

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05

1972年出生于山东省东明县,1994年莱阳农学院园艺系(现更名为青岛农业大学)获学士学位,1997年浙江农业大学植保系(现并入浙江大学)获硕士学位,后留校工作。2009年浙江大学农学院获博士学位。1999-2003年间三次赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学进行短期合作研究。2005-2007年到德国不来梅大学公派留学,2009.3和2010.6-9分别在西班牙Lleida大学短期学习和访问。在法国、以色列、瑞士、美国、葡萄牙、坦桑尼亚及马来西亚等多次参加国际会议并进行专题报告。研究领域: 昆虫生态学、害虫生物防治、蔬菜害虫综合治理、入侵生物学等。在研项目:2021-2023:生态安全高效生物防治制剂研发-蔬菜重大害虫高效生物防治制剂研发 浙江省重点研究计划 课题主持2016-2025: 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系 露地蔬菜虫害防控岗位 主持2018-2020:基于增强天敌作用的十字花科蔬菜害虫综合防控技术集成与应用,国家重点研发计划子课题,主持2017-2020: 设施环境对烟粉虱及其传毒的影响及作用机制,国家重点研发计划子课题,主持获得奖励:烟粉虱传病毒病灾变规律及绿色防控关键技术,2020年广东省科学技术奖 二等奖,排名第5
近期论文(通讯作者):Fei-Xue Ban, Yu-Wei Zhong, Li-Long Pan, Li-Juan Mao, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-QuanLiu. Co-infection by two begomoviruses aggravates plant symptoms but does not influence the performance and preference\rof insect vector Bemisia\rtabaci. Journal\rof Economic Entomology,2021,DOI:10.1093\/jee\/toaa326
Teng Lei, Yu-WeiZhongandYin-Quan Liu.Complete mitochondrial genome of the whitefly Aleyrodes shizuokensis Kuwana (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), new record from Chinese mainland. Mitochondrial DNAPART B,2021,6(2)397-398
Dan-Tong Zhu, Chi Zou, Fei-Xue Ban, Hua-Ling Wang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-Quan Liu. 2019. Conservation of transcriptional elements in the obligate symbiont of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. PeerJ 7: e7477
Teng Lei, Shu-Sheng Liu and Yin-Quan Liu.The complete mitochondrial genome of a whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) infesting Glycine max Mitochondrial DNA PART B, 2019,4: 2011-2012
Xin-Ru Wang, Chao Wang, Xing-Wei Wang, Li-Xin Qian, Yao Chi, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu, Xiao-Wei Wang. The functions of caspase in whitefly Bemisia tabaci apoptosis in response to UV irradiation. Insect Molecular Biology,2018,27::739-751
Hong-Wei Shan, Wen-Hao Deng, Jun-Bo Luan, Min-Jing Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Thermal sensitivity of bacteriocytes constrains the persistence of intracellular bacteria in whitefly symbiosis under heat stress. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2017, 9: 706-716
Jun-xing Li, Lin-Li Rao, Hui Xie, Monika Schreiner, Li-Ping Chen, Yin-Quan Liu. Morphology and glucosinolate profiles of chimeric Brassica and the responses of Bemisia tabaci in host selection, oviposition and development. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16: 2009-2018
Hong-Wei Shan, Chang-Rong Zhang, Ting-Ting Yan, Hai-Qin Tang, Xiao-Wei Wang,Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Temporal changes of symbiont density and host fitness after rifampicin treatment in a whitefly of the Bemisia tabaci species complex. Insect Science,2016, 23: 200-214
Chang-Rong Zhang, Hong-Wei Shan, Na Xiao, Fan-Di Zhang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-Quan Liu, Shu-Sheng Liu. Differential temporal changes of primary and secondary symbionts and whitefly host fitness following an antibiotic treatment. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 15898
Hong-Wei Shan, Yu-Heng Lu, Xiao-Li Bing, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Differential responses of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci symbionts to unfavorable low and high temperatures. Microbial Ecology, 2014, 68: 472-482
Yin-Quan Liu, Zu-Hua Shi, Myron P Zalucki, Shu-Sheng Liu. Conservation biological control and IPMpracticesinBrassicavegetablecropsinChina. Biological Control, 2014, 68: 37-46

2009-08-11 21:43:09
主要研究领域: 主要从事昆虫行为与化学生态,害虫生物防治,蔬菜害虫综合治理以及入侵生物学等理论与应用方面的科研工作。
主要科研项目:2017-2020: 设施环境对烟粉虱及其传毒的影响及作用机制,国家重点研发计划子课题,主持
2016-2020: 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系 露地蔬菜虫害防控岗位
2015-2019: EU-CHINA LEVER FOR IPM DEMONSTRATION,欧盟2020地平线项目,中方主要成员
2013-2017: 天敌昆虫协同控害的生态学机制,973计划课题,主要成员
2012-2016: 昆虫性诱剂合成与缓释技术研究,公益性行业(农业)科研专项子项,主持



Xin-Ru Wang, Chao Wang, Xing-Wei Wang, Li-Xin Qian, Yao Chi, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu, Xiao-Wei Wang. The functions of caspase in whitefly Bemisia tabaci apoptosis in response to UV irradiation. Insect Molecular Biology,Accepted on 5 June 2018. DOI: 10.1111\/imb.12515
Liang Geng, Li-Xin Qian, Ruo-Xuan Shao, Yin-Quan Liu, Shu-Sheng Liu and Xiao-Wei Wang. Transcriptome profiling of whitefly guts in response to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus infection. Virology Journal, 2018,15: 14 DOI 10.1186\/s12985-018-0926-6
Hong-Wei Shan, Wen-Hao Deng, Jun-Bo Luan, Min-Jing Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Thermal sensitivity of bacteriocytes constrains the persistence of intracellular bacteria in whitefly symbiosis under heat stress. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2017, 9: 706-716
Jun-xing Li, Lin-Li Rao, Hui Xie, Monika Schreiner, Li-Ping Chen, Yin-Quan Liu. Morphology and glucosinolate profiles of chimeric Brassica and the responses of Bemisia tabaci in host selection, oviposition and development. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16: 2009-2018
Jing Wei, Ya-Zhou He, Qi Guo, Yin-Quan Liu, Xue-Ping Zhou, Shu-Sheng Liu, Xiao-Wei Wang. Vector development and vitellogenin determine the transovarial transmission of begomoviruses. PNAS, 2017, 114: 6746-6751
Ping Li, Yan-Ni Shu, Shuai Fu, Yin-Quan Liu, Xue-Ping Zhou, Shu-Sheng Liu, Xiao-Wei Wang. Vector and nonvector insect feeding reduces subsequent plant susceptibility to virus transmission. New Phytologist, 2017, 215: 699-710
Hong-Wei Shan, Chang-Rong Zhang, Ting-Ting Yan, Hai-Qin Tang, Xiao-Wei Wang,Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Temporal changes of symbiont density and host fitness after rifampicin treatment in a whitefly of the Bemisia tabaci species complex. Insect Science,2016, 23: 200-214
Chang-Rong Zhang, Hong-Wei Shan, Na Xiao, Fan-Di Zhang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-Quan Liu, Shu-Sheng Liu. Differential temporal changes of primary and secondary symbionts and whitefly host fitness following an antibiotic treatment. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 15898
Tao Guo, Qi Guo, Xi-Yun Cui, Yin-Quan Liu, Jian Hu, Shu-Sheng Liu. Comparison of transmission of Papaya leaf curl China virus among four cryptic species of the Bemisia tabaci species complex. Scientific Report, 2015, 5: 15432
Hong-Wei Shan, Yu-Heng Lu, Xiao-Li Bing, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Differential responses of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci symbionts to unfavorable low and high temperatures. Microbial Ecology, 2014, 68: 472-482
Di-Bing Sun, Jie Li, Yin-Quan Liu, David W. Crowder, Shu-Sheng Liu. Effects of reproductive interference on the competitive displacement between two invasive whiteflies. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2014, 104: 334-346
Yin-Quan Liu, Zu-Hua Shi, Myron P Zalucki, Shu-Sheng Liu. Conservation biological control and IPMpracticesinBrassicavegetablecropsinChina. Biological Control, 2014, 68: 37-46
Di-Bing Sun, Yin-Quan Liu, Li Qin, Jing Xu, Fang-Fang Li,Shu-Sheng Liu. Competitive displacement between two invasive whiteflies: insecticide application and host plant effects. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2013, 103, 344-353
单红伟,刘树生,刘银泉.2016. 昆虫共生体对不利温度的响应。植物保护学报,43(1):24-31
陈学新, 刘银泉, 任顺祥, 张 帆, 张文庆, 戈 峰. 2014. 害虫天敌的植物支持系统。应用昆虫学报,51(1):1-12



2021-01-25 08:27:37
1972年出生于山东省东明县,1994年莱阳农学院园艺系(现更名为青岛农业大学)获学士学位,1997年浙江农业大学植保系(现并入浙江大学)获硕士学位,后留校工作。2009年浙江大学农学院获博士学位。1999-2003年间三次赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学进行短期合作研究。2005-2007年到德国不来梅大学公派留学,2009.3和2010.6-9分别在西班牙Lleida大学短期学习和访问。在法国、以色列、瑞士、美国、葡萄牙、坦桑尼亚及马来西亚等多次参加国际会议并进行专题报告。研究领域: 昆虫生态学、害虫生物防治、蔬菜害虫综合治理、入侵生物学等。在研项目:2021-2023:生态安全高效生物防治制剂研发-蔬菜重大害虫高效生物防治制剂研发 浙江省重点研究计划 课题主持2016-2025: 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系 露地蔬菜虫害防控岗位 主持2018-2020:基于增强天敌作用的十字花科蔬菜害虫综合防控技术集成与应用,国家重点研发计划子课题,主持2017-2020: 设施环境对烟粉虱及其传毒的影响及作用机制,国家重点研发计划子课题,主持获得奖励:烟粉虱传病毒病灾变规律及绿色防控关键技术,2020年广东省科学技术奖 二等奖,排名第5
近期论文(通讯作者):Fei-Xue Ban, Yu-Wei Zhong, Li-Long Pan, Li-Juan Mao, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-QuanLiu. Co-infection by two begomoviruses aggravates plant symptoms but does not influence the performance and preference\rof insect vector Bemisia\rtabaci. Journal\rof Economic Entomology,2021,DOI:10.1093\/jee\/toaa326
Teng Lei, Yu-WeiZhongandYin-Quan Liu.Complete mitochondrial genome of the whitefly Aleyrodes shizuokensis Kuwana (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), new record from Chinese mainland. Mitochondrial DNAPART B,2021,6(2)397-398
Dan-Tong Zhu, Chi Zou, Fei-Xue Ban, Hua-Ling Wang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-Quan Liu. 2019. Conservation of transcriptional elements in the obligate symbiont of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. PeerJ 7: e7477
Teng Lei, Shu-Sheng Liu and Yin-Quan Liu.The complete mitochondrial genome of a whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) infesting Glycine max Mitochondrial DNA PART B, 2019,4: 2011-2012
Xin-Ru Wang, Chao Wang, Xing-Wei Wang, Li-Xin Qian, Yao Chi, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu, Xiao-Wei Wang. The functions of caspase in whitefly Bemisia tabaci apoptosis in response to UV irradiation. Insect Molecular Biology,2018,27::739-751
Hong-Wei Shan, Wen-Hao Deng, Jun-Bo Luan, Min-Jing Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Thermal sensitivity of bacteriocytes constrains the persistence of intracellular bacteria in whitefly symbiosis under heat stress. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2017, 9: 706-716
Jun-xing Li, Lin-Li Rao, Hui Xie, Monika Schreiner, Li-Ping Chen, Yin-Quan Liu. Morphology and glucosinolate profiles of chimeric Brassica and the responses of Bemisia tabaci in host selection, oviposition and development. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16: 2009-2018
Hong-Wei Shan, Chang-Rong Zhang, Ting-Ting Yan, Hai-Qin Tang, Xiao-Wei Wang,Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Temporal changes of symbiont density and host fitness after rifampicin treatment in a whitefly of the Bemisia tabaci species complex. Insect Science,2016, 23: 200-214
Chang-Rong Zhang, Hong-Wei Shan, Na Xiao, Fan-Di Zhang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-Quan Liu, Shu-Sheng Liu. Differential temporal changes of primary and secondary symbionts and whitefly host fitness following an antibiotic treatment. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 15898
Hong-Wei Shan, Yu-Heng Lu, Xiao-Li Bing, Shu-Sheng Liu, Yin-Quan Liu. Differential responses of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci symbionts to unfavorable low and high temperatures. Microbial Ecology, 2014, 68: 472-482
Yin-Quan Liu, Zu-Hua Shi, Myron P Zalucki, Shu-Sheng Liu. Conservation biological control and IPMpracticesinBrassicavegetablecropsinChina. Biological Control, 2014, 68: 37-46

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