
北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-何林 教授 博士生导师

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

何林 教授 博士生导师
电话:+86- (office)
+86- (lab)

2014年10∼2015年3月 访问英国Manchester大学 Geim教授(2010年诺贝尔物理奖获得者)研究组
2011年6∼8月 访问美国Penn State University的Moses Chan教授研究组
2004年9月∼2009年7月 北京大学物理学院理学博士
2000年9月∼2004年7月 西南大学(原西南师范大学)物理系理学学士

2015年7月至今 北京师范大学物理学系教授
2012年7月至2015年6月 北京师范大学物理学系副教授
2009年7月至2012年6月 北京师范大学物理学系讲师

目前为Science, Nature子刊, Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev.系列, ACS Nano, Small,等多个国际期刊的审稿人;受邀担任Science China Materials杂志编委。



The 4th international conference on Recent Progress in Graphene Research 2012;
APS March meeting (2013);
2D Materials (2015);
Graphene Week (2016);


目前最主要的研究方向为石墨烯和类石墨烯材料的生长与物性研究,致力于通过晶格对称性破缺来调控石墨烯的能带结构和电学性质。我们通过各种"defect"(包括原子缺陷、应变、周期势、和双层的转角等广义缺陷)成功地实现了石墨烯的量子态和电学性质的调制。我们团队在石墨烯物性研究这一重要科学问题上取得了一系列原创性突破,包括:(1)首次通过STM直接观察到AB-BA畴界的拓扑边界态;(2)首次直接观察到石墨烯中单原子缺陷π电子磁矩的实验证据;(3)通过应变结构在石墨烯中实现了零磁场一维朗道量子化和谷极化;(4)首次通过磁场和应变共同作用在石墨烯中实现量子受限和谷极化;(5)率先系统地研究了双层有转角石墨烯的能带结构;(6)指出双层有转角石墨烯中存在超晶格狄拉克费米子;(7)指出双层有转角石墨烯的狄拉克费米子具有可调的手征性和手征隧穿效应;(8)首次在凝聚态体系里观察到non-Abelian gauge fields等。


相关方面的研究在Nature Commun., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, 和Appl. Phys. Lett. 等国际著名期刊发表了一系列成果。

极低温超强磁场扫描隧道显微镜(400 mK,15T,可进行低温强磁场下输运测量);



Nature Commun. 11.47
Phys. Rev. Lett. 7.512
Nano Lett. 13.592
Small 8.368
Adv. Mater. 17.493
Adv. Funct. Mater. 11.805
Phys. Rev. B 3.736
Appl. Phys. Lett. 3.302
Chem. Commun. 6.834
J. Phys. Chem. C 4.772
Nanotechnology 3.821

已发表论文:2007年至今共发表了100余篇SCI,包括影响因子7以上的期刊论文20余篇,影响因子3以上的TOP期刊论文(PRL, Nature Commun., Nano Lett., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, PRB等)70余篇,引用次数2800余次。2012年至今,共发表了60余篇SCI论文,其中作为通讯作者带领团队发表了50篇SCI论文,包括5篇PRL,3篇Nature Commun., 40余篇PRB(含10篇Rapid Communications)和2篇Phys. Rev. Appl.。ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5251-1687 下面列出2012年以来发表的论文(标*为通讯作者):
L.-J. Yin, L.-J. Shi, S.-Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Z.-H. Guo, and L. He*, "High-magnetic field tunneling spectra of ABC-stacked trilayer graphene on graphite". Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 122, PP. 146802 (2019).
P.-F. Jia, W.-J. Chen, J.-B. Qiao, M. Zhang, X. Zheng, Z.-Y. Xue, R.-D. Liang, C.-S. Tian, L. He*, Z.-F. Di*, X. Wang, "Programmable graphene nanobubbles with three-fold symmetric pseudo-magnetic fields". Nature Commun. Vol: 10, PP. 3127, (2019).
S.-Y. Li, Y. Su, Y.-N. Ren, and L. He*, "Realizing valley polarization and valley inversion in graphene by using a valley magnet" arXiv:1812.04344.
Y. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y.-N. Ren, and L. He*, "Observation of phonon peaks and electron-phonon bound states in graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 100, PP. 075435 (2019).
S.-Y. Li, Y. Zhang, L.-J. Yin, and L. He*, "Scanning tunneling microscopy study of quantum Hall isospin ferromagnetic states of zero Landau level in graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 100, PP. 085437 (2019).
Z.-Q. Fu, Y.-T. Pan, J.-J. Zhou, D.-L. Ma, Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, H. Liu*, H. Jiang*, and L. He*, "Relativistic artificial molecules realized by two coupled graphene quantum dots". arXiv:1908.06580. submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
Y. Zhang, F. Gao, S. Gao*, and L. He*, "Tunable magnetism of a single-carbon vacancy in graphene". arXiv:1811.02277.
Y.-N. Ren, J.-J. Zhou, Z.-Q. Fu, H.-X. Cheng, S.-Y. Li, Z.-H. Guo, Y.-W. Liu, C. Yan, Q.-Q. Guo, J.-B. Qiao, Y. Zhang, S. Han, H. Jiang, and L. He*, "Scanning tunneling microscope characterizations of a circular graphene resonator realized with p-p junctions". arXiv:1908.06582.
Y.-W. Liu, J.-B. Qiao, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li, and L. He*, "Magnetism near half-filling of a van Hove singularity in twisted graphene bilayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 99, PP. 201408(Rapid Communications) (2019).
S.-Y. Li, Y.-N. Ren, Y.-W. Liu, M.-X. Chen, H. Jiang, and L. He*, "Nanoscale detection of valley-dependent spin splitting around atomic defects of graphene". 2D Materials Vol: 6, PP. 031005 (2019).
C. Yan, D. Ma, J. Qiao, H. Zhong, L. Yang, S.-Y. Li, Z.-Q. Fu, Y. Zhang, and L. He*, "Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the quasicrystalline 30o twisted bilayer graphene". 2D Materials Vol: , PP. (2019).

J.-B. Qiao, L.-J. Yin, and L. He*, "Twisted graphene bilayer around the first magic angle engineered by heterostrain". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 98, PP. 235402 (2018).
Z.-Q. Fu, Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, D.-L. Ma, H.-W. Liu, Z.-H. Guo, Y.-C. Wei, J.-Y. Hu, Q. Xiao, X.-R. Mao, and L. He*, "Spatial confinement, magnetic localization and their interactions on massless Dirac fermions". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 98, PP. 241401(Rapid Communications) (2018).
Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, and L. He*, "High-resolution tunneling spectroscopy of ABA-stacked trilayer graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 98, PP. 045413 (2018).
J.-B. Qiao, Y. Gong, H. Liu, J.-A., Shi, L. Gu, and L. He*, "Two-dimensional spinodal interface in one-step grown graphene-molybdenum carbide heterostructures". Phys. Rev. Mater. Vol: 2, PP. 054002 (2018).
D.-L. Ma, Z.-Q. Fu, X. Sui, K.-K. Bai, J.-B. Qiao, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Hu, Q. Xiao, X.-R. Mao, W. Duan, and L. He*, "Modulating the electronic properties of graphene by self-organized sulfur identical nanoclusters and atomic superlattices confined at an interface". ACS Nano Vol: 12, PP. 10984 (2018).
S.-Y. Li, H. W. Liu, J.-B. Qiao, H. Jiang*, and L. He*, "Magnetic-field-controlled negative differential conductance in scanning tunneling spectroscopy of graphene npn junction resonators". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 115442 (2018).
S.-Y. Li, K.-K. Bai, W. J. Zuo, Y.-W. Liu, Z.-Q. Fu, W.-X. Wang, Y. Zhang, L.-J. Yin, J.-B. Qiao, and L. He*, "The tunneling spectra of quasi-free-standing graphene monolayer". Phys. Rev. Appl. Vol: 9, PP. 054031 (2018).
D.-L. Ma, X.-L. Sui, Z.-Q. Fu, J.-B. Qiao, Y.-C. Wei, W.-H. Duan, and L. He*, "Beyond the honeycomb: experimental realization and characterization of kagome sublattice in a new boron-carbon-nitrogen atomic crystal". submitted
Y. Zhang, X.-L. Sui, D.-L. Ma, K.-K. Bai, W. H. Duan, and L. He*, "Spin-polarized semiconducting band structure of graphene monolayer on Ni(111)". Phys. Rev. Appl. Vol: 10, PP. 054043 (2018).
W.-X. Wang, Y.-W. Wei, S.-Y. Li, X. Q. Li, X. S. Wu, J. Feng*, and L. He*, "Imaging the dynamics of individual hydrogen atom intercalated between two graphene sheets". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 085407 (2018).
W. J. Zuo, J.-B. Qiao, D.-L. Ma, L.-J. Yin, G. Sun, J.-Y. Zhang, L.-Y. Guan, and L. He*, "Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of twisted trilayer graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 035440 (2018).
K.-K. Bai, J.-J. Zhou, Y.-C. Wei, J. B. Qiao, Y.-W. Liu, H. Jiang*, and L. He*, "Generating atomically sharp p-n junctions and testing quantum electron-optics based on graphene in nanoscale". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 045413 (2018).
何林,魔转角双层石墨烯的"魔幻"物性. 科学通报 Vol: 63, PP. 1073 (2018) doi: 10.1360/N972018-00224.
J. Ma, X. Li, L. Gan, S. P. Zhang, Y. F., Cao, Z. W. Nie, X. N. Wang, D. L. Ma, L. He, J. C. Nie, C. M. Xiong, R. F. Dou, "Controlling the dendritic structure and the phote-electrocatalytic properties of highly crystalline MoS2 on sapphire substrate". 2D Materials Vol: 5, PP. 031015 (2018).

S.-Y. Li, K.-Q. Liu, X.-Q. Yang, J.-K. Yang, H. W. Liu, H. Jiang*, and L. He*, "Splitting of van Hove singularities in a slightly twisted bilayer graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 96, PP. 155416 (2017).
W.-X. Wang, H. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li, H. Liu, X. Q. Li, X. S. Wu, and L. He*, "Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of finite-size twisted bilayer graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 96, PP. 115434 (2017).
S.-Y. Li, H. Jiang*, J.-J. Zhou, H. W. Liu, F. Zhang, and L. He*, "Corrugation induced stacking solitons with topologically confined states in gapped bilayer graphene". arXiv:1609.03313.
J.-B. Qiao, Y. Gong, W.-J., Zuo, Y.-C. Wei, D.-L. Ma, H. Yang, N. Yang, K.-Y. Qiao, J.-A. Shi, L. Gu, and L. He*, "One-step growth of van der Waals heterostructures of graphene and 2D superconducting Mo2C". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 201403 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
K.-K. Bai, J. B. Qiao, H. Jiang*, H.-W. Liu*, and L. He*, "Massless Dirac fermions trapping in a quasi-one-dimensional npn junction of a continuous graphene monolayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 201406 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
J. B. Qiao, H. Jiang, H.-W. Liu, H. Yang, N. Yang, K.-Y. Qiao, and L. He*, "Bound states in nanoscale graphene quantum dots in a continuous graphene sheet". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 081409 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
L.-J. Yin, W.-X. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y.-Y. Ou, H.-T. Zhang, C.-Y. Shen, and L. He*, "Observation of chirality transition of quasiparticles at stacking solitons in trilayer graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 081402 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
L.-J. Yin, K.-K. Bai, W.-X. Wang, S.-Y. Li, Y. Zhang, and L. He*, "Landau quantization of Dirac fermions in graphene and its multilayers". Front. Phys. Vol: 12, PP. 127408, (2017). (Invited review, 35 pages).
M. Zhu, D. Ghazaryan, S.-K. Son, C. Woods, A. Misra, L. He, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K. Novoselov, Y. Cao, A. Mishchenko, "Stacking transition in bilayer graphene caused by thermally activated rotation" 2D Mater. Vol: 4, PP. 011013, (2017).

Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li, H. Huang, W. T. Li, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, L.-J. Yin, W. H. Duan, and L. He*, "Scanning tunneling microscopy of π magnetism of a single atomic vacancy in graphene". Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 117, PP. 166801 (2016).
L.-J. Yin, H. Jiang, J. B. Qiao, and L. He*, "Direct imaging of topological edge states at a bilayer graphene domain wall". Nature Commun. Vol: 7, PP. 11760, (2016).
W.-X. Wang, M. Zhou, X. Q. Li, S.-Y. Li, X. S. Wu, W. H. Duan, and L. He*, "Energy gaps of atomically precise armchair graphene nanoribbons". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 93, PP. 241403 (Rapid Communications), (2016).
S.-Y. Li, M. Zhou, J. B. Qiao, W. H. Duan*, and L. He*, "Wide-bandgap nanoribbon-like structures in a continuous metallic graphene sheet". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 94, PP. 085419, (2016).
L.-J. Yin, Y. Zhang, J. B. Qiao, S.-Y. Li, and L. He*, "Experimental observation of surface states and Landau levels bending in bilayer graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 93, PP. 125422, (2016).
W. Yan, S.-Y. Li, L. J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Spatially resolving unconventional interface Landau quantization in a graphene monolayer-bilayer planar junction" Phys. Rev. B Vol: 93, PP. 195408, (2016).
L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, and L. He*, "Structures and electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene". Progress in Physics Vol: 36, PP. 82, (2016). (Invited review, in chinese).
S. C. Shen, B. B.Chen, H. X. Xue, G. Cao, C. J. Li, X. X. Wang, Y. P. Hong, G. P. Guo, R. F. Dou, C. M. Xiong, L. He, J. C. Nie*, "Gate dependence of upper critical field in superconducting (110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface" Sci. Rep. Vol: 6, PP. 28379, (2016).
S. C. Shen, Y. Xing, P. Wang, H. Liu, H.-L. Fu, Y. Zhang, L. He, X. C. Xie, X. Lin*, J. Nie*, J. Wang*, "Observation of quantum Griffiths singularity and ferromagnetism at superconducting LaAlO3/SrTiO3(110) interface". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 94, PP. 144517, (2016).
X. Zou, C.-W. Huang, L.Wang, L.-J. Yin, W. Li, J. Wang, B. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Yao, C. Jiang, W.-W. Wu, L. He, S. Chen, J. C. Ho, L. Liao*, "Dielectric engineering of a Boron Nitride/ Hafnium oxide heterostructure for high-performance 2D field effect transistors". Adv. Mater. Vol: 28, PP. 2062, (2016).

S.-Y. Li, K.-K. Bai, L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, and L. He*, "Observation of unconventional splitting of Landau Levels in Strained Graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 245302, (2015).
L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, W. J. Zuo, W. Yan, R. Xu, R.-F. Dou, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Landau Quantization and Fermi Velocity Renormalization in Twisted Graphene Bilayers". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 201408(Rapid Communications), (2015).
W.-X. Wang, L.-J. Yin, J.-B. Qiao, T. C. Cai, S.-Y. Li, R.-F. Dou, J.-C. Nie, X. S. Wu, and L. He*, "Atomic resolution imaging of the two-component Dirac-Landau levels in a gapped graphene monolayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 165420, (2015).
K.-K. Bai, Y.-C. Wei, J. B. Qiao, S.-Y. Li, L.-J. Yin, W. Yan, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Detecting giant electron-hole asymmetry in graphene monolayer generated by strain and charge-defect scattering via Landau level spectroscopy". Phys. Rev. B Vol:92, PP. 121405(Rapid Communications), (2015).
L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W. J. Zuo, W. T. Li, and L. He*, "Experimental evidence for non-Abelian gauge potentials in twisted graphene bilayers". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 081406(Rapid Communications), (2015).
L.-J. Yin, S.-Y. Li, J.-B. Qiao, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Landau quantization in graphene monolayer, Bernal bilayer, and Bernal trilayer on graphite surface". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 91, PP. 115405, (2015).
R. Xu, L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, K.-K. Bai, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Direct probing of the stacking order and electronic spectrum of rhombohedral trilayer graphene with scanning tunneling microscopy". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 91, PP. 035410, (2015).
Z.-D. Chu and L. He*, "Origin of room-temperature single-channel ballistic transport in zigzag graphene nanoribbons". Science China Materials (invited) Vol: 58, PP. 677, (2015).
Y.-L. Han, Y.-W. Fang, Z.-Z. Yang, C.-J. Li, L. He, S.-C. Shen, Z.-Z. Luo, G.-L. Qu, C.-M. Xiong, R.-F. Dou, X. Wei, L. Gu*, C.-G. Duan*, and J.-C. Nie*, "Reconstruction of electrostatic field at the interface leads to formation of two-dimensional electron gas at multivalent (110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 115304, (2015).

K.-K. Bai, Y. Zhou, H. Zheng, L. Meng, H. Peng, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Creating one-dimensional nanoscale periodic ripples in a continuous mosaic graphene monolayer". Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 113, PP. 086102, (2014).
D. He, Y. Zhang, Q. Wu, R. Xu, H. Nan, J. Liu, J. Yao, Y. Li, Y. Shi, J. Wang, L. He, Z. Ni, F. Miao, F. Song, H. Xu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J.-B. Xu, and X. Wang, "Two-dimensional monolayer quasi-freestanding molecular crystals for high-performance organic field-effect transistors". Nature Commun. Vol: 5, PP. 5162, (2014).
D. Geng, L. Meng, B. Chen, W. Yan, H. Yan, B. Luo, J. Xu, H. Wang, Z. Mao, L. He, Z. Zhang, L. Peng, G. Yu*, "Single-crystal twelve-pointed graphene grains growth on liquid Cu surface" Advanced Materials. Vol: 26, PP. 6519, (2014).
B. Luo, B. Chen, L. Meng, D. Geng, H. liu, J. Xu, Z. Zhang, H. Zhang, L. Peng, L. He, W. Hu, Y. Liu, G. Yu*, "Layered stacking growth and electrical transport of hierarchical graphene architectures" Advanced Materials. Vol: 26, PP. 3218, (2014).
R. Xu, D. He, Y. Zhang, B. Wu, F. Liu, L. Meng, J.-F. Liu, Q. Wu, Y. Shi, J. Wang, J.-C. Nie, X. Wang*, L. He*, "Unveiling the structural origin of the high carrier mobility of a two-dimensional molecular monolayer on boron nitride" Phys. Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 224106, (2014).
J. B. Qiao, and L. He*, "In-plane chiral tunneling and out-of-plane valley-polarized quantum tunneling in twisted graphene trilayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 075410, (2014).
L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W. X. Wang, Z.-D. Chu, K. F. Zhang, R.-F. Dou*, C.-L. Gao, J.-F. Jia, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Tuning structures and electronic spectra of graphene layers by tilt grain boundaries" Phys. Rev. B Vol: 89, PP. 205410, (2014).
W. Yan, L. Meng, M. Liu, J. B. Qiao, Z.-D. Chu, R.-F. Dou, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, D. G. Naugle, and L. He*, "Angle-dependent van Hove singularities and their breakdown in Twisted Graphene Bilayers". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 115402, (2014).
W. Y. He, Y. Su, M. Yang, L. He*, "Creating in-plane pseudo-magnetic fields in excess of 1000 T by misoriented stacking in a graphene bilayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 89, PP. 125418, (2014).
Y.-L. Han, Z.-Z. Luo, C.-J. Li, S.-C. Shen, G.-L. Qu, C.-M. Xiong, R.-F. Dou, L. He, and J.-C. Nie*, "Carrier-mediated Kondo effect and Hall mobility by electrolyte gating in slightly doped anatase TiO2 films" Phys. Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 205107, (2014).
Y.-L. Han, S.-C. Shen, J. You, H.-Q. Li, Z.-Z. Luo, C.-J. Li, G.-L. Qu, C.-M. Xiong, R.-F. Dou, L. He, D. Naugle, G.-P. Guo, J.-C. Nie*, "Two-dimensional superconductivity at (110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces" Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 105, PP. 192603, (2014).

W. Y. He, Z.-D. Chu, and L. He*, "Chiral tunneling in a twisted graphene bilayer". Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 111, PP. 066803, (2013).
W. Yan, W. Y. He, Z.-D. Chu, M. Liu, R.-F. Dou, L. Meng, L. Feng, Y. F. Zhang, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Strain and curvature induced evolution of electronic band structures of Twisted Graphene Bilayer". Nature Commun. Vol: 4, PP. 2159, (2013).
L. Meng, Y. Su, D. Geng, G. Yu, Y. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Hierarchy of Graphene Wrinkles Induced by Thermal Strain Engineering". Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 103, PP. 251610, (2013).
H. Yan, C.-C. Liu, K.-K. Bai, X. Wang, M. Liu, W. Yan, L. Meng, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, Y. G. Yao, and L. He*, "Electronic structures of graphene layers on metal foil: the effect of atomic defects". Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 103, PP. 143120, (2013).
W. Y. He, L. He*, "Coupled Spin and Pseudo-magnetic Field in Graphene Nanoribbons". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 88, PP. 085411, (2013).
L. Meng, W. Y. He, H. Zheng, M. Liu, H. Yan, W. Yan, Z.-D. Chu, R.-F. Dou, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Strain-induced one-dimensional Landau quantizations in Corrugated Graphene". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 87, PP. 205405, (2013).
Z.-D. Chu, W. Y. He, and L. He*, "Coexistence of van Hove Singularities and Superlattice Dirac Points in a Slightly Twisted Graphene Bilayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 87, PP. 155419, (2013).
H. Yan, Z.-D. Chu, W. Yan, M. Liu, L. Meng, M. Yang, Y. Fan, J. Wang, R.-F. Dou, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Superlattice Dirac Points and Space-dependent Fermi Velocity in Corrugated Graphene Monolayer". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 87, PP. 075405, (2013).

W. Yan, M. Liu, R.-F. Dou, L. Meng, L. Feng, Z.-D. Chu, Y. F. Zhang, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Angle Dependent Van Hove Singularities in a Slightly Twisted Graphene Bilayer". Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 109, PP. 126801, (2012).
L. Meng, Z.-D. Chu, Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Yang, R.-F. Dou, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Enhanced Intervalley Scattering of Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Periodic AB Stacked Atoms". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 85, PP. 235453, (2012).
L. Feng, X. Lin, L. Meng, J.-C. Nie, J. Ni, and L. He*, "Flat Bands near Fermi Level of Topological Line Defects on Graphite". Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 101, PP. 113113, (2012).
H. Yan, R. Xu, X. Hong, Y. Sun, L. Feng, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, "Zero-bias anomaly in one-dimensional ultrathin metallic nanowires". AIP Advances Vol: 2, PP. 032143, (2012).
J.-Y. Yang, Y.-L. Han, L. He, R.-F. Dou, C.-M. Xiong, J.-C. Nie*, "d carrier induced intrinsic room temperature ferromagnetism in Nb:TiO2 film". Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 100, PP. 202409, (2012).
R. Xu, H. Yan, W.-Y. He, Y. Su, J.-C. Nie, L. He*, "Ultrathin α-Fe2O3 nanoribbons and their Moiré patterns". J. Phys. Chem. C Vol: 116, PP. 6879, (2012).
L. Meng, Y. Zhang, W. Yan, L. Feng, L. He*, R.-F. Dou, and J.-C. Nie, "Single-layer behavior and slow carrier density dynamic of twisted graphene bilayer". Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 100, PP. 091601, (2012). This paper has been selected for the March 19, 2012 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
H. Yan, Y. Sun, L. He*, J. C. Nie, and M. H. W. Chan, "Observation of Landau level–like quantizations at 77 K along a strained-induced graphene ridge". Phys. Rev. B Vol: 85, PP. 035422, (2012).
P. Lv, Y. Zhang, R. Xu, J. C. Nie, and L. He*, "Anomalous magnetic properties of 7 nm single-crystal Co3O4 nanowires". J. Appl. Phys. Vol: 111, PP. 013910, (2012).

闫巍 (美国 卡内基.梅隆大学)
许瑞 (国家纳米科学中心)
孟岚 (南京邮电大学)
闫慧 (天津理工大学)
孙祎 (北京大学)

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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-梁颖 教授 博士生导师
    梁颖 教授 博士生导师地址:北京师范大学物理学系北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号邮编:100875电话:传真:E-mail:liang@bnu.edu.cn教育背景及主要经历:2003年-至今在北京师范大学物理系任教。2000年9月-2003年6月在北京师范大学大学物理系攻读博士学位。主要从事强关联电子性质及高温超导电性的研究。1997年9月-2000年6月在河北工业大学文理学院攻读硕士学位。主要从 ...
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-寇谡鹏 教授 博士生导师
    寇谡鹏 教授 博士生导师工作单位:北京师范大学物理学系联系地址:北京师范大学物理学系邮政编码:100875电子信箱:spkou@bnu.edu.cn(一)简历1994年7月毕业于南京大学物理系理论物理专业。1994年7月至1999年5月在中国科学院物理研究所直接攻读博士学位,导师蒲富恪院士。1995年被评为中国科学院研究生院优秀研究生。1999年获得中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖。1999年9月至20 ...
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-刘翌 研究员
    刘翌 研究员地址:北京师范大学高等量子研究中心北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号北京师范大学科技楼C305邮政编码:100875电话号码:+86-(office)电子邮箱:yiliu@bnu.edu.cn教育背景:2009-2014:荷兰特文特大学理论凝聚态物理博士2006-2009:中国科学院物理研究所凝聚态物理硕士2002-2006:北京师范大学物理学系理学学士工作经历:2014:德国美因茨大学博 ...
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-刘海文 青年研究员 博士生导师
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-鲁兴业 青年研究员 博士生导师
    鲁兴业 青年研究员 博士生导师地址:北京师范大学物理学系(高等量子研究中心)北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号北京师范大学科技楼C416邮编:100875电话:+86-(office)E-mail:luxy@bnu.edu.cn研究组网页:https://www.labxing.com/specqm研究和工作经历:2017.02至今:北京师范大学物理学系高等量子研究中心,青年研究员。2015 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21
  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-聂家财教授 博士生导师
    聂家财 教授 博士生导师聂家财,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,1965年12月22日生。1990年7月北京师范大学物理系本科毕业并获得学士学位,1993年7月北京师范大学物理系硕士毕业并获得硕士学位,1996年7月中科院物理所博士毕业并获得博士学位。1996年8月起在中科院物理所从事超导物理的研究工作。1997年获日本科技厅STAFellowship,赴日本电子技术综合研究所从事博士后研究。1999 ...
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-马天星 博士
    马天星 博士地址:北京师范大学物理学系北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号邮编:100875电话:+86(10)**手机:136玖一一38五五0传真:+86(10)**E-mail:txmaatbnu.edu.cntianxingmaatgmail.com教育背景:1996年9月-2000年7月,北京师范大学物理学系学士2000年9月-2005年7月,北京师范大学物理学系博士,主要从事铜氧化物高温超导材 ...
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-Home Page
    先进太阳能材料与器件实验室 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室,北京师范大学物理学系      EnglishVersion首页彭奎庆博士研究方向课题组成员研究成果招生招聘课题组活动联系我们            学术动态(2019-05)课题组彭奎庆教授应邀担任国际学术会议PorousSemiconductorsScienceandTechnology(PSST)Conference国际顾问委员 ...
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  • 北京师范大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-宋筠 教授 博士生导师
    宋筠 教授 博士生导师地址:北京师范大学物理学系北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号邮编:100875电话:传真:E-mail:yunsong@bnu.edu.cn主要的学习和进修经历:博士后:DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,TrentUniversity,Canada香港中文大学物理系博士和硕士学位:北京师范大学物理学系学士学位:复旦大学物理系主讲过的主要课程:本科生: ...
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