

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11

梁燕,女,博士,副教授,2011年获得中国矿业大学学士学位,2017年获得中国矿业大学博士学位,同期进入杭州电子科技大学任教至今,研究方向包括忆阻器、非线性系统、人工神经网络、电力电子等领域,已发表SCI期刊论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项、浙江省自然科学基金一项。担任混沌与非线性电路学会委员,长期担任IEEETCAS2、IET EPA、IJBC等SCI期刊审稿专家。主讲课程包括《电路与电子线路1》、研究生创新实践课《现代电路设计和分析》、本科生研究性课程《新型记忆元件及其应用》等。获全国实验教学案例竞赛二等奖、校级优秀班主任、校级班课大赛一等奖等。
1.Yan Liang, Guangyi Wang, Guanrong Chen, Yujiao Dong, Dongsheng Yu, Ho-Ching Iu “S-type Locally-active Memristor-based Periodic and Chaotic Oscillators”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2020,67(12):5139-5152.(SCI)
2.Qingjian Li, Yan Liang*, Zhenzhou Lu, Guangyi Wang“Threshold-type memristor based memory circuit”,International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,2021(SCI)
3. Yan Liang, Zhenzhou Lu, Guangyi Wang,Yujiao Dong, Dongsheng Yu, Ho-Ching Iu, “Modeling Simplification and Dynamic Behavior of N-shaped Locally-active Memristor Based Oscillator”, IEEE Access, 2020, 8:75571-75585.(SCI)
4. Yan Liang, Zhenzhou Lu, Guangyi Wang, Dongsheng Yu,Ho-Ching Iu, “Threshold-type Binary Memristor Emulator Circuit”, IEEE Access, 2019,7:180181-180193.(SCI)
5.Yan Liang, Hao Chen, Circuit-based flux linkage measurement method with the automated resistance correction for SRM sensorless position control, IET Electric Power Applications, 2018, 12(9):1396~1406.(SCI)
6.Yan Liang, Hao Chen, Jiaotong Shi, Huajian Liu, New circuits for emulating switched reluctance motors windings, IET Electric power applications, 2016.7,10(6):458~466.(SCI)
7.Yan Liang, Hao Chen, Huajian Liu, Jiaotong Shi, Generic meminductive characteristics of switched reluctance machines, Chinese Physics B, 2015.6,24(6):068401.(SCI)
8.Yan Liang, Hao Chen, Dongsheng Yu, A practical implementation of a floating memristor-less meminductor emulator, IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems II: Express briefs, 2014.5,61(5):299~303.(SCI)
9.Yan Liang, Dongsheng Yu, Hao Chen, A novel meminductor emulator based on analog circuits, Acta Physica Sinica, 2013,62(15).(SCI)

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