

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-21

(1 ) 个人简介:张磊,男,于1983年11月出生于山东青州,现为中国科学技术大学特任研究员。于2005年毕业于天津大学理学院获学士学位,2011年7月毕业于北京大学数学科学学院数学系获博士学位,导师:蔡金星。博士毕业后2011年7月加入陕西师范大学数学与信息科学学院,先后任讲师、副教授,从2018年1月加入中国科学技术大学。
(2) 主持基金
国家自然科学基金面上项目:正特征上三维代数簇的丰沛性问题,No. **, 2018.01-2021.12
(3 ) 已发表(接收)论文
[16] Lei Zhang, Abundance for 3-folds with non-trivial Albanese maps in positive characteristic, accepted by J. Eur. Math. Soc, arXiv: 1705.00847.
[15] Lei Zhang, Subadditivity of Kodaira dimensions for fibrations of three-folds in positive characteristics, Advances in Mathematics354, (2019).
[14] Chenyang Xu and Lei Zhang, Nonvanishing for threefolds in characteristicp>5, to appear in Duke Mathematical Journal, 168 (7) (2019),1269-1301..
[13] C.D. Hacon, Z. Patakfalvi and L. Zhang, Birational characterization of abelian varieties and ordinary abelian varieties in characteristic p > 0, Duke Mathematical Journal168 (9) (2019), 1723-1736.
[12] Lei Zhang, Abundance for non-uniruled 3-folds with non-trivial Albanese maps in positive characteristics,Journal of London Mathematical Society99 (2019), 332-348.
[11] Yong Hu and Lei Zhang, Surfaces with p_g = q= 1, K^2 = 6 and non-birational bicanonical maps, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series) 35 (2019), No. 3, 321--337.
[10] Sho Ejiri and Lei Zhang, Iitaka's conjecture for 3-folds in positive characteristic, Mathematical Research Letters25, (2018), No. 3, 783--802.
[9] Lei Zhang, A note on Iitaka's conjecture C_{3,1} in positive characteristics, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics21 (2017), 689-704.
[8] Caucher Birkar, Yifei Chen and Lei Zhang, Iitaka's C_{n,m} conjecture for 3-folds over finite fields, Nagoya Mathematical Journal 229 (2018),21-51.
[7] Lei Zhang, Surfaces with K^2=7, p_g=q=1 and nonbirational bicanonical maps,Geometriea Dedicata 177 (2015), 293-306.
[6] Yifei Chen and Lei Zhang, The subadditivity of the Kodaira dimension for fibrations of relative dimension one in positive characteristic, Mathematical Research Letters22 (2015), 675-696.
[5] Lei Zhang, The cohomological support locus of pluricanonical sheaves and the Iitaka fibration, Journal of London Mathematical Society 90 (2014), 592-608.
[4] Lei Zhang, A note on the linear systems on the projective bundles over abelian varieties, Proceedings of American Mathematical Society142 (2014), No. 8, 2569-2580.
[3] Lei Zhang, On the bicanonical map of primitive varieties with q(X)=dim X: the degree and the Euler number, Mathematische Zeitschrift277 (2014), No. 1-2, 575-590.
[2] Jin-xing Cai, Wenfei Liu and Lei Zhang, Automorphisms of surfaces of general type with q>=2 acting trivially in cohomology, Compositio Mathematica149 (2013), No. 10, 1667-1684.
[1] Lei Zhang, Characterization of a class of surfaces with K^2=5, p_g=q=0 by their bicanonical maps, Manuscripta Mathematica 135 (2011), No.1-2, 165-181.

相关话题/科学学院 数学