

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

2.      2008 Study onlow-temperature-induced proteins inEvergreen Broad-leaved Garden Plants in Beijing, General Program in Scientific and Technological Research of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
3.      2010-present Study on Reproductive biology of Fixed Rice Heterosis, National Natural Science Foundation of China







Wu Juying, female, researcher, plant protection professional master's degree, Master Instructor, director of the Beijing Grass and Environment Research and Development Center, is principally engaged in the environmental and ecological grass planting and grass weed control technology research.Bred varieties of six independent intellectual property rights, declared seven invention patents, developed the Beijing local standards and industry standards, Beijing Science and Technology Award, and the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award received a total of four, a State Forestry Administration Forestry Science and Technology Liang Xi Award, Beijing Agricultural Technology Promotion Award 4 times, Beijing GoldBridge projects Award 2 times, published more than 100 papers, published monographs three. Joint training of postdoctoral 9, 25 Ph.D. and graduates, and more than 30 undergraduate students.





Leng Pingsheng, male, was born in 1964,who got a Ph.D. and is a professor. He is a leader of Garden Plant and Ornamental Horticulture Discipline, (Youth) academic leader of universities in Beijing, outstanding teacher of Beijing city, deputy Secretary-General of the Beijing Forestry Society , director of the China and Beijing Flower Association , and LEAD member. Prof. Leng is mainly engaged in the research subject including cultivation physiology, landscape ecology, and plant physiological ecology. He was in charge of/ engaged in 14 national/ department municipal scientific research projects,and won the 3rd-class prize of science and technology progress of Ministry of forestry, the 3rd-class prize of National Invention, the star of science and technology award of invention of the United Nations, 3rd-class prize of science and technology progress of Beijing city. He published 5 teaching materials and books, and over 60 scientific papers, among which the book <>, the textbook of the National fifteen program, was excellent teaching material of Beijing city. The research project he is in charge of at present is: The response of emission pattern of methyl benzoate in snapdragon flowers to light and emission mechanism ( NSFC ) .



主持完成北京市科技计划“牛粪无公害处理及有机肥生产技术”;北京市农业科技成果转化资金项目“猪粪无公害资源化技术研究”;北京市农业科技项目“规模化猪场粪污处理及资源化利用配套技术应用与示范”;北京市教委科技成果转化与产业化项目“延庆县牛粪无公害处理及有机肥生产技术”;北京市教委、农委园林绿化局一串红品种选育、栽培项目各一项;现为北京市园林绿化局草花育种成员、一串红种质资源创新团队负责人。北京市教委面上项目《北京地区草花引种研究及标准化生产规程建立》;北京市科技创新平台项目《工厂化育苗技术京郊本地化改良》;北京市园林绿化局项目《废弃关停矿区植物生态恢复关键技术研究》;2009年至2011年,培育的六个一串红新品种‘白马王子’、‘橙香公主’、‘红粉佳人’、‘彩铃红’、‘紫冠精灵’、‘紫衣仙子’通过品种审定;收集国内外鼠尾草属品种、品系400余个。 2010年,作为团队负责人受到北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划“学术创新团队建设计划”项目三年持续资助;现主持十二五科技支撑计划重点项目-循环农业科技工程项目---两个子课题“养殖污水、沼液等废弃物浓缩处理和肥料化技术与示范”和“集约化种养废弃物无害化处理技术集成”。
