个人简介 孙六全,研究员,博士生导师。
1995.09--1998.06: 北京大学,获博士学位
1985.09--1988.07: 华中师范大学和武汉大学(联合培养),获硕士学位
1981.09--1985.07: 华中师范大学,获学士学位
2009.3-现在: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员
2008.4-2009.2: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,所聘研究员
2003.4-2008.3: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,副研究员
2000.3-2003.3: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,助理研究员
1998.6-2000.2: 中国科学院应用数学研究所,博士后
1988.7-1995.8: 华中师范大学数学系,讲师
2011.12-2012.02: 香港中文大学,Research Fellow
2007.08-2007.11: 香港理工大学,Research Fellow
2007.04-2007.05: 香港科技大学,Research Associate
2002.09-2004.08: 美国Missouri-Columbia大学,Postdoctoral Fellow
2000.12-2001.06: 香港中文大学,Research Associate
1998.10-1999.01: 香港理工大学,Research Associate
《Journal of Systems Science and Complexity》(英文版)编委
《Statistics in Biosciences》Associate Editor
《Biostatistics &Epidemiology》Associate Editor
《Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics》Associate Editor
《Statistics and Its Interface》Associate Editor
国际数理统计学会中国分会-IMS-China CommitteeMember(2011-2013,2015-2017)
International Chinese Statistical Association Program Committee(2018-2020)
生存分析 (Survival Analysis)
生物统计,医学统计 (Biostatistics, Statistics in Medicine)
复发事件和纵向数据的统计推断 (Recurrent Event and Longitudinal Data Analysis)
区间删失数据的统计分析 (Interval-censored Survival Data Analysis)
各种不完全观察数据的统计分析 (Statistical analysis of incomplete data)
数理统计及其应用 (Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications)
国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体延续项目: 随机复杂数据与随机复杂结构的理论方法及其应用(2011.1-2013.12, 参与)
国家自然科学基金项目: 面板计数数据的统计推断以及其应用(2010.1-2012.12,参与)
国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目:随机复杂数据与随机复杂结构的理论方法及其应用(2008.1-2010.12, 参与)
国家自然科学基金项目: 任意区间删失数据的统计分析(2001.1-2003.12,主持)
国家自然科学基金项目: 不完全数据统计理论及其应用(1999.1-2001.12, 参与)
高校博士点专项基金项目: 工业和医学中的应用统计(1998.1-2000.12,参与)
共发表论文140多篇,其中包括JASA (7篇),Biometrika (1篇),Biometrics(4篇)。
Pan, D, He,H, Song,X and Sun, LQ(2015). Regression analysis of additive hazards model with latent variables. JASA, 110(511), 1148-1159.
Sun, LQ, Song, X and Zhang, Z (2012). Mean residual life models with time- dependent coefficient under right censoring. Biometrika, 99 (1), 185-197.
Sun, LQ, Song, X,Zhou, Jand Liu, L(2012). Joint analysis of longitudinal data withinformative observation times and a dependent terminal event.JASA, 107(498), 688-700.
Zhao, X, Zhou, J and Sun, LQ (2011). Semiparametric transformation models with time-varying coefficients for recurrent and terminal events. Biometrics,67(2),404-414.
Chen, K, Guo, S, Sun, LQ and Wang, J-L (2010). Global partial likelihood for nonparametric proportional hazards models. JASA, 105 (490), 750-760.
Sun, L., Zhang, Z. (2009). A class of transformed mean residual life models with censored survival data. JASA, 104(486), 803-815.
Sun, J, Sun, LQ and Liu, D (2007). Regression analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of informative observation and censoring times. JASA,102(480), 1397-1406. ]
Sun, J, Park, DH and Sun, LQ and Zhao, X (2005). Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times. JASA, 100(471), 882-889.
Sun, LQ, Kim, Y and Sun, J (2004). Regression analysis of doubly censored failure time data using the additive hazards model. Biometrics, 60(3), 637-643.
Maller, A, Sun, LQ and Zhou, X (2002). Estimating the expected total number of events in a process. JASA, 97(458), 577-589.
孙六全,《10000个科学难题》(数学卷)中“复杂数据的变量选择问题”和“相依结构下复杂删失数据统计建模问题”(编著),科学出版社, 2009年。
孙六全,《数学大辞典》数理统计篇中“生存分析”(编著),科学出版社, 2010年。
Haixiang Zhang, Jian Huang, Liuquan Sun (2020). Rank-based approach to estimating monotoneindividualized two-treatment regimes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.Accepted.
Chen X., Zhou J., Song, X. and Sun L. (2020). A joint modeling approach for analyzing marker data in the presence of a terminal event. Biometrics. Online.
Dongxiao Han, Lei Liu, Xiaogang Su, Liuquan Sun and Zhou Zhang (2020). Variable selection for joint frailty models of recurrent and terminal events. Biometrics. Online.
Xiaowei Sun, Jieli Ding and Liuquan Sun (2019). A semiparametric additive rates model for the weighted composite endpoint of recurrent and terminal events. Lifetime Data Anal. Online.
Dongxiao Han, Lei Liu, Xiaogang Su, Bankole Johnson and Liuquan Sun(2019). Variable selection for random effects two-part models. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(9) , 2697–2709.
Qu Liangqiang and Liuquan Sun (2019). The Cox–Aalen model for recurrent-event data with a dependent terminal event. Statistica Neerlandica. 73(2), 234-255.
周洁, 周晓华, 孙六全 (2019). 带终止事件纵向数据半参数部分线性单指标模型. 中国科学, 第49 卷第1 期, 73-88.
He, H.,Pan, D., Song, X. and Sun, L. (2019). Additive mean residual life model with latent variables under right censoring. Statist. Sinica, 29(1), 47-66.
Sun X., Sun L. (2019). Semiparametric estimation of differences in treatment-specific Recurrent event means with a terminal event. Statistics and Its Interface, 12(1), 1-9.
Chen, X., Ding, J. and Sun, L. (2018). A semiparametric additive rate model for a modulated renewal process. Lifetime Data Anal. 24(4), 675-698.
Wang, Z., Ding, J., Sun, L. and Wu, Y. (2018). Tobit quantile regression of left-censored longitudinal data with informative observation times. Statist. Sinica, 28(1), 527-548.
Miao Han, Liuquan Sun, Yutao Liu, Jun Zhu (2018). Joint analysis of recurrent event data with additive–multiplicative hazards model for the terminal event time. Metrika, 81, 523-547.
Qu, L., Sun, L. and Song, X. (2018). Identify locally sparse and variable selection for additive hazard model with varying coefficients. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 125, 119-135.
Qu, L., Sun, L. and Song, X. (2018). A joint modeling approach for longitudinal data with informative observation times and a terminal event. Statistics in Biosciences, 10, 609-633.
Wang, X., Xue, X. and Sun, L. (2018). Regression analysis of restricted mean survival time based on pseudo-observations for competing risks data. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods. 47(22), 5614-5625.
Kang, F., Sun, L., and Chen, X. (2018). An Additive Hazard Model for clustered Recurrent Gap Time. J Syst Sci Complex , 31, 1377-1390.
Wang, X., Xue, X., Zhou, J. and Sun, L. (2018). An efficient risk estimator with external information under additive hazards model. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 34(1), 35-50.
Han, M., Han, D. and Sun L. (2018). A class of partially linear transformation models for recurrent gap times. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods. 47(3), 739-766.
Sun, Z., Xue, Y. and Sun, L. (2018). Consistent test for parametric models with right-censored data using projections. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 118, 112-125.
Sun, Z., Sun, L., Lu, X., Zhu, J. and Li, Y. (2017). Frequentist model averaging estimation for the censored partial linear quantile regression model. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 189, 1-15.
Zhang, H., Wang, D. and Sun L.(2017). Regularized estimation in GINAR(p) process. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 46, 502-517.
He, H., Pan, D., Sun, L., Li, Y., Robison, L. and Song, X. (2017). Analysis of a fixed center effect additive rates model for recurrent event data. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 112, 186-197.
Cai, J., He, H., Song, X. and Sun, L. (2017). An additive-multiplicative mean residual life model for right censored data. Biometrical Journal. 59(3), 579-592.
Qu, L., Sun, L. and Liu, L. (2017). Joint modeling of recurrent and terminal events using additive models. Statistics and Its Interface, 10(4), 699-710
Zhou, J., Zhu, J. and Sun, L. (2017). A class of Box-Cox transformation models for recurrent event data with a terminal event. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Engl. Ser., 33(8), 1048-1060.
Zhang, H., Sun, L., Zhou, Y. and Huang, J. (2017). Oracle inequalities and selection consistency for weighted lasso in additive hazards model. Statist. Sinica, 27(4), 1903-1920.
He, H., Cai, J., Song, X. and Sun, L. (2017). Analysis of proportional mean residual life model with latent variables. Stat. Med., 36(5), 813-826.
Zhou, J., Zhang, H., Sun, L. and Sun, J. (2017). Joint analysis of panel count data with informative observation process and a dependent terminal event. Lifetime Data Anal., 23(4), 560-584.
Han, D., Sun, L., Sun, Y. and Qi, L. (2017). Mark-specific additive hazards regression with continuous marks. Lifetime Data Anal., 23(3), 467-494
Ding, J. and Sun, L. (2017). Additive mixed effect model for recurrent gap time data. Lifetime Data Anal., 23(2), 223-253.
Fang, S., Zhang, H., Sun, L. and Wang, D. (2017). Analysis of panel count data with time-dependent covariates and informative observation process. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 33(1), 147-156.
Han, M., Song, X., Sun, L. and Liu, L. (2016). An additive-multiplicative mean model for marker data contingent on recurrent event with an informative terminal event. Statist. Sinica, 26(3), 1197-1218.
Du, T., Ding, J. and Sun, L. (2016).Joint modeling and estimation for longitudinal data with informative observation and terminal event times. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 45(22), 6521-6539.
Miao, R., Sun, L. and Tian, G.-L. (2016). Transformed linear quantile regression with censored survival data. Statistics and Its Interface, 9(2), 131–139.
Fang, S, Zhang, H, Sun, LQ (2016). Joint analysis of longitudinal data with additive mixed effect model for informative observation times. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 169(1), 43-55.
Miao, R. Chen, X.and Sun, L. (2016). Analyzing longitudinal data with informative observation and terminal event times. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 32(4), 1035-1052.
Pei, Y., Du, T. and Sun, L. (2016). Time-varying latent model for longitudinal data with informative observation and terminal event times. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 59(11).
He, S., Du, T. and Sun, L. (2016). Joint modeling of longitudinal data with a dependent terminal event. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods. 45(3), 813-835.
Pan, D, He, H, Song, X and Sun, LQ (2015). Regression analysis of additive hazards model with latent variables. JASA, 110(511), 1148-1159.
Ye, P, Sun, LQ, Zhao, X and Wei, X (2015). A semiparametric additive rates model for multivariate recurrent events with missing event categories. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 89(1), 39-50.
Dong, L and Sun, LQ (2015). A flexible semiparametric transformation model for recurrent event data. Lifetime Data Anal. 21(1), 20-41.
Kang, F, Sun, LQ and Zhao, X (2015). A class of transformed hazards models for recurrent gap times. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 83, 151-167.
Ye, P, Sun, LQ, Zhao, X and Wei, X (2015). An additive-multiplicative rates model for multivariate recurrent events with event categories missing at random. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 58(6), 1163–1178.
Sun, Z., Ye, X. and Sun, LQ(2015). Consistent test of error-in-variables partially linear model with auxiliary variables. J. Multivariate Anal., 141(1), 118-131.
Han, M and Sun, LQ (2014). Joint modeling of longitudinal data with informative observation times and dropouts. Statist. Sinica. 24(4), 1487-1504.
Hao, M, Song, X and Sun, LQ (2014). Reweighting estimators for additive hazards model with missing covariates. Canad. J. Statist., 42(2), 285-307.
Dong, C, Zhou, J and Sun, LQ (2014). A class of weighted estimators for additive hazards model in case-cohort studies. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 30(4), 1153-1168.
Xu, Z; Sun, LQ and Ji, H (2014). Additive mean residual life model with covariate measurement errors. J. Statist. Plann. Inference153, 87–99.
Zhou, J, Zhao, X and Sun, LQ (2013). A new inference approach for joint models of longitudinal data with informative observation and censoring times. Statist. Sinica, 23(2), 571-593.
Sun, LQ and Kang, F (2013). An additive-multiplicative rates model for recurrent event data with informative terminal event.Lifetime Data Anal., 19(1), 117-137.
Zhao, H, Zhou, J and Sun, LQ (2013). A semiparametric additive rates model for recurrent and terminal events. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 42(14), 2567-2583.
Sun, Y, Sun, LQ and Zhou, J (2013 ). Profile Local Linear Estimation of Generalized Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data. Lifetime Data Anal., 19(3), 317-349.
He, S, Wang, F and Sun, LQ (2013). A semiparametric additive rates model for clustered recurrent event data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 29(1), 55-62.
Liu, Y, Sun, LQ and Zhou, Y (2013). Additive transformation models for recurrent events. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods., 42(22), 4043-4055.
Sun, LQ, Song, X and Zhang, Z (2012). Mean residual life models with time- dependent coefficient under right censoring. Biometrika, 99 (1), 185-197.
Sun, LQ, Song, X,Zhou, J and Liu, L (2012). Joint analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times and a dependent terminal event. JASA, 107(498), 688-700.
Chen, K, Sun, LQ and Tong, X (2012). Analysis of cohort survival data with transformation model. Statist. Sinica, 22 (2), 489-508.
Song, X, Mu, X and Sun, LQ (2012). Regression analysis of longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates and informative observation times. Scand. J. Statist. 39(2), 248-258.
Sun, LQ, Song, X. and Mu, X (2012). Regression analysis for the additive hazards model with covariate errors. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 41(11), 1911-1932.
Wang, Q, Tong, X and Sun, LQ (2012). Exploring the varying covariate effects in proportional odds models with censored data. J. Multivariate Anal., 109(1), 168-189.
Wang, C, Sun, J, Sun, LQ, Zhou, J. and Wang, D (2012). Nonparametric estimation of current status data with dependent censoring. Lifetime Data Anal., 18(4), 434-445.
Zhao, X, Tong, X and Sun, LQ (2012). Joint analysis of longitudinal data with dependent observation times. Statist. Sinica, 22(1), 317-336. [
Xie, T, Sun, Z and Sun, LQ (2012). Consistent model specification test for a partial linear model with missing covariates at random. J. Nonparametric Statist. 24(4), 841-856.
Zhao, X, Zhou, J and Sun, LQ (2011). Semiparametric transformation models with time-varying coefficients for recurrent and terminal events. Biometrics, 67(2), 404-414.
Sun, LQ, Zhou, X and Guo, S (2011). Marginal regression models with time-varying coefficients for recurrent event data. Stat. Med., 30 (18), 2265-2277.
Sun, LQ, Song, X and Zhou, J (2011). Regression analysis of longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates in the presence of informative observation and censoring times. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 141(8), 2902-2919.
Sun, LQ, Tong, X and Zhou, X (2011). A class of Box-Cox transformation models for recurrent event data. Lifetime Data Anal., 17(2), 280-301.
Liu, H, Miao, R and Sun, LQ (2011). Analysis of panel data with informative observation and censoring times under biased sampling (Chinese). Sci. China Ser. A., 41(4), 365-376.
Sun, LQ, Mu, X, Sun, Z and Tong, X (2011). Semiparametric analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 27(1), 29-42.
Sun, LQ, Zhao, X and Zhou, J (2011). A class of mixed models for recurrent event data. Canad. J. Statist., 39(4), 578-590.
Chen, K, Guo, S, Sun, LQ and Wang, J-L (2010). Global partial likelihood for nonparametric proportional hazards models. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 105 (490), 750-760.
Song, X, Sun, LQ, Mu, X and Dinse, G E (2010). Additive hazards regression with censoring indicators missing at random. Canad. J. Statist., 38(3), 333-351.
Sun, LQ, Zhao, Q (2010). A class of mean residual life regression models with censored survival data. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 140 (11), 3425-3441.
Zhang, Z, Zhao, X and Sun, LQ (2010). Goodness-of-fit tests for additive mean residual life model under right censoring. Lifetime Data Anal., 16(3), 385-408.
Li, N, Sun, LQ and Sun, J (2010). Semiparametric transformation models for panel count data with dependent observation process. Statistics in Biosciences, 2(2), 191-210.
Liu, L, Mu, X and Sun LQ (2010). A class of additive-accelerated means regression models for recurrent event data. Sci. China Ser. A. 53(12), 3139-3152.
Sun, L., Zhang, Z. (2009). A class of transformed mean residual life models with censored survival data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 104(486), 803-815.
Tong, X., He, X., Sun, L., Sun, J. (2009). Variable selection for panel count data via nonconcave penalized estimating function. Scand. J. Statist., 36(4), 620-635.
Sun, L., Zhu, L., Sun, J. (2009). Regression analysis of multivariate recurrent event data with time-varying covariate effects. J. Multivariate Anal., 100 (10), 2214-2223.
Sun, L., Guo, S., Chen, M. (2009). Marginal regression model with time-varying coefficients for panel data. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 38(8), 1241-1261.
Dai, J., Sun, L., Yang, Z. (2009). A general additive-multiplicative rates models for recurrent event data. Sci. China Ser. A, 52(10), 2257-2265.
Sun, L., Tong, X. (2009). Analyzing longitudinal data with informative observation times under biased sampling. Statist. Probab. Lett., 79(9), 1162-1168.
Sun, LQ and Su, B (2008). A class of accelerated means regression models for recurrent event data. Lifetime Data Anal., 14(3), 357-375.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, X (2008). Inference in the additive risk model with time-varying covariates subject to measurement errors. Statist. Probab. Lett., 78(16), 2559-2566.
Luo, X, Jiang, F, Sun, LQ and Yang, Z (2008). Marginal regression of multiple type recurrent event data based on transformation models. Gongcheng Shuxue Xuebao, 25(2), 26-332.
Liu, H, He, S and Sun, LQ (2008). A general class of semiparametric rates models for recurrent event data. (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 31(4), 671-681.
Sun, J, Sun, LQ and Liu, D (2007). Regression analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of informative observation and censoring times. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 102(480), 1397-1406.
Zhang, Z, Sun, LQ, Sun, J and Finkelstein, DM (2007). Regression analysis of failure time data with informative interval censoring. Stat. Med., 26(12), 2533-2546.
Sun, J, Sun, LQ and Zhu, C (2007). Testing the proportional odds model for interval-censored data. Lifetime Data Anal., 13(1), 37-50.
Sun, LQ, Wang, L and Sun, J (2006). Estimation of the association for bivariate interval-censored data. Scand. J. Statist., 33(4), 637-649.
Wang, L, Sun, LQ and Sun, J (2006). Checking the marginal Cox model for correlated interval-censored failure time data. Biom. J. 48(6), 1020-1028.
Sun, LQ, Liu, J, Zhang, M and Sun, J (2006). Modeling the subdistribution of a competing risk. Statist. Sinica, 16(4), 1367-1385.
Sun, LQ, Zhang, Z and Sun, J (2006). Additive hazards regression of failure time data with covariate measurement errors. Statist. Neerlandica, 60(4), 497-509.
Sun, LQ, Park, D and Sun, J (2006). The additive hazards model for recurrent gap times. Statist. Sinica, 16(3), 919-932.
Sun, LQ (2006). The strong law under a semiparametric model for truncated and censored data. Statist. Probab. Lett., 76(14), 1550-1558.
Sun, J, Park, DH and Sun, LQ and Zhao, X (2005). Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 100(471), 882-889.
Gu, MG, Sun, LQ and Zuo, G (2005). A baseline-free procedure for transformation models under interval censorship. Lifetime Data Anal., 11(4), 473-488.
Sun, J and Sun, LQ (2005). Semiparametric linear transformation models for current status Data. Canad. J. Statist. , 33(1), 85-96.
Zhang, Z, Sun, LQ, Zhao, X and Sun, J (2005). Regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data with linear transformation models. Canad. J. Statist., 33(1), 61-70.
Zhang, Z, Sun, J and Sun, LQ (2005). Statistical analysis of current status data with informative observation times. Stat. Med., 24(9), 1399-1407.
Zhou, Y and Sun, LQ (2005). Sequential confidence bands for quantile densities under truncated and censored data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 21(2), 311-322.
Liu, H, Sun, LQ and Zhu, LQ (2005). Asymptotics on semiparametric analysis of multivariate failure time data under the additive hazards model. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 21(2), 237-246.
Liu, H and Sun, LQ (2005). A regression method for truncated and censored data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Chinese Ser., 28(1), 1-10.
Sun, LQ, Kim, Y and Sun, J (2004). Regression analysis of doubly censored failure time data using the additive hazards model. Biometrics, 60(3), 637-643.
Gu, MG, Sun, LQ and Huang, C (2004). A universal procedure for parametric frailty models. J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 74(1), 1-13.
Sun, J, Sun, LQ and Flournoy, N (2004). Additive hazards model for competing risks analysis of the case-cohort design. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 33(2), 351-366.
Zhou, X, Sun, J and Sun, LQ (2004). A uniform semiparametric approach for longitudinal data analysis. Far East J. Theor. Stat. 13(2), 233-256.
Sun, LQ (2003). Fixed design nonparametric regression with truncated and censored data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 19(2), 229-238.
Zhou, X and Sun, LQ (2003). Additive hazards regression with missing censoring information. Statist. Sinica, 13(4), 1237-1257.
Maller, A, Sun, LQ and Zhou, X (2002). Estimating the expected total number of events in a process. J. Amer Statist. Assoc., 97(458), 577-589.
Sun, LQ and Wu, G (2002). Edgeworth expansion for the survival function estimator in the Koziol-Green model. Sci. China Ser. A, 45(4), 681-693.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, X (2002). Regression analysis for a semiparametric model with panel data. Statist. Probab. Lett., 58(3), 309-317.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, X (2001). Survival function and density estimation for truncated dependent data. Statist. Probab. Lett., 52(1), 47-57.
Sun, LQ and Ren, H (2001). Bivariate estimation with left-truncated data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 17(2), 145-156.
Sun, LQ (2001). The rate of uniform convergence of the survival function estimator for truncated and censored data. J. Syst. Sci. Complex., 14(1), 93-105.
Sun, LQ, Wu, G and Wei, X (2001). Local asymptotic properties of hazard rate estimators for truncated and censored data. J. Syst. Sci. Complex., 14(4), 413-424.
Sun, LQ (2000). Edgeworth expansion of the Studentized product-limit estimator for truncated and censored data. Sci. China Ser. A, 43(5), 495-508.
Zhou, X, Sun, LQ and Ren, H (2000). Quantile estimation for left truncated and right censored data. Statist. Sinica, 10(4), 1217-1229.
Sun, LQ and Zhu, L (2000). A semiparametric model for truncated and censored data. Statist. Probab. Lett., 48(3), 217-227.
Zhou, Z, Zhou, Y, Sun, LQ and Liu, M (1999). The relative effectiveness analyses of fiscal policies in China. Forecasting, 18(4), 5-8.
Fang, B, Zhou, Y and Sun, LQ (1999). The forecast regional analysis of the private motor vehicle market in China. J. Sys. Sci. Sys. Eng., 18(4), 503-513.
Sun, LQ and Zhu, L (1999). A Berry-Esseen type bound for kernel density estimators under random censorship. Acta Math. Sin. Chinese Ser., 42(4), 627-636.
Sun, LQ and Zheng, Z (1999). Bahadur representation of the kernel quantile estimator under truncated and censored data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 15(3), 257-268.
Sun, LQ and Zheng, Z (1999). The Asymptotics of the integrated square error for the kernel hazard rate estimators with left truncated and right censored data. Systems Sci. Math. Sci. Engl. Ser. 12(3), 251-262.
Sun, LQ and Zheng, Z (1999). Asymptotic properties of the estimators of a general class of Von-Mises type functionals under truncated and censored data. J. Systems. Sci. Math. Sci. Chinese Ser., 19(1), 95-105.
Sun, LQ and Zheng, Z (1999). Strong representations of the survival function estimator on increasing sets for truncated and censored data. Acta Math. Sci. Engl. Ser., 19(3), 251-260.
Liu, H and Sun, LQ (1999). Asymptotics of the distance between smoothed PL and quantile processes. J. Math., 19(2), 218-222.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, Y (1999). Strong limit theorems for oscillation moduli of PL-process and cumulative hazard process under truncation and censorship with applications. Acta Math. Sin. Engl. Ser., 15(2), 235-244.
Zhou, Y, Sun, LQ and Yip, P (1999). The almost sure behavior of the oscillation modulus for PL-process and cumulative hazard process under random censorship. Sci. China Ser. A, 42(3), 225-237.
Sun, LQ and Zheng, Z (1998). A bound on L_1 distances of kernel density estimators for truncated and censored data. Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist., 14(3), 266-271.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, Y (1998). Strong limit theorems for oscillation moduli of PL-process under left truncation and right censorship. Acta Math. Sin. Chinese Ser., 41(5), 1113-1120.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, Y (1998). Asymptotic properties of some hazard rate function estimators under censored data. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Chinese Ser., 21(4), 597-608.
Sun, LQ and Liu, B (1998). The asymptotic distribution of a smoothed Bahadur-Kiefer process under random right censorship. Acta Math. Sci. Chinese Ser., 18(1), 97-108.
Sun, LQ and Zhou, Y (1998). Sequential confidence bands for densities under truncated and censored data. Statist. Probab. Lett., 40(1), 31-41.
Sun, LQ (1997). Bandwidth choice for hazard rate estimators from left truncated and right censored data. Statist. Probab. Lett., 36(2), 101-114.
研究方向 生存分析
学术论文 Regression analysis of additive hazards model with latent variables. Pan, D, He, H, Song, X and Sun, LQ (2015). JASA, 110(511), 1148-1159.
Mean residual life models with time-dependent coefficients under right censoring. Sun, LQ, Song, X and Zhang, Z (2012). Biometrika. 99(1),185-197.
Joint analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times and a dependent terminal event. Sun, LQ, Song, X, Zhou, J and Liu, L (2012). JASA, 107(498), 688-700.
Semiparametric transformation models with time-varying coefficients for recurrent and terminal events. Zhao, X, Zhou, J and Sun, LQ (2011). Biometrics, 67(2), 404-414.
Global partial likelihood for nonparametric proportional hazards models. Chen, K, Guo, S, Sun, LQ and Wang, J-L (2010). JASA, 105(490), 750-760.
A class of transformed mean residual life models with censored survival data. Sun, L., Zhang, Z. (2009). JASA, 104(486), 803-815.
Regression analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of informative observation and censoring times. Sun, J, Sun, LQ and Liu, D (2007). JASA, 102(480), 1397-1406.
Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times. Sun, J, Park, DH and Sun, LQ and Zhao, X (2005). JASA, 100(471), 882-889.
Regression analysis of doubly censored failure time data using the additive hazards model. Sun, LQ, Kim, Y and Sun, J (2004). Biometrics, 60(3), 637-643.
Estimating the expected total number of events in a process. Maller, A, Sun, LQ and Zhou, X (2002). JASA, 97(458), 577-589.
联系方式 北京市海淀区中关村东路55号中科院数学与系统科学研究院南楼506
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-19
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个人简介席在荣,男,?1969?年?9?月?8?日出生,现为中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员。1988年湖南常德师范学校毕业,1991年湖南省高等教育自学考试数学专科毕业(国防科技大学主考),1993年湖南省高等教育自学考试数学本科毕业(国防科技大学主考),1997年7月于郑州大学获得理学硕士学 ...中科院数学与系统科学研究院 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-19中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨翠红
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