

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-01

金震(Jin, Zhen),男,博士、副教授。1982年9月生,籍贯安徽省凤阳县。

Email: ftbjin@hotmail.com

1999.9-2003.7 安徽大学物理系 学士
2004.9-2009.7 中国科学院固体物理研究所 博士

2009.7-2012.6 中科院合肥物质研究院合肥智能机械研究所 博士后
2012.6-2015.3 中科院合肥物质研究院合肥智能机械研究所 助理研究员
2015.3-2017.9 中科院合肥物质研究院合肥智能机械研究所 副研究员
2017.9至今 安徽建筑大学材料与化学工程学院 副教授


近年来一直从事于金属氧化物半导体功能纳米材料相关性能的研究,以第一作者及通讯作者身份在Analytic Chemistry、Sensor Actuat B-Chem等国际期刊上发表学术论文21篇,其中中科院JCR一区论文10篇,H-index为19,其中部分研究成果被中国科学网、新华网、以及安徽日报(头版)所报道,另获多项授权国家专利。


[1]Z. Jin,S.H Chen, M. Yang, J.H. Liu,Q.X. Li*, X.J. Huang*, Tin Oxide Crystals Exposed by Low-energy {110} Facets for Enhanced Electrochemical Heavy Metal Ions Sensing: Density Functional Theory Combined with Desorption Experimental Evidence, Analytic Chemistry, 89 (2017), 2613-2621(一区)
[2]Z. Jin, Y. Jia, K.S. Zhang, L.T. Kong, B. Sun, W. Shen, F.L. Meng, J.H. Liu, Effective removal of fluoride by porous MgO nanoplates and its adsorption mechanism, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 675 (2016) 292-300. (一区)
[3]Y.F. Sun, S. Ge, H.H. Huang, H.X. Zheng, Z. Jin*, J.H. Shan, C.P. Gu, X.J. Huang, F.L. Meng*,Novel volatile organic compound (VOC) sensor based on Ag-decorated porous single-crystalline ZnO nanosheets, Material Express, 6 (2016), 1-7. (二区)
[4]S.H. Li, Z. Chu, F.F. Meng, T. Luo, X.Y. Hu*, S.Z. Huang, Z. Jin*, Highly sensitive gas sensor based on SnO2nanorings for detection of isopropanol, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688 (2016) 712-717.(一区)
[5]Y.C, Yao, X.R. Dai, X.Y. Hu, S.Z. Huang, Z. Jin*, Synthesis of Ag-decorated porous TiO2nanowires through a sunlight induced reduction method and its enhanced photocatalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 387 (2016) 469–476. (二区)
[6]S.H. Li, F.F. Meng, Z. Chu*, T. Luo, F.M. Peng, Z. Jin*, Mesoporous SnO2nanowires: synthesis and ethanol sensing properties, Advancesin Condensed Matter Physics, Accepted (doi.org/10.1155/2017/**)
[7]Z. Jin,Y. Jia, T. Luo, L.T. K, B. Sun, W. Shen, F.L. Meng, J.H. Liu, Efficient removal of fluoride by hierarchical MgO microspheres: Performance and mechanism study, Applied Surface Science, 357 (2015) 1080–1088.(二区)
[8]F.L. Meng, N.N. Hou, Z. Jin*, B. Sun, W.Q. Li, X.H. Xiao*, C. Wang, M.Q. Li, J.H. Liu,Sub-ppb detection of acetone using Au-modified flower-like hierarchical ZnO structures, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 219 (2015) 209-217.(一区)
[9]F.L. Meng, S. Ge, Y. Jia, B. Sun, Y.F. Sun*, C. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Jin*, M.Q. Li, Interlaced nanoflake-assembled flower-like hierarchical ZnO microspheres prepared by bisolvents and their sensing properties to ethanol, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 632 (2015) 645-650.(一区)
[10]F.L.Meng, S. Ge, Y. Jia, B. Sun, Y.F. Sun*, C. wang, H. Wu, Z. Jin*, M.Q. Li, Interlaced nanoflake-assembled flower-like hierarchical ZnO microspheres prepared by bisolvents and their sensing properties to ethanol,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 632(2015) 645–650.(一区)
[11]F.L.Meng, N.N. Hou, Z. Jin*, B. Sun, Z. Guo, L.T. Kong, X.H. Xiao*, H. Wu, M.Q. Li, J.H. Liu, Ag-decorated ultra-thin porous single-crystalline ZnO nanosheets prepared by sunlight induced solvent reduction and their highly-sensitive detection of ethanol, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 209(2015) 975–982.(一区)
[12]Z. Jin, Y.X. Zhang, F.L. Meng, Y. Jia, T. Luo, X.Y. Yu, J. Wang, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Facile synthesis of porous single crystalline ZnO nanoplates and their application in photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of phenol, J Hazard Mater, 276 (2014) 400-407.(一区)
[13]F.L.Meng*, N.N. Hou, S.Ge, B. Sun, Z. Jin*, W. Shen, L.T. Kong, Z. Guo, Y.F. Sun, H Wu, C. Wang, M.Q. Li, Flower-like hierarchical structures consisting of porous single-crystalline ZnO nanosheets and their gas sensing properties to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 626(2015) 124–130.(一区)
[14]H.M. Ouyang#, Z. Jin# *, G.T. Fei, X.Y. Hu, S.H. Xu, Y. Deng, Generic Synthesis of TiO2Based Nanocables by Using the Through-Hole TiO2 Nanotube Arrays as Template, Nanosci Nanotech Lett, 6 (2014) 493-496.
[15]Z. Jin, F.L. Meng, Y. Jia, T. Luo, J.Y. Liu, B. Sun, J. Wang, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Porous TiO2nanowires derived from nanotubes: Synthesis, characterzation and their enhanced photocatalytic properties, Micropor Mesopor Mat, 181 (2013) 146-153. (二区)
[16]Z. Jin, G.T. Fei, X.Y. Hu, M. Wang, L.D. Zhang, Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of Cu2O/TiO2Double Wall Nanotube Arrays, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 2 (2012) 1-5.
[17]Z. Jin, F.L. Meng, J.Y. Liu, M.Q. Li, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, A novel porous anodic alumina based capacitive sensor towards trace detection of PCBs, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 157 (2011) 641-646. (一区)
[18]Z. Jin, G.T. Fei, X.Y. Hu, S.H. Xu, L. De Zhang, Controllable Fabrication of Multibranched TiO2Nanotubes via a Two-step Anodization Method, ChemistryLetters, 38 (2009) 288-289.
[19]Z. Jin, G.T. Fei, X.L. Cao, X.W. Wang, Fabrication and Optical Properties of Mesoporous SnO2Nanowire Arrays, J Nanosci Nanotechno,10 (2010) 5471-5474.
[20]Q.B. Shu, Z. Jin*, F.L. Meng, Y.F. Sun, Synthesis of porous single-crystalline ZnO nanoplates and their sensing properties to indoor air pollutants, Journal of Functional Materials, 10(2015) 10034-10038.
[21]N.N. Hou,Z. Jin#,B. Sun, Y.F. Sun,W. Shen, Z. Guo, L.T. Kong, M.Q. Li, F.L.Meng,New strategy for rapid detection of the simulants of persistent organic pollutants using gas sensor based on three-dimensional porous single-crystalline ZnO nanosheets, IEEE sensors, 15(2015) 3668-3674.
[22]J.Y. He, K.S. Zhang, S.B. Wu, X.G. Cai, K. Chen, Y.L. Li, B. Sun, Y. Jia, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Performance of novel hydroxyapatite nanowires in treatment of fluoride contaminated water, J Hazard Mater, 303 (2016) 119-130.
[23]S. Ge, H.X. Zheng, Y.F. Sun, Z. Jin, J.H. Shan, C. Wang, H. Wu, M.Q. Li, F.L. Meng, Ag/SnO2/graphene ternary nanocomposites and their sensing properties to volatile organic compounds, J Alloy Compd, 659 (2016) 127-131.
[24]B.S. Zhu, Y. Jia, Z. Jin, B. Sun, T. Luo, X.Y. Yu, L.T. Kong, X.J. Huang, J.H. Liu, Controlled synthesis of natroalunite microtubes and spheres with excellent fluoride removal performance, Chem Eng J, 271 (2015) 240-251.
[25]B.S. Zhu, Y. Jia, Z. Jin, B. Sun, T. Luo, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, A facile precipitation synthesis of mesoporous 2-line ferrihydrite with good fluoride removal properties, Rsc Adv, 5 (2015) 84389-84397.
[26]K.S. Zhang, S.B. Wu, X.L. Wang, J.Y. He, B. Sun, Y. Jia, T. Luo, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, D.Y. Lin, W. Shen, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Wide pH range for fluoride removal from water by MHS-MgO/MgCO3adsorbent: Kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanism studies, J Colloid Interf Sci, 446 (2015) 194-202.
[27]S.B. Wu, K.S. Zhang, X.L. Wang, Y. Jia, B. Sun, T. Luo, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, D.Y. Lin, W. Shen, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Enhanced adsorption of cadmium ions by 3D sulfonated reduced graphene oxide, Chem Eng J, 262 (2015) 1292-1302.
[28]X.L. Wang, K.S. Zhang, S.B. Wu, B. Sun, Z. Jin, F.L. Meng, T. Luo, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, A Novel Fluorescence Nanoprobing Strategy for Fluoride Anions Detection in Water, Nanosci Nanotech Let, 7 (2015) 546-554.
[29]Z.G. Liu, Y.F. Sun, W.K. Chen, Y. Kong, Z. Jin, X. Chen, X. Zheng, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, S.H. Yu, Facet-Dependent Stripping Behavior of Cu2O Microcrystals Toward Lead Ions: A Rational Design for the Determination of Lead Ions, Small, 11 (2015) 2493-2498.
[30]Y. Jia, B.S. Zhu, K.S. Zhang, Z. Jin, B. Sun, T. Luo, X.Y. Yu, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Porous 2-line ferrihydrite/bayerite composites (LFBC): Fluoride removal performance and mechanism, Chem Eng J, 268 (2015) 325-336.
[31]Y. Jia, B.S. Zhu, Z. Jin, B. Sun, T. Luo, X.Y. Yu, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Fluoride removal mechanism of bayerite/boehmite nanocomposites: Roles of the surface hydroxyl groups and the nitrate anions, J Colloid Interf Sci, 440 (2015) 60-67.
[32]N.T. Zhang, B.J. Zhu, F.M. Peng, X.Y. Yu, Y. Jia, J. Wang, L.T. Kong, Z. Jin, T. Luo, J.H. Liu, Synthesis of metal-organic-framework related core-shell heterostructures and their application to ion enrichment in aqueous conditions, Chem Commun, 50 (2014) 7686-7689.
[33]N.T. Zhang, X. Yang, X.Y. Yu, Y. Jia, J. Wang, L.T. Kong, Z. Jin, B. Sun, T. Luo, J.H. Liu, Al-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic metal-organic frameworks: A promising adsorbent for defluoridation of water with pH insensitivity and low aluminum residual, Chem Eng J, 252 (2014) 220-229.
[34]T. Luo, Q.Q. Meng, C. Gao, X.Y. Yu, Y. Jia, B. Sun, Z. Jin, Q.X. Li, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Sub-20 nm-Fe3O4 square and circular nanoplates: synthesis and facet-dependent magnetic and electrochemical properties, Chem Commun, 50 (2014) 15952-15955.
[35]Y. Jia, X.Y. Yu, T. Luo, Z. Jin, B. Sun, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Necklace-like mesoporous MgO/TiO2 heterojunction structures with excellent capability for water treatment, Dalton T, 43 (2014) 2348-2351.
[36]Y. Jia, X.Y. Yu, T. Luo, Z. Jin, B. Sun, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Study on the microheterogeneity of aqueous alcohol solutions: formation mechanism of inner pores of ZnO nanostructures, Rsc Adv, 4 (2014) 11124-11129.
[37]F. Fang, L.T. Kong, J.R. Huang, S.B. Wu, K.S. Zhang, X.L. Wang, B. Sun, Z. Jin, J. Wang, X.J. Huang, J.H. Liu, Removal of cobalt ions from aqueous solution by an amination graphene oxide nanocomposite, J Hazard Mater, 270 (2014) 1-10.
[38]H.M. Ouyang, G.T. Fei, Y. Zhang, H. Su, Z. Jin, S.H. Xu, L.D. Zhang, Large scale free-standing open-ended TiO2 nanotube arrays: stress-induced self-detachment and in situ pore opening, J Mater Chem C, 1 (2013) 7498-7506.
[39]H.L. Liu, Y.D. Sun, Z. Jin, L.B. Yang, J.H. Liu, Capillarity-constructed reversible hot spots for molecular trapping inside silver nanorod arrays light up ultrahigh SERS enhancement, Chem Sci, 4 (2013) 3490-3496.
[40]Y. Jia, T. Luo, X.Y. Yu, Z. Jin, B. Sun, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Facile one-pot synthesis of lepidocrocite (gamma-FeOOH) nanoflakes for water treatment, New J Chem, 37 (2013) 2551-2556.
[41]M. He, N.T. Zhang, X.Y. Yu, Y. Jia, B. Sun, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, J.H. Liu, T. Luo, Synthesis of Porous Gold Based on Gold-Thiol Coordination Polymer and Its Application in SERS Detection with High Activity and High Reproducibility, Chemistry Letters, 42 (2013) 407-409.
[42]Y.X. Zhang, Y. Jia, Z. Jin, X.Y. Yu, W.H. Xu, T. Luo, B.J. Zhu, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Self-assembled, monodispersed, flower-like gamma-AlOOH hierarchical superstructures for efficient and fast removal of heavy metal ions from water, Crystengcomm, 14 (2012) 3005-3007.
[43]Y.T. Wan, J.Y. Liu, X.Q. Fu, X.M. Zhang, F.L. Meng, X.Y. Yu, Z. Jin, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Modification of coral-like SnO2 nanostructures with dense TiO2 nanoparticles for a self-cleaning gas sensor, Talanta, 99 (2012) 394-403.
[44]Y.T. Wan, H.H. Li, J.Y. Liu, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Sensitive detection of indoor air contaminants using a novel gas sensor based on coral-shaped tin dioxide nanostructures, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 165 (2012) 24-33.
[45]Y.F. Sun, S.B. Liu, F.L. Meng, J.Y. Liu, Z. Jin, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Gas Sensing Properties: A Review, Sensors-Basel, 12 (2012) 2610-2631.
[46]G.L. Shi, B. Sun, Z. Jin, J.H. Liu, M.Q. Li, Synthesis of SiO2/Fe3O4 nanomaterial and its application as cataluminescence gas sensor material for ether, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 171 (2012) 699-704.
[47]F.L. Meng, H.H. Li, L.T. Kong, J.Y. Liu, Z. Jin, W. Li, Y. Jia, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Parts per billion-level detection of benzene using SnO2/graphene nanocomposite composed of sub-6 nm SnO2 nanoparticles, Anal Chim Acta, 736 (2012) 100-107.
[48]H.H. Li, F.L. Meng, J.Y. Liu, Y.F. Sun, Z. Jin, L.T. Kong, Y.J. Hu, J.H. Liu, Synthesis and gas sensing properties of hierarchical meso-macroporous SnO2 for detection of indoor air pollutants, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 166 (2012) 519-525.
[49]Y.X. Zhang, X.Y. Yu, Z. Jin, Y. Jia, W.H. Xu, T. Luo, B.J. Zhu, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Ultra high adsorption capacity of fried egg jellyfish-like gamma-AlOOH(Boehmite)@SiO2/Fe3O4 porous magnetic microspheres for aqueous Pb(II) removal, J Mater Chem, 21 (2011) 16550-16557.
[50]Y.X. Zhang, X.Y. Yu, Y. Jia, Z. Jin, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, A Facile Approach for the Synthesis of Ag-Coated Fe3O4@TiO2 Core/Shell Microspheres as Highly Efficient and Recyclable Photocatalysts, Eur J Inorg Chem, (2011) 5096-5104.
[51]S.H. Xu, G.T. Fei, Y. Zhang, X.F. Li, Z. Jin, L.D. Zhang, Size-dependent melting behavior of indium nanowires, Phys Lett A, 375 (2011) 1746-1750.
[52]Y.T. Wan, J.Y. Liu, W. Li, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, X.Y. Yu, X.J. Huang, J.H. Liu, Dense doping of indium to coral-like SnO2 nanostructures through a plasma-assisted strategy for sensitive and selective detection of chlorobenzene, Nanotechnology, 22 (2011).
[53]L.T. Kong, J. Wang, F.L. Meng, X. Chen, Z. Jin, M.Q. Li, J.H. Liu, X.J. Huang, Novel hybridized SWCNT-PCD: synthesis and host-guest inclusion for electrical sensing recognition of persistent organic pollutants, J Mater Chem, 21 (2011) 11109-11115.
[54]F.L. Meng, Y. Chen, J.Y. Liu, Z. Jin, Y.F. Sun, J.H. Liu, Novel nanoparticle detection method using electrochemical device based on anodic aluminum oxide nanopore membrane, in: M. Li, D. Yu (Eds.) Procedia Engineer, 2010, pp. 100-105.
[55]J.Y. Liu, Y.T. Wan, D.Y. Yu, F.L. Meng, Z. Jin, L.T. Kong, J.H. Liu, Comparison on Gas-Sensing Properties of Single-and Multi-Layered SnO(2) Nanostructures in Drug-Precursors Detection, in: M. Li, D. Yu (Eds.) Procedia Engineer, 2010, pp. 123-129.
[56]X.H. Li, G.Y. Chen, L.B. Yang, Z. Jin, J.H. Liu, Multifunctional Au-Coated TiO2 Nanotube Arrays as Recyclable SERS Substrates for Multifold Organic Pollutants Detection, Adv Funct Mater, 20 (2010) 2815-2824.
[57]W.J. Zheng, G.T. Fei, B. Wang, Z. Jin, D.L. Zhang, Distributed Bragg reflector made of anodic alumina membrane, Materials Letters, 63 (2009) 706-708.
[58]X.Y. Hu, T. Zhang, Z. Jin, S.Z. Huang, M. Fang, Y.C. Wu, L. Zhang, Single-Crystalline Anatase TiO2 Dous Assembled Micro-Sphere and Their Photocatalytic Activity, Crystal Growth & Design, 9 (2009) 2324-2328.
[59]X.Y. Hu, T.C. Zhang, Z. Jin, J.X. Zhang, W. Xu, J. Yan, J.P. Zhang, L.D. Zhang, Y.C. Wu, Fabrication of carbon-modified TiO2 nanotube arrays and their photocatalytic activity, Materials Letters, 62 (2008) 4579-4581.
[60]X.J. Xu, G.T. Fei, X.W. Wang, Z. Jin, W.H. Yu, L.D. Zhang, Synthetic control of large-area, ordered silver nanowires with different diameters, Materials Letters, 61 (2007) 19-22.
[61]X.W. Wang, G.T. Fei, B. Wang, M. Wang, K. Zheng, Z. Jin, L. De Zhang, Response to Comment on 'Size-dependent melting behavior of Zn nanowire arrays' Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 196101 (2007) , Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007).
[62]X.W. Wang, G.T. Fei, K. Zheng, Z. Jin, L. De Zhang, Size-dependent melting behavior of Zn nanowire arrays, Applied Physics Letters, 88 (2006).
[63]B. Wang, G.T. Fei, B. Wu, Z. Jin, L. De Zhang, Preparation of three-dimensional netlike mesoporous alumina membrane, Chemistry Letters, 35 (2006) 1336-1337.
[64]X.W. Wang, G.T. Fei, X.J. Xu, Z. Jin, L.D. Zhang, Size-dependent orientation growth of large-area ordered Ni nanowire arrays, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (2005) 24326-24330.

* Corresponding author; # These two authors contributed equally to this work.

[1]金震, 一种超高灵敏度的贵金属修饰的ZnO微纳分级结构及其制备方法,ZL9.3
[2]金震、李民强、陈星、沈薇,一种基于电致发热效应的一维纳米材料的焊接方法,ZL 5.4.
[3]金震李民强、陈星、沈薇,一种用于单根一维纳米材料焊接的助焊料及其焊接方法,ZL 1.6.
[4]金震、费广涛、庄重,氧化钛孔阵列薄膜及其制备方法,ZL 8.9.
[5]金震、费广涛、胡小晔、许少辉,分枝可控的二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜及其制备方法,ZL 8.2.


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