

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-25

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1974.10-1977.9安徽农业大学 农学本科
1977.9-1983.7 安徽省农业科学院作物所 水稻育种实习研究员
1980.9-1983.8 中国农业科学院 植物遗传育种硕士
1983.9-1985.1 中国水稻研究所育种系助理研究员
1985.1-1989.7 美国加州大学戴维斯校区 遗传学博士/研究助理
1989.9-1990.7 美国加州大学戴维斯校区蔬菜系 油菜分子遗传博士后
水稻分子遗传和分子育种 副研究员
水稻分子遗传和分子育种 高级研究员
2003.7- 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所研究员

第二、三届国际植物分子育种研讨会主席。Plant Breeding、The Plant Genome、JIA杂志编委、《分子植物育种》杂志副主编。美国遗传学学会和作物科学学会会员。在Nature、Science、PNAS、Nucleic Acids Research等SCI刊物发表论文150余篇,出版英文专著章节15篇。论文被引15443次,连续3年入选Elsevier中国高被引****农业与生物科学学科榜单前10名。主持完成的“3000份水稻基因组计划”项目大大推动水稻种质资源优异基因的规模化发掘和我国功能基因组研究成果向水稻育种中的转化。


1.Wang W, Mauleon R, Hu Z, et al. Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice.[J]. Nature, 2018, 557(7703).(并列通讯作者第一,JCR综合性期刊1区,IF="41.577,被引56次)
2. Hu Z, Wang W, Wu Z, et al. Novel sequences, structural variations and gene presence variations of Asian cultivated rice.[J]. Scientific Data, 2018, 5:180079.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR综合性期刊3区,Nature数据库期刊,IF="5.305,被引2次)
3. Cui Y, Zhang W, Lin X, et al. Simultaneous Improvement and Genetic Dissection of Drought Tolerance Using Selected Breeding Populations of Rice.[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.678,被引2次)
4.Feng B, Chen K, Cui Y, et al. Genetic Dissection and Simultaneous Improvement of Drought and Low Nitrogen Tolerances by Designed QTL Pyramiding in Rice.[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.678,被引4次)
5. Wang X, Pang Y, Zhang J, et al. Genome-wide and gene-based association mapping for rice eating and cooking characteristics and protein content[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1).(并列通讯作者第一,JCR综合性期刊3区,IF="4.122,被引3次)
6. Pang Y, Chen K, Wang X, et al. Recurrent selection breeding by dominant male sterility for multiple abiotic stresses tolerant rice cultivars[J]. Euphytica, 2017, 213(12):268.(通讯作者,JCR植物科学3区,IF="1.546,被引2次)
7. Chen S, Hu Z, Zheng T, et al. RPAN: rice pan-genome browser for~3000 rice genomes[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, 45(2).(并列通讯作者第二,JCR生物1区,11.561,被引20次)
8.Li M, Wang W S, Pang Y L, et al. Characterization of Salt-Induced Epigenetic Segregation by Genome-Wide Loss of Heterozygosity and its Association with Salt Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8.(通讯作者,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.678,被引2次)
9. Ali J, Xu J L, Gao Y M, et al. Harnessing the hidden genetic diversity for improving multiple abiotic stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)[J]. Plos One, 2017, 12(3):e**.(通讯作者,JCR植物科学3区,IF="2.766,被引16次)
10.Wang X, Pang Y, Wang C, et al. New Candidate Genes Affecting Rice Grain Appearance and Milling Quality Detected by Genome-Wide and Gene-Based Association Analyses:[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.678,被引14次)
11. Wang W, Qin Q, Sun F, et al. Genome-Wide Differences in DNA Methylation Changes in Two Contrasting Rice Genotypes in Response to Drought Conditions[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7(507).(并列通讯作者第二,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.678,被引11次)
12. Wang W S, Zhao X Q, Min L, et al. Complex molecular mechanisms underlying seedling salt tolerance in rice revealed by comparative transcriptome and metabolomic profiling[J]. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(1):405-419.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学1区,IF="5.354,被引29次)
13. Wang W, Fu B, Ali J, et al. Genome-Wide Responses to Selection and Genetic Networks Underlying Submergence Tolerance in Rice[J]. Plant Genome, 2015, 8(2).(通讯作者,JCR植物科学2区,IF="2.923,被引7次)
14. Zhu Y, Chen K, Mi X, et al. Identification and Fine Mapping of a Stably Expressed QTL for Cold Tolerance at the Booting Stage Using an Interconnected Breeding Population in Rice[J]. Plos One, 2015, 10(12):e**.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学3区,IF="2.766,被引24次)
15. Cui Y, Zhang F, Xu J, et al. Mapping quantitative trait loci in selected breeding populations: A segregation distortion approach[J]. Heredity, 2015, 115(6):538.(并列通讯作者第二,JCR生物2区,IF="3.872,"被引15次)
16. Alexandrov N, Tai S, Wang W, et al. SNP-Seek database of SNPs derived from 3000 rice genomes[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, 43(Database issue):D1023.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR生物1区,IF="11.561,被引129次)
17. The 3,000 rice genomes project[J]. GigaScience,3,1(2014-05-28), 2014, 3(1):1-6.(通讯作者,JCR综合性期刊2区,IF="7.267,被引50次)
18. Zhang F, Ma X F, Gao Y M, et al. Genome-wide response to selection and genetic basis of cold tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)[J]. BMC Genetics,15,1(2014-05-08), 2014, 15(1):55-55.(通讯作者,JCR生物3区,IF="2.469,被引12次)
19. Zhang T, Zhao X, Wang W, et al. Deep transcriptome sequencing of rhizome and aerial-shoot in Sorghum propinquum[J]. Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 84(3):315.(通讯作者,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.543,被引14次)
20. Zhou, Y.&#x;L, Xie, X.&#x;W, Zhang F, et al. Detection of quantitative resistance loci associated with resistance to rice false smut (Ustilaginoidea virens) using introgression lines[J]. Plant Pathology, 2014, 63(2):365-372.(通讯作者,JCR植物科学3区,IF="2.303,被引13次)
21.Zhang F, Jiang Y Z, Yu S B, et al. Three genetic systems controlling growth, development and productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.): a reevaluation of the 'Green Revolution'.[J]. Theoretical & Applied Genetics, 2013, 126(4):1011-1024.(通讯作者,JCR植物科学2区,IF="3.930,被引11次)
22. Li Z K, Zhang F. Rice breeding in the post-genomics era: from concept to practice.[J]. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2013, 16(2):261-269.(第一作者,JCR植物科学1区,IF="7.349,被引32次)
23. Zhao X Q. Temporal profiling of primary metabolites under chilling stress and its association with seedling chilling tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.)[J]. Rice, 2013, 6(1):1-13.并列通讯作者第一,JCR农林科学1区,IF="3.039,被引20次)
24.Meng L, Lin X, Wang J, et al. Simultaneous improvement in cold tolerance and yield of temperate japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) by introgression breeding[J]. Plant Breeding, 2013, 132(6):604-612.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学2区,IF="2.077,被引15次)
25.Ying, Wang, Lubiao, et al. Selection efficiencies for improving drought/salt tolerances and yield using introgression breeding in rice(Oryza sativa L.)[J]. The Crop Journal, 2013, 1(2):134-142.(并列通讯作者第一,JCR植物科学3区,IF="2.303,被引20次)

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