
药学院陈忠教授课题组在Annals of Neurology发文揭示颞叶癫痫耐药形成的关键“门控”

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05

2019年7月24日,陈忠教授课题组在神经病学领域知名期刊《Annals of Neurology》(美国神经病学学会年刊,五年影响因子10.185)在线发表了最新研究成果《Subicular pyramidal neurons gate drug resistance in temporal lobe epilepsy》。该研究是课题组长期以来对于颞叶癫痫发病机制解析的进一步深入,并首次揭示了颞叶癫痫耐药形成的关键“门控”是下托的锥体神经元。海马下托是海马信息输出的重要脑区,陈忠教授课题组前期发现海马下托是1 hz低频电刺激治疗颞叶癫痫的潜在有效靶点,相比其他脑区具有较宽的治疗时间窗 (Neurobiology of Disease, 2013,被F1000推荐);后续研究进一步解析下托内部的微环路基础,发现存在下托内由氯转运体改变而引起的去极化GABA能信号,会兴奋锥体神经元从而密切参与颞叶癫痫的发病过程 (Neuron,2017,被F1000推荐)。本研究则进一步聚焦解析了下托内兴奋性的锥体神经元与颞叶癫痫耐药形成之间的机制。


Prof. Zhong Chen’s group published on Annals of Neurology
Nearly 60 million people suffered from epilepsy in the world. Despite using various anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), more than one third of epilepsy patients are resistant to AEDs leading to drug resistant epilepsy, also called refractory epilepsy. The ratio in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is even higher. Long-term failure of seizure control severely affects patients’ standard of living and may even result in unexpected death. Thusexplanation for the genesis of drug resistance need to be evaluated and further develop better target for precise treatments.
On July 24th, 2019, Prof. Zhong Chen’s group from the College of Pharmaceutical Science, Zhejiang University in China published a research article entitled “Subicular pyramidal neurons gate drug resistance in temporal lobe epilepsy” in Annals of Neurology, uncovering the critical “gating” role of subicular pyramidal neurons in drug resistance TLE. Prof. Zhong Chen’s group have previously shown that low frequency stimulation at subiculum retards epileptogenesis, and the microcircuits in subiculum mediated the genesis of generalized seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy (Neurobiology of disease, 2013; Neuron, 2017). This study focused on the relationship of subicular excitatory pyramidal neurons and drug resistance in TLE.
In vivo neural recording showed that the firing rate of pyramidal neurons in the subiculum, could not be inhibited by antiepileptic drug phenytoin in drug resistant rats. Selective inhibition of subicular pyramidal neurons by optogenetics or chemogenetics reversed drug resistance, while selective activation of subicular pyramidal neurons mimicked drug resistance. Moreover, long-term low frequency stimulation at the subiculum, which is clinically feasible, significantly inhibited the subicular pyramidal neurons and reversed drug resistance. Further, in vitro electrophysiology and clinical neuroimage data revealed that dysfunction of sodium channels of subicular pyramidal neurons were involved in the drug resistance. This study reveal the novel “gating” role of subicular pyramidal neurons in drug resistance TLE, and represent a new potential target for further precise treatments. The reviewers regarded this study as an important paper about drug-resistance with appeal to readers interested in epilepsy.

This study lasts for 6 years. Postdoctor Cenglin Xu and researcher Yi Wang were the co-first authors. Prof. Zhong Chen is the corresponding author. This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
The paper link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ana.25554

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