Binxin Wu
吴斌鑫博士,教授, 博导;研究方向:计算流体力学在农业、生物及环境工程中的应用,主要包括温室和畜禽舍的通风与传热计算、生物反应器内流体流动和传热与生化反应的耦合计算、废水处理过程的模拟仿真。2000-2018年在美国康乃尔大学 (Cornell University) 、美国费城混合技术公司 (Philadelphia Mixing Solutions)和美国布朗-考德威尔公司(Brown and Caldwell)等分别担任高级研究员、高级工程师和高级专家。主要成果包括:主持国家自然科学基金项目,参与美国农业部和纽约州能源署等科研项目;在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Bioresource Technology和Biotechnology and Bioengineering等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文40多篇;2篇论文分别获得Transactions of the ASABE的2006和2011年度杰出论文奖(Superior Paper Award);2篇论文被期刊Biotechnology and Bioengineering邀请制作摘要录像(video abstract),1篇论文被该期刊评选为热点论文(spotlight paper);担任Transactions of the ASABE和Applied Engineering in Agriculture副主编以及12个国际期刊的论文评审专家。
Transactions of the ASABE(美国农业工程学报)
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (农业应用工程)
2013年美国农业工程国际会议CFD Applications in Agriculture 分会主席
2012年被生物技术和生物工程期刊邀请制作摘要录像 (Video Abstract)
2011年被生物技术和生物工程期刊邀请制作摘要录像 (Video Abstract)
2011年美国农业工程学报的优秀论文奖 (Superior Paper Award)
2006年美国农业工程学报的优秀论文奖 (Superior Paper Award)
1. N. Rezazadeh, H. Hosseinzadeh, Binxin Wu*. Effect of burners configuration on performanceof heat treatment furnaces. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019,
2. I. Kariyama, X. Zhai, Binxin Wu*. Influence ofmixing on anaerobic digestion efficiency in stirred digesters-a review. Water Research. 2018, 143: 503-517.
3. I. Kariyama, X. Zhai, Binxin Wu*. Physical and rheologicalproperties of animal manure-a review. Transactions of the ASABE. 2018, 61(3): 1113-1120.
4. X. Zhai, I. Kariyama, Binxin Wu*. Investigation of the effect of intermittentminimal mixing intensity on methane production during anaerobic digestionof dairy manure. Computers
and Electronics in Agriculture. 2018, 155: 121-129.
5. M. Khalid,I. Akhtar, H. Imtiaz, H. Dong, Binxin Wu*. On thehydrodynamics and nonlinear interaction between fish in tandemconfiguration. Ocean Engineering.2018, 157: 108-
6. M. Khalid,I. Akhtar, Binxin Wu. Quantification offlow noise produced by an oscillating hydrofoil. OceanEngineering. 2019, 171: 377-390.
7. Binxin Wu, Stephen Kennedy, Nicky Eshtiaghi, andRajarathinam Parthasarathy*. CFDmodeling of active volume creation in a non-Newtonian fluid agitated bysubmerged
recirculating jets. Chemical Engineering & Technology. 2018, 41(7): 1441-1447.
8. M. Khalid,I. Akhtar, H. Dong, N. Ahsan, X. Jiang, Binxin Wu*.Bifurcations and route to chaos for flowover an oscillating airfoil. Journal of Fluids andStructures. 2018, 80: 262-
9. A. Tabrizi, Binxin Wu*. The role of compressibility in computing noisegenerated at a cavitating orifice. InternationalJournal of Aeroacoustics. 2018, 1-19.
10. A. Tabrizi and Binxin Wu*, Jonathan Whale,Maryam Lotfabadi. Using TurbSim stochasticsimulator to improve accuracy of computational modelling of wind in the built
environment. Wind Engineering.2019, 43(2): 147-161
11. Binxin Wu. CFD study of submersible mixers in anaerobicdigesters. Transactions of the ASABE. 2017, 60(2): 275-282.
12. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu. Modelingheat loss from the udder of a dairy cow. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2016, 59: 34-38.
13. K.G. Gebremedhin, Binxin Wu, and K. Perano. Modeling conductive cooling for thermallystressed dairy cows. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2016, 56: 91-99.
14. Binxin Wu. CFD simulation of gas mixing in anaerobicdigesters. Computers and Electronicsin Agriculture. 2014, 109: 278-286.
15. Kaiying Wang, Xiaoshuai Wang, and Binxin Wu. Assessment of hygrothermalconditions in a farrowing room with a wet-pad cooling system based on CFDsimulation and field
measurements. Transactions of the ASABE. 2014, 57(5), 1493-1500.
16. Binxin Wu. Advances in the use of CFD to characterize,design and optimize bioenergy systems. Computersand Electronics in Agriculture.2013, 93: 195-208.
17. Binxin Wu. Integration of mixing, heat transfer, andbiochemical reaction kinetics in anaerobic methane fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012, 109(11):2864-2874.
18. Binxin Wu. CFD simulation of mixing for high-solidsanaerobic digestion. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012, 109 (8): 2116-2126.
19. Binxin Wu. Large eddy simulation of mechanical mixing inanaerobic digesters. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012, 109(3): 804-812.
20. Binxin Wu. Computational fluid dynamics study of large-scale mixing systems with side-enteringimpellers. Engineering Applicationsof Computational Fluid Mechanics.2012, 6(1):
21. Binxin Wu.CFD investigation of turbulence models for mechanical agitation ofnon-Newtonian fluids in anaerobic digesters. Water Research.2011,45(5): 2082-2094.
22. Binxin Wu, and Z. Chen. An integratedphysical and biological model for anaerobic lagoons. BioresourceTechnology. 2011, 102(8): 5032-5038.
23. Binxin Wu,and Y. Chen. Modeling liquid distribution in soil after pocket injection. Journal of Environmental Quality.2011, 40(2): 302-311.
24. Binxin Wu.Computational fluid dynamics investigation of turbulence modelsfor non-Newtonian fluid flow in anaerobic digesters. EnvironmentalScience & Technology. 2010, 44
(23), 8989-8995.
25. Binxin Wu.CFD simulation of gas andnon-Newtonian fluid two-phase flow in anaerobic digesters. WaterResearch. 2010, 44(13): 3861-3874.
26. Binxin Wu.CFD simulation of mixing inegg-shaped anaerobic digesters. Water Research. 2010, 44(5):1507-1519.
27. Binxin Wu.CFD analysis of mixing in large aerated lagoons. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics.2010, 4(1): 127-138.
28. Binxin Wu.CFD prediction of mixing time in anaerobic digesters. Transactions ofthe ASABE. 2010, 53(2),553-563.
29. Binxin Wu.CFD analysis of mechanical mixing in anaerobic digesters. Transactionsof the ASABE. 2009, 52(4),1371-1382.
30. Binxin Wu,E.L. Bibeau, and K.G. Gebremedhin. Three-dimensional numerical simulation model of biogas production for anaerobic digesters. Canadian BiosystemsEngineering.
2009, 51(8): 1-7.
31. Binxin Wu,and S. Chen. CFD simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow in anaerobicdigester. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2008, 99 (3): 700-711.
32. Binxin Wu,Y. Liu, W. Liao, and S. Chen. A numerical model for predicting diffusivityin a biocatalyst particle with heterogeneous reactions. AIChE Journal. 2008, 54(8):2182-
33. Binxin Wu,and E.L. Bibeau. Development of 3-D anaerobic digester heat transfer modelfor cool weather applications. Transactions of the ASABE. 2006, 49 (3):749-757.
34. K.G. Gebremedhin, Binxin Wu, C. Gooch, P.Wright, and S. Inglis. Heat transfer model for plug-flow anaerobicdigesters.Transactions of theASABE. 2005, 48(2):777-785.
35. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu.Simulation of flow fields for a ventilated space with different inlet and outletconditions. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2005, 30(5): 343-353.
36. Binxin Wu,W. Yang, and C. Jia. A three-dimensional numerical simulation of transientheat and mass transfer inside a single rice kernel during the drying process. Biosystems
Engineering. 2004,87(2): 191-200.
37. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu.Characterization of flow field in a ventilated space and simulation of heatexchange between cows and their environment. Journal of Thermal
Biology.2003, 28(4): 301-319.
38. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu. Simulation of sensible and latent heat losses from wet-skin surface and fur layer.Journal of Thermal Biology. 2002, 27(4): 291-297.
39. Binxin Wu,and K.G. Gebremedhin. CFD development and simulation of flow fields in ventilatedspaces with multiple occupants. Transactions of the ASAE. 2001,44(6): 1839–1850.
40. Binxin Wu,and K.G. Gebremedhin. Numerical simulation of flow field around a cow using3-D body-fitted coordinate system. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2001,26(6): 563-573.
41. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu. A modelof evaporative cooling of wet skin surface and fur layer. Journal ofThermal Biology. 2001, 26(6):537-545.
1. Transactions of the ASABE
2. Food Science and Technology
3. Biochemical Engineering Journal
4. Applied Engineering in Agriculture
5. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
6. Environmental Science & Technology
7. Water Research
8. Chemical Engineering Research and Design
9. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
10. AIChE Journal
11. Fuel Processing Technology
12. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
2019-06-14 00:11:44
2021-01-25 02:09:53
吴斌鑫博士,教授, 博导;研究方向:计算流体力学在农业、生物及环境工程中的应用,主要包括温室和畜禽舍的通风与传热计算、生物反应器内流体流动和传热与生化反应的耦合计算、废水处理过程的模拟仿真。2000-2018年在美国康乃尔大学 (Cornell University) 、美国费城混合技术公司 (Philadelphia Mixing Solutions)和美国布朗-考德威尔公司(Brown and Caldwell)等分别担任高级研究员、高级工程师和高级专家。主要成果包括:主持国家自然科学基金项目,参与美国农业部和纽约州能源署等科研项目;在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Bioresource Technology和Biotechnology and Bioengineering等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文40多篇;2篇论文分别获得Transactions of the ASABE的2006和2011年度杰出论文奖(Superior Paper Award);2篇论文被期刊Biotechnology and Bioengineering邀请制作摘要录像(video abstract),1篇论文被该期刊评选为热点论文(spotlight paper);担任Transactions of the ASABE和Applied Engineering in Agriculture副主编以及12个国际期刊的论文评审专家。
Transactions of the ASABE(美国农业工程学报)
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (农业应用工程)
2013年美国农业工程国际会议CFD Applications in Agriculture 分会主席
2012年被生物技术和生物工程期刊邀请制作摘要录像 (Video Abstract)
2011年被生物技术和生物工程期刊邀请制作摘要录像 (Video Abstract)
2011年美国农业工程学报的优秀论文奖 (Superior Paper Award)
2006年美国农业工程学报的优秀论文奖 (Superior Paper Award)
1. N. Rezazadeh, H. Hosseinzadeh, Binxin Wu*. Effect of burners configuration on performanceof heat treatment furnaces. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019,
2. I. Kariyama, X. Zhai, Binxin Wu*. Influence ofmixing on anaerobic digestion efficiency in stirred digesters-a review. Water Research. 2018, 143: 503-517.
3. I. Kariyama, X. Zhai, Binxin Wu*. Physical and rheologicalproperties of animal manure-a review. Transactions of the ASABE. 2018, 61(3): 1113-1120.
4. X. Zhai, I. Kariyama, Binxin Wu*. Investigation of the effect of intermittentminimal mixing intensity on methane production during anaerobic digestionof dairy manure. Computers
and Electronics in Agriculture. 2018, 155: 121-129.
5. M. Khalid,I. Akhtar, H. Imtiaz, H. Dong, Binxin Wu*. On thehydrodynamics and nonlinear interaction between fish in tandemconfiguration. Ocean Engineering.2018, 157: 108-
6. M. Khalid,I. Akhtar, Binxin Wu. Quantification offlow noise produced by an oscillating hydrofoil. OceanEngineering. 2019, 171: 377-390.
7. Binxin Wu, Stephen Kennedy, Nicky Eshtiaghi, andRajarathinam Parthasarathy*. CFDmodeling of active volume creation in a non-Newtonian fluid agitated bysubmerged
recirculating jets. Chemical Engineering & Technology. 2018, 41(7): 1441-1447.
8. M. Khalid,I. Akhtar, H. Dong, N. Ahsan, X. Jiang, Binxin Wu*.Bifurcations and route to chaos for flowover an oscillating airfoil. Journal of Fluids andStructures. 2018, 80: 262-
9. A. Tabrizi, Binxin Wu*. The role of compressibility in computing noisegenerated at a cavitating orifice. InternationalJournal of Aeroacoustics. 2018, 1-19.
10. A. Tabrizi and Binxin Wu*, Jonathan Whale,Maryam Lotfabadi. Using TurbSim stochasticsimulator to improve accuracy of computational modelling of wind in the built
environment. Wind Engineering.2019, 43(2): 147-161
11. Binxin Wu. CFD study of submersible mixers in anaerobicdigesters. Transactions of the ASABE. 2017, 60(2): 275-282.
12. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu. Modelingheat loss from the udder of a dairy cow. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2016, 59: 34-38.
13. K.G. Gebremedhin, Binxin Wu, and K. Perano. Modeling conductive cooling for thermallystressed dairy cows. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2016, 56: 91-99.
14. Binxin Wu. CFD simulation of gas mixing in anaerobicdigesters. Computers and Electronicsin Agriculture. 2014, 109: 278-286.
15. Kaiying Wang, Xiaoshuai Wang, and Binxin Wu. Assessment of hygrothermalconditions in a farrowing room with a wet-pad cooling system based on CFDsimulation and field
measurements. Transactions of the ASABE. 2014, 57(5), 1493-1500.
16. Binxin Wu. Advances in the use of CFD to characterize,design and optimize bioenergy systems. Computersand Electronics in Agriculture.2013, 93: 195-208.
17. Binxin Wu. Integration of mixing, heat transfer, andbiochemical reaction kinetics in anaerobic methane fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012, 109(11):2864-2874.
18. Binxin Wu. CFD simulation of mixing for high-solidsanaerobic digestion. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012, 109 (8): 2116-2126.
19. Binxin Wu. Large eddy simulation of mechanical mixing inanaerobic digesters. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012, 109(3): 804-812.
20. Binxin Wu. Computational fluid dynamics study of large-scale mixing systems with side-enteringimpellers. Engineering Applicationsof Computational Fluid Mechanics.2012, 6(1):
21. Binxin Wu.CFD investigation of turbulence models for mechanical agitation ofnon-Newtonian fluids in anaerobic digesters. Water Research.2011,45(5): 2082-2094.
22. Binxin Wu, and Z. Chen. An integratedphysical and biological model for anaerobic lagoons. BioresourceTechnology. 2011, 102(8): 5032-5038.
23. Binxin Wu,and Y. Chen. Modeling liquid distribution in soil after pocket injection. Journal of Environmental Quality.2011, 40(2): 302-311.
24. Binxin Wu.Computational fluid dynamics investigation of turbulence modelsfor non-Newtonian fluid flow in anaerobic digesters. EnvironmentalScience & Technology. 2010, 44
(23), 8989-8995.
25. Binxin Wu.CFD simulation of gas andnon-Newtonian fluid two-phase flow in anaerobic digesters. WaterResearch. 2010, 44(13): 3861-3874.
26. Binxin Wu.CFD simulation of mixing inegg-shaped anaerobic digesters. Water Research. 2010, 44(5):1507-1519.
27. Binxin Wu.CFD analysis of mixing in large aerated lagoons. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics.2010, 4(1): 127-138.
28. Binxin Wu.CFD prediction of mixing time in anaerobic digesters. Transactions ofthe ASABE. 2010, 53(2),553-563.
29. Binxin Wu.CFD analysis of mechanical mixing in anaerobic digesters. Transactionsof the ASABE. 2009, 52(4),1371-1382.
30. Binxin Wu,E.L. Bibeau, and K.G. Gebremedhin. Three-dimensional numerical simulation model of biogas production for anaerobic digesters. Canadian BiosystemsEngineering.
2009, 51(8): 1-7.
31. Binxin Wu,and S. Chen. CFD simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow in anaerobicdigester. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2008, 99 (3): 700-711.
32. Binxin Wu,Y. Liu, W. Liao, and S. Chen. A numerical model for predicting diffusivityin a biocatalyst particle with heterogeneous reactions. AIChE Journal. 2008, 54(8):2182-
33. Binxin Wu,and E.L. Bibeau. Development of 3-D anaerobic digester heat transfer modelfor cool weather applications. Transactions of the ASABE. 2006, 49 (3):749-757.
34. K.G. Gebremedhin, Binxin Wu, C. Gooch, P.Wright, and S. Inglis. Heat transfer model for plug-flow anaerobicdigesters.Transactions of theASABE. 2005, 48(2):777-785.
35. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu.Simulation of flow fields for a ventilated space with different inlet and outletconditions. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2005, 30(5): 343-353.
36. Binxin Wu,W. Yang, and C. Jia. A three-dimensional numerical simulation of transientheat and mass transfer inside a single rice kernel during the drying process. Biosystems
Engineering. 2004,87(2): 191-200.
37. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu.Characterization of flow field in a ventilated space and simulation of heatexchange between cows and their environment. Journal of Thermal
Biology.2003, 28(4): 301-319.
38. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu. Simulation of sensible and latent heat losses from wet-skin surface and fur layer.Journal of Thermal Biology. 2002, 27(4): 291-297.
39. Binxin Wu,and K.G. Gebremedhin. CFD development and simulation of flow fields in ventilatedspaces with multiple occupants. Transactions of the ASAE. 2001,44(6): 1839–1850.
40. Binxin Wu,and K.G. Gebremedhin. Numerical simulation of flow field around a cow using3-D body-fitted coordinate system. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2001,26(6): 563-573.
41. K.G. Gebremedhin, and Binxin Wu. A modelof evaporative cooling of wet skin surface and fur layer. Journal ofThermal Biology. 2001, 26(6):537-545.
1. Transactions of the ASABE
2. Food Science and Technology
3. Biochemical Engineering Journal
4. Applied Engineering in Agriculture
5. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
6. Environmental Science & Technology
7. Water Research
8. Chemical Engineering Research and Design
9. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
10. AIChE Journal
11. Fuel Processing Technology
12. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05
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