan, JIAO XiaoYan. Responses of Fertilization on Sorghum Grain Yield, Quality and Nutrient Utilization to Soil Fertility[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(22): 4166-4176 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.22.020
LSF:低肥力;MSF:中肥力;HSF:高肥力;NF:不施肥;CF:施氮磷钾肥;不同小写字母表示不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著。下同 Fig. 1Effects of fertilization on biomass and grain yields with different soil fertility
LSF: Low soil fertility; MSF: Medium soil fertility; HSF: High soil fertility; NF: Without fertilization; CF: With fertilization. Different lowercase letter indicates significant differences at 0.05 level. The same as below
Table 2 表2 表2不同肥力条件下施肥对籽粒品质的影响 Table 2Effects of fertilization on grain quality with different soil fertility
土壤肥力 Soil fertility
处理 Treatment
总淀粉 Total starch (%)
单宁 Tannic (g·kg-1)
蛋白质 Protein (g·kg-1)
直链淀粉 Amylose (%)
支链淀粉 Amylopectin (%)
土壤肥力Soil fertility (S)
施肥处理Fertilizer (F)
肥力×施肥 S×F
NF: Without fertilization; CF: With fertilization. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicates significant differences at 0.05 level. * and ** mean significant differences at 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively. The same as below NF:不施肥;CF:施氮磷钾肥;同列数据后不同小写字母表示不同处理在0.05水平上差异显著;*和**分别表示在0.05和0.01水平上有显著影响。下同
Table 3 表3 表3土壤肥力及施肥对高粱养分吸收量及养分收获指数的影响 Table 3Effects of fertilization on nutrient accumulation of grain and total nutrient accumulation above ground with different soil fertility
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