
iGMDR: Integrated Pharmacogenetic Resource Guide to Cancer Therapy and Research

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

Current pharmacogenetic studies have obtained many genetic models that can predict the therapeutic efficacy of anticancer drugs. Although some of these models are of crucial importance and have been used in clinical practice, these very valuable models have not been well adopted into cancer research to promote the development of cancer therapies due to the lack of integration and standards for the existing data of the pharmacogenetic studies. For this purpose, we built a resource investigating genetic model of drug response (iGMDR), which integrates the models from in vitro and in vivo pharmacogenetic studies with different omics data from a variety of technical systems. In this study, we introduced a standardized process for all integrations, and described how users can utilize these models to gain insights into cancer. iGMDR is freely accessible at https://igmdr.modellab.cn.
在癌症中,解析基因的遗传变异信息最常用于指示药物治疗的可靠性和有效性。目前的药物基因组学研究通过体内和体外的方式已经获得了抗癌药物治疗相关的许多遗传学信息。这些信息筛选的终极目标是测量机体对于抗癌药物治疗的敏感性,获得高效的预测药物治疗效果的新的遗传学模型。尽管许多的遗传学模型已经被用于癌症治疗的临床实验研究和临床实践,但由于对现有药物遗传学研究数据缺乏整合和标准,这些非常有价值的模型并没有被很好的利用去反过来促进癌症的研究。因此需要一个新的在线资源去整合分析这些遗传学模型,促进这些信息的有效利用,释放它们的价值。为此,我们发展了iGMDR,整合不同技术体系、体外和体内药物基因组学研究的资源。在文章中,我们描述如何整合和标化不同体系下的药物基因组学模型,以及用户如何使用这些信息去提高癌症治疗的认识。在案例分析中我们借助整合的模型数据设计了临床测序新的panel、设计了药物组合治疗的策略。此外,我们还从模型数据的层面分析了组织特异性的药物敏感性。iGMDR提供了一个独特的资源来挖掘抗癌药物和个人基因组的关联, 通过大数据企图发现新的癌症知识。iGMDR的网址是https://igmdr.modellab.cn。

