凌强 导师介绍
工作单位 中国科学技术大学先进技术研究院/中国科学技术大学信息学院
1997~2000,清华大学,自动化系,硕士。开展变结构控制理论的应用研究(应用领域包括 :导航器姿态控制器设计、 感应电机状态观测与参数辨识)。
2000~2005,美国圣母大学(Univ. of Notre Dame),电子工程系(EE),博士。开展网络化控制方面的研究(偏重于反馈丢包与反馈量化方面)。
2005~2008,美国希捷公司(Seagate),任Research Staff Member。从事存储器的磁头位置信息提取及伺服系统控制方面的研究。
2008~ ,中国科学技术大学自动化系,副教授。从事信息与控制的交叉领域研究。
2010~ ,中国科学技术大学自动化系,博士生导师。
1. Qiang Ling. Control Systems with Limited Feedback Information. ISBN: 20, VDM Verlag, Apr. 2009.
2. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Power spectral analysis of networked control systems with data dropouts”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol 49(6):955-960, 2004.
3. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Stability of quantized control systems under dynamic bit assignment”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol 50(5): 734-740, 2005.
4. Donglin Liu, Xiaobo Hu, Micheal D. Lemmon and Qiang Ling. “Firm real-time system scheduling based on a novel QoS constraint”. IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 55(3):320-333, 2006.
5. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “A necessary and sufficient feedback dropout condition to stabilize quantized linear control systems with bounded noise”. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 55(11): 2590–2596, 2010.
6. Qiang Ling,Micheal D. Lemmon and Hai Lin. “Asymptotic Stabilization of Dynamically Quantized Nonlinear Systems in Feedforward Form”. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 8(1): 27-33, 2010.
7. Qiang Ling. “How Many Low-Precision Sensors are Enough for Reliable Detection?”. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 47(4): 3001–3006, 2011.
8. Qiang Ling, Jing Li and Haojiang Deng. “Robust Speed Tracking of Networked PMSM Servo Systems with Uncertain Feedback Delay and Load Torque Disturbance”. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID 365923, doi:10.1155/2012/365923, 2012.6.
9. Qiang Ling and Haojiang Deng. “A New Proof to the Necessity of a Second Moment Stability Condition of Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems with Real States”. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID 642480, doi: 10.1155/2012/642480, 2012.6.
10. Qiang Ling. “Optimal Dropout Policies for Networked Control Systems”. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Early View, DOI: 10.1002/oca.2037,2012.6.
11. Qiang Ling. “Using a Single Bit to Stabilize an n-Dimensional Quantized Nonlinear Feedforward System”. IET Control Theory & Applications, Accepted, 2012.5.
12. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Input-to-state stabilizability of quantized linear control systems under feedback dropouts”. In Proceedings of American Control Conference, Jun. 2010.
13. Qiang Ling and Hai Lin. “Necessary and sufficient bit rate conditions to stabilize quantized Markov jump linear systems”. In Proceedings of American Control Conference, Jun. 2010.
14. Qiang Ling and Peng Yang. “Remotely cut-off electrical generators to improve the transient stability of faulty power systems”. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Jun. 2010.
15. Qiang Ling,Micheal D. Lemmon and Hai Lin. “Stabilize an n-dimensional quantized nonlinear feedforward system with 1 bit”. In Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009.
16. Qiang Ling, Weihua Zhang, Huiyu Jin, et al. “Construct a robust high-precision detector with multiple low-precision sensors”, In Proceedings of the 21st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2009.
17. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Optimal dynamic bit assignment in second-order noise-free quantized linear control systems”. In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 8191-8196, 2005.
18. Donglin Liu, Xiaobo Hu, Micheal D. Lemmon and Qiang Ling. “Scheduling tasks with Markov-chain constraints”. In Proceedings of 17th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 157-166, 2005.
19. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Stability of quantized linear systems with bounded noise under dynamic bit assignment”. In Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1454-1459, 2004.
20. Micheal D. Lemmon and Qiang Ling. “Control system performance under dynamic quantization: the scalar case”. In Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1884-1888, 2004.
21. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Stability of quantized control systems under dynamic bit assignment”. In Proceedings of American Control Conference, 4915-4920, 2004.
22. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Optimal dropout compensation in networked control systems”. In Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 670-675, 2003.
23. Micheal D. Lemmon, Qiang Ling, and Yashan Sun. “Overload management in sensor-actuator networks used for spatially distributed control systems”. In Proceedings of 1st ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys03), 162-170, 2003.
24. Donglin Liu, Xiaobo Hu, Micheal D. Lemmon and Qiang Ling. “Firm real-time scheduling based on a novel QoS constraint”. In Proceedings of Real-time Systems Symposium (RTSS’03), 386-395, 2003.
25. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Soft real-time scheduling of networked control systems with dropouts governed by a Markov chain”. In Proceedings of American Control Conference, 4845-4850, 2003.
26. Qiang Ling and Micheal D. Lemmon. “Robust performance of soft real-time networked control systems with data dropouts”. In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1225-1230, 2002.
[P1] Qiang Ling, M. Fatih Erden,Alexei H. Sacks and Sundeep Chauhan, “Null Servo Pattern for Bit-Pattened Media”, 专利号:**, 美国专利局,授权日期:2010.4.27。
[P2] Darren W. Karns, Mark D. Bedillion, Qiang Ling and M. Fatih Erden,“Servo Sector Format with Large Lithographic Tolerances”, 专利号:** , 美国专利局,授权日期:2009.8.18。
[P3] Qiang Ling and M. Fatih Erden, “Compensating the Effects of Non-Synchronous Writing of Erasable Servo Marks”, 专利号:** , 美国专利局,授权日期:2011.9.20。
[P4] Qiang Ling and M. Fatih Erden,“Low Complexity Servo Demodulation Algorithm for Probe Storage”, 申请号: , 美国专利局,公示日期:2009.4.2。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24
殷保群导师介绍姓名殷保群工作单位中国科学技术大学先进技术研究院/信息学院学位/职称博士/教授办公室电话Emailbqyin@ustc.edu.cn教育背景1985年7月毕业于四川大学数学系基础数学专业,随后考入中国科学技术大学基础数学研究生班,1987年7月毕业,并留校任教。1993年5月在中国科学 ...中国科学技术大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24中国科学技术大学先进技术研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘淇
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张燕咏导师介绍姓名张燕咏工作单位中国科学技术大学先进技术研究院/中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术学院学位/职称教授/副院长办公室电话Emailyanyongz@ustc.edu.cn教育背景1997宾州州立大学(PennState)计算机科学与工程博士1992中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术学士研究 ...中国科学技术大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24中国科学技术大学先进技术研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱进
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