Leafy vegetables industrial technology system, innovation team in Beijing
Expert of Industrial Economy
Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission
( No: Z101108002110041)
Study on Integration Mode of Production, teaching and research about Chang Ping District of Beijing
Project Leader
Mi Yun District of Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on Marketing strategy of Farmer Cooperatives
Project Leader
Beijing Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Foundation
( No: BJXNCJD2009-02-02)
Study on diversified management pattern and appropriate scale of dominant industry in mountainous area of Beijing
Project Leader
National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation
(No: 08BJY136 )
Investigating on International Compare of Agriculture Subsidies Policies
Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
( No: PXM2007014207044539 )
Study on Marketing Issue of Horticulture Products in Beijing
Project Leader
Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission ( No:ZZ0711)
Investigating on the Management Pattern of Supply Chain of Local Fresh Fruit in Beijing
Project Leader
Shun Yi District of Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on development strategy of high quality agriculture products in Shun Yi District of Beijing
Project Leader
Tong Zhou District of Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on market strategy of edible flower products in Tong Zhou District of Beijing
Project Leader
An Agricultural Company
Study on Marketing strategy of Agriculture Products of Enterprise
Project Leader
Ministry of Commercial of the People’s Republic of China
Study on the export market of agriculture products of China
Beijing Municipal Organization Department
Investigating on developing trend and strategy about international trade of fruit and vegetable in Beijing
Project Leader
Ministry of Commercial of the People’s Republic of China
Study on the development strategy of agriculture products export during 2006-2010 in China
Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on market orientation and development strategy of export vegetable in Beijing
Project Leader
Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Analysis and Investigate on international trade information of agriculture products
Project Leader
Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China
Study on the idea and strategy about exploiting rural market in China
1. Liu Ruihan, Yang Weimin, Gui Lin ,Wu Chunxia,“Study on Marketing Issue of Horticulture Products in Beijing”, Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2010 (In Chinese).
2. Liu Ruihan,“Study on the integration pattern of supply chain of local fresh fruit in Beijing”,Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2009 (In Chinese).
3. Liu Ruihan,Tao Zhiqiang “Research on export-oriented development of vegetable industry in China” , Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2006 (In Chinese).
4. Guo Jianchun, Li Guang, Zhou Jing, Liu Ruihan, et al.“Marketing of Agriculture Products” ,.Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2007 (In Chinese).
5. Li Xingjia, Liu Ruihan, Li Ping, Zheng Chunhui, “How to Deal with the Trade of Agriculture Products in Suburb,” ,.Beijing : Jindun Press,2006 (In Chinese).
Journal Articles:
6. Sun xiaoling,Liu Ruihan, Luruixue, “Overview on Research of Customer Satisfaction Degree”, Proceedings of 2012 exchange conference—International Marketing Science and Information Technology /ST.PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS /JUNE 2012 ( In English)
7. Liu Ruihan, Wu Chunxia, Pu Yingyan “Empirical Analysis on Fruit Farmers' Selection of the Type of Cooperation Partners on Supply Chain in Beijing Suburbs ” Marketing Science Innovations and Economic Development, Proceedings:229-235, 2009 ( In English).