

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-21

王跃飞 研究员、博士生导师

王跃飞,研究员, 博士生导师。 先后入选国家首批“百千****才工程”、中国科学院“****”、获得“国家****科学基金”。曾先后任中科院数学研究所所长,中科院数学与系统科学研究院党委书记,执行院长,中国数学会第九届、第十二届副理事长,国家自然科学基金委员会天元基金学术领导小组成员,国家****科学基金评审委员会成员,国家自然科学基金委员会数理学部评审专家组成员,“华罗庚数学奖”第九届、第十二届评选委员会委员;“陈省身数学奖”第九届、第十二届评选委员会委员;“钟家庆数学奖” 第九届执行委员会主任、第十二届评选委员会委员, 国务院学位委员会第六 七届学科评议组成员,国家科学技术奖评审专家,教育部留学回国基金评审专家等。
现任中国数学会副理事长、国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员、“华罗庚数学奖”评选委员会委员;“陈省身数学奖”评选委员会委员;“钟家庆数学奖” 评选委员会委员; 《数学学报》(中文版)主编、《中国科学》、《数学学报》(英文版)、《物理学报》、Mathematische Nachrichten、Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences、Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly等十余个学术刊物(副主编或)编委, 美国Math Reviews、德国Zentralblatt Math评论员。
Advances in Math.(2014),Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.(2016),JDDE(2013,2004),Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.(2013),Tohoku Math. J.(2011, 2001),DCDS (2017), Israel J. Math.(2001),C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris(2007),J. Math. Physics(2005),Arkiv Mate.(1998),Archiv Math.(2003),J. D'Analyse Math.(1997)等。
Yuefei Wang received his Ph. D. degree from Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1992. Then he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Computing Center of CAS (1992 -1993). Since 1997, he has been a full Professor of the Institute of Mathematics at CAS, where he was the Vice-Director of the Institute (1997-1998) and the Director of the Institute (1999-2002). Then he was the Vice-President of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (2003-2012) andwas the President of AMSS, CAS (2012-2017). Currently he is a Full Professor of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS and a Professor of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, theVice-President of theNational Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences, CAS and the Vice Director of theCenter for Excellent Innovation of Mathematics Science, CAS, and the Director of the Center for Dynamical Systems, AMSS.
His research interest concerns with complex dynamical systems, p-adic dynamical systems, Kleinain groups, and SLE. More than sixty research papers were published in international recognized journals such asAdvances in Math.(2014),Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.(2016), JDDE(2013,2004),Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.(2013),Tohoku Math. J.(2011,2001),DCDS (2017), Israel J. Math.(2001),C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris(2007),J. Math. Physics(2005), Arkiv Mate.(1998),Archiv Math.(2003),J. D'Analyse Math.(1997), etc.
He was honored with First Prize of the President Scholarship Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1992), The Award for Excellent Papers in the First Academic Conference of the National Post-doctors, China (1993), "Zhong Jia Qing" Mathematical Award (1995), First Prize of Young Scientists Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1997), and The National Outstanding Young Researcher Grant, NSF ( 2002), the awardee ofthe New Century National Talent Project ( 2004), and the awardee of the Hundred Talent Program of CAS (2006),et al.
Academic Service
Prof. Wang was the Standing Member (1999-2006, 2016-2019) and the Vice President (2003-2006, 2016-2019) of Chinese Mathematical Society, the Member of the Third and Fourth Academic Committee of Tianyuan Foundation of NSFC, the Member of the Fourth and Fifth Evaluation Committee of National Outstanding Young Scientists Fund (NSFC), and the Member of the Ninth and Tenth Evaluation Committee for Mathematics of NSFC. He was the Member of the Seventh Election Committee of the Hua Mathematics Award, the Member of the Tenth Election Committee of the Chern Prize in Mathematics. He was the Chairman of the Third and Fourth Executive Committee of Zhong Jiaqing Mathematical Award (1999-2006), and the Member of the Executive Committee of Zhong Jiaqing Mathematical Award (2016-2019) and so on.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of Acta Mathematica Sinica (Chinese Series) and a Member of the Editorial Boards of Science in China, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), Acta Mathematica Scientia, Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Mathematische Nachrichten, Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly et al. He is also the Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math,etc.
Academic Visiting
Prof. Wang visited more than 50 universities and institutes in America, England, Finland, France, German, Japan, Korea, Russia, Sweden and Singapore, etc. He was a Research Fellow of the Max - Planck Society for the Advance of Sciences, at Technical University of Berlin, Germany (1996 — 1997), a Senior Research Fellow of The Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences, at Yamagata University, Japan (1998.12 — 1999.2), and was the Visiting Fellowof the Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, USA (2000.4-2000.9) andthe Visiting Fellow of the Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, USA (2004.01-2004.04). He was also a Visiting Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Nantes University, France (2005), at the Department of Mathematics, Picardie University, France (2006, 2009), and at theDepartment of Mathematics, University of Orleans, France (2013, 2018), etc.

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