Prof. Dr.Huizhen Wu
1995年7月英国曼彻斯特大学理工学院(UMIST)获半导体物理学博士学位,1998年美国俄克拉荷马大学电子工程系从事博士后研究工作,1999年7月晋升浙江大学教授,2000年起任浙江大学物理系教授、博士生导师, 2000年3月至2001年12月美国俄克拉荷马大学电子工程系和物理系访问教授,2002年7月入选中国科学院“****”,2002年7月至2005年8月兼任中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所信息功能材料国家重点实验室“****”研究员,2010年开始任浙江大学求是****、博士生导师,任中国物理学会半导体专业委员会委员和《红外与毫米波学报》编委。
[1]S. Ma, C. Guo, C. Xiao, F. Wu, M. Smidman, Y. Lu, H. Yuan, H. Wu, Realization of a New Topological Crystalline Insulator and Lifshitz Transition in PbTe, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018,
[2]Pengqi Lu,Jiawei Lang,Zeping Weng,Arash Rahimi-Iman,and Huizhen Wu,,Hybrid Structure of 2D Layered GaTe with Au Nanoparticles forUltrasensitive Detection of Aromatic Molecules,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 1356
[3]Pengqi Lu, Ruifeng Li, Ni Yao, Xusheng Dai, Zhenyu Ye, Kai Zheng, Weiguang Kong, Wei Fang, Shuang Li, Qinghua Xu, and Huizhen Wu, Enhancement of Two-Photon Fluorescence and Low Threshold Amplification of Spontaneous Emission of Zn-processed CuInS2 Quantum Dots, ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021\/acsphotonics.7b01255
[4]Zeping Weng, Songsong Ma, He Zhu, Zhenyu Ye, Tianyu Shu, Jie Zhou, Xuanzhi Wu, Huizhen Wu, CdTe thinfilm solar cells with a SnTe buffer layer in back contact, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,179 (2018) 276–282
[5]Jiaqi Zhu, He Zhu, Hanlun Xu, Zeping Weng, Huizhen Wu,Ge-based mid-infrared blocked-impurity-band photodetectors, Infrared Physics & Technology, 92 (2018) 13–17
[6]He Zhu, Zeping Weng, Jiaqi Zhu, Jintao Xu, Huizhen Wu, and Ning Dai,Surface plasmon enhanced Si-based BIB terahertz detectors,Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 053505 (2017); doi: 10.1063\/1.**
[7]He Zhu, Zeping Weng, Jiaqi Zhu, Huizhen Wu, Ning Li, and Ning Dai,Comparison of Photoresponse of Si-Based BIB THz Detectors,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, VOL. 64, NO. 3,1094(2017)
[8]Jiawei Lang,, Pengqi Lu, Gang Bi, Chunfeng Cai, and Huizhen Wu, Plasmon-enhanced luminescence in novel complex conjugated polymer nanoparticles, Optics Letters, Vol. 42, No. 19 3789(2017)
[8]Zhenyu Ye, Shengtao Cui, Tianyu Shu, Songsong Ma, Yang Liu, Zhe Sun, Jun-Wei Luo, and Huizhen Wu, Electronic band structure of epitaxial PbTe (111) thin films observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 95, 165203 (2017)
[10]He Zhu; Jintao Xu, Jiaqi Zhu, Miao Wang; Huizhen Wu, The effect of infrared plasmon on the performance of Si-based THz detectors, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 28(1),839-844 (2017)
[11]Weiguang Kong,Arash Rahimi-Iman,Gang Bi, Xusheng Dai,and Huizhen Wu , Oxygen Intercalation Induced by Photocatalysis on the Surface of Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites, J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 7606−7611
[12] He Zhu, Miao Wang, Bingpo Zhang, Huizhen Wu, Yan Sun, Gujin Hu, and Ning Dai,Evolution of secondary defects in arsenic implanted Si,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 045504 (2016)
[13] Weiguang Kong, Tao Ding, Gang Bib and Huizhen Wu,Optical characterizations of the surface states in hybrid lead–halide perovskites,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2016, 18, 12626
[14]Ruifeng Li, Lorenz Maximilian Schneider2, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Huizhen Wu, Martin Koch, and Arash Rahimi-Iman, Gate Tuning of Forster ResonanceEnergy Transfer in a Graphene -Quantum Dot FET Photo-Detector,ScientificReports, 2016, 6, 28224
[15]Pengqi Lu, Chunfeng Cai, Bingpo Zhang, Bozhi Liu, Huizhen Wu, Gang Bi and Jianxiao Si,Plasmonically-enhanced mid-infrared photoluminescence in a metal\/ narrow-gapsemiconductor structure,EPL, 114 (2016) 37005
[16]He Zhu,Jintao Xu,Jiaqi Zhu,Miao Wang,Huizhen Wu,Ning Li, Ning Dai, The effect of infrared plasmon on the performance of Si-based THz detectors, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 16 (2016) 5598, DOI 10.1007\/s10854-016-5598-7
[17]Tianyu Shu, Zhenyu Ye, Pengqi Lu, Lu Chen, Gangyi Xu, Jie ZhouandHuizhen Wu, Band alignment at the interface of PbTe\/SnTe heterojunction determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,EPL, 116 (2016) 37006
[18]Qinfeng Xu, Xiangnan Huang, Zheng Hua, Lian Hu, Lingxiao Du, Huizhen Wu, Chunfeng Zhang, Xiaoyong Wang, and Min Xiao,Extended storage of multiple excitons in trap states of semiconductor nanocrystals,Appl. Phys. Lett.108, 093110 (2016)
[19]Manli Peng, Gang Bi, Chunfeng Cai, Guanxing Guo, Huizhen Wu, and Zhousu Xu,Enhanced photoluminescence properties of bismuth sulfide nanocrystals with core-shell Ag@SiO2 Optics Letters,Vol. 41, No. 7 \/ (April 1 2016),1466
[20] Meng Song, Peng Xu, Lijing Han, Lan Yi, Xu Wang, Zhenhua Li, Xuefu Shang, Xiumin Wang, Huizhen Wu, Ei Zhao, Yenan Song, and Miao Wang,Enhanced Field-Emission Performance from Carbon Nanotube Emitters on Nickel Foam Cathodes,Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(2016)2299
[21] Chun Feng Cai, Jizhi Zhai, Gang Bi, and Huizhen Wu,Electron energy transfer effect in Au NS\/CH3NH3PbI3-xClx heterostructures via localized surface plasmon resonance coupling,Optics Letters,Vol. 41, No. 18(September 15 2016),4297
[22]Bingpo Zhang, Ping Lu, Henan Liu, Lin Jiao, Zhenyu Ye, M. Jaime,F.F. Balakirev,Huiqiu Yuan, Huizhen Wu, Wei Pan, and Yong Zhang,Quantum Oscillations in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Rocksalt\/Zincblende Interface of PbTe\/CdTe (111) Heterostructures,Nano Lett.15, 4381 (2015)
[23] Lian Hu, Bingpo Zhang, Tianning Xu, Ruifeng Li and Huizhen Wu, A dry method to synthesize dendritic Ag2Se nanostructures utilizing CdSe quantum dots and Ag thin films,Nanotechnology, 26, 015601(2015)
[24]Weiguang Kong,Zhenyu Ye,Zhen Qi,Bingpo Zhang,Miao Wang, Arash Rahimi-Imanand Huizhen Wu, Characterization of an abnormal photoluminescence behavior upon crystal-phase transition of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2015, 17, 16405
[25]Tianyu Shu, Pengqi Lu, Bingpo Zhang, MiaoWang, Lu Chen, Xiang liang Fu, Gangyi Xu, Huizhen Wu, Molecular beam epitaxy and characterizations of PbTe grown on GaAs (211) substrates using CdTe\/ZnTe buffers, Journal of Crystal Growth 420 (2015) 17–21
[26]Ruifeng Li, Zhenyu Ye, Weiguang Kong, Huizhen Wu, Xing Lin and Wei Fang, Controllable synthesis and growth mechanism of dual size distributed PbSe quantum dots, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 1961
[27]Weiguang Kong, Bingpo Zhang, Ruifeng Li, Feifei Wu, Tianning Xu, Huizhen Wu, Plasmon enhanced fluorescence from quaternary Cu In Zn Squantum dots, Applied Surface Science 327 (2015) 394–399
[28]Feifei Wu, Lian Hu, Bingpo Zhang, Ruifeng Li, and Huizhen Wu, Quantum-dot blue light emitting diodes utilizing organic\/inorganic hybrid structures, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 02BC03 (2015)
[29]Zhen-Yu Ye, Hui-Xiong Deng, Hui-Zhen Wu, Shu-Shen Li, Su-Huai Wei and Jun-Wei Luo, The origin of electronic band structure anomaly in topological crystalline insulator group-IV tellurides, npj Computational Materials (doi:10.1038\/npjcompumats.2015.1) [npj Computational Materials (2015) 15001]
[30]Tao Ding, Ruifeng Li, Weiguang Kong, Bingpo Zhang, Huizhen Wu,Band alignments at interface of ZnO\/FAPbI3heterojunction byX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Applied Surface Science 357 (2015) 1743–1746
[31]Yongyue Chen, Yajie Sun, Xusheng Dai, Bingpo Zhang, Zhenyu Ye, MiaoWang, Huizhen Wu,Tunable electrical properties of NiO thinfilms and p-type thin-film transistors,Thin Solid Films 592 (2015) 195–199
[32]L. Hu, H. Z. Wu,B. P. Zhang, L.X. Du, T.N. X u, Y.Y. Chen, and Y. Zhang,, Designable Luminescence with Quantum Dot–Silver Plasmon Coupler, small 10(15), 3099–3109(2014), (IF:8.368)
[33]Bingpo Zhang, Chunfeng Cai, He Zhu,Huizhen Wu, et al, Phonon blocking by two dimensional electron gas in polar CdTe\/PbTe heterojunctions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 161601 (2014)
[33]Bingpo Zhang,Chunfeng Cai,Shuqiang Jin, Huizhen Wu, and Zhen Qi,Resonant nature of intrinsic defect energy levels in PbTe revealed by infrared photoreflectance spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett.105,022109 (2014)
[34]Bozhi Liu,Ruifeng Li,Lian Hu,Huizhen Wu,White light-emitting quantum dot diodes and tuning of luminescence processes,Appl. Phys. A (2014) 116:941–945
[35]Weiguang Kong, Huizhen Wu, Optical properties of pH-sensitive carbon-dots with different modifications,Journal of Luminescence,148, 238(2014)
[36]Chen Yong-Yue, Wang Xiong, Cai Xi-Kun, Yuan Zi-Jian, Zhu Xia-Ming, Qiu Dong-Jiang, and Wu Hui-Zhen,Effects of annealing process on characteristics of fully transparent zinc tin oxide thin-film transistor,Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 026101
[37]朱贺,张兵坡,王淼,胡古今,戴宁,吴惠桢,高剂量As离子注入对高阻Si电学特性的影响,物理学报,Vol. 63, No. 13 (2014) 136803
2009-04-13 08:08:41
1995年7月英国曼彻斯特大学理工学院(UMIST)获半导体物理学博士学位,1998年美国俄克拉荷马大学电子工程系从事博士后研究工作,1999年7月晋升浙江大学教授,1999年12月入选浙江省“151工程”人才计划, 2000年、2001年美国俄克拉荷马大学电子工程系和物理系访问教授,2002年7月入选中国科学院“****”,2002年7月至2005年8月中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所信息功能材料国家重点实验室任“****”研究员,现任浙江大学理学院物理系教授、博士生导师,担任浙江大学电子与
2021-01-24 17:42:33
1995年7月英国曼彻斯特大学理工学院(UMIST)获半导体物理学博士学位,1998年美国俄克拉荷马大学电子工程系从事博士后研究工作,1999年7月晋升浙江大学教授,2000年起任浙江大学物理系教授、博士生导师, 2000年3月至2001年12月美国俄克拉荷马大学电子工程系和物理系访问教授,2002年7月入选中国科学院“****”,2002年7月至2005年8月兼任中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所信息功能材料国家重点实验室“****”研究员,2010年开始任浙江大学求是****、博士生导师,任中国物理学会半导体专业委员会委员和《红外与毫米波学报》编委。
[1]S. Ma, C. Guo, C. Xiao, F. Wu, M. Smidman, Y. Lu, H. Yuan, H. Wu, Realization of a New Topological Crystalline Insulator and Lifshitz Transition in PbTe, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018,
[2]Pengqi Lu,Jiawei Lang,Zeping Weng,Arash Rahimi-Iman,and Huizhen Wu,,Hybrid Structure of 2D Layered GaTe with Au Nanoparticles forUltrasensitive Detection of Aromatic Molecules,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 1356
[3]Pengqi Lu, Ruifeng Li, Ni Yao, Xusheng Dai, Zhenyu Ye, Kai Zheng, Weiguang Kong, Wei Fang, Shuang Li, Qinghua Xu, and Huizhen Wu, Enhancement of Two-Photon Fluorescence and Low Threshold Amplification of Spontaneous Emission of Zn-processed CuInS2 Quantum Dots, ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021\/acsphotonics.7b01255
[4]Zeping Weng, Songsong Ma, He Zhu, Zhenyu Ye, Tianyu Shu, Jie Zhou, Xuanzhi Wu, Huizhen Wu, CdTe thinfilm solar cells with a SnTe buffer layer in back contact, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,179 (2018) 276–282
[5]Jiaqi Zhu, He Zhu, Hanlun Xu, Zeping Weng, Huizhen Wu,Ge-based mid-infrared blocked-impurity-band photodetectors, Infrared Physics & Technology, 92 (2018) 13–17
[6]He Zhu, Zeping Weng, Jiaqi Zhu, Jintao Xu, Huizhen Wu, and Ning Dai,Surface plasmon enhanced Si-based BIB terahertz detectors,Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 053505 (2017); doi: 10.1063\/1.**
[7]He Zhu, Zeping Weng, Jiaqi Zhu, Huizhen Wu, Ning Li, and Ning Dai,Comparison of Photoresponse of Si-Based BIB THz Detectors,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, VOL. 64, NO. 3,1094(2017)
[8]Jiawei Lang,, Pengqi Lu, Gang Bi, Chunfeng Cai, and Huizhen Wu, Plasmon-enhanced luminescence in novel complex conjugated polymer nanoparticles, Optics Letters, Vol. 42, No. 19 3789(2017)
[8]Zhenyu Ye, Shengtao Cui, Tianyu Shu, Songsong Ma, Yang Liu, Zhe Sun, Jun-Wei Luo, and Huizhen Wu, Electronic band structure of epitaxial PbTe (111) thin films observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 95, 165203 (2017)
[10]He Zhu; Jintao Xu, Jiaqi Zhu, Miao Wang; Huizhen Wu, The effect of infrared plasmon on the performance of Si-based THz detectors, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 28(1),839-844 (2017)
[11]Weiguang Kong,Arash Rahimi-Iman,Gang Bi, Xusheng Dai,and Huizhen Wu , Oxygen Intercalation Induced by Photocatalysis on the Surface of Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites, J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 7606−7611
[12] He Zhu, Miao Wang, Bingpo Zhang, Huizhen Wu, Yan Sun, Gujin Hu, and Ning Dai,Evolution of secondary defects in arsenic implanted Si,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 045504 (2016)
[13] Weiguang Kong, Tao Ding, Gang Bib and Huizhen Wu,Optical characterizations of the surface states in hybrid lead–halide perovskites,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2016, 18, 12626
[14]Ruifeng Li, Lorenz Maximilian Schneider2, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Huizhen Wu, Martin Koch, and Arash Rahimi-Iman, Gate Tuning of Forster ResonanceEnergy Transfer in a Graphene -Quantum Dot FET Photo-Detector,ScientificReports, 2016, 6, 28224
[15]Pengqi Lu, Chunfeng Cai, Bingpo Zhang, Bozhi Liu, Huizhen Wu, Gang Bi and Jianxiao Si,Plasmonically-enhanced mid-infrared photoluminescence in a metal\/ narrow-gapsemiconductor structure,EPL, 114 (2016) 37005
[16]He Zhu,Jintao Xu,Jiaqi Zhu,Miao Wang,Huizhen Wu,Ning Li, Ning Dai, The effect of infrared plasmon on the performance of Si-based THz detectors, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 16 (2016) 5598, DOI 10.1007\/s10854-016-5598-7
[17]Tianyu Shu, Zhenyu Ye, Pengqi Lu, Lu Chen, Gangyi Xu, Jie ZhouandHuizhen Wu, Band alignment at the interface of PbTe\/SnTe heterojunction determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,EPL, 116 (2016) 37006
[18]Qinfeng Xu, Xiangnan Huang, Zheng Hua, Lian Hu, Lingxiao Du, Huizhen Wu, Chunfeng Zhang, Xiaoyong Wang, and Min Xiao,Extended storage of multiple excitons in trap states of semiconductor nanocrystals,Appl. Phys. Lett.108, 093110 (2016)
[19]Manli Peng, Gang Bi, Chunfeng Cai, Guanxing Guo, Huizhen Wu, and Zhousu Xu,Enhanced photoluminescence properties of bismuth sulfide nanocrystals with core-shell Ag@SiO2 Optics Letters,Vol. 41, No. 7 \/ (April 1 2016),1466
[20] Meng Song, Peng Xu, Lijing Han, Lan Yi, Xu Wang, Zhenhua Li, Xuefu Shang, Xiumin Wang, Huizhen Wu, Ei Zhao, Yenan Song, and Miao Wang,Enhanced Field-Emission Performance from Carbon Nanotube Emitters on Nickel Foam Cathodes,Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(2016)2299
[21] Chun Feng Cai, Jizhi Zhai, Gang Bi, and Huizhen Wu,Electron energy transfer effect in Au NS\/CH3NH3PbI3-xClx heterostructures via localized surface plasmon resonance coupling,Optics Letters,Vol. 41, No. 18(September 15 2016),4297
[22]Bingpo Zhang, Ping Lu, Henan Liu, Lin Jiao, Zhenyu Ye, M. Jaime,F.F. Balakirev,Huiqiu Yuan, Huizhen Wu, Wei Pan, and Yong Zhang,Quantum Oscillations in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Rocksalt\/Zincblende Interface of PbTe\/CdTe (111) Heterostructures,Nano Lett.15, 4381 (2015)
[23] Lian Hu, Bingpo Zhang, Tianning Xu, Ruifeng Li and Huizhen Wu, A dry method to synthesize dendritic Ag2Se nanostructures utilizing CdSe quantum dots and Ag thin films,Nanotechnology, 26, 015601(2015)
[24]Weiguang Kong,Zhenyu Ye,Zhen Qi,Bingpo Zhang,Miao Wang, Arash Rahimi-Imanand Huizhen Wu, Characterization of an abnormal photoluminescence behavior upon crystal-phase transition of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2015, 17, 16405
[25]Tianyu Shu, Pengqi Lu, Bingpo Zhang, MiaoWang, Lu Chen, Xiang liang Fu, Gangyi Xu, Huizhen Wu, Molecular beam epitaxy and characterizations of PbTe grown on GaAs (211) substrates using CdTe\/ZnTe buffers, Journal of Crystal Growth 420 (2015) 17–21
[26]Ruifeng Li, Zhenyu Ye, Weiguang Kong, Huizhen Wu, Xing Lin and Wei Fang, Controllable synthesis and growth mechanism of dual size distributed PbSe quantum dots, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 1961
[27]Weiguang Kong, Bingpo Zhang, Ruifeng Li, Feifei Wu, Tianning Xu, Huizhen Wu, Plasmon enhanced fluorescence from quaternary Cu In Zn Squantum dots, Applied Surface Science 327 (2015) 394–399
[28]Feifei Wu, Lian Hu, Bingpo Zhang, Ruifeng Li, and Huizhen Wu, Quantum-dot blue light emitting diodes utilizing organic\/inorganic hybrid structures, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 02BC03 (2015)
[29]Zhen-Yu Ye, Hui-Xiong Deng, Hui-Zhen Wu, Shu-Shen Li, Su-Huai Wei and Jun-Wei Luo, The origin of electronic band structure anomaly in topological crystalline insulator group-IV tellurides, npj Computational Materials (doi:10.1038\/npjcompumats.2015.1) [npj Computational Materials (2015) 15001]
[30]Tao Ding, Ruifeng Li, Weiguang Kong, Bingpo Zhang, Huizhen Wu,Band alignments at interface of ZnO\/FAPbI3heterojunction byX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Applied Surface Science 357 (2015) 1743–1746
[31]Yongyue Chen, Yajie Sun, Xusheng Dai, Bingpo Zhang, Zhenyu Ye, MiaoWang, Huizhen Wu,Tunable electrical properties of NiO thinfilms and p-type thin-film transistors,Thin Solid Films 592 (2015) 195–199
[32]L. Hu, H. Z. Wu,B. P. Zhang, L.X. Du, T.N. X u, Y.Y. Chen, and Y. Zhang,, Designable Luminescence with Quantum Dot–Silver Plasmon Coupler, small 10(15), 3099–3109(2014), (IF:8.368)
[33]Bingpo Zhang, Chunfeng Cai, He Zhu,Huizhen Wu, et al, Phonon blocking by two dimensional electron gas in polar CdTe\/PbTe heterojunctions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 161601 (2014)
[33]Bingpo Zhang,Chunfeng Cai,Shuqiang Jin, Huizhen Wu, and Zhen Qi,Resonant nature of intrinsic defect energy levels in PbTe revealed by infrared photoreflectance spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett.105,022109 (2014)
[34]Bozhi Liu,Ruifeng Li,Lian Hu,Huizhen Wu,White light-emitting quantum dot diodes and tuning of luminescence processes,Appl. Phys. A (2014) 116:941–945
[35]Weiguang Kong, Huizhen Wu, Optical properties of pH-sensitive carbon-dots with different modifications,Journal of Luminescence,148, 238(2014)
[36]Chen Yong-Yue, Wang Xiong, Cai Xi-Kun, Yuan Zi-Jian, Zhu Xia-Ming, Qiu Dong-Jiang, and Wu Hui-Zhen,Effects of annealing process on characteristics of fully transparent zinc tin oxide thin-film transistor,Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 026101
[37]朱贺,张兵坡,王淼,胡古今,戴宁,吴惠桢,高剂量As离子注入对高阻Si电学特性的影响,物理学报,Vol. 63, No. 13 (2014) 136803
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05
何国光summary日本国立福井大学工学博士,东京大学博士后出站。浙江省151人才第三层次人员。template_id1photoresearch_field混沌神经网络极其应用;非线性动力学;混沌同步与控制;功能材料应用status1opendate2010-09-2514:05:41access ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-金敏
金敏type1descriptionsummary本人1978年进入浙江大学物理系本科学习物理。毕业后在物理学系担任教学和实验工作。先后在“理论物理教研室”、“计算机实验室”、“电子与无线电研究所”等任教。目前在“聚变理论与模拟中”的“前沿等离子体物理实验室”任职。template_id1photo ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-黄凯凯
黄凯凯type1descriptionsummary2007年于北京大学无线电物理专业毕业,获理学博士学位,同年7月在北大留校任教,2009年工作调动到浙大物理系任教。2002年起致力于钙原子光学频率标准和光抽运铯束微波频率标准的研究。在激光技术,真空技术,光抽运铯原子钟,光学频率标准等方面积累了丰 ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-周一峰
周一峰type1descriptionsummary1995年9月毕业于浙江大学物理系光学硕士专业。毕业后留校从事教学科研工作。主要从事于电磁波隐身材料、电磁场计算等方面的理论研究及实验工作。从事过近代光学、电磁场理论的教学,以及大学物理理论课和实验课的教学。template_id1photores ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-石锐
ShiLiquidGrouptype1descriptionsummary课题组正在积极招收博士后、博士、硕士研究生!热忱欢迎具有物理、化学、材料或生物物理等研究背景的青年才俊加盟!详情请见招聘广告:http:\/\/\/postdoctor\/2020\/1217\/c2 ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-宋宇
宋宇type1descriptionsummary个人经历:浙江大学学士2006-2010美国田纳西大学(后转学)2010-2013美国莱斯大学博士2013-2017美国莱斯大学博士后2017-2017美国加州大学伯克利分校博士后2017-2020浙江大学研究员2020-今研究兴趣:物质晶格和磁性对 ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-谢燕武
浙江大学谢燕武研究小组复杂氧化物界面电子学研究小组summary欢迎来到浙江大学氧化物界面实验研究小组。我们小组主要兴趣集中在复杂氧化物界面新奇的量子演生现象,特别是界面电子气、界面超导等。我们利用先进的脉冲激光沉积镀膜系统在原子级尺度上制备高质量的各种氧化物薄膜和人工异质结构,利用微纳加工技术将它 ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-袁辉球
袁辉球个人主页关联物质研究中心summary教育经历:1999\/10-2003\/10,德国马普学会固体化学物理研究所,博士。1996\/09-1999\/01,湘潭大学,物理系,硕士1992\/09-1996\/06,湘潭大学,物理系,本科工作经历:2012-至今:浙江大学关联物质研究中心,常务 ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-王浩华
王浩华type1descriptionsummary现在职位:2010至今,浙江大学物理系博士生导师主要研究方向为超导量子计算和量子模拟实验研究,擅长多层次立体工艺超导量子器件的设计制备和多通道微波脉冲的同步调制解调技术,致力于研发有可能用于量子计算的底层物理器件,国际上首次制备了十和二十超导比特纠 ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05浙江大学物理学系导师教师师资介绍简介-尹艺
尹艺type1descriptionsummary尹艺,浙江大学物理系教授、博士生导师2012年底至今,任浙江大学物理系教授。2009-2012年,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校物理系,博士后研究。2002-2009年,美国哈佛大学物理系,博士。1997-2002年,中国科学技术大学物理系,学士。temp ...浙江大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-05