

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

 (In Chinese).
24. Liu Ruihan, Wang Hongling,Kuang Yuanpei, “Analysis of EvaluationModel of Value on Human Resources of  Enterprise” , Truth Seeking, 2003(6):161-162 (In Chinese).
25. Wang Wei,Liu Rui-han, “Analysis on Brand Strategy of Agriculture products in Agricultural High-tech Park” , Commercial Research,2004(5):176-178(In Chinese).
26. Liu Ruihan, “On Knowledge-based Marketing Applied in Marketing of Agriculture Products” , Commercial Research,2002(4):89-91(In Chinese).
27. Liu Ruihan,Zhou Chunjiang,Song Huixin,Xiang Zhihong, “Economic benefits analysis and evaluation on non-traditional intercroping technology system”, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics 2002(3):34-38(In Chinese).
28. Kuang Yuanpei, Zeng Fusheng,Liu Ruihan, “Investigating on the issue of quality criterion system of Agriculture Products” ,Social Science of Beijing 2002(2):55-62(In Chinese).,
29. Liu Ruihan, Li Ruifen,Deng Rong, “Developing Agriculture Based on Knowledge in China”, Chinese Rural Economy(Monthly),2001(12):16-21 (In Chinese).
30. Liu Ruihan, “Practice and investigating on case teaching of marketing”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 2000,15(3):70-73 (In Chinese).
31. Liu Ruihan, “Analysis of developing and marketing of Green Food ”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College2000,15(4):52-57 (In Chinese).
32. Liu Ruihan,Wang Hongying, Ren Yuling,“Comparative Analysis of Economic Benefits Between Grain and Vegetable Industry in Beijing ”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College1999,14(1):24-28 (In Chinese).
33. Liu Ruihan, Feng Haifa, “Analysis of economic benefit of vegetable product from farmers in Beijing”,Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 1999,14(2):13-19(In Chinese).
34. Liu Ruihan, Shao Liansheng,Wang Yanxia,“Analysis of the Fluctuations in Vegetable Prices and Trading Volumes  in Wholesale Markets of Consuming Place in Beijing ”, Chinese Rural Economy(Monthly), 1998(10):54-57(In Chinese).
35. Liu Ruihan, Wang Yanxia,“Analysis of Income and Consumption of  farmers in Beijing”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 1997,12(3):58-62(In Chinese).
Tel: 86-10-13641319868        E-mail: ruihanliu@sina.com
Gui Lin(1978-), Bored in YongZhou, Hunan province.
 Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Research Fields: Logistics Management, International Marketing(bilingual Chinese&English), Consumer Behaviour
(2008-2012),PhD, Land Resource Management, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT)
(2009.9-2009,12), Visiting Scholar, HarperAdams
(1999-2002)M.A,Enterprises Management,Xiangtan University
(1995-1999)B.E,Chemical Engineering,Xiangtan University
Assistant Professor of Marketing,Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA), Ecnomic and Management School of BUA (2010-present)
Lecturer, Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA), Ecnomic and Management School of BUA (2002-2010)
1)Research on Logistics Distribution in Beijing Agric-food Supply Channels,2010 International Conference on Marketing Science and Management Technology,Sydney Australia: ORIENT ACADEMIC FORUM.
2)Analysis of Agricultural Products E-commerce Models Based on Supply Chain Management.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Volume 10.
4)Application of BOT Investment Model on Land Consolidation in Beijing Valley Areas.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Volume 3, p2075-2078.
5)Analysis of BOT Financing on Land Consolidation, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) March22-24,2011,p1370-1372, Produced by Scientific Research Publishing,.
6)Research on Project Financing Mechanism for Land Consolidation, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing,