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龙腾文 地理科学助理教授
地理科学系 / 理工学院

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+86 (0)574 8818 0000-8719


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龙腾文,诺丁汉大学助理教授,地理学博士(都柏林大学圣三一学院),德国柏林自由大学地质学系及德国考古研究院欧亚考古研究所博士后。主要从事环境变迁的研究。目前重点关注全新世环境变化和人类社会的交互影响这一涉及到多个传统学科(如地球科学、生物学、考古学)相交叉的主题,采用古生态学、地质年代学的技术开展自然-社会综合体历史重建。多项研究成果发表于《Nature Plants》、《Science Advances 》、《Quaternary Science Reviews》、《Journal of Archaeological Science》等国际权威学术期刊,并获得《Nature Plants》等学术期刊、《New Scientist》等科学杂志的专栏亮点报道。
长期开展多学科国际交流,和德国、新加坡、英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、印度、俄罗斯的地球科学家、考古学家有广泛合作。现为《Science Advances》、《Nature Plants》、《Scientific Reports》、《Quaternary Science Reviews》、《Quaternary Research》、《Marine Geology》等十余类国际学术期刊的审稿专家,《Quaternary International》的特邀编辑(2021年专辑‘Holocene Environments, Human Subsistence and Adaptation in Northern and Eastern Eurasia’)。在地球科学和考古学研究外,龙腾文博士还曾获得统计学、创新、项目管理等多个领域的国际证书认证,积极推动多学科合作解决自然-社会科学复杂性交叉问题。



奖项 / 专利
2020年: 浙江省钱江人才计划
2018年: 宁波诺丁汉大学2018年度杰出论文发表奖

Tripathi, D., Kotlia, B. S., Tiwari, M., Pokharia, A. K., Agrawal, S., Kumar, P., Long, T., Paulramasamy, M., Thakur, B., Pal, J., Mahar, K. S., Chauhan, D. K.. New evidence of mid- to late- Holocene vegetation and climate change from a Neolithic settlement in western fringe of Central Ganga Plain: Implications for Neolithic to Historic phases. The Holocene 31 (3), 392-408 (2021).
Leipe, C., Long, T., Wagner, M., Goslar, T., Tarasov, P. E. The spread of rice to Japan: Insights from Bayesian analysis of direct radiocarbon dates and population dynamics in East Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews 244, 106507 (2020).
Pankova, S. V., Long, T., Leipe, C., Tarasov, P. E., Wagner, M. Die Menschen von Oglachty in Südsibirien: Welchen Platz hatten sie in der Geschichte Eurasiens im frühen ersten Jahrtausend n. Chr.? DAI e-Forschungsberichte (2), 66-80 (2020).
Xiong, H., Zong, Y., Li, T., Long, T., Huang, G., Fu, S. Coastal GIA processes revealed by the early to middle Holocene sea-level history of east China. Quaternary Science Reviews 233, 106249 (2020).
Leipe, C., Long, T., Sergusheva, E. A., Jin, G., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. E. Spread of millet agriculture and prehistoric population dynamics in eastern Asia. Science Advances 5 (9), eaax6225 (2019).
Wagner, M., Leipe, C., Long, T., Sergusheva, E. A., Tarasov, P. E. Hirse - Wann das erste Getreide im nördlichen Ostasien domestiziert und verbreitet wurde. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2019 (Projekte "BAYCHRON" und "Bridging Eurasia"). DAI e-Forschungsberichte (1), 65-71 (2019).
McPartland, J. M., Hegman, W., Long, T. Cannabis in Asia: its center of origin and early cultivation, based on a synthesis of subfossil pollen and archaeobotanical studies. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28, 691-702 (2019).
Kobe, F., Bittner, M. K., Leipe, C., Hoelzmann, P., Long, T., Wagner, M., Zibulski, R., Tarasov, P. E. Lateglacial and early Holocene environments and human occupation in Brandenburg, eastern Germany. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12 (2), 132-147 (2019).
Tarasov, P. E., Demske, D., Leipe, C., Long, T., Müller, S., Hoelzmann, P., Wagner, M. An 8500-year palynological record of vegetation, climate change and human activity in the Bosten Lake region of Northwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, 166-178 (2019).
Tarasov, P. E., Savelieva, L. A., Long, T., Leipe, C. Postglacial vegetation and climate history and traces of early human-impact and agriculture in the present-day cool mixed forest zone of European Russia. Quaternary International 516, 21-41 (2019).
Long, T., Leipe, C., Jin, G., Wagner, M., Guo, R., Schröder, O., Tarasov, P. E. The early history of wheat in China from 14C dating and Bayesian chronological modelling. Nature Plants 4, 272-279 (2018).
Wagner, M., Long, T., Leipe, C., Jin, G., Guo, R., Schröder, O., Tarasov, P. E. Neue Fakten zur Ankunft des Weizens in China. DAI e-Forschungsberichte (1), 24-29 (2018).
Zhao, L., Ma, C., Leipe, C., Long, T., Liu, K.-b., Lu, H., Tang, L., Zhang, Y., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. E. Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to climate change and human activities derived from pollen and charcoal records from southeastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 485, 644-660 (2017).
Wagner, M., Long, T., Tarasov, P. E. Prähistorische Chronologie in China: neue Perspektiven durch Bayesische Modellierung. DAI e-Forschungsberichte (2), 69-77 (2017).
Long, T., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. A Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates from prehistoric sites in the Haidai Region, East China, for evaluation of the archaeological chronology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 81-90 (2017).
Tripathi, D., Chauhan, D. K., Farooqui, A., Kotlia, B. S., Thakur, B., Morthekai, P., Long, T., Chauhan, M. S., Pokharia, A. K. Late Quaternary climatic variability in the Central Ganga Plain: A multi-proxy record from Karela Jheel (Lake). Quaternary International 443, 70-85 (2017).
Long, T., Wagner, M., Demske, D., Leipe, C., Tarasov, P.E. Cannabis in Eurasia: origin of human use and Bronze Age trans-continental connections. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26, 245-258 (2017).
Joshi, L. M., Kotlia, B. S., Ahmad, S. M., Wu, C.-C., Sanwal, J., Raza, W., Singh, A. K., Shen, C.-C., Long, T. Reconstruction of Indian monsoon precipitation variability between 4.0 and 1.6 ka BP using speleothem δ18O records from the Central Lesser Himalaya, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-12017-13141-12517 (2017).
Long, T., Hunt, C. O., Taylor, D. Radiocarbon anomalies suggest late onset of agricultural intensification in the catchment of the southern part of the Yangtze Delta, China. Catena 147, 586-594 (2016).
Demske, D., Tarasov, P. E., Leipe, C., Kotlia, B. S., Joshi, L. M., Long, T. Record of vegetation, climate change, human impact, and retting of hemp in Garhwal Himalaya (India) during the past 4600 years. The Holocene 26 (10), 1661-1675 (2016).
Long, T., Taylor, D. A revised chronology for the archaeology of the lower Yangtze, China, based on Bayesian statistical modelling. Journal of Archaeological Science 63, 115-121 (2015).
Long, T., Qin, J., Atahan, P., Mooney, S., Taylor, D. Rising waters: new geoarchaeological evidence of inundation and early agriculture from former settlement sites on the southern Yangtze Delta, China. The Holocene 24 (5), 546-558 (2014).
Zhao, J., Long, T., Wang, C., Zhang, Y. How the Quaternary climatic change affects present hydrogeological system on the Chinese Loess Plateau: a case study into vertical variation of permeability of the loess-palaeosol sequence. Catena 92, 179-185 (2012).
Zhao, J., Long, T., Chen, Y. Scale and temporal properties of flood sequence of Guanzhong Reach of Weihe River during the last 400 years. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation 30 (2), 5-8 (2010) (In Chinese with English Abstract).
Zhao, J., Wang, N., Long, T. Research on flood disasters of Jinghe River Valley in Tang Dynasty. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology 28 (3), 109-113 (2008) (In Chinese with English Abstract).
Long, T., Zhao, J. A study on fractal properties of a typical drainage basin in Loess Plateau with DEM analysis. Earth and Environment 36 (4), 304-308 (2008) (In Chinese with English Abstract).
Long, T., Zhao, J. Analyses of the snow disaster in Hunan from middle Jan. to early Feb. of 2008. Journal of Huazhong Normal University (Natural Sciences) 42 (2), 314-319 (2008) (In Chinese with English Abstract).
Long, T., Zhao, J. A study on fractal structure of flood sequence in Luohe River Basin in Ming Dynasty. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology 28 (3), 115-119 (2008) (In Chinese with English Abstract).

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