

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

曹洋 导师介绍








2013.12-2014.12,纽约州立大学布法罗分校 访问****
2006.09-2015.06,中国科技大学自动化系 助理教授
2015.06至今 中国科技大学自动化系副教授

城市路网机动车尾气排放遥感监测技术研究及应用 中国自动化学会科技奖一等奖(排名第三)

1. 国家重大研发计划项目子课题:面向自主移动的机器人智能发育验证技术 2018.10-2020.11 35万;
2. 国家重大研发计划项目子课题:近海大气污染物立体遥感定量表征技术2018.10-2020.11 60万;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于对抗学习策略的模糊辨识性特征计算方法研究2019.01-2022.12 64万;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:具有3D空间辨识力的视觉显著计算模型研究 2015.01-2018.12 83万;
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于单眼线索的自然场景深度重建 2009.01-2011.12 20万
6. 校重要方向培育基金:水下关键目标识别技术研究 2018.01-2020.12 90万
7. 华为公司合作计划项目:脑启发的模型研究与应用 2019.08-202107. 180万
8. 微软亚洲研究院合作计划项目:Flying Sensor Network 2010.01-2010.12 35万

1.Wei Zhai, Yang Cao*, Jing Zhang, Zhengjun Zha. Deep Multiple-Attribute-Perceived Network for Real-world Texture Recognition. International Conferences on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.
2.Yang Wang, Yang Cao*, Jing Zhang, Zhengjun Zha. Progressive Retinex: Mutually Reinforced Illumination-Noise Perception Network for Low Light Image Enhancement. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2019.
3.Kai Zhu, Wei Zhai, Zheng-Jun Zha, Yang Cao*. One-Shot Texture Retrieval with Global Context Metric. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019.
4.Jing Yuan, Yang Cao*, Yu Kang. 3D Layout encoding network for spatial-aware 3D saliency modelling. IET Computer Vision. 2019.
5.Shilian Wu,Wei Zhai, Yang Cao*.PixTextGAN: structure aware text image synthesis for license plate recognition. IET Image Processing. 2019.
6.Xue Zhao, Yang Cao*, Yu Kang. Object affordance detection with relationship-aware network. Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA).2019
7.Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Yang Wang, Chenglin Wen and Chang Wen Chen, Fully Point-wise Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Statistical Regularities in Natural Images, ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2018.
8.Yu Kang, Shaofeng Chen, Xuefeng Wang, Yang Cao*. Deep Convolutional Identifier for Dynamic Modelling and Adaptive Control of Unmanned Helicopter. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning System (TNNLS), 2018.
9.Wei Zhai, Jiang Zhu, Yang Cao*, and Zengfu Wang: A Generative Adversarial Network Based Framework for Unsupervised Visual Surface Inspection. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018.
10.Jiang Zhu, Wei Zhai, Yang Cao* and Zheng-Jun Zha.“Co-occurrent Structural Edge Detection for Color-Guided Depth Map Super-resolution”.International Conference on Multimedia Modeling(MMM),2018.
11.Meng Wei, Yu Kang, Weiguo Song and Yang Cao*.Crowd Distribution Estimation with Multi-scale Recursive Convolutional Neural Network.International Conference on Multimedia Modeling(MMM),2018.
12.Yang Wang, Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, et al. “A deepCNNmethod for underwater image enhancement”. IEEE Conference on Image Processing(ICIP),2017.
13.Jiang Zhu, Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, et al. “Image guided depth enhancementvia deep fusion and local linear regularization”.IEEE Conference on Image Processing(ICIP),2017.
14.Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*,Chang Wen Chen, “Fast haze removal for nighttime image using maximum reflectance prior”.Accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2017.
15.Cao Yang*, Kang Kai, Zhang Jing and Zengfu Wang, Fast Response Aggregation For Depth Estimation Using Light Field Camera, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016.
16.Cao Yang*, Kang Kai, Zhang Shijie, Zhang Jing, and Wang Zengfu. Automatic tag saliency ranking for stereo images. Neurocomputing. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.09.097 2015.
17.Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Zhigang Zheng, Zengfu Wang, Changwen Chen. A Unified Scheme for Super-resolution and Depth Estimation from Asymmetric Stereoscopic Video, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2014.**, 2015.
18.Zhang Jing, Cao Yang*, Wang Zengfu, Changwen Chen. A new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images, Machine Vision and Application, (2014)15:1685-1695, 2014.
19.Yang Cao*, Shijie Zhang, Jing Zhang, Changwen Chen, A Novel Segmentation-based Video Denoising Method with Noise Level Estimation. Information Science. 281(10):507-520, 2014.
20.Kai Kang , Yang Cao*, Jing Zhang, and Zengfu Wang. Salient object detection and classification for stereoscopic images. Multimedia Tools and Application. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-014-2142-8, 2014.
21.Jing Zhang, Yang Cao* and Zengfu Wang, A New Image Filtering Method: Nonlocal Image Guided Averaging, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 2460-2464, Florence, Italy, 2014.
22.Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Zengfu Wang, Nighttime Haze Removal Based on A New Imaging Model, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 4557 - 4561, Paris, Franc. 2014.
23.Shijie Zhang, Jing Zhang, Shuai Fang, Yang Cao*, Underwater Stereo Image Enhancement Using A New Physical Model, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ( ICIP), pp. 5422 - 5426, Paris, Franc. 2014.
24.Yu Liu, Shuping Liu, Yang Cao, Zengfu Wang*. A Practical Algorithm for Automatic Chessboard Corner Detection. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ( ICIP), pp. 3449 - 3453, Paris, Franc. 2014.
25.Shuai Fang, Chuanpei Zhou, Yang Cao*. Improving Color Constancy with Internet Photo Collections, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM, Volume 8879, pp 33-43 2014.
26.Yang Cao, Shuai Fang, Zengfu Wang*. Digital Multi-focusing from a Single Photograph Taken with an Uncalibrated Conventional Camera, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(9):3703-3714, 2013.
27.Shuai Fang*,Qiang Shi,Yang Cao,Adaptive removal of real noise from a single image,Journal of Electronic Imaging. 22(3):033014, 2013.
28.Jing Zhang, Yang Cao* and Zengfu Wang, A Simultaneous Method for 3D Video Super-resolution and High-quality Depth Estimation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ( ICIP),pp. 1346-1350, Melbourne, Australia. 2013.
29.Yu Jun, Cao Yang, Wang zengfu. 2D/3D Model-based Facial Video Coding/Decoding at Ultra-low Bit-rate for Mobile Communication、International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 7733, 2013, 12-23
30.Fang Shuai, Qin Tong, Cao Yang*. Depth recovery from a single defocused image based on depth locally consistency. The Fifth International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service. pp.56-61, Huangshan, China, 2013.
31.Zhang Jing, Cao Yang*, Wang zengfu. A new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images、International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 7733, 2013, 154-164
32.Zhang Shijie, Zhang Jing, Cao Yang*. A Novel Segmentation-based Video Denoising Method with Noise Level Estimation、International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 7733, 2013, 272-282
33.Yang Cao, Shuai Fang, Feng Wang. Single Image Multi-focusing Based on Local Blur Estimation, International Conference on Image and Graphics(ICIG), Hefei, Anhui.2011: 168 – 175.
34.Yang Cao, Yan Xia, Zengfu Wang. A close-form iterative algorithm for depth inferring from a single image. European Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV), 2010, Vol 6315/2010, 729-742.
35.Shuai Fang, Jiqing Zhan, Yang Cao, Ruizhong Rao, Improved Single Image Dehazing Using Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kang, Sep.2010:3589-3592.
