1994.9-2000.7: B. E. & M.E.. Department of Economics, Scholl of Economics & Management, Northwest University ;
2003.9-2006.7: Ph.D. (Department of World Economics, Graduate School, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
2009.3-2009.7: Visiting Scholar at University of Minneasota, USA
2000-present: Teaching at Beijing University of Agriculture (as an instructor in courses such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, international finance, international trade and professional English.)
Ⅱ Main research area: Economics and International economics. Pu has systemic and thorough research on rural finance. In recent 5 years, as a chief researcher, Pu took charge of projects “Research on diversified rural financial system in Beijing” "Development and innovation of rural credit system in Beijing", "Innovation of rural credit system","Economics assessment on land use in Fengshun County, Guangdong Province","Research on the safety-supervision modes of apple and apple juice production", and so on. Pu also took part in several projects such as "research on the modes of new rural development" and "research on the safety of vegetable supply chain in Beijing".
Ⅲ Main publications:2 professional books including Research on the optimization of vegetable supply chains in China (The 2nd author); 1science book_Rural credit System; 2 translated books such as The Future of Retail Ranking: Delivering Value to global customers (The 3rd author); 3 teaching books (in one of which Pu is deputy editor; the other two, compiler ); About 20 papers published such as Analysis on capital factors restricting rural economic growth in China, New Rural Area Desiderating New Rural Financial System, Coexistence of the credit rationing and the inadequate effective credit demand in rural area, USA’s agricultural credit clauses that can be used as reference for China, About researches on twin surpluses of China's balance of payments, and Functional mechanism of FDI crowding out/in domestic investment.
郑文堂,1960年7月出生,山西潞城人,中共党员, 经济学博士教授, 博士生导师,亚美尼亚工程院外籍院士。毕业于西南财经大学产业经济学专业1983年8月参加工作 主要从事工业企业管理、产业经济、高等教育管理研究。曾任北方工业大学党委副书记、纪委书记、副校长,北京建筑工程学院校长等职兼任英国格莱摩根大学荣誉教授,教育部本科教学工作水平评估专家,中国建设教育协会高等教育委员会主任,中国有色金属学会经济管理学术委员会副主任委员,中国优选法统筹法,分管学校办公室,负责干部工作与经济数学研究常务理事,北京市企业管理现代化创新成果评审委员会委员,北京大学亚太研究院兼职教授北京市新农村建设研究基地(省部级哲社研究平台)主任,主持学校党委全面工作英国格莱摩根大学荣誉博士俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立建筑工程大学荣誉博士。
Zheng Wentang
Born: July 1960; Lucheng,, Shanxi Province.
Member of the CPC; Ph.D in Economics, Professor, doctoral advisor; Foreign academician of the Armenia Academy of Engineering . He had been to work since 1983.
Zheng graduated from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and his major is Industrial Economics. He was awarded Honorary Doctor Degree of University of Glamorgan and St. Petersburg State Architectural and Civil Engineering University. He has served as Deputy Party Secretary of the North China University of Technology, Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, President of Beijing university of civil engineering and architecture. He has been president of Beijing university of agricultural since September 2011. He also serves as Honorary Professor of University of Glamorgan, expert in Undergraduate teaching level evaluation in the Ministry of Education, Chairman of the higher education committee of China Construction Education Association, deputy director of Economic Management Academic Committee of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China, standing Director of Chinese Society for Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics, the member of the achievement of innovation of business management modernization evaluation committee, an adjunct professor at Asia-Pacific Research Institute of Peking University, the director of the New Rural Construction Research center.
He is in charge of the overall work of Party committees and Daily Affairs and Services , and responsible for the work of cadres in Beijing University of Agricultural.