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左达峰,男,1977年11月出生于安徽枞阳,现为数学科学学院教授、博士生导师, 教务处副处长. 1994.9-1998.7安徽师范大学数学系(基础数学)读本科;1998.9-2003.6于中国科学技术大学硕博连读,导师为陈卿教授和程艺教授,2003.6月于获理学博士学位。2001年6月留校任教至今,2014年6月评定为教授。期间2003.8-2005.7在清华大学数学科学系从事博士后研究,2006.1-2008.12在韩国高等研究院(Research Fellow),2013年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2013.10-2014.8访问英国格拉斯哥大学数学统计系(Visiting Scholar)。

[1] Dubrovin, Boris;Strachan, Ian A. B.;Zhang, Youjin;Zuo, DafengExtended affine Weyl groups of BCD-type: their Frobenius manifolds and Landau-Ginzburg superpotentials.Adv. Math.351(2019),897–946.
[2]Zhu,Xiaoming;Zuo, DafengSome(2+1)-dimensional nonlocal `breaking soliton'-type systems.Appl. Math. Lett.91(2019),181–187.
[3] Ma, Shilin;Wu, Yemo;Zuo, Dafeng The Frobenius-Virasoro algebra and Euler equations-II: Multi-component cases.J. Geom. Phys.135(2019),32–41.
[4]Ge,Yanyan;Zuo,Dafeng A new class of Euler equation on the dual of theN=1extended Neveu-Schwarz algebra.J. Math. Phys.59(2018),no. 11,113505, 8 pp.
[5] Ma, Hui;Mironov, Andrey E.;Zuo, Dafeng An energy functional for Lagrangian tori inCP^2.Ann. Global Anal. Geom.53(2018),no. 4,583–595.
[6] Mironov, Andrey E.;Zuo, DafengSpectral curve of the Halphen operator.Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2)60(2017),no. 2,451–460.
[7] Strachan, Ian A. B.;Zuo, Dafeng Frobenius manifolds and Frobenius algebra-valued integrable systems.Lett. Math. Phys.107(2017),no. 6,997–1026.
[8] Strachan, Ian A. B.;Zuo, DafengIntegrability of the Frobenius algebra-valued Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy.J. Math. Phys.56(2015),no. 11,113509, 13 pp.
[9]Zuo, Dafeng The Frobenius-Virasoro algebra and Euler equations.J. Geom. Phys.86(2014),203–210.
[10]Wu,Chao-Zhong;Zuo,DafengInfinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds underlying the Toda lattice hierarchy.Adv. Math.255(2014),487–524.
[11] Mironov, Andrey E.;Zuo, DafengOn a family of conformally flat Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian tori inCP^3.Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN2008,Art. ID rnn 078, 13 pp.
[12] Zuo, Dafeng Frobenius manifolds associated toB_landD_l, revisited.Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN2007,no. 8,Art. ID rnm020, 25 pp.

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