

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

3.      Soil, Plant Nutrition and Fertilization
4.      Introduction to Environmental Science
5.      Flower Cultivation
6.      Soil Characteristics Survey, Improvement and Utilization of  Ten Park in Beijing
7.      Preliminary Study on Fast Fermentation of Pig Manure Compost and Process Control Parameters
8.       “AFLP Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of Salvia spp. in Beijing”




窦德泉,男,1962年9月生于黑龙江省双城市。副教授,2003年作为引进人才到北京农学院工作。 1985年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学生物系,获得理学学士学位;1996年1月—2003年7月,在日本香川大学和爱媛大学留学,获得硕士、博士学位,及博士后研究工作。




1.  水分胁迫对几种常绿阔叶树的光合作用和蒸腾作用的影响

日本绿化工学会志  第26卷  第4号  300-308  (2001)

2.  关于粘质土壤改良的基础研究

日本绿化工学会志  第27卷  第1号  56-61  (2001)

3.  种植在中央隔离带里的樟树其生长发育状况及树形管理

日本绿化工学会志  第27卷  第1号  292-295  (2001)

4. 热带雨林下砂仁叶片光合作用和叶绿体荧光参数在雾凉季和雨季的日变化

生态学报  第24卷  第7期  1421-1429  (2004)


Dequan Dou: Male, born in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province in 1962.
Academic and Professional Background:
1981-1985: Harbin Normal University, awarded bachelor’s degree in 1985
1996-1998: Kagawa University, Japan, awarded master degree in 1998
1999-2001: Ehime University, Japan, awarded Ph.D in 2001
2001-2003: Ehime University, Japan, postdoctoral research
2003- : fellow of Department of Landscape, Beijing University of Agriculture, Associate Professor
Research experience in Japan: Intensive research on greening tree species selection, cultivation and management. Through photosynthesis, transpiration and water metabolism studies of tree seedlings to clarify the differences among the drought-resistant ability of tree species. These results provide direct evidence for the appropriate selection of landscape tree species.
Teaching courses: Landscape Tree (undergraduate), Forestry Ecology (undergraduate), Germplasm Resources of Landscape Plant (postgraduate).
Research interests:
①Landscape tree selection for Beijing Area
②Rooftops landscape
Research projects: National Scholarship Foundation (one item); Beijing Municipal Commission Research Project (two items).
Selected publications:
①Effects of water stress on the photosynthetic and transpiratory activities of some evergreen broad-leaved trees (in Japanese). Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 2001, 26(4), 300-308 
②A fundamental study for the improvement of clay soil (in Japanese). Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 2001, 27(1), 56-61
③The growth condition and tree form control of the camphor trees planted on the median strip (in Japanese). Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 2001, 27(1), 292-295
④Diurnal changes in photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Amomum villosum lour. grown under tropical rainforest in rainy, and foggy and cool seasons at Xishuangbanna (in Chinese). Acta Ecologica Sinica 2004, 24(7):1421-1429




刘云 女,1971年生,副教授。2003年中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态学理学博士毕业来北京农学院任教,2008年在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学做访问学者1年。给学生讲授“景观生态学”,“遥感技术与应用”,“农业资源信息系统”,“土地利用规划”,“流域面源污染与生态工程”等课程。主持和参与多项项目。发表论文30余篇(其中EI检索期刊8篇),软件著作权1项,参编4部教材,专著1部。联系方式:liuyun_bj@tom.com,现在北京农学院植物科学技术学院农业资源与环境教研室工作。




