
信息与通信工程学院研究生导师介绍 泛网无线教研中心(3)

北京邮电大学 /2013-08-10


Ying Wang received the B.S. degree and M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and her Ph.D. in circuits and systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2003. From January 2004 to March 2004, she was invited to work as a visiting researcher in Communications Research Laboratory (renamed NiCT from April 2004), Yokosuka, Japan. And in 2005, she worked as a research associate in the University of Hong Kong. Now she is an associate professor of BUPT and a researcher of Wireless Technology Innovation Institute. Her research interests are in the area of the cooperative relaying system, radio resource management and mobility management in the Beyond 3G and 3G systems. She has taken part in completion of China-Sweden inter-governmental high-tech cooperation projects and led the completion of the EU Sixth Framework MING-T project. Now she is responsible for a number of national, provincial, ministerial and enterprises scientific research projects. She won a first prize of scientific and technological progress by Institute of Telecommunications in 2006, a second prize of national scientific and technological progress in 2008. She was also selected in 2007 New Star Program of Beijing Science and Technology Committee.

Dr. Wang has published 96 academic papers with 7/56 as SCI/EI Index and 5 books such as “Radio Resource Management”. She is the inventor of about 15 patents (2 authorized) and has 14 Proposals submitted to international and domestic standardization organizations of 3GPP LTE, CCSA and 4G domestic workgroup. She is a reviewer of IEEE Communications Magazine,IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications and so on. She is also a workshop chair of ChinaCom 2009.



She received the Ph.D. degree in circuit and system from BUPT in 2004, and became a teacher thereafter in BUPT. In 2006, she worked in Brunel University in UK as a visiting scholar. She focuses on the research of radio transmission technologies for advanced Beyond 3G and 4G mobile communication systems, including adaptive modulation and coding, link adaptation, MIMO, cooperative transmission etc. Her research projects include national 863 projects, NSFC projects, and cooperation with companies. She has published more than 60 papers in international and domestic journals and conference proceedings, applied for more than 20 patens for inventions, published 3 books. She won 2 prizes from the Nation and the Ministry. In 2008 she was selected as the new century talent of the Ministry of Education. She is now a member of IEEE and a member of the technique sub-group of the national IMT-Advanced steering group.


康桂霞,女,教授, 博士生导师。2002年在北京邮电大学获工学博士学位,2002年至2004年底在德国(慕尼黑)西门子公司未来无线概念部从事未来无线通信系统研究工作。对3G和后3G物理层关键技术有广泛的涉猎,包括多用户联合信道估计及联合检测,多载波传输,MIMO系统及空时编码,信道编译码,多址技术等;近年来在无线传感器网络应用领域也开展了积极的探索。参与第三代移动通信系统长期演进、IMT-advanced未来移动通信系统的标准化工作以及无线传感器网络的标准化工作。主持及参加多项国家863、国家自然基金、北京市自然基金等项目以及企业资助项目。出版英文专著一本,中文专著两本,发表学术论文四十余篇,专利10项。2007年被评为“北京市科技新星”。硕士研究方向为:宽带移动通信系统新理论及技术。gxkang@bupt.edu.cn


Associate Prof. Dr. Guixia Kang was a research scientist in the Future Radio Concept Department of Siemens, Munich, Germany before joining BUPT as an associate professor. She is active in the research, development and standardization of 3G and beyond 3G (B3G) wireless communications systems as well as wireless sensor networks. Some key directions include joint channel estimation and joint detection, multi-carrier transmission, MIMO system and space time coding, channel coding, etc. Currently she is leading several projects such as National 863 project, NSFC (Nature Science Foundation of China) project and BNSF (Beijing Nature Science Foudation) project, etc, as well as involved in several national projects and enterprise sponsored projects. She is the author of an English book published by Shaker Verlag, Germany, two Chinese books, as well as the author or co-author of more than 40 journal and conference papers. She has issued 10 patents including a European patent.
