长期从事兽医影响临床实验与科研工作,精通动物X线、 超声、CT和核磁共振等影像诊断技术。目前主要主持综合影像诊断法相关的临床研究X线、超声波、内窥镜、T和核磁共振等综合诊断法的有效性研究;恶性肿瘤的放射线疗法研究—最佳放疗条件研究;动物椎间盘病新激光照射微创疗法研究;高压疗法动物疾病治疗的有效性研究等科研项目,指导博士研究生多人,发表学术论文多篇、专译著多部。
· Huiqin Duan, Yongdong Zhang, Jianqin Xu, Jian Qiao, Zhanwei Suo, Ge Hu, Xiang Mu*. Effect of anemonin on NO、ET-1 and ICAM-1 production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,2006,104(3):362-366
· 段慧琴,乔健,张永东,索占伟,穆祥*,许剑琴*. LPS对大鼠肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞分泌NO的影响. 畜牧兽医学报,2005,36(9):974-976
· 段慧琴,穆祥,许剑琴.中草药制剂防治仔猪黄白痢的研究现状. 动物医学进展,2005,26(1):43-45
· 段慧琴,张永东,范开,索占伟,胡格,穆祥*.七叶亭抗炎机理研究. 中国兽医杂志,2007,43(9):45-46
· 段慧琴,许剑琴,张永东,穆祥*.小檗碱对脂多糖致肠粘膜微血管内皮细胞NO分泌的影响,中国兽医杂志,2007,43(7):54-55
· 段慧琴,张永东,索占伟,胡格,穆祥*.白头翁素对RIMEC分泌功能的影响,中兽医医药杂志,2007,3:7-9
· 段慧琴,张永东,穆祥*.微血管内皮细胞的体外分离培养方法概述,动物医学进展,2007,28(4):93-96
DUAN HUIQIN Female,9/14/73,Associate Professor, Department of Animal Science and Technology, Beijing Agricultural College, Beijing, China, for Chinese Traditional medicine and Animal histology, 2001;Emal:dhq0113@sina.com
Herbal Pharmacology
Ph.D. China Agricultural University, Veterinary pathobiology, 2005.
M.S. China Agricultural University, Veterinary Medicine, 2000.
B.S. Inner Mongolia University For Nationalities, Veterinary Medicine, 1997.
1.Huiqin Duan, Yongdong Zhang, Jianqin Xu, Jian Qiao,Zhanwei Suo, Ge Hu, Xiang Mu*.Effect of anemonin on NO、ET-1 and ICAM-1 production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2006, 104(3):362-366
2.Huiqin Duan, Jian Qiao, Yongdong Zhang, et al. Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on the Production of Nitric Oxide in Intestinal Mucosa Microvascular Endothelial Cells in vitro. Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences.2005,36(9),974-976
3.Huiqin Duan, Xiang Mu, Jianqin Xu. Review of Prevention and Cure of Colibacillosis in Piglet by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Progress In Veterinary Medicine. 2005,26(1),43-45
4. Huiqin Duan, Fan Kai,Yongdong Zhang,Zhanwei Suo, Ge Hu, Xiang Mu*. The study on anti-inflammatory mechanism of esculetin.Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2007,43(9):45-46.
5. Huiqin Duan, Xiang Mu, Yongdong Zhang,Xiang Mu*. Effect of berberine on NO production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells,Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine,2007,43(7):54-55
6.DUAN Hui qin, SUO Zhan wei, HU Ge, MU Xiang*. Effects of anemonin on the secretiory function of rat intestinalmucosam icrovascular endothelial cells. Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. 2007,3:7-9
7. Huiqin Duan, Yongdong Zhang,Xiang Mu*. Microvascular endothelial cells in vitro methods overview.Progress in Veterinary Medicine,2007,28(4):93-96