Brief introduction to Chen Yuexue
Prof. Chen Yuexue, a female, born in 1964, graduated as a master of economics from Department of International Finance of East China Normal University in 1998, and was a visiting scholar in the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SEM) from Feb. 2001 to Jan.2002. As a member of Beijing Young and Middle-aged Core Teachers, Prof. Chen is the dean of the Department of Economics and Trade, Beijing University of Agriculture, and a concurrent member of International Finance Teaching Committee of Chinese Society of World Economy.
Apart from teaching, Prof. Chen has done research on international trade and finance. She has taken charge of or participated in 18 research subjects of national level or provincial level, and has won awards for many times. Prof. Chen has published over 40 papers, and edited (some with others) over 20 books or textbooks. Theory and Practice of International Trade, a nationally planned textbook for "Tenth Five-year Plan" and a planned textbook for agricultural and forestry colleges and universities, edited by Chen Yuexue, won the first prize of 2005 National Book Prize for Excellent Textbooks. Her paper, “Exploration on Teaching Reform of International Trade of Agricultural Products”, won the first prize of 2005 excellent papers of Chinese universities in international trade teaching and reform, conferred by Training Center of Chinese Universities. Her book, Settlement and Law Practice, was awarded the research book prize. She also directed a university program on Teaching Reform of International Trade, which won the second prize of Higher Education Teaching Achievements of Beijing University of Agriculture in 2004. And Prof. Chen was singled out as a model worker in teaching of Beijing University of Agriculture in 2004.
刘瑞涵,女。1990年毕业于中国农业大学。管理学博士,教授;经济管理学院市场营销教研室主任,北京市中青年骨干教师,中国市场学会理事。主要讲授研究生的“中级微观经济学”。主讲过本科生的“农产品营销学”、“营销调研”、“市场营销综合实践” “市场营销学”、“经济法”和“农业技术经济”等课程;在负责营销专业建设的同时,主要研究方向为农产品营销与贸易、农业技术经济等。主持并完成来自北京市委组织部、北京市教委、北京社科规划办所属北京新农村基地等项目以及来自北京市农委和北京市科委等研究项目的子课题,参与完成了国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金及农业部和商务部等方面的研究课题。同时主持完成多项来自北京市区(县)、局级单位委托的横向合作课题乃至企业委托项目。研究成果曾获北京市科学技术二等奖1项,中国农科院科学技术二等奖2项以及北京农学院科研论文奖、科研成果奖、科研著作奖和科研项目奖等多项奖励。发表论文30余篇;出版第一作者专著4部,副主编著作4部。硕士招生方向为“农产品市场与政策”。
联系电话:13661163410 邮箱:ruihanliu@163.com
Liu Ruihan
Professor of Business Administration. Dean of Marketing Department.
Unit:Economics and Management College, Beijing University of Agriculture
Institution and Location
Field of Study
Postgraduate School, The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
Agricultural Economics
Postgraduate School, The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
Agricultural Economics
Postgraduate School, The Chinese Academy
2009--- present : Teaching Economics for postgraduate, as a professor in Economics and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
2002--- 2009: Teaching Marketing Research for undergraduate as an associate professor in Economics and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
1997--- 2001 : Teaching Marketing of Agriculture Products for undergraduate as a lecturer in Department of Economic and Trade of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
1990----1996: Teaching Agronomy for undergraduate as an assistant in Department of Plant Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
Funding Body
Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Financial Bureau of Beijing