

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11


2002.09—2006.06 济南大学 工业设计专业
2006.09—2008.06 江南大学设计学院 设计艺术学硕士
2008.07—2019.07 浙江工商职业技术学院 教学科研
2015.09—2018.09 同济大学 设计学博士
2018.10—2019.01 Autodesk上海公司 用户体验高级顾问 兼职
2019.08—至今 宁波大学潘天寿建筑与艺术设计学院 教学科研

包容性视角下无障碍交互设计研究 17YJC760015 教育部人文社科项目 2017-2020 已结题
神经科学视角下的无障碍交互设计关键共性技术研究 LGF18G010001 浙江省自然科学基金委 2017-2020 已结题
浙江省高校重大人文社科项目 基于认知机理的准老龄用户数字界面设计与评估方 法研究 2016QN044 2016-2019 已结题
浙江省文化厅一般科研项目 准老龄用户认知视角下的阅读行为交互设计研 zw** 2016-2019 已结题
1. Hou, G., & Lu, G. (2019). The influence of design proposal viewing strategy: design aesthetics and professional background. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(3), 543-564. 2018 SCI
2. Hou, G., Dong, H., Ning, W., & Han, L. (2020). Larger Chinese text spacing and size: Effects on older users’ experience. Ageing and Society, 40(2), 389-411. SSCI
3. Gunhua Hou, Guoying Lu.Semantic processing and emotional evaluation in the traffic sign understanding process: Evidence from an event-related potential study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2018 SSCI
4. Guoying Lu, Gunhua Hou. Effects of Semantic Congruence on Sign Identification: An ERP Study. Human factors 2019 SSCI
5. Gunhua Hou,Jianping Yang.Measuring and examining traffic sign comprehension with event-related potentials. Cognition, Technology & Work.2020 SSCI
6.侯冠华,董华,刘颖,范光瑞。导航结构与认知负荷对数字图书馆用户体验影响的实证研究——以国家数字图书馆为例 图书情报工作 2018 CSSCI
7. 侯冠华,刘颖,范光瑞。时间压力与导航结构对老年读者信息搜寻情感体验的影响研究 图书馆建设 2018 CSSCI
8. 侯冠华,董华,宁维宁。字号、间距影响数字阅读体验的年龄差异研究.图书馆,2018 CSSCI
9. 侯冠华, 卢国英. 标识设计中语义认知事件相关电位[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 46(11):114-120. EI
10. 侯冠华,王李莹,徐冰。书籍互动体验设计对学龄前儿童阅读的影响.国家图书馆学刊,2019, CSSCI
11. 侯冠华,董华,宁维宁。认知负荷视角下的中老年数字阅读界面体验设计研究,信息系统学报,2019,CSSCI
12. 侯冠华。数字界面布局影响老年人信息检索交互绩效的眼动实证研究.国家图书馆学刊,2020,CSSCI
宁波市第16届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖 三等奖 1/1

Autodesk上海公司 用户体验高级顾问

Guanhua Hou
Associate Professor, PhD, October,1982
Major: Industrial Design
E-mail: **@qq.com
Specialization: Industrial design theory and research
Resume of Study and Work
2002.09—2006.06 Jinan University Industrial design Bachelor degree
2006.09—2008.06 Jiangnan University Art design MD
2008.07—2019.07 Zhejiang business and technology institute Lecture
2015.09—2018.09 Tongji University Architecture Ph.D.
2018.10—2019.01 Autodesk, Inc Autodesk external consultant
2019.08—Present Ningbo University Associate professor
Main Achievements
1. One project of the Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education and one project of the Provincial Natural Science Foundation were under research.
2. User experience design and usability test for Autodesk.
There were 10 publications were published, indexing by SCI, SSCI, EI and CSSCI.
There were 2 patents for invention has been authorized.
Social Appointments
Autodesk external consultant
Requirements for graduate students
1. He/she must be interested in and love study, hardworking.
2. He/she should be strictly self-discipline.
3. He/she should be ready for new challenges.

相关话题/宁波大学 建筑