

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-01

简 历
Email: quqishu@qq.com
92.9 - 96.7华东理工大学,化学工程系,工学学士
98.9 - 03.6中国科学技术大学,化学系分析化学专业硕博连读,理学博士

96-04 中国科学技术大学,化学系,讲师
04-13 扬州大学,化学化工学院,副教授,教授
13.5- 安徽建筑大学,材料与化学工程学院,教授
06-07 Vrije Universiteit Brusseles, 访问学者
07 台湾大学,化学系,博士后
13-14 Universityof California-Riverside, 访问学者

1. Layer-by-layer assembly of zeolite imidazolate framework-8 as coating material for capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Han Xuan, Kehua Zhang, Yi Ding, Qin Xu. Electrophoresis2016, 37, 2175-2180.
2. Graphene oxide-SiO2hybrid nanostructure as coating material for capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Han Xuan, Kehua Zhang, Yi, Ding, Qin Xu. Electrophoresis2016, 37, 1367-1375.
3. Silica microspheres with fibrous shells: synthesis and application in HPLC. Qishu Qu, Yi Min,Lihua Zhang, Qin Xu Yadong Yin. Analytical Chemistry2015, 87, 9631-9638.
4. Tunable thick porous silica coating fabricated by multilayer-by-multilayer bonding of silica nanoparticles for open-tubular capillary chromatographic separation. Qishu Qu, Yuanyuan Liu, Wenjun Shi, Chao Yan, Xiaoqing Tang. Journal of Chromatography A2015, 1399, 25-31.
5. Adjustment of the morphology of MCM-41 silica in basic solution. Qishu Qu, Gang Zhou, Yi Ding, Shaojie Feng, Zuli Gu. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids2014, 405, 104-115.
6. Graphene-based materials: fabrication and application for adsorption in analytical chemistry. Xin Wang, Bo Liu, Qipeng Lu, Qishu Qu*. Journal of ChromatographyA 2014, 1362, 1–15.(Invited review article)
7. Facile synthesis of hierarchical MCM-41 spheres with ultrahigh surface area and its application for removal of methylene blue from wastewater. Qishu Qu, Zuli Gu. Analytical Methods2014, 6, 1397–1403.
8. Layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolyte and graphene oxide for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Chenhao Gu, Zuli Gu, Yuqi Shen, Chengyin Wang, Xiaoya Hu. Journal of ChromatographyA2013, 1282, 95-101.
9. Capillary column coated with graphene oxide as stationary phase for gas chromatography. Qishu Qu, Yuqi Shen, Chenhao Gu, Zuli Gu, Qian Gu, Chengyin Wang, Xiaoya Hu. Analytica Chimica Acta2012, 757, 83-87.
10. Capillary coated with graphene and graphene oxide sheets as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography and capillary liquid chromatography. Qishu Qu, Chenhao Gu, Xiaoya Hu. Analytical Chemistry2012, 84, 8880-8890.
12. Efficient removal of heavy metal from aqueous solution by sulfonic acid functionalized nonporous silica microspheres. Qishu Qu, Qian Gu, Zuli Gu, Yuqi Shen, Chengyin Wang, Xiaoya Hu. Colloids and Surfaces A2012, 415, 41-46.
13. Porous silica microspheres obtained by grinding monolithic columns as stationary phase for high performance liquid chromatography. Qishu Qu, Qian Gu, Lihua Shi, Zuli Gu, Xiaoya Hu. Analytical Methods2012,4, 3200-3205.
14. Facile synthesis and size control of highly monodispersed hybrid silica spheres through a novel nuclei controlling method. Qishu Qu, Ping Xu, Debby Mangelings, Chun Yang, Xiaoya Hu. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids2011, 357, 976–980.
15. Permanent gold nanoparticle coatings on polyelectrolyte multilayers modified capillaries for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Dengping Liu, Debby Mangelings, Chun Yang, Xiaoya Hu. Journal of Chromatography A2010, 1217, 6588-6594.
16. Silica spheres coated with C18 modified gold nanoparticles for capillary liquid chromatographic and pressurized capillary electrochromatographic separations. Qishu Qu, Shengwei Peng, Debby Mangelings, Xiaoya Hu, Chao Yan. Electrophoresis2010, 31, 556-562.
17. Monolithic silica xerogel capillary column for separations in capillary liquid chromatography and pressurized capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Song Wang, Debby Mangelings, Chengyin Wang, Gongjun Yang, Xiaoya Hu, Chao Yan. Electrophoresis2009, 30, 1071-1076.
18. Gold microspheres modified with octadecanethiol for capillary liquid chromatography. Qishu Qu, Xinxin Zhang, Zhenzhen Zhao, Xiaoya Hu, Chao Yan. Journal of Chromatography A2008, 1198-1199, 95-100.
19. Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography using capillary coated with octadecylamine-capped gold nanoparticles. Qishu Qu, Xinxin Zhang, Ming Shen, Yin Liu, Xiaoya Hu, Gongjun Yang, Chengyin Wang, Yukui Zhang, Chao Yan. Electrophoresis2008, 29, 901-909.
20. Open-tubular gas chromatography using capillary coated with octadecylamine - capped gold nanoparticles. Qishu Qu, Fei Shen, Ming Shen, Xiaoya Hu, Gongjun Yang, Chengyin Wang, Chao Yan, Yukui Zhang. Analytica Chimica Acta2008, 609, 76-81.
21. Pressurized capillary electrochromatographic assay of trimethoprim impurities using 1 mm particle-based columns. Qishu Qu, Debby Mangelings, Fei Shen, Xiaoya Hu, Chao Yan, Yukui Zhang, Yvan Vander Heyden. Journal of Chromatography A2007, 1169: 228-234.
22. Control of electroosmotic flow by a cation additive to enhance the separation of amino acids by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Qishu Qu, Xiaoqing Tang, Debby Mangelings, Chengyin Wang, Gongjun Yang, Xiaoya Hu, Chao Yan. Journal of Chromatography B2007, 853: 31-37.
23. Etched bare fused-silica capillaries for on-line preconcentration of amino acids in capillary electrophoresis. Qishu Qu, Yin Liu, Xiaoqng Tang, Chengyn Wang, Gongjn Yang, Xiaoy Hu*, Chao Yan. Electrophoresis2006, 27,4500-4507.
24. Preparation and evaluation of C18 bonded 1 μm silica particles for pressurized capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Xiao Lu, Xiaojing Huang, Xiaoya Hu, Yukui Zhang, Chao Yan. Electrophoresis2006, 27,3981-3987.
25. Characterization and application of a new ultraviolet derivatization reagent for amino acids analysis in capillary electrophoresis. Qishu Qu, Xiaoqing Tang, Chengyin Wang, Gongjun Yang, Xiaoya Hu*, Xiao Lu, Yin Liu, Shouchun Li, Chao Yan. Analytica Chimica Acta2006, 572,212-218.
26. Preparation of particle-fixed silica monoliths used in capillary electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Xiaoqing Tang, Chengyin Wang, Gongjun Yang, Xiaoya Hu, Xiao Lu, Yin Liu, Chao Yan. Journal of Separation Science2006, 29,2098-2102.
27. Packing Capillary Electrochromatography Columns Using Vacuum-Preliminary study. Qishu Qu, Xiaoya Hu, Xiashi Zhu, Shanmin Gao, Qiang Xu, Yubao Wang, Xiaorong Wang. Journal of Separation Science2004, 27, 1229-1232.
28. Reduced-bore monolithic silica column modified with C8-TEOS for reversed –phase electrochromatography. Qishu Qu, Rongjun Qu, Qiang Xu, Yubao Wang, Xiaorong Wang, Youzhao He. Journal of Separation Science2004, 27, 725-728.
29. Electrochromatography with a 2.7 mm inner diameter monolithic column. Qishu Qu, Youzhao He, Wuer Gan, Ning Deng, Xiangqin Lin. Journal of Chromatography A2003, 983, 255-262.

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