

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-21

1. 完全解决了幂零轨道闭包的辛解消问题。证明了在此情况下辛解消必为Springer解消。同时对存在辛解消的幂零轨道进行了分类。
2. 证明了两个具有相同度数的Springer map一定可以由Stratified Mukai flop联系起来。从而把derived equivalence之问题归结为Stratified Mukai flop的问题。
3. 证明了由维数足够大的通过同一点的超二次曲面所覆盖的光滑代数簇一定为一超二次曲面。
4. 与王金龙一起证明了stratified Mukai flops下之motivic invariance,并且给出了其下的部分quantum修正。
5. 对于特殊单李代数中的幂零轨道闭包的极小模型作了刻画。由此证明了Namikawa的一个猜想。
6. 对Chow群提出了两个类似Hard Lefschetz猜想,并证明在阿贝尔簇时其分别等价于著名的Beauville猜想与 Murre猜想。对于这两个著名猜想予以新的视角。
1. B. Fu, Symplectic resolutions for nilpotent orbits, Invent. Math. 151(2003), 167-186.
2. B. Fu, Symplectic resolutions for coverings of nilpotent Orbits, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris.336(2003), 159-162.
3. B. Fu, Champs de vecteurs invariants par translation sur les jacobiennes affines des courbes spectrales, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 337(2003), 105---110.
4. B. Fu, Symplectic resolutions for nilpotent orbits (II), C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris,337(2003), 277-281.
5. B. Fu, Abelian fibrations on S^[n], C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris. 337(2003), 593-596.
6. B.Fu, Y. Namikawa, Uniqueness of crepant resolutions and symplectic singularities, Ann. Inst. Fourier 54 (2004), 1-19.
7. B. Fu, Poisson resolutions,J. Reine Angew. Math. 587 (2005), 17-26.
8. B. Fu, Symplectic resolutions for nilpotent orbits (III),C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 342 (2006), no. 8, 585--588 2006.
9. B. Fu, A survey on symplectic singularities and resolutions, Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, 13 no. 2 (2006), p. 209-236 .
10. B. Fu, Mukai flops and deformations of symplectic resolutions, Math. Z. 253 (2006), no. 1, 87--96.
11. B. Fu, Extremal contractions, stratified Mukai flops and Springer maps, Adv. Math., Volume 213, Issue 1(2007), Pages 165-182.
12. B. Fu, Wreath products, nilpotent orbits and symplectic deformations, Int. J. Math. Vol. 18, No. 5 (2007) 473-481.
13. P.E. Chaput, B. Fu, On stratified Mukai flops, Math. Res. Lett. Vol. 14(2007) p. 1055-1067.
14. B. Fu, F. Herbaut, On the tautological ring of a Jacobian modulo rational equivalence, Geom. Dedicata, Vol. 129(2007) 145-153.
15. B. Fu, Inductive characterizations of hyperquadrics, Math. Ann. Vol. 340(2008), 185-19.
16. B. Fu, C.-L. Wang, Motivic and quantum invariance under stratified Mukai flops.J. Different. Geom. 80 (2008), no. 2, 261-280.
17. B. Fu, On Q-factorial terminalizations of nilpotent orbits, to appear in J. Math. Pure Appl.
18. B. Fu, Remarks to Hard Lefschetz conjectures on Chow groups, to appear in Sci. China.

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