

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

33. Liu Ruihan, Feng Haifa, “Analysis of economic benefit of vegetable product from farmers in Beijing”,Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 1999,14(2):13-19(In Chinese).
34. Liu Ruihan, Shao Liansheng,Wang Yanxia,“Analysis of the Fluctuations in Vegetable Prices and Trading Volumes  in Wholesale Markets of Consuming Place in Beijing ”, Chinese Rural Economy(Monthly), 1998(10):54-57(In Chinese).
35. Liu Ruihan, Wang Yanxia,“Analysis of Income and Consumption of  farmers in Beijing”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 1997,12(3):58-62(In Chinese).
Tel: 86-10-13641319868        E-mail: ruihanliu@sina.com




Gui Lin(1978-), Bored in YongZhou, Hunan province.
 Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Research Fields: Logistics Management, International Marketing(bilingual Chinese&English), Consumer Behaviour
(2008-2012),PhD, Land Resource Management, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT)
(2009.9-2009,12), Visiting Scholar, HarperAdams
(1999-2002)M.A,Enterprises Management,Xiangtan University
(1995-1999)B.E,Chemical Engineering,Xiangtan University
Assistant Professor of Marketing,Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA), Ecnomic and Management School of BUA (2010-present)
Lecturer, Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA), Ecnomic and Management School of BUA (2002-2010)
1)Research on Logistics Distribution in Beijing Agric-food Supply Channels,2010 International Conference on Marketing Science and Management Technology,Sydney Australia: ORIENT ACADEMIC FORUM.
2)Analysis of Agricultural Products E-commerce Models Based on Supply Chain Management.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Volume 10.
4)Application of BOT Investment Model on Land Consolidation in Beijing Valley Areas.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Volume 3, p2075-2078.
5)Analysis of BOT Financing on Land Consolidation, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) March22-24,2011,p1370-1372, Produced by Scientific Research Publishing,.
6)Research on Project Financing Mechanism for Land Consolidation, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing,
7)Influencing Factors on the Private Brand of local Supermarket in China-A Case Study of WuMart Supermarket, The 2nd International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information
 Tel: 13621228852; E-mail: guilin2004@bac.edu.cn





蒲应䶮(yǎn),女,2000年于西北大学获得经济学硕士学位:2006年在中国社会科学院研究生院获得经济学博士学位;2009年3月至7月在美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minneasota)做访问学者。2000至今在北京农学院主讲微观经济学、宏观经济学和国际金融等课程。

Pu Yingyan, female, associate professor. Email: pump3@163.com
Ⅰ Educational and employment history
