Sun YingJian, PhD, Associate professor. She received her BSc degree (major in veterinary medicine) from Beijing Agriculture College in 1992, and MSc and PhD degree (major in basis veterinary medicine) from Veterinary Medicine College of China Agriculture University in 2003 and 2009 respectively. She is a member of China Society of Toxicology. She is also a member of councils of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and Veterinary Food Hygiene, China Society of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Now, she has been teaching the courses of Animal Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health. She has been studying in the areas, which are related to Veterinary Pharmacology and Chinese Traditional Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacology,Molecular Toxicology. In recent years, more than seven research projects have been carried out (including participated) in her lab. She has published over 20 papers in the academic journals and 4 books (in Chinese), 5 of which in the SCI journals and there are 2 papers of which the influence factor is above 3.
胡 格,男,1973年出生,理学博士,副教授,内蒙古通辽市人。
Hu Ge, male, born in 1973, Ph.D, associate professor, from Tongliao, Inner Mongolia.
Graduated from College of Biology of China Agricultural University with Ph.D in 2008. Graduated from Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University with a master's degree in Basic Veterinary Science in 2001. Graduated from Inner Mongolia Agricultural University with a bachelor's degree in Veterinary Science in 1997. Taught "animal anatomy" and "Animal Histology and Embryology" in Beijing university of Agricultural since 2001. Editor of 5 textbooks.
The main research direction is animal histology and embryology, antiviral mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine. Had completed a project for National Natural Science Foundation, a project for Beijing Nova program; hosting a project for science and technology of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, a project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Muncipality - the Young Backbone Teachers, participating in 3 projects for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Muncipality - Innovative Team. Elected to Beijing Nova program in 2006, got "Beijing Youth Backbone Teachers" title in 2009. Received the 3rd Pride for Beijing Science and Technology Progress and two national invention patents, published more than 30 papers, including five in SCI. As part-time committee of Beijing Association of Anatomy.
侯晓林(1973-) 男,山西人,副教授,中国农业大学博士,中国疾控中心博士后。已主持863课题,博士后自然基金各一项,申请国家专利3项,发表SCI论文近20篇,现主持国家科技支撑子课题一项。主要从事兽药药理与毒理学,动物性食品安全。
董 虹:农学博士,副教授,硕士生导师
通讯地址:北京市昌平区回龙观北农路7号 兽医学(中医药)北京市重点实验室 邮编:102206
董虹(1978-),女,农学博士,北京农学院动物科学技术学院副教授。2008年获中国农业大学临床兽医学中兽医专业博士学位,主要从事中兽药防治动物疾病分子机制方面的研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年(31101850)1项,题目为“提高微血管自律运动振幅的中药成分抗致病因子伤害的机制研究” ;主持北京市自然科学基金项目(6132007)1项,题目为“细菌毒素损伤微血管内皮细胞后对嗜中性粒细胞活性的影响及抗菌中药的调控机制” ;主持北京市教委科技面上项目(KM201210020008)1项,题目为“犀角地黄汤退热机制的研究”;主持北京农学院三项基金重点项目(2177516001)1项,题目为“清热解毒类中药退热作用机制探讨及其有效成分筛选”;主持北京市科协面上项目1项,题目为“平胃散提取物制备及临床药效研究”。参与国家十一五科技支撑计划、十二五科技支撑计划、973等多个项目;是北京市教委人才强教深化计划-创新团队的成员之一。发表文章20余篇,参与编著书籍2部,获国家发明专利3项,通过教育部科技发展中心成果鉴定1项。目前兼任北京畜牧兽医学会理事和华北区中兽医学会理事。