北京农学院 /2013-10-08
著书9部,发表论文40余篇。代表性著作论文有:主编中国林业出版社“十二五”规划教材一部、《土壤肥料学》、《土壤、植物营养与施肥》、《环境学导论》、《花卉栽培》、“北京市属十大公园土壤性状调查及其改良利用研究”、“猪粪堆肥快速发酵菌剂及工艺控制参数初步研究”、“AFLP Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of Salvia spp. in Beijing”等。
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information:
Name: Liu Kefeng
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 1955
Education Background: Master degree
Current Employer: Beijing University of Agriculture
Academic Title: Professor
Present Position: Dean of College of Urban & Rural Development, College of Continuing Education, Beijing University of Agriculture
Field of Research: soil & fertilizer, flower cultivation, introduction and breeding, factory standardized seedling
Social Appointments: Director of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, standing director of China Convention and Exhibition Society, bidding evaluation experts of Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Committee, Beijing Education Bureau and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry
Awards / honors:
1. Third-Class Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award (twice),
2. Third-Class Prize of China Agriculture Science and Technology Award of Ministry of Agriculture (once),
3. Second-Class prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award of Environmental Ministry (once),
4. Third-Class and Second-Class prize of Beijing Agricultural Popularization (once),
5. Second-Class Prize of Sci-Tech Achievements of China Flower Exposition (once),
6. Two national invention patents, and five patents for inventions (to be declared)
7. Jingjiu– He Houhua Agricultural Fund Award (once) and the Rainbow Project Award (once),
8. Award of the title of the 2005 National Outstanding Agricultural Science &Technology Worker, and the title of Outstanding Communist of Beijing Universities
Research Projects:
1. Beijing Science and Technology Plan “Cow manure pollution-free treatment and organic fertilizer production technology”
2. Beijing Transformation of agricultural science & technology achievements into capital project “Pig manure harmless resource technology research”
3. Beijing agricultural science &technology project “Application and demonstration of large-scale piggery waste treatment and resource utilization of supporting technology”
4. Science & technology achievement transformation and industrialization project of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education "Yanqing County cow manure pollution-free treatment and organic fertilizer production technology "
5. Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and Bureau of Landscape & Forestry of Agricultural Commission project “Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler breeding” and “Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler cultivation”
6. Beijing Municipal Commission of Education general project “Caohua introduction and establishment of standardized production procedures in Beijing”
7. Beijing science & technology innovation platform project “Beijing outskirt localization improvement of industrialized breeding technique”
8. Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape &Forestry project “Key technology research of ecological restoration in abandoned and shut down mining area”
9. From 2009 to 2011, six new varieties of Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler, “prince charming”, “Orange Princess”, “Pink Lady”, “Colored Bell”, “Purple Crown Wizard”, “Purple fairy” were checked and approved
10. In 2010, three years’ continuous subsidy from “construction plan of academic innovation team” which is the further education plan for talents from Beijing municipal Universities (working as the team leader)
11. Presiding two sub-tasks of key projects of the 12th five–year” science & technology supportive plan (the circulating agricultural science & technology projects)“Concentration treatment of aquaculture wastewater and liquid waste and fertilization technology and demonstration” and “Technology integration of intensive cultivation waste harmless treatment”
9 books, over 40 theses
Some major representative works are:
1. One textbook (the Twelfth Five-Year-Plan national programmed textbook) publish by China Forestry Publishing House
2. Soil Fertilizer Science
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