黄小军:女、1965年生;硕士生导师、副教授。先后进行过无线新技术、移动流媒体,GPSone定位系统、移动POC与即时通信、移动终端3D图像引擎等项目的研究与开发以及通信电源的研发。主持及参与十余项国家级及企业合作的研究开发项目。发表文章20余篇,发明专利2项,编著一部,译著一部。现任中国通信协会电源学会委员。研究方向:移动通信与计算机应用、通信电源。E-mail: hxj@bupt.edu.cn
Huang Xiaojun: Associate professor of Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications.Her main research field includes the embedded application in portable equipment, mobile added value applications development, GPSone, mobile POC and MI, communication power. E-mail: hxj@bupt.edu.cn
邹卫霞,女,1972年生人 。1994年毕业于同济大学电气工程系,2002年获得山东大学电子工程系硕士学位,2006年获得北京邮电大学工学博士学位,现为北京邮电大学泛网无线通信教育部重点实验室副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事的研究方向有短距离无线通信新技术及电磁兼容等工作,国内外期刊和会议上发表论文50多篇,其中EI检索14篇,ISTP检索3篇,申请专利5项。
Weixia Zou associate professor.Weixia zou received her bachelor degree in Tongji University in 1994,master degree in Shandong University in 2002, and PhD degree from Beijing University of Posts &Telecommunications in 2006. She is an associate professor of Key Lab Of the ubiquitous wireless of Education Ministry now. Her research focused on new technology of short-range wireless communication and EMC. She has applied 5 patents and published more than 50 articles with 14 and 3 of them were retrieved by EI and ISTP respectively.
Dr. Dianjun CHEN received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, in 1988, the M.E. degree in radio engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 1993, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, in 2006. He was an assistant engineer at Qingdao TV factory from 1988 to 1990, an assistant lecturer at BUPT from 1993 to 1995, and a lecturer at BUPT from 1996 to 2008. Now he is an associate professor at BUPT. His current research interests include multiple antennas system and CDMA systems. He has published and presented over ten papers on the relative topics.