2012-2014年:美国加利福利亚大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis),博士后;
2008-2011年:美国肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky),博士后;
1)Li P, Li H*, Liu Z, Zhuang Y, Wei M, Gu Y, Liu Y, Sun X, Tang Y, Yue L, Lu L, Luo D, Huang W, Tu S,Wang S*. Characterization of the 'Oat-Like Rice' Caused by a Novel Allele OsMADS1-Olr Reveals Vital Importance of OsMADS1 in Regulating Grain Shape in Oryza sativa L.Rice(N Y). 2020 Oct 15;13(1):73. doi:10.1186/s12284-020-00428-x.
2) Liu Y, Pan T, Tang Y, Zhuang Y, Liu Z, Li P, Li H, Huang W, Tu S, Ren G, Wang T,Wang S*. Proteomic Analysis of Rice Subjected to Low Light Stress and Overexpression of OsGAPB Increases the Stress Tolerance.Rice(N Y). 2020 Jun 1;13(1):30.
3)Wei M, Zhuang Y, Li H, Li P, Huo H, Shu D, Huang W,Wang S*. The cloning and characterization of hypersensitive to salt stress mutant, affected in quinolinate synthase, highlights the involvement of NAD in stress-induced accumulation of ABA and proline.Plant J. 2020 Apr;102(1):85-98.
4) Pan T, Sun X, Liu Y, Li H, Deng G, Lin H,Wang S*. Heat stress alters genome-wide profiles of circular RNAs in Arabidopsis.Plant Mol Biol.2018 Feb;96(3):217-229
5)Li H, Li Y, Deng H, Sun X, Wang A, Tang X, Gao Y, Zhang N, Wang L, Yang S, Liu Y*,Wang S*. Tomato UV-B receptor SlUVR8 mediates plant acclimation to UV-B radiation and enhances fruit chloroplast development via regulating SlGLK2.Sci Rep.2018 Apr 17;8(1):6097
6)Gao L, Yang S, Zhu Y, Zhang J, Zhuo M, Miao M, Tang X, Liu Y*,Wang S*. The tomato DDI2, a PCNA ortholog, associating with DDB1-CUL4 complex is required for UV-damaged DNA repair and plant tolerance to UV stress.Plant Sci.2015 Jun;235:101-110
7)Raineri J*,Wang S*, Peleg Z, Blumwald E, Chan RL. The rice transcription factor OsWRKY47 is a positive regulator of the response to water deficit stress.Plant Mol Biol.2015 Jul; 88:401-413
8)Wang S, Blumwald E. Stress-induced chloroplast degradation in Arabidopsis is regulated via a process independent of autophagy and senescence-associated vacuoles.Plant Cell.2014 Dec;26(12):4875-4888
9)Wang S, Kurepa J, Hashimoto T, Smalle JA. Salt stress-induced disassembly of Arabidopsis cortical microtubule arrays involves 26S proteasome-dependent degradation of SPIRAL1.Plant Cell.2011 Sep;23(9):3412-3427.
10)Wang S, Kurepa J, Smalle JA. Ultra-small TiO(2) nanoparticles disrupt microtubular networks in Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant Cell Environ.2011 May;34(5):811-820.
11)Wang S, Kurepa J, Smalle JA. The Arabidopsis 26S proteasome subunit RPN1a is required for optimal plant growth and stress responses.Plant Cell Physiol.2009 Sep;50(9):1721-1725.
12)Wang S, Liu J, Feng Y, Niu X, Giovannoni J, Liu Y. Altered plastid levels and potential for improved fruit nutrient content by downregulation of the tomato DDB1-interacting protein CUL4.Plant J.2008 Jul;55(1):89-103.
1) Wang X,Wang S, Zhao H. Unraveling microbial community diversity and succession of Chinese Sichuan sausages during spontaneous fermentation by high-throughput sequencing.J Food Sci Technol. 2019 Jul;56(7):3254-3263.
2) Gao Y, Liu J, Chen Y, Tang H, Wang Y, He Y, Ou Y, Sun X,Wang S, Yao Y. Tomato SlAN11 regulates flavonoid biosynthesis and seed dormancy by interaction with bHLH proteins but not with MYB proteins.Hortic Res. 2018 Jun 1;5:27.
3)Mao D, Xin Y, Tan Y, Hu X, Bai J, Liu ZY, Yu Y, Li L, Peng C, Fan T, Zhu Y, Guo YL,Wang S, Lu D, Xing Y, Yuan L, Chen C. Natural variation in the HAN1 gene confers chilling tolerance in rice and allowed adaptation to a temperate climate.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2019 Feb 26;116(9):3494-3501.
4)Sade N, Umnajkitikorn K, Rubio Wilhelmi MDM, Wright M,Wang S, Blumwald E. Delaying chloroplast turnover increases water-deficit stress tolerance through the enhancement of nitrogen assimilation in rice.J Exp Bot. 2018 Feb 12;69(4):867-878.
5)Li Y, Deng H, Miao M, Li H, Huang S,Wang S, Liu Y. Tomato MBD5, a methyl CpG binding domain protein, physically interacting with UV-damaged DNA binding protein-1, functions in multiple processes.New Phytol.2016 Apr; 210:208-226.
6)Kurepa J, Wang S, Smalle J. The role of 26S proteasome-dependent proteolysis in the formation and restructuring of microtubule networks.Plant Signal Behav.2012 Oct 1;7(10):1289-1295.
7)Kurepa J,Wang S, Li Y, Smalle J. Proteasome regulation, plant growth and stress tolerance.Plant Signal Behav.2009 Oct;4(10):924-927.
8) Kurepa J,Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA. Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs.Plant Physiol.2009 May;150(1):178-189.
9)Niu X, Zheng W, Lu BR, Ren G, Huang W,Wang S, Liu J, Tang Z, Luo D, Wang Y, Liu Y. An unusual posttranscriptional processing in two betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase loci of cereal crops directed by short, direct repeats in response to stress conditions.Plant Physiol.2007 Apr;143(4):1929-1942.