本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-16
陈广生,男,博士,特设教授。毕业于美国奥本大学,获博士学位,先后在美国奥本大学林业与野生动物学院和橡树岭国家实验室环境科学部做博士后和研究员。研究方向是基于试验观测、生态系统模型和遥感手段评估和预测全球变化(包括气候、大气成分、土地利用、干扰和管理等)对森林生态系统生产力、碳储存和温室气体时空动态的影响,从碳、氮、磷、水循环角度揭示不同全球变化因子的影响机理。参与多项美国NSF、NASA、DOE和USDA的研究项目。在《Global Biogeochemical Cycles》、《Earth System Science Data》、《Climatic Change》等刊物合作发表SCI论文60余篇,参编3部著作章节。主讲《数字地球导论》、《科技论文写作与文献检索》、《景观生态学》、《森林经理学研究专题》、《生态系统生态学》、《生态系统模型》等本硕课程。
(1)Tian, H., J. Yang, C. Lu, R. Xu,G. Chen, et al. 2018. The global N2O model intercomparison project (NMIP): objectives, simulation protocol and expected products.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0212.1 (In press).
(2)McGuire, A.D., D.M. Lawrence, C. Koven J.S. Clein, E. Burke,G. Chen, E. Jafarov, A.H. MacDougall, S. Marchenko, D. Nicolsky, S. Peng, A. Rinke, P. Ciais, I. Gouttevin, D.J. Hayes, D. Ji, G. Krinner, J.C. Moore, V.E. Romanovsky, C. Sch?del, K. Schaefer, E.A.G. Schuur, and Q. Zhuang. 2018. The dependence of the evolution of carbon dynamics in the northern permafrost region on the trajectory of climate change.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115:3882-3887.
(3)Wei X, Hayes DJ, Fraver S,Chen G. Global Pyrogenic Carbon Production during Recent Decades Has Created the Potential for a Large, Long-term Sink of Atmospheric CO2.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. (in press)
(4)You, Y., Wang, S., Ma, Y., Chen, G., Wang, B., Shen, M. and Liu, W., 2018. Building detection from VHR remote sensing imagery based on the morphological building index. Remote Sensing, 10(8), p.1287.
(5)Li, Z., Xia, J., Ahlstr?m, A., Rinke, A., Koven, C., Hayes, D.J., Ji, D., Zhang, G., Krinner, G.,Chen, G. and Cheng, W., 2018. Non-uniform seasonal warming regulates vegetation greening and atmospheric CO2 amplification over northern lands. Environmental Research Letters, 13(12), p.124008
(6)Wu, D., Ciais, P., Viovy, N., Knapp, A.K., Wilcox, K., Bahn, M., Smith, M.D., Vicca, S., Fatichi, S., Zscheischler, J., He, Y., Li, X., Ito, A., Arneth, A., Harper, A., Ukkola,A., Paschalis, A.; Poulter, B.; Peng, C., Ricciuto, D., Reinthaler, D.,Chen, G., et al. 2018. Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to altered precipitation simulated by ecosystem models across three long-term grassland sites.Biogeosciences(Online), 15(11). (in press)
(7)Xu, R., S. Pan, J. Chen,G. Chen, J. Yang, S. Dangal, H. Tian. 2018. Half-century ammonia emissions from agricultural systems in the southern Asia: Magnitude, spatiotemporal patterns and implications for human health.GeoHealth2(1):40-53.
(8)Yang, J., H. Tian, S. Pan,G. Chen, B. Zhang, and S. Dangal. 2018. Largely reduced forest photosynthesis but slightly increased greenness during the ENSO-driven Amazon drought of 2015/2016.Global Change Biology24(5):1919-1934.
(9)Pan, S.,Chen, G., Ren, W., Dangal, S.R., Banger, K., Yang, J., Tao, B. and Tian, H. 2018. Responses of global terrestrial water use efficiency to climate change and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration in the twenty-first century.International Journal of Digital Earth,6:558-582.
(10) Zhu, W., Jiang, N.,G. Chen, et al. 2017. Divergent shifts and responses of autumn phenology to climate change on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology239: 166-175.
(11) Zhang, B.W., H. Tian, C. Lu,G. Chen, et al. 2017.Methane emissions from global wetlands: Assessing the uncertainty from wetland extent datasets.Atmospheric Environment165: 310-321.
(12) Xia, JY, A.D. McGuire, D. Lawrence, E. Burke,G. Chen, et al. 2017. Terrestrial ecosystem model performance in simulating net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in the northern permafrost region.Journal of Geophysical Research122: 430-446.
(13)Chen, G., D. Hayes, A.D. McGuire. 2017. Contributions of wildland fire to terrestrial ecosystem carbon dynamics in North America from 1990 to 2012.Global Biogeochemical Cycles31: 878-900.
(14) Tian, H., C. Lu, P. Ciais, A.M. Michalak, J.G. Canadell, E. Saikawa, D.N. Huntzinger, K.R. Gurney, S. Sitch, B. Zhang, J. Yang, P. Bousquet, L. Bruhwiler,G. Chen, et al. 2016.The terrestrial biosphere as a net source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.Nature531: 225-228.
(15) McGuire, A.D., C.Koven, D.M. Lawrence, J.S. Clein, J. Xia, C. Beer, E. Burke,G. Chen, et al. 2016. Variability in the sensitivity among model simulations of permafrost and carbon dynamics in the permafrost region between 1960 and 2009.Global Biogeochemical Cycles30: 1015-1037.DOI:10.1002/2016GB005405.
(16) Lokupitiya, E., A.S. Denning, K. Schaefer, D. Ricciuto, R. Anderson, M.A. Arain, A.G. Barr,G. Chen, et al. 2016. Carbon and energy fluxes in cropland ecosystems: a model-data comparison.Biogeochemistry129: 53-76.
(17) Sun, T., W. Lin,G. Chen,P. Guo, Y. Zeng. 2016.Wetland ecosystem health assessment through integrating remote sensing and inventory data with an assessment model for the Hangzhou Bay, China.Science of the Total Environment566-567:627-640.
(18) Wang, S., B. Zhang, Q. Yang,G. Chen, et al. 2017. Responses of net primary productivity to phenological dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau, China.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology232: 235-246.
(19) Zheng, Z., Zhu, W.,G. Chen, et al. 2016. Continuous but diverse advancement of spring-summer phenology in response to climate warming across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology223: 194-202.
(20) Koven, C.D., E.A.G. Schuur, C. Schadel, T. Bohn, E.J. Burke,G. Chen, et al. 2015.A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost C-climate feedback.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A373: 1-23.
(21) Ye, Q., X. Yang, S. Dai,G. Chen, et al. 2015. Effects of climate change on suitable rice cropping areas, cropping systems and crop water requirements in the southern China.Agricultural Water Management159: 35-44.
(22) Lin, W.,G. Chen, et al. 2015. Remote-sensed monitoring of dominant plant species distribution and dynamics at Jiuduansha Wetland in Shanghai, China.Remote Sensing7: 10227-10241.
(23) Bohn, T.J., J.R. Melton, A. Ito, T. Kleinen, R. Spahni, B.D. Stocker, B. Zhang, X. Zhu, R. Schroeder, M.V. Glagolev, S. Maksyutov, V. Brovkin,G. Chen, et al. 2015. WETCHIMP-WSL: intercomparison of wetland methane emissions models over West Siberia.Biogeosciences12, 3321-3349.
(24) Tian, H.,G. Chen, C Lu et al. 2015.Global methane and nitrous oxide emissions from terrestrial ecosystems due to multiple environmental changes.Ecosystem Health and Sustainability1(1): 1-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/EHS14-0015.1.
(25)Kuang, W., Y. Liu, Y. Dou, W. Chi,G. Chen., et al. 2015. What are hot and what are not in an urban landscape: quantifying and explaining the land surface temperature pattern in Beijing, China.Landscape Ecology30: 357-373.
(26) Tian, H.,G. Chen, C. Lu, X. Xu, et al. 2014.North American terrestrial CO2uptake largely offset by CH4and N2O emissions: toward a full accounting of the greenhouse gas budget.Climatic Change129: 413-426.DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1072-9.
(27) Yang, Q., H. Tian, X Li, B. Tao,G. Chen, et al. 2014.Spatiotemporal patterns of evapotranspiration along the North American east coast as influenced by multiple environmental changes.Ecohydrology,8: 714-725.
(28) Zhu W,Chen G, Jiang N, Liu J, Mou M. 2013. Estimating Carbon Flux Phenology with Satellite-Derived Land Surface Phenology and Climate Drivers for Different Biomes: A Synthesis of AmeriFlux Observations.PLoS ONE8(12): 1-10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**
(29) Jiang, N., W. Zhu, Z. Zheng,G. Chen, and D. Fan. 2013. A Comparative Analysis between GIMSS NDVIg and NDVI3g for Monitoring Vegetation Activity Change in the Northern Hemisphere during 1982–2008.Remote Sensing5(8), 4031-4044, doi:10.3390/rs**.
(30)Chen, G., H. Tian, C. Huang, S. Prior, and S. Pan. 2013.Integrating a process-based ecosystem model with Landsat imagery to assess impacts of forest disturbance on terrestrial carbon dynamics: Case studies in Alabama and Mississippi.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences118:1208-1224
(31) Song, X., H. Tian, X. Xu, D. Hui,G. Chen, et al. 2013.Projecting terrestrial carbon sequestration of the southeastern United States in response to climate and atmospheric changes in the 21st century.Ecosphere4(7), 88. htp://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00398.1.
(32)Melton, J.R., R. Wania, E. Hodson, B. Poulter, B. Ringeval, R. Spahni, T. Bohn, C.A. Avis, D. Beerling,G. Chen, and other participants for WETCHIMP project. 2013.Present state of global wetland extent and wetland methane modelling: conclusions from a model intercomparison project (WETCHIMP).Biogeosciences, 10, 753-788.
(33) Wania, R.,J.R.Melton,E. Hodson, B. Poulter, B. Ringeval, R. Spahni, T. Bohn, C.A. Avis, D. Beerling,G. Chen, and other participants for WETCHIMP project. 2013.Present state of global wetland extent and wetland methane modelling: methodology of a model intercomparison project (WETCHIMP).Geoscientific Model Development6: 617-641.
Zhu, W.,G. Chen, D. Hayes. Chapter2:Monitoring key EBVs with remote sensing. 2017. In:GOFC-GOLD & GEO BON(Eds).A Sourcebook of Methods and Procedures for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables in Tropical Forests with Remote Sensing.Report version UNCBD COP-13, GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. ISSN: 2542-6729.
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陈永刚,男,陈永刚,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中国地理信息系统会员。分别获地图学与地理信息系统(GIS)硕士、博士学位,测绘工程学士学位。主要研究地理信息系统,主持国家纵向和社会横向服务项目多项。浙江农林大学教坛新秀,中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛带队老师,获多次全国ArcGIS和SuperMap开发 ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16浙江农林大学环境与资源学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐小军
1.基本信息:徐小军,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。长期从事森林碳循环遥感监测以及森林对气候变化响应研究,承担《遥感原理与应用》、《林业遥感》等教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金、省教育厅等科研项目多项,参与国家自然科学重大基金课题等项目10多项,在《AgriculturalandFor ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16浙江农林大学环境与资源学院导师教师师资介绍简介-范渭亮
范渭亮,1984年生,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。主要研究兴趣:主要研究兴趣为植被定量遥感、遥感在全球变化中的应用。代表性学术成果为山地冠层反射率模型GOST,该成果解决了山地冠层反射率模拟时往往难以考虑地形要素的问题,为深入理解山地冠层遥感信号产生机制、反演山地冠层参数提供了理论基础和可靠工具。 ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16浙江农林大学环境与资源学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梅婷婷
梅婷婷,浙江农林大学环境与资源学院硕士生导师,讲师。主要研究兴趣:森林生态系统碳水循环及对气候变化的响应,亚热带森林固碳机理,智慧林业和传感应用。在FrontiersinPlantScience,Forests,Trees,林业科学,应用生态学报等杂志发表论文。作为《ScienceoftheTota ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16浙江农林大学环境与资源学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐林
徐林,1986年12月生,博士,讲师。2010年获黄山学院林学学士学位,2013年获浙江农林大学森林经理学硕士学位,2019年获浙江农林大学竹资源与高效利用博士学位。2019年7月起为浙江农林大学环境与资源学院教师。研究兴趣主要为森林可持续经营、森林碳汇计量监测以及森林生态价值实现机制等方向研究。近 ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16浙江农林大学环境与资源学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐秋芳
徐秋芳,农学博士,教授,博士生导师,现任浙江省重点学科“土壤学科”带头人,教育部高校“自然保护与环境生态类专业”教学指导委员会委员(2013-2023),中国土壤学会‘森林土壤专业委员会’及‘土壤生物与生物化学专业委员’会委员,浙江农林大学九三学社副主委。长期从事土壤学及相关课程的教学和科学研究工作 ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16浙江农林大学环境与资源学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姜培坤
姜培坤,二级教授,博士生导师。环境与资源学院院长,生态环境研究所所长。现任中国森林土壤专业委员会副主任、浙江省土壤肥料学会副理事长。从事不同森林类型土壤碳循环和农业面源污染修复研究。承担包括国家“973”课题、国家自然科学基金、国家科技部重大水专项子课题在内的科研项目40多项,在PlantandSo ...浙江农林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-16