

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

21. 郭新梅,张晓东(通讯作者),梁荣奇,陈绪清,杨凤萍。利用RNAi技术提高玉米直链淀粉含量。农业生物技术学报,2008,16(4):658-661。


1. 北京市自然科学基金项目“超高直链淀粉含量的新型玉米专用自交系的培育”(6072013,2007.1-2009.12)。

2. 北京市转基因育种平台项目“转基因农作物新品种选育”(D08070503010000,2007.1-2009.12)。

3. 国家转基因重大专项课题“优质转基因小麦新品种培育”(2008x08002-004,2008.7—2010.12),委托任务负责单位。

4. 国家转基因重大专项课题“抗逆转基因小麦品种培育”(2008x08002-002,2008.7—2010.12),委托参加单位。

5. 国家转基因重大专项课题“抗病虫基因玉米品种培育”(2008x08003-001,2008.7—2010.12),委托参加单位。


联系电话:010-51503800/13910312180   E-mail:zhangxiaodong@baafs.net.cn


Xiaodong Zhang, Ph.D.

Professor of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (BAAFS),

Phone: 8610-51503800    Fax: 8610-51503800

E-mail: zhangxiaodong@baafs.net.cn

Personal home page: http://www.agri.ac.cn/swzx/zxdjj.htm










1980/09-1983/07  Bachelor of Agricultural , Sichuan Mianyang Agriculture College

1988/09-1991/07  Master's degree in biology, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University

1998/09-2000/07  Ph.D., biology , China Agricultural University.

Professional  Experience

1983-1988  Research trainees, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

1991-1997  Group leader, Plant Cell Engineering Laboratory, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.


1997-2000  Associate Professor and group leader, Plant Cell Engineering Laboratory, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.

1999-2001  Visiting Scholar, Department of biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2001-2002  Associate Professor, Director of Crop Transgene & Breeding, Beijing Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center.

2002-present Professor, Group leader of Crop Transgene &Breeding, Beijing Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center.

Research Interests

The goal of my laboratory at Beijing Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, BAAFS is to do researches on crops genetic engineering and breeding, including: (1)Transgenic wheat researches, aims to improvement of baking quality, nutrition quality and drought resistance. (2)Transgenic maize researches, aims to improvement of amylose content, resistance to insects and abiotic resistance. At the same time, we also have some researches on expression of exogenous genes and regulation mechanism of gene silence.


9 Projects from national GM project and national fund since 1991;

13 Projects from Beijing fund;

6 topics Scientific and technological achievements;

4 topics national patents;

1 The 3rd prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress

More than 50 published papers.


Scientific Projects

1 11th five year project, national transgenic project: cultivation of pest-resistant transgenic maize(2008ZX08003-001,2008.7—2010.12)

2 11th five year project, national transgenic major project: cultivation of drought-resistant transgenic maize(2009ZX08003-007B,2009.1—2010.12)

3  12th five yearproject, national transgenic major project: Cultivation of quality transgenic wheat(2011ZX08002-004 ,2011.7-2013.12)

Recent publications

1 Gong xia,Yang fengping,Xue jing, Chen xuqing, Zhang liquan,Li xianglong, Zhang xiaodong (Corresponding author). Expression of foreign transcription genes Bi and Cl on anthocyanin synthesis pathway in maize: A novel expression system of visual teack-ing for transgene.Chinese Science Bulletin. 2012, 57(24):2285 -229.

2 Xue jing, Yang fengping, Chen xuqing, Gongxia, Zhang xiaodong(Corresponding author).Using Anthocyanins as a Visible Reporter to Establish a Cre-loxp Madiated Antibiotics Deletion System and Apply to Transgenic Maize,Molecular Plant Breeding, 2012,10(4):404-410

3 Xu chengyang, Man kun,Zhang xiaodong, Yang bing,Wang jinluo(Corresponding author),Wu guojuan. Identification of the Immunogenicity of Swine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Spike Protein Expressed in Trangenic Maize. Journal of Beijiing University of agricultural. 2012,27(2):31-34

4 Zhang liquan, Li xianglong,Zhang xiaodong(Corresponding author). A New Whinter Wheat Line-Jing Sheng Aai NO.1.Journal of Triticeae Crops, 2012,32(2):383
