

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

Name: zhou wa
Sex: Female
Date of birth: August.7, 1971
Current Status: associate professor, academic adviser to M.A candidates,School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University
Highest Education. 2008 Ph.D. of Comparative Education,
School of education,Zhejiang University.
Professional Experience
Dr. Zhou joined the School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University and began her teaching career to train prospective teachers for primary school in 2000. She received her Ph.D. in comparative education in Zhejiang University in 2008. And she is currently an associate professor and academic adviser to M.A candidates.
Dr. Zhou engages in teaching educational courses in whole English or bilingually, including “Educational Psychology”, “Pedagogy”, “English curriculum and teaching methodology in secondary and primary school”, etc. She also teaches “Academic English” for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of educational major. Besides, She researches, lectures, teaches, and consults on questions that explore the theory and practice in English teacher training program and bilingual teaching in China.
Overseas Experience
July.2009- July.2010. Visiting Scholar in Busan National University of Education, Korea
From July 20th , Dr. Zhou attended a "one year exchange program of professors" between Hangzhou Normal University, China and Busan National University of Education, Korea. As a visiting scholar, she did class observation and visited local elementary schools; did co-teaching with BNUE faculties in course development of “English Language Pedagogy in Primary School” and devoted herself in collaborative research on content-based English teaching and immersion program of English teaching in elementary and secondary schools in both China and Korea.
January.2012- December.2012. Year-Long Bilingual teacher training program in Indiana--Purdue University, Fort WayneIPFW, USA
The “Year-Long Bilingual teacher training program”consists of the following three stages: the first stage focused on intensive English language training and class observation;Did co-teaching with IPFW faculties in the second stage;Taught educational psychology to junior class in IPFW independently in the third stage.
February.2015- March.2015. Three weeks’ co-teacher training program in Canberra University, Australia.
Co-teacher training for “the Master of Educational Leadership and Management program between Hangzhou Normal University and the University of Canberra”.
Areas of Expertise
English teaching in elementary and secondary schools
Bilingual teaching and content-based English teaching
Academic English for education
Pre-service and in-service English teacher training
Educational psychology for elementary teachersPermane
Professional Service(Selected)
As a mentor for in-service English teachers in local elementary schools in Zhejiang Province
Examiner of the National English Teacher Certificate Test
Research Experience and Projects(Selected)
Study on primary bilingual teacher training. philosophy and social sciences planning project at Zhejiang Provincial level. 2012.7—2015.7 Principle Investigator
”Educational Psychology ” demonstrative bilingual course construction project at Hangzhou municipal level. 2013—2015 Principle Investigator
Comparative study on primary teacher training program in China, South Korea, Japan and USA. humanities and social sciences project, Hangzhou Normal University. 2011.6-2014.6 Principle Investigator
Journal Publications(Selected)
1、ZHOU WA:Three Different Perspectives about Language and their Influence upon Bilingual Education in the United States. Comparative Education Review,, Page: 187-200, No.8. 2005 .
2、ZHOU WA:A Brief History of Bilingual Education in the United States. Education Research and Experiment, Page: 53-57, No.2. 2005 .
3、ZHOU WA:The Nature of Bilingual Education---An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Journal of Hangzhou Normal University, Social Science Edition 128(5): 117-120, No.5.2006.
4、ZHOU WA: Features of Chinese Lower-grade Elementary Mathematics Textbooks in Contrast with Korea's Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics . Vol. 20, No. 3,241-254 Aug 2010
International Conference Presentations(Selected)
English language teaching (ELT) for children from 4-year old to primary 5th grade ------What’s happening in China, invited and sponsored by the Korean Association of Primary English Education (KAPEE), International Conference, Busan, Korea, 14 January 2012
The Whole-English lesson “Classical conditioning---behavioral views of learning” won the First Place Prize in the “National University Teaching Competition” atProvincial Level,sponsored by the Ministry of Education, China, June 2013.
The Whole-English lesson “Classical conditioning---behavioral views of learning” won the First Place Prize in the “National University Teaching Competition” atNational Level. sponsored by the Ministry of Education, China. August 2013.
周瓦,副教授,2008年浙江大学教育学院比较教育专业博士研究生毕业,获教育学博士学位。从2000年2月至今,任教于杭州师范大学教育学院,主要从事教育类专业课程《教育心理学》双语教学和全英文教学,以及 “英语课程与教学论”、“中小学英语教学法”、“教育学专业英语”等课程教学。目前主讲人所授的《教育心理学》(双语)课程成为2013年被评为“杭州市精品双语课程”。主要研究领域为“中小学英语课程与教学论”、“中小学英语师资培养”、“双语教学”等。
先后于2009.7—2010.7在韩国釜山教育大学、2012年1月至2012年12月期间在美国印第安纳普度大学韦恩堡分校(IPFW)分别进行了为期一年的访学; 2015年2-3月在澳大利亚堪培拉大进行了为期三周的“教育领导与管理硕士专业” 课程合作授课培训,目前为杭师大和澳大利亚堪培拉大学合作办学的“教育领导与管理”硕士项目 合作教师,现场教学口译,英语语言能力优秀,具有开展双语教学、英语教学与研究、英语和双语师资培养的国际视野。
已有《从不同的语言观看美国双语教育之争》、《美国双语教育发展历程探析》、《从多学科研究视角论双语教育的本质》和《》等学术论文在 “比较教育研究”、“教育研究与实验”及“杭州师范大学学报”等国内一级学术刊物上发表;有全英文论文《Features of Chinese Lower-grade Elementary Mathematics Textbooks in Contrast with Korea's 》在英文期刊“Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics”上发表。此外,主持浙江省哲学社会规划课题(省部级)1项,主持杭州市哲学社会规划课题2项。

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