简介:袁亮,教授,博士生导师,生物质分子工程中心副主任。2009年本科毕业于南开大学化学学院材料化学专业,保送至南开大学化学学院功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室,在赵汉英教授指导下于2012年获得高分子物理与化学硕士学位。2012年8月进入美国南卡罗莱纳大学唐传兵教授课题组开展博士阶段研究,于2016年12月获得博士学位,并在2017年1月进入美国特种化学品公司Ingevity, 任职高级研发科学家至2020年10月。2020年11月起任安徽农业大学教授。主要从事对可再生生物质资源(木质素,纤维素,松香,糠醇等)的分子结构改性及产业化应用。在Ingevity从事研发工作期间开发了新一代松香基无酚-无甲醛环保型油墨树脂,并升级拓展了木质素衍生物在农化产品中的新型应用,包括微肥复合物,肥料包衣,生物农药保护剂,农药配方分散剂等。已在Nature Communications, Accounts of Chemical Research, Chemistry of Materials, Green Chemistry, Macromolecules, 和Biomacromolecules等期刊发表论文27篇,已授权美国专利3项,撰写英文专著章节1章。
2005/9-2009/6: 南开大学,材料化学,理学学士
2009/9-2012/6: 南开大学,高分子物理与化学,理学硕士
2012/8-2016/12: 南卡罗莱纳大学,高分子物理与化学,理学博士
2017/1-2020/10: 美国英杰维特公司,高级研发科学家
2020/11-至今: 安徽农业大学,林学与园林学院,教授
1. 生物质基可降解及可循环利用高分子材料
2. 生物质基微纳米复合材料
3. 生物质基农化应用新材料
1. 安徽农业大学高层次人才引进计划,2021-2025,主持。
2. 植物油制备热塑性弹性体材料。美国大豆豆油协会,项目号 USB 1540-612-6273。博士阶段参与
3. 基于松香的可再生性高分子及复合材料,美国自然科学基金委项目号 DMR-**。博士阶段参与
The Hiram and Lawanda Allen Award?
Oral Research Presentation Competition Award
Graduate School Travel Award
(4)南开大学优秀研究生奖学金 2009-2011年
(5)南开大学国家助学金 2008
1. Wu, M. (equal contribution); Yuan, L. (equal contribution); Jiang, F.; Zhang, Y.; He, Y.; You, Y.; Tang, C.; Wang, Z. Strong Autonomic Self-Healing Biobased Polyamide Elastomers. Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 8325-8332.
2. Yuan, L.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Han, Y.; Tang, C. Plant oil and lignin-derived elastomers via thermal azide-alkyne cycloaddition click chemistry. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 2, 2593-2601.
3. Wang, Z. (equal contribution); Yuan, L. (equal contribution); Tang, C. Sustainable Elastomers from Renewable Biomass. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2017, 7, 1762-1773. (Invited Review)
4. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Ganewatta M. S.; Lamm, M. E.; Tang, C. A new sustainable approach to mendable high resilient elastomers. Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 1306-1313.
5. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Trenor, N. M.; Tang, C. Amidation of triglycerides by amino alcohols and their impact on plant oil-derived polymers. Poly. Chem., 2016, 7, 2790-2798. (Front Cover)
6. Lu, L. (equal contribution); Yuan, L. (equal contribution); Yan, J.; Tang, C.; Wang, Q. Development of core-shell nanostructures by in situ assembly of pyridine-grafted diblock copolymer and transferrin for drug delivery applications. Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17, 2321-2328.
7. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Trenor, N. M.; Tang, C. Robust amidation transformation of plant oils into fatty derivatives for sustainable monomers and polymers. Macromolecules, 2015, 5, 1320-1328.
8. Yuan, L.; Hamidi, N.; Smith, S.; Clemons, F.; Hamidi, A.; Tang, C. Molecular characterization of biodegradable natural resin acid-substituted polycaprolactone. Euro. Polym. J., 2015, 62, 43-50.
9. Yuan, L.; Liu, J.; Wen, J.; Zhao, H. Self-assembly of a diblock copolymer with pendant disulfide bonds and chromophore groups: a new platform for fast release. Langmuir, 2012, 30, 11232-11240.
10. Song, L. (equal contribution); Zhu, T. (equal contribution); Yuan, L.; Zhou, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Tang, C. Ultra-strong long-chain polyamide elastomers with programmable supramolecular interactions and oriented crystalline microstructures. Nature Communications, 2019, 10.1038/s41467-019-09218-6.
11. Wang, J.; Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Rahman, Md A.; Huang, Y.; Zhu, T.; Wang, C.; Chu, F.; Tang, C. Photoinduced metal-free atom transfer radical polymerization of biomass-based monomers. Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 7709-7717.
12. Han, Y.; Yuan, L.; Li, G.; Huang, L.; Qin, T.; Chu, F.; Tang, C. Renewable polymers from lignin via copper-free thermal click chemistry. Polymer, 2016, 83, 92-100.
13. Xu, Y.; Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Wilbon, P. A.; Wang, C.; Chu, F.; Tang, C. Lignin and soy oil-derived polymeric biocomposites by “grafting from” RAFT polymerization.Green Chem. 2016, 18, 4974-4981.
14. Wang, Z.; Yuan, L.; Jiang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Tang, C. Bioinspired high resilient elastomers to mimic resilin. ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5, 220-223.
15. Wang, Z.; Yuan, L.; Trenor, N. M.; Vlaminck, L.; Billiet, S.; Sarkar, A.; Du Prez, F. E.; Stefik, M.; Tang, C. Sustainable thermoplastic elastomers derived from plant oil and their “click-coupling” via TAD chemistry. Green Chem., 2015, 17, 3806-3818.
16. Wen, J.; Yuan, L.; Yang, Y.; Liu, L.; Zhao, H. Self-assembly of monotethered single-chain nanoparticle shape amphiphiles. ACS Macro Letters, 2013, 2, 100-106. (Front Cover)
17. Tian, J.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, M.; Zheng, F.; Xiong, Q.; Zhao, H. Interface-directed self-assembly of gold nanoparticles and fabrication of hybrid hollow capsules by interfacial cross-linking polymerization. Langmuir, 2012, 25, 9365-9371.
18. Wang, Z.; Yuan, L.; Wang, J.; Lamm, M. E.; Tang, C. Plant Oil-Derived Epoxy Polymers toward Sustainable Biobased Thermosets. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/marc..
19. Wang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Yuan, L.; Hayat, J.; Trenor, N. M.; Vlaminck, L.; Prez, F. E.; Wang, Z.; Tang, C. A biomass approach toward robust, sustainable multiple-shape-memory materials. ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5, 602-606.
20. Rahman, Md A.; Cha, Y.; Yuan, L.; Pageni, P.; Zhu, T.; Jui, M.; Tang, C. Polymerization induced self-assembly of metallo-polyelectrolyte block copolymers. J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem., 2019 DOI: 10.1002/pola.29439.
21. Lu, L.; Zhang, L.; Yuan, L.; Zhu, T.; Chen, W.; Wang, G.; Wang, Q. Artificial Cellulosome Complex from the Self‐Assembly of Ni‐NTA‐Functionalized Polymeric Micelles and Cellulases. ChemBioChem, 2019, 20, 1394-1399.
22. Akhani, R. K.; Clark, R. W.; Yuan, L.; Wang, L.; Tang, C.; Wiskur, S. L. Polystyrene‐supported triphenylsilyl chloride for the silylation‐based kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols. ChemCatChem, 2015, 10, 1527-1530.
23. Yang, Y.; Song, X.; Yuan, L.; Li, M.; Liu, J.; Ji, R.; Zhao, H. Synthesis of PNIPAM polymer brushes on reduced graphene oxide based on click chemistry and RAFT polymerization. J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem., 2012, 2, 329-337.
24. Song, L.; Wang, Z.; Lamm, M. E.; Yuan, L.; Tang, C. Supramolecular polymer nanocomposites derived from plant oils and cellulose nanocrystals. Macromolecules, 2017, 7475-7483.
25. Lamm, M.; Wang, Z.; Zhou, J.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, X.; Tang, C. Sustainable epoxy resins derived from plant oils with thermo-and chemo-responsive shape memory behavior. Polymer, 2018, 121-127.
26. Ganewatta, M. S.; Ding W.; Rahman, Md A.; Yuan, L.; Robertson, M. L.; Tang C. High molecular weight sustainable polymers and thermoplastic elastomers from resin acids via “living” ring-opening metathesis polymerization. Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 7155-7164.
27. Rahman, Md A.; Lokupitiya, H. N.; Ganewatta, M. S.; Yuan, L.; Stefik, M; Tang, C. Designing Block Copolymer Architectures toward Tough Bioplastics from Natural Rosin. Macromolecules, 2017, 5, 2069-2077.
1. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Trenor, N. M.; Tang, C. Preparation and applications of polymers with pendant fatty chains from plant oils. Chapter 8 (Page 181-208) for book “Sustainable Polymers from Biomass”, edited by Tang, C; Ryu, C. 2017, WILEY-VCH (ISBN: 978-3-527-34016-3).
1. Tang, C.; Yuan, L. Preparation of chemicals, monomers and polymeric materials from triglycerides, US Patent No. **,2018.
2. Tang, C.; Wang, Z.; Yuan, L. Preparation of thermoplastic epoxidized polymers and thermosetting materials from triglycerides,US Patent No. **, 2019.
3. Tang, C.; Yuan, L.; Lamm, M. Preparation of maleate and maleimide monomers and polymeric materials from triglycerides, US Patent No. **, 2020.
1. 袁亮,木质素的产业应用及热固性材料构筑,农林生物质材料及功能高分子研讨会,安徽农业大学,2021年1月16日。
2. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Lamm, M.; Zhang, X.; Tang, C. Next-generation plant oil-based polymers: emerging chemistry. Next-generation plant oil-derived polymers: emerging chemistry and applications. 2016 Southeast Regional Meeting of ACS, Oct 23-26, Columbia, SC. (Oral)
3. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Tang, C. Next-generation plant oil-derived polymers: emerging chemistry and bio-elastomer applications. 2016 Fall ACS Meeting, Aug 21-25, Philadelphia, PA. (Oral)
4. Yuan, L.; Tang, C. Monomers to polymers for production of thermoplastic elastomers. 2016 United Soybean Board Technical Advisory Panel Meeting, April 19-21, Detroit, MI. (Oral)
5. Yuan, L.; Tang, C. Next-generation plant oil-derived polymers: preparation and applications. 2016 USC Graduate Student Day, April 8, Columbia, SC. (Oral)
6. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Lamm, M. E.; Tang, C. Next-greneration plant oil-derived polymers: emerging chemistry and applications. Sustainable Polymers 2016, May 22-25, Safety Harbor, FL. (Poster)
7. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Trenor, N. M.; Tang, C. Next-generation plant oil-derived polymers and composites: emerging chemistry and applications. 2016 South Carolina EPSCoR/IDeA Annual Conference, Columbia, SC. (Poster)
8. Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Trenor, N. M.; Tang, C. “Sustainable monomers and thermoplastic polymers derived from plant oils via amidation”, Pacifichem 2015, December 15-20, Honolulu, HI. (Poster)
9. Yuan, L.; Feng, S.; Ganewatta, M.; Wang, Q.; Tang, C. “Electrospinning fabrication of functional nano-fibers from synthetic block copolymers”, 2014 South Carolina EPSCoR/IDeA Annual Conference, Columbia, SC. (Poster)