崔琪楣,女,副教授,博士生导师。隶属于北京邮电大学无线新技术研究所(WTI)和泛网无线通信教育部重点实验室。2006年7月获北京邮电大学电信工程学院电路与系统专业工学博士学位。主要研究方向CoMP、Relay等新型网络架构下跨层优化技术研究、面向3GPP LTE-Advanced、ITU IMT-Advanced国际标准化的新型网络架构下关键技术研究、CoMP、Relay等特征的新一代宽带无线通信试验网络设计与实现。参与完成多项国家自然科学基金项目、国家863项目和企业合作项目。目前已发表论文四十余篇,出版书籍2部。已申请发明专利10项,其中3项获授权。曾向IMT-Advanced、3GPP LTE-Advanced等国内外标准化组织提交10篇文稿,已被接纳4篇。2006年12月作为主研人员完成的科技成果荣获中国通信学会科学技术一等奖。现为《电子学报》和《北京邮电大学学报》审稿人。硕士研究方向为:宽带移动通信系统新理论及技术。
Cui Qimei, female, born in December, 1979. Associate professor, Master supervisor. She worked in Wireless Technology Innovation Institute and Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications (Ministry of Education), Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications. She received Ph.D of Science, Telecommunication Engineering in 2006. Her research mainly focuses on cross-layer optimilization techniques of wireless network based on novel network architecture (e.x. CoMP, Relay etc.), and key technologies of wireless network for 3GPP LTE-Advanced and ITU IMT-Advanced international standardization. She participated in many national projects such as NSFC, 863 etc., published more than 40 papers, and applied 10 patents. She submitted 10 technical reports to domestic or international standard group, four of which was accepted.
冯志勇,女,教授,博士生导师。 McGill大学访问学者。主要从事认知无线网络,异构网络融合方面的研究,包括:频谱感知,动态频谱管理,异构网络资源管理,self-x,跨层优化与设计,端到端重构等。主持及参与多项国家863和NSFC项目,国家973项目,欧盟第六框架、第七框架项目,和多项企业合作项目;发表论文40余篇,申请发明专利16项,出版著作4本。研究方向为:宽带移动通信系统新理论及技术。fengzy@bupt.edu.cn
Zhiyong Feng, Associate Professor/Doctor, visiting scholar of McGill University. Mainly research on Cognitive Wireless Networks and Convergence of heterogeneous networks, including:spectrum sensing, dynamic spectrum management, heterogeneous radio resource management, self-x, cross-layer optimization, end-to-end reconfiguration. Responsible for and participated in a number of national 863 projects, NSFC projects,973 projects, EU FP6 and FP7 projects, and enterprises scientific research projects. Published more than 40 academic papers, Applied 16 Patents, published 4 books.
Tang Xiaosheng, Ph.D, Associated Professor, Master Tutor. Working in Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications (Ministry of Education). Interested areas include computer/wireless communication theory, user-centric service for three networks syncretizing, universal service providing under heterogeneous network and terminal environment, TD/SCDMA wireless terminal tester development and production. Participated in several projects, such as National 863 project, NSFC project, Beijing Natural Foundation project and European IST Framework project. Published 10 more academic papers and 3 books, applied 5 patents.
Zhang Zhi:Associate Professor,Master's Supervisor, Main Member of Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communication (Chinese Ministry of Education). Received Ph.D. degree from BUPT in 2004. Mainly research on the key technology of mobile communications and broadband wireless communication, including physical layer technology, wireless (radio frequency) measurement technology , radio resource management and QoS, mobility management and so on, as well as extensive experience in digital signal processing/processor, embedded system development, (wireless) test instrumentation and communication network design. Hosted and participated in a number of National 863 projects, National and Beijing Natural Science Foundation projects, and a number of international and domestic cooperation projects. Many articles have been published in academic Journals and conferences in China or abroad, as well as a scholarly monograph. Now acts as an expert in the Working Group of TD-LTE of Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.