姓 名 丁晓宇
职 称 副教授/硕导
学 院 机械与车辆学院
专 业 机械制造及自动化系
邮 编 100081
邮 箱 xiaoyu.ding@bit.edu.cn
2014.6-今, 北京理工大学, 机械与车辆学院, 任教
2009.8-2014.5, 佐治亚理工学院(美国), 机械工程专业博士, 经济学硕士
2006.8-2009.6, 清华大学, 机械工程专业, 硕士
2002.9-2006.7, 清华大学, 机械工程及自动化专业,学士
代表性论文(仅列部分SCI,仅列一作或通讯)(1) Feikai Zhang; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*; Runliang Wang, Experimental and Finite Element Analyses of Contact Behaviors between Non-transparent Rough Surfaces, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 126(5): 87~100.
(2) Zhimeng Yang; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*; Feikai Zhang, The Effect of Anisotropy on the Percolation Threshold of Sealing Surfaces, Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME,2019, 141, 022203.
(3) Hao Gong; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*, Study on the Mechanism of Preload Decrease of Bolted Joints Subjected to Transversal Vibration Loading, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019.
(4)Hao Gong; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*, Study on the Critical Loosening Condition Toward a New Design Guideline for Bolted Joints, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019.
(5)Jiangtao Ma; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*; Naijing Lv, Motion Planning for Deformable Linear Objects Under Multiple Constraints, Robotica, 2019.
(6) Jianhua Liu; Zhiqiang Zhang; Xiaoyu Ding*; Nan Shao, Integrating Form Errors and Local Surface Deformations into Tolerance Analysis Based on Skin Model Shapes and a Boundary Element Method , Computer-Aided Design, 2018, 104(11): 45~59
(7)Jianhua Liu; Hao Gong; Xiaoyu Ding*, Effect of Ramp Angle on the Anti-Loosening Ability of Wedge Self-Locking Nuts Under Vibration, Journal of Mechanical Design-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140, 072301.
(8) Jianhua Liu; Zhiqiang Zhang; Xiaoyu Ding*, Searching Multibranch Propagation Paths of Assembly Variation Based on Geometric Tolerances and Assembly Constraints, Journal of Mechanical Design-Transactions of the ASME,2017, 139(5),051701.
(9) Naijing Lv; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*; Haili Lin, Assembly simulation of multi-branch cables, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2017, 45: 201~211.
(10) Feikai Zhang; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*; Zhimeng Yang, An Approach to Calculate Leak Channels and Leak Rates Between Metallic Sealing Surfaces, Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME,2017, 139(1), 011708.
(11) Xiaoyu Ding; Tequila Harris, Review on Penetration and Transport Phenomena in Porous Media during Slot Die Coating, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 2017, 55, 1669-1680.
(12) Xiaoyu Ding*; Jianhua Liu; T. A. L. Harris, A Review of the Operating Limits in Slot Die Coating Processes, AICHE Journal, 2016, 62(7), 2508-2524.
(13) Hao Gong; Jianhua Liu; Xiaoyu Ding*, Calculation of the Effective Bearing Contact Radius for Precision Tightening of Bolted Joints, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(9), 1-8.
(14) Xiaoyu Ding; Joshua P. Ebin; Tequila Harris; Zhuo Li; Thomas Fuller, Analytical Models for Predicting Penetration Depth during Slot Die Coating onto Porous Media, AICHE Journal, 2014, 60(12), 4241-4252.
(15)X. Ding, T. F. Fuller, T. A. L. Harris, “A Simulation Model to Approximate Penetration of a Non -Newtonian Fluid into a Porous Media during Slot Die Coating”,Journal of Coatings Technology and Research,11, 83-87, 2014.
(16)X. Ding, S. Didari, T. F. Fuller, T. A. L. Harris, “Effects of Annealing Conditions on the Performance of Solution Cast Nafion?Membranes in Fuel Cells”,Journal of The Electrochemical Society,160(8), F793-F797, 2013.
(17) X. Ding, T. F. Fuller, T. A. L. Harris, “Predicting Fluid Penetration during Slot Coating onto Porous Substrates”,Chemical Engineering Science,99, 67-75, 2013.
(18) X. Ding, S. Didari, T. F. Fuller, T. A. L. Harris, “Membrane Electrode Assembly Fabrication Process for Directly Coating Catalyzed Gas Diffusion Layers”,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,159(6), B746-B753, 2012.
(19) X. Ding, T. F. Fuller, T. A. L. Harris, “Effects of Annealing Conditions on the Performance of Solution Cast Nafion?Membranes”,Electrochemical Society Transactions,41(1), 1537, 2011.
(20) X. Ding, S. Didari, T . F. Fuller, T. A. L. Harris, “A New Fabrication Technique to Manufacture an MEA Using Direct Coating of Nafion?onto Catalyzed GDL”,Electrochemical Society Transactions,33(1), 255, 2010.
(1)航天器多分支复杂空间管路集成制造关键技术与装备,中华人民共和国工业和信息化部,科技进步,省部一等奖, 2018.12.
(2)面向大型空间飞行器的精密装配关键技术与装备研发及应用,北京市人民政府,发明,省部二等奖, 2018.11.
(4)坦克装甲车辆关键零部件设计制造集成技术研究,中国兵器工业集团公司,科技进步一等奖, 2017.12.15.
(5)坦克装甲车辆螺纹副预紧力精确控制技术, 中国兵器工业集团公司,科技进步三等奖, 其他, 2017.12.15
1.Computer-aided Design,Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Mechanism and Machine Theory等多个制造领域知名期刊审稿人。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18
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